Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – September 2021

Thursday, September 9, 2021 at 7 pm via Zoom

Attendees: Kelly, Cyndi, Kristina, Kayleen, Sandy, Kyle (2224)

Community updates

Siding updates

Approved!!!!!!  (because of Sandy’s awesomeness!)🙌🙌🙌 *** Awaiting final approval from the RA after requested changes to language on timing of changes.

This includes an update in siding material to switch to the more readily available 8” on center plywood (though I believe cedar is still approved as well?).  This is more in line with our currently approved 8” on center Sierra 8 cement fiber product. When switching from 12” oc paneling to 8”, the whole house does not need to be done at once. The front of the house can be replaced and the back can be done separately. 12” and 8” is not permitted to be mixed on any given side, though.

New approved siding colors – establish a new color palette that coordinates with the existing vinyl colors.

• Retired paint colors: Cedar, Navajo Red, Russet, Avocado

• Paint color carried over from currently approved color palette: Cape Cod Gray

• Paint colors to be added: Needlepoint Navy, Steely Gray, Naval, Gauntlet Gray

• Paint colors to be added that match existing vinyl colors: Connected Gray, Curio Gray

• Old, original paint colors will be phased out to achieve full compliance in a period of 10 yrs.Upgrade to include “solid color stain or paint” as only stain was previously approved but is not the best option for some siding materials.

Expand the option of poly-vinyl coated aluminum trim wrap to include all houses, not just vinyl sided houses.  Change the approved color of trim wrap on houses from musket brown to a color to match the painted Oxford brown trim.

Doors and decks will be the next guideline items that will be updated. After that Sandy will work on getting smaller items updated. There will be an appendix at the end of the guidelines listing historical guidelines. 


Swale installation DRB application was approved.  Chris to install plantings and seed surrounding swales in September.

French drain – 2243, 45, 47, 49 and access path to right of 2231 application – finished but waiting on one homeowner signature.


Date of service – Friday 9/10  Cyndi left notes on affected homeowners doors notifying them of the service and if they need to or are recommended to move their car. 

Watch light by 2265

Cyndi says that she thought the light was fixed but then noticed it flickering again on her walk the other evening. Cyndi will reach back out to Dominion. She also wants to have a discussion about the light by 2215. The light is too bright and does not look complete. Sandy noted that she believes there are RA guidelines to how many Kelvins the lights can be. If this continues to be an issue with Dominion we may be able to reach out to RA for assistance. 

Deck renovations – materials and colors

Looking to update guidelines to include composite decking options (i.e. Trex) 

Board plans to pick a general color palette. This allows homeowners to use different companies and will help to keep the guidelines from being outdated by companies changing names or discontinuing colors. Homeowners will have to present their color option to the Cluster Board for approval before submitting an application with RA.

On 3 level houses,  if 3 sided composite vs the 4 sided composite is chosen, the underneath will need to be painted to match. 

Board is looking at allowing options for composite and aluminum railing. Design will be limited to the squared off option to keep consistency with the rest of the neighborhood design. When possible matching composite should be used for the cocktail ledge. Some companies offer limited colors. Most seem as though they would work, except for the white option. 

The glass panel option of replacing the balusters is also being considered. 

Some companies offer a gutter casing underneath the top level deck that keeps water from getting to the lower deck. This would be a nice option to have. Further research will need to be done on color options, and if the covering will need to be painted.

Sandy will look into adding stairs as an option for decks. Other communities in Reston have staircases so this seems like a viable option. 

Board will also look into if the top deck still needs to be restricted to 8 feet. Sandy believes this restriction has to do with building code when the houses were originally built. 

Tree work

Email from Steve


Work to be done in December = $8100

Work to be done at end of September = $5500

Total = $12,300 (Budgeted $2000 for tree maintenance and $11,300 (already spent $850 or was that from last year?)  Regardless, we should come in under budget. Board approved tree work. 

Door updates

Community input – Sandy and I have yet to do this but plan a hard copy Wheelwrighter as well as an email to inform homeowners of proposed updates.  Will also take the opportunity to inform residents of the new design updates just approved by RA.

Timeframe? Sandy is aiming for November timeframe. 

Parking lot – 

Finley Asphalt and Concrete20212022 (minimum)2022 (maximum)
Asphalt Mill and Overlay 2″ (includes pavement markings and fire lane curb marking)$76,485.00$80,325.00$84,134.00
Contingency costs for possible areas of lot that need total replacement$15,000.00$20,000.00
Crack sealing, seal coating, and other repairs over the life of the lot$45,000.00$50,000.00
Total over the life of the parking lot (20-25 years)$140,325.00$154,134.00
Brothers Paving20212022 (minimum)2022 (maximum)
Asphalt Mill and Overlay 2″ (includes pavement markings and fire lane curb marking)$89,950.00$89,950.00
Contingency costs for possible areas of lot that need total replacement$5,000.00$10,000.00
Crack sealing, seal coating, and other repairs over the life of the lot$42,400.00$45,000.00
Total over the life of the parking lot (12-15 years)$137,350.00$144,950.00

Finley $7706/year (if lot lasts 20 years)

Brothers $9663/year (if lot lasts 15 years)

Board agrees that this work needs to be done next year. Kristina will go back to both companies to see what the cost would be to just do driving paths and not parking spaces. Also, will see if there is a way for the companies to verify that the base layer will not need to be redone. Kristina will also reach out to see if she can get more information on both companies and their reputation and work. 


Issues? No specific new issues. Sandy talked to Chris about the overall appearance of the landscaping. He said to take photos of any incidents as they happen and he will address them.

Progress on seeking other bids? Will come back to in October

Other – The service request packet for grass was sent out. Work is recommended to be done in mid September.

A portion of the tree credit from the landscaping company needs to be used by December else it is forfeited.


Issues? No issues

Neighborhood donation pickup – Weekend of October 16th 

Amvets did not respond.  Moving on… Cyndi will contact Green drop donation

 Cluster Clean up – Saturday, October 23rd


Cold patch repair on parking lot

Pulling invasive weeds and cleaning up natural areas between rows 2241 and 2243 and the area to the right of 2249 as well as other unkempt areas around tot lot.  Plantings? http://wheelwright.website/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Wheelwright-Cluster-map.pdf

Cluster clean up organization

It was recommended to have a welcome station where homeowners can check in and see where work is being done. Also get any materials that are needed. 


Hazardous waste pickup will be on October 9th. 

Cookout? Board will reevaluate at the October HOA meeting.


Next Meeting

  • Thursday, October 14th at 7pm