Wheelwright Cluster HOA

August Board Meeting

Tuesday, August 13th, 2024 at 7pm 

ATTENDEES – Kristinia Myers, Kelly Fairbank, Sandy Mohler, Cyndi Hartman, Aaron Rider



  1. VCAP project updates
  2. Adele has been in talks with Judy from Soil and Water Conservation District to maximize our rebate – she is trying to break our project into 2 with final submission on September 1st. – She has been contacted and hope to hear back soon.


  1. Tree behind 2276 slated for removal – morning of August 23rd
  2. The row of 5 cars at the bottom of the cluster will need to be moved.
  3. Tree inspection will take place the same day in the afternoon.
  4. Board agreed last meeting to replace the poplar that was removed on the upper cluster island with another tree and replace the hemlock in the lower cluster with a pollinator garden facilitated by Rose Robinson at 2272.
  5. Rose and Kristina met up to talk about her ideas in late July.  Rose has been in talks with:
  6. Earth Sanga, Monarch Teacher network and Virginia Plant Nations Society
  7. 12 ft diameter space; 2 types of milkweed; need to level with either a retaining wall or surrounding trench for drainage
  8. Earth Sanga for seedling donations
  9. Recommendations for tree replacement in upper cluster island
  10. First year tree credit through Chris
  11. Looking at placing the new tree on the west side of the island.  Sandy will work with Chris on a recommendation on type of tree and placement.


  1. Front sheds – pro bono architect at RA – No updates
  2. Amber white –
  3. Distinguishing if there is a difference in shades from one manufacturer to another


  1. DRB decision about lower cluster island removal with conditions
  2. Fire marshall update – no need to obtain a permit since the length of the fire lane will not change significantly.  The Fire Marshall (Michael Paruti  ::  assistant fire marshal/Engineer III  ::  ENGINEERING PLANS REVIEW BRANCH) requested that we send over the landscaping plan prior to construction and pictures of the island after the construction is finished.
  3. Landscaping plan for lower cluster
  4. Jen Ren, neighbor at 2245, has been commissioned by the board to design a feature for this space
  5. First plan was submitted – replied back with a few suggested changes
  6. More variety & some non-natives in the mix to increase flexibility for changes and add some tidier, showier blooms
  7. Changes implemented – waiting for board to approve Wheelwright Plants_v2.pdf
  8. Board approves the design and Kristina will submit to Reston Association.
  9. Scheduling for repaving:
  10. Taken off schedule for beginning of September.  Will put us back on when we get final approval from RA


  1. Concerns brought up with Chris
  2. Address how close mulch is to trees – still seeing mulch mountains burying the base of the trees – Chris said he would talk to his crews about this – they shouldn’t be making mulch mountains around our trees.
  3. Mowing – is it any better?  Still seem to be coming biweekly – Greenspace was supposed to be coming weekly and weren’t.  We need to figure out how we can get a credit for this.
  4. Herbicide treatment letter is still arriving AFTER treatment.  It says specifically in the letter to keep children and pets off the turf areas for 3 hours.   Chris said he would work on this.
  5. Soil testing updates?  Are other areas being tested?  Cost of treatment? – Christina will talk with Chris on these questions.
  6. Front entrance – Starting to look shabby, talked to Chris about having his crew clean this area.
  7. Will look at getting some bids on landscaping to see what is on offer and cost.


  1. Signs
  2. Signs have been placed.  Place a sign by Karen Bessle’s side yard.


  1. Important Dates
  2. Newsletter before the end of August
  3. Repaving sometime in September
  4. Covenants Outreach Event on Association Finance – August 26th at 6 pm – Christina and Kelly will be attending
  5. Cluster clean up – Saturday, October 26
  6. Hazardous waste – Saturday, October 12
  7. Greendrop – Saturday, October 19
  8. Roll off dumpster – October 26 & 27
  9. 2025 budget proposal and review November
  10. Annual Review of reserve study – review November
  11. Intentions for 2025 – Aaron and Kelly are planning on another term.
  12. Online payments? – No updates


NEXT MEETING WEDNESDAY, September 11th, @ 7 PM

Wheelwright Cluster HOA

July Board Meeting

Tuesday, July 9th, 2024 at 7pm

ATTENDEES: Kristina Myers, Kelly Fairbank, Cyndi Hartman, Aaron Rider, Karen Ren, Sandy Mohler



1. VCAP project updates

1. Adele – delays due to health issues

2. Soil and Water Conservation District meeting to determine if project can be split into 2

3. Aiming for September 1st application submission

4. Can shoot for late fall, early winter planting or Spring 2025


1. Amber white – No updates at this time.


1. Tree behind 2276 slated for removal

1. DRB will be needed based on past tree removals

2. From Rose at 2272:

1. The stump grinding took place and the area looks great without the tree! Thank you soooo much! I was wondering what the plans were for the “new” space. Will a new tree be planted or just become a grassy area? I have a suggestion if there isn’t a plan already in place for it. I’m in favor of a new tree, something small like a flowering dogwood or cherry blossom or something like that. Or, I think the space would be really great for a monarch way station! I’ve been raising monarch butterflies for a few years now and the space could be a wonderful host for pollinator flowers and milkweed.

If the board decided to build a way station for monarch butterflies, I’d be more than happy to help.


1. Update after DRB meeting on 6/25

1. Speed bumps approved with no conditions

2. The panel approved our request for the partial removal of lower cluster island and additional parking spaces with the caveat that we submit a landscape design for the lower cluster island and ensure that there are no issues with the Fairfax County Fire marshall since there are fire lanes. Kristina will be looking into this.

3. Community vote:


5. New schedule – september-ish 6. Landscape design – reached out to Jen Ren at 2245 – email


1. Soil testing updates? Are other areas being tested? Cost of treatment? – No updates

2. Concerns to bring up with Chris

1. Address how close mulch is to trees – still seeing mulch mountains burying the base of the trees

2. Mowing – is it any better? Still seem to be coming biweekly

3. Herbicide treatment letter is still arriving AFTER treatment. It says specifically in the letter to keep children and pets off the turf areas for 3 hours.

3. Reached out to Chris – waiting to hear back

4. We have been contacted by Blade Runner. We will be looking at getting a quote to compare to our current contractor.


1. Signs

1. Where to put entrance sign?

1. We decided to just add the sign to the current pole. Another pole might make things look cluttered.

2. Aaron will order clamps for signs.

2. Where to put up grass rejuvenation signs


1. Important Dates

1. Tot Lot cleanup – Sunday, July 28th (power wash and new mulch)

2. Reached out to Kona Ice – waiting to hear back



Wheelwright Cluster HOA 

June Board Meeting 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 7pm 

ATTENDEES: Kristina Myers, Kelly Fairbank, Sandy Mohler, Aaron Rider, Cyndi Hartman, Bryan Chou, Steve Weissman, Jeffrey Cai, Antonella Cordero, Karen Reecse, Roberto Zambrana 



  1. As discussed at the 2023 annual meeting in December, the current plan is to remove ~1/3 of the lower cluster island to insert 2 new parking spaces (or one more row of parking spaces).   
  1. For reference, here is a map of the proposed area of the island to be removed and replaced with parking spaces as well as the proposed location of the lower cluster speed bump: 
  1. Board’s interest in pursuing project 
  1. Parking 
  1. Plan for the future – i.e. ev charging stations 
  1. Wrap project into repaving project – cuts cost ~$4,000 
  1. Open discussion about parking spaces: 
  1. Steve Weissman: not in favor of losing green space.  Feels that we need to look at other options.  Additionally, he feels the the board should not act to tear down common green space to build two new parking spaces based upon an unspecified number of “complaints” of inadequate parking spaces over an unspecified period of time. It should instead undertake its own systematic survey of open and closed parking spaces in the cluster over longer range periods of time. It should not change the built environment that has existed for 50 years based upon unanalyzed resident “feedback”.  He mentioned that there are currently several empty parking spaces by the little free library and he doesn’t feel there is a risk of having a multi-tenant household cause a parking situation in the future.  He is also worried that the board would make plans to take out portions up of the upper cluster island if there were complaints. 
  1.  Aaron Rider: in favor. The new parking lot should last 20 to 25 years. How many homes have changed hands over the past 20 year. Just because we have open spaces currently, this can change quickly. At this time, the price difference between doing the additional spaces with the rest of the parking lot vs. doing them later is $3,900. This price will go up quickly. The re-pavement of the parking lots is already costing 20% more than planed after getting multiple quotes. This will also give us greater flexibility to add in electric car charges in the coming years without reducing the current number of parking spaces.
  1. Jeffrey Cai: not in favor. Does not see the need for additional spaces.
  1. Karen Reece: not in favor. Suggestion of parking passes. 
  1. Cyndi Hartman: in favor. There are 12 single vehicle homes in upper, 8 in mid – there are not at the end of the day any where close to that number in vacancy/available open spaces. That’s 42 homes with almost 1/2 of them with 1 vehicle. I would venture to say not a usual/normal ratio. A majority of those residences are older homeowners whose kids have grown and moved out. Of those 20 residences, 12 are 3 story. You can be guaranteed upon sale/turnover, will be occupied by families with at least 2 vehicles…chances are a good percentage will have teenagers….an additional vehicle is not an unlikely expectation.  
  1. Roberto Zambrano – in favor, thinks the plan looks good   
  1. Community voted heavily in favor of permanent speed bumps after annual meeting.  Proposed positioning: 

All comments were positive on the placement. 

  1. Reston Association DRB meeting for additional parking spaces project.  Tuesday, June 25th at 5:30 pm.  Email for more info 


  1. VCAP project updates 
  1. Waiting to hear from Adele – she said she may suggest some changes after the RA drainage meeting and talking with the Soil and Water Conservation District 
  1. Catch basin project 2229/31/33 – completed 
  1. Feedback: Cyndi says it seems to be working well, draining the sidewalk and keeping water out of the yard.  She is waiting to see how it will deal with possible ice buildup on the sidewalk.  


  1. DRB for doors, fence post caps and clear sealing - 
  1. Guidelines update, Sandy will get the PDF updated to load onto the website.  Aaron will get an announcement on the main page. 
  1. Amber white – No update. 
  1. New updates – No update. 


  1. Kevin with TreeSmith USA 
  1. Tree work updates.  Kevin will grind the hemlock stump on the lower cluster this next week. 


  1. Soil testing updates?  Are other areas being tested?  Cost of treatment? – No update. 
  1. Concerns to bring up with Chris 
  1. Address how close mulch is to trees – still seeing mulch mountains burying the base of the trees 
  1. Mowing – is it any better?  Still seem to be coming biweekly.  Will look into what our contract states.  Is it a certain # of mowing per season?  
  1. Herbicide treatment letter is still arriving AFTER treatment.  It says specifically in the letter to keep children and pets off the turf areas for 3 hours. 



  1. Signs 
  1. Aaron will look into the cost of a post, concrete and a post hole digger – updates? Rental of post hole digger $38 for 4 hours, $15.42 for 60lb concrete mix, $13.77 4X4 – 8ft post.  Will look into purchasing one vs. renting one.  Liability? 


  1. Important Dates 
  1. Tot Lot cleanup – Need to schedule new date. July 28th.  Combine with Kona ice truck. 



Wheelwright Cluster HOA

May Board Meeting

Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 at 7pm

ATTENDEES: Cyndi Hartman, Sandy Mohler, Kristina Myers, Aaron Rider



1. VCAP project updates

1. Design proposal was presented Wednesday, April 24th with Cyndi, Aaron, Sandy and Kristina in attendance.

2. Board agreed on the following:

1. Organic design with curved coir logs

2. Keep Cherry tree, dogwood tree and holly tree. Remove both ailing hemlocks.

3. Path to go from 2242 to 2256.

4. The erosion work will be concentrated from 2248 to 2256.

3. Waiting to hear back from Dominion regarding the meters

4. Waiting to hear from Adele – she said she may suggest some changes after the RA drainage meeting and talking with the Soil and Water Conservation District

2. Catch basin project 2229/31/33

1. Deposit sent. Verified that it was received.

2. Work scheduled, still waiting to get scheduled.


1. DRB for doors, fence post caps and clear sealing – approved as submitted on 5/7 after Sandy attended the RA DRB meeting – congrats Sandy!! 🎉🎉🎉

2. New guidelines will be updated on website shortly.

3. Amber white – Is this available in different manufacture’s paint? If so, what would be the equivalent to Amber white.

4. Outdoor lighting – looking at additional options.


1. Tree DRB’s have been approved by RA

1. Scheduled for the last week of May.

2. Will look at putting up cones on Old Crafts by the creek a couple days prior to block of area.


1. Summary of board decisions

1. The board unanimously via email on 5/7/2024 and 5/8/2024 for the following:

1. Remove drive lanes to a depth of 4″ and base in with base asphalt to a depth of 2 1/2″

2. Profile Milling 1 1/2″ and Asphalt Resurfacing 1 1/2″

3. Restriping/yellow curb/stencils

4. 2 additional Parking Spaces with the removal of half lower cluster island

5. 2 new speed bumps

6. Total cost: $158,120

7. Total cost for Pavement, LLC: $2,500

8. Total $160,620

9. Budget reallocation:

1. From General Liability Insurance (over-budgeted) $26.00

2. From Fidelity Bond (over-budgeted) $23.00

3. From Zoom (over-budgeted) $2.10

4. From Concrete (pushed concrete work to next year) $9,000.00

5. From Snow Removal (currently have $4,195.00 remaining for the year) $2,000.00

6. Reducing our reserve allocation $14,524.00

2. Pre-Construction/walkthrough meeting with Dominion and Burt

1. Wednesday, 5/15 at 9 am

2. All board members welcome to join

3. DRB is required. Kristinia is working on paperwork for Reston for additional spaces. Next meeting 6/11.


1. Soil testing updates will be done next meeting? Are other areas being tested? Cost of treatment?

2. Mulching – very late this year – may want to address with Chris about how close the mulch is to the trees.

3. Homeowner complaint about quality of mowing, length of grass. Christina will address with Chris.


1. Signs

1. Where to put entrance sign? Looking at possibly install additional post. Aaron will look into the cost of a post, concrete and a post hole digger.

2. Where to put up grass rejuvenation signs. Aaron will look at the post on the trail.


1. Concrete – board voted to forego concrete repair this year but will budget more for next year

2. Important Dates

1. Tot Lot cleanup – Sunday June 2 (power wash and new mulch)



Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – April 2024

Wheelwright Cluster HOA

April Board Meeting

Tuesday, April 9th, 2024 at 7pm 

ATTENDEES – Kristina Myers, Joy Charles, Kelly Fairbank, Cyndi Hartman, Sandy Mohler, Karen Reese



  1. VCAP project updates
  2. Virtual meeting next Tuesday, April 16th at 7pm – Adele will have the design proposal ready for questions/discussion.
  3. Meeting info:

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  1. A participant has both the computer and telephone audio active.
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  4. Catch basin project 2229/31/33
  5. Rollover from 2023 is $5000
  6. Cyndi talked to Juan – putting in 4” diameter pipe for catch basin.  Would remove one section of sidewalk.  Section needs to be replaced due to drainage issue at a cost of $2,920.  Board voted to move forward.


  1. DRB for doors, fence post caps and clear sealing – waiting for DRB meeting on May 7th.
  2. Amber white – no update


  1. Pruning work was completed on 3/26 & 3/27
  2. Poplar tree in upper cluster island – recommended for removal, it is dead.
  3. Other trees slated for removal include:
  4. Leaning oak – adjacent 2214 – DRB submitted
  5. Dead oak – rear 2223- DRB submitted
  6. Diseased hemlock – 2270/72 – Trying to contract homeowner.
  7. Date for removal – 4/18


  1. Bid package
  2. Dominion – total repaving – $144,920.00, additional 2 parking space -$12,640.00, 2 speed bumps – $550.00, grand total $158,110.00. Kristina will look into how long the quote is good for and what steps are needed to get the additional funds.


  1. Mulch orders for cluster and community members
  2. 110 bags of mulch to be ordered and delivered this Saturday, April 13th
  3. Soil testing results:
  4. I have received and reviewed the soil analysis for the east side of the main drive near the small library box. The analysis shows that while there is an adequate mineral and nutrient supply in the soil, the organic matter of the soil is low at 3.4%. Optimally this number would be closer to 5-6%, up to 10%. The mineral exchange rate in the soil is also low, which is a side effect of low microbial activity that comes with low organic matter. Our recommendation would be a top dressing of compost to the area combined with a light application of a fertilizer with active microbial cultures to boost the population in the area, to be followed with seed. This can be done at any time, however the fall is the optimal season for this. 
  5. Joy will look into if there are additional areas that were tested and what the cost of treatment would be.


  1. Sign ordering in progress
  2. $364.55 – Kristina will place the order.


  1. Concrete – concrete work to be done in spring, may push work back to 2025.
  2. Speed bump – Looks like the speed bump on the lower cluster is helping with the speed, but might be creating a drainage issue.
  3. Important Dates
  4. Green drop donation date – Saturday, April 13th
  5. Hazardous waste pickup date – Saturday, April 13th
  6. Cluster Clean up – Saturday, April 20th
  7. Roll off dumpster scheduled for Friday, 4/19-Monday, 4/22
  8. Projects:
  9. Invasive plant removal
  10. Spreading wood chips on bus path and path to compost bin
  11. Painting trash bin by tot lot
  12. Sealing benches
  13. Trash pick up
  14. Cookout
  15. Food/plasticware/plates
  16. Tot Lot cleanup – Sunday, May 5th (power wash and new mulch)
  17. Newsletter
  18. Important dates
  19. Using incentives from the Inflation reduction act for solar panels, ev’s, house weatherization, etc
  20. Canva draft



March Board Meeting

Tuesday, March 12th, 2024 at 7pm

ATTENDEES – Aaron Rider, Kristina Myers, Cyndi Hartman, Joy Charles, Kelly Fairbanks, Sandy Mohler



1. VCAP project updates

1. No update

2. Catch basin project 2229/31/33

1. Rollover from 2023 is $5000

2. Cyndi reached out to Juan but has not heard back yet.


1. DRB for doors, fence post caps and clear sealing – waiting for DRB meeting. Sandy working with Erin on questions she had on design details.

2. Amber white – No update.


1. Waiting for an update from the contractor.


1. Bid package

1. Package and bid letter have been put together by Burt at Pavement Design, LLC, who will be managing the project between the cluster and the contractor.

2. Ready to submit to contractors but need a new bid due date (listed as 3/15 in docs) will update it to the end of March.


1. Mulch orders for cluster and community members

1. Due date for orders – Monday, March 25th. Email will be set to homeowners to place order. Charging $6 per bag.

2. Date for delivery – Saturday, April 13th.

2. Soil testing results – No updates.


1. Custom signs for entrance and rejuvenation areas

1. Corrugated plastic – 6 signs

2. ACM – aluminum composite material – 1 entrance sign 3. Total: $308.84

4. Will use funds from Ground Maintenance fund.


1. Concrete – concrete work to be done in spring – no update, still trying to contract Juan.

2. Tree work – Sandy to send Kristina pictures of trees recommended for removal

3. Speed bump – move to lower cluster based on the feedback.

4. Cluster Cleanup – Saturday, April 20th – sealing benches, trash pickup, new woodchips on the bus path.

1. Green drop donation date – Saturday, April 13th

2. Hazardous waste pickup date – Saturday, April 6th

3. Tot Lot cleanup – Sunday, May 5th (power wash and new mulch)

5. Newsletter

1. Important dates – add to main page on website.

2. Using incentives from the Inflation reduction act for solar panels, ev’s, house weatherization, etc



February Board Meeting

Tuesday, February 13th, 2024 at 7pm 


Kristinia Myers, Sandy Mohler, Cyndi Hartman, Aaron Rider, Kelly Fairbank, Karen Reese 


  1. New speed bump arrived 
  1. Placement – one at entrance and one at free library.  Will move one down to in front of 2252-2254 due to complaints about the speed of cars. 


  1. VCAP project updates 
  1. Site analysis/inventory has been completed 
  1. Design plan phase 
  1. March meeting deadline/present plan  
  1. Catch basin project 2229/31/33 
  1. Riverbend proposal $7285 
  1. Rollover from 2023 is $5000 
  1. Cyndi will talk to Juan about his proposal to give us options. 


  1. DRB for doors, fence post caps and clear sealing - waiting for DRB meeting 
  1. Amber white – No update. 
  1. Ideas for community meeting for members to discuss updates? – Looking to put together a meeting this summer to show the different colors, door options (hoping to have approved by Reston), deck design and possible new entrance design (front shed areas).  Date to be determined. 
  1. Home guidelines – will work to make sure Wheelwright and Reston guidelines match, will put together something for the annual meeting.  Will discuss option with community of having board inspect houses for compliance and issue letters to let people know areas to bring up to date in the event RA comes through to inspect. 


  1. Custom signs for entrance and rejuvenation areas – Update for next meeting. 
  1. Owner had a terrifying experience with another homeowner’s dogs. – Will send a letter from the board and encourage the first homeowner to contact Fairfax County about the experience. 


  1. Concrete – concrete work to be done in spring 
  1. Tree work – Sandy to send Kristina pictures of trees recommended for removal – update pruning tree at 2252 and large willow by the little free library this Friday, 2/16.  Several parking spaces near the Little Free Library and near 2248-2258 will need to be cleared of vehicles for the duration of the work.  Will send out email to let the community know.  
  1. Repaving - Burt from Pavement design, LLC replied – looking at Dominion for a quote among other companies. 
  1. Landscaping - spring seeding – need results of soil testing, mulch order – plan on offering homeowners the option to order mulch and have delivered (deadline for orders is 3/9.  Will aim to get a load delivered April 13. 
  1. Cluster Cleanup – April 6, hazardous pickup, April 13, GreenDrop, April 20, Cluster Cleanup and dumpster. 
  1. Tot Lot Cleanup – May 5, power wash and new mulch.  Opportunity for community members to engage in another neighborhood project to rejuvenate the tot lot. 
  1. Inflation Reduction Act Meeting – Kristina attended at Patrick Henry Library in Vienna 
  1. Using tax credits and rebates for things like solar, weatherization of house, EV’s, appliances 
  1. Solar panels are allowed on townhomes in Reston, but many people assume they are not. 
  1. Would like to highlight the benefits of installing solar panels and how people can access tax credits and rebates – possible newsletter 



Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – January 2024

Wheelwright Cluster HOA

January Board Meeting

Tuesday, January 16, 2024 at 7pm 

ATTENDEES: Kelly Fairbank, Cyndi Hartman, Aaron Rider, Kristina Myers, Joy Charles, Sandy Mohler.



  1. Garbage Pickup (Bates – Theresa Cunningham)


  • Legal (Chesapeake – Ami Pape)


  • Community outreach
  • Wheelwrighter – Kristina/Aaron
  • Facebook updates – Kristina
  • Sign – Joy
  • Erosion (DecoFootprint – Adele)


  • Parking Lot Repair/repaving (Pavement design, LLC – Burt Hall)


  • Trees (Treesmith USA – Kevin)

Sandy transitioning to Joy

  • Design updates


  • Concrete (Bright Construction Group – Juan) –


  • Watchlights (Dominion)

Cyndi – backup, Kristina

  1. Landscaping (Elite Landscaping – Chris Hughes)


  1. Parking – keeping an eye on suspicious vehicles, trying to update cluster vehicle list

Easton Warner – Working with Cyndi

  1. Snow Removal (M&M Expert Services – Greg McGreevy)

Joy/ Kristina


  1. Update on purchasing new removable speed bumps
  2. Joy was looking into
  3. Cost for removable $1,165 with shipping ($100 less than the first one) payment approved by board.


  1. Tree work proposal
  2. Approvals from Sandy, Aaron, Kristina, and Cyndi
  3. 2254 tree – causing property damage via dead falling branches
  4. Sandy to send tree pictures to Kristina – some may need DRB’s
  5. Sandy will work with Kevin to get an opinion on keeping/removing tree.


  1. Lower cluster parking pad
  2. Did we decide to forge ahead with this repair?  $4860 – the board did agree to go ahead with this project but will wait until Spring
  3. New ideas for concrete by 2254? Waiting to see outcome of the tree.


  1. VCAP project updates
  2. Waiting to hear back from DecoFootprint regarding the site analysis/inventory analysis portion of the project
  3. Catch basin project 2229/31/33
  4. No updates – reached out to Riverbend landscaping and did not hear back.  Sent one more email 1/15.
  5. Will circle back with Juan to explore alternatives.  If a new plan to fix drainage cannot be found that saves the tree, we can fall back on original plan (digging under sidewalk to install drainage pipe to swale that may damage tree roots)


  1. Doors/Deck stain/Fence Post Caps/Clear Sealing
  2. Submitted to RA early Dec
  3. Waiting to get on schedule with RA.
  4. Plans for 2024
  1. Garbage bin storage options?
  2. Mosquito netting?
  3. Paint color options for Amber White? Sandy to do some work to figure out how we can make sure our specified “amber white” stays consistent throughout community


  1. Start the process – building a parking lot bid design package with Burt
  2. Package to include:
  3. Full depth mill and pave (at least in the drive lanes)
  4. At least 2 speed bumps
  5. Proposal with and without removal of part of lower cluster island to add 2 additional parking spaces


  1. Highlights of Annual meeting
  2. Quorum vote to increase dues to $400/quarter
  3. Survey summary
  4. Sidewalk shoving

LANDSCAPING (can bench until Feb)

  1. Plans for 2024
  2. Lower cluster island – No update.
  3. Soil testing
  4. Issues?

PET WASTE SIGNS (can bench until Feb)

  1. Custom signs?
  2. Sign for entrance? – Kristina will look at options.
  3. Sign for grass rejuvenation areas?

FINANCIALS – Kelly will email out the financials

  1. Board voted to increase the charge for bounced checks to $50, due to increase in charge from bank.


Wheelwright Cluster December 2023 Annual Meeting

Wheelwright Cluster 

Annual December Board Meeting 2023

Virtual via Zoom

Google Slides Presented at December Annual Board Meeting


Board: Kristina Myers, Cyndi Hartman, Kelly Fairbank, Joy Charles, Jade Perez and Sandy 

Cluster Residents in Attendance (Collected via Zoom Chat): 

  1. 2209 Mohler
  2. 2211 Rider-Huang 
  3. 2215 Chou
  4. 2231 Hartman-Newland
  5. 2226 Myers
  6. 2228 Perez-Lucas
  7. 2213 Fairbank
  8. 2220 Charles
  9. 2271 Moran
  10. 2221 Pendleton
  11. 2249 Colescott
  12. 2262 Conrad
  13. 2216 Soderberg
  14. 2224 Cook
  15. 2274 Zambrana
  16. 2248 Matheny
  17. 2205 Salva
  18. 2250 Mohler
  19. 2243 Beasley
  20. 2251 Meacham
  21. 2230 Wiley
  22. 2207 Reese
  23. 2256 Weber
  24. 2244 Cai
  25. 2219 Wingell
  26. 2261 Ortiz
  27. 2246 Redlin 
  28. 2242Weissman
  29. 2259 Bhide
  30. 2233 Keally


  • 2023 in review
    • No questions
  • Goals for 2024
    • 2 additional parking spaces in the lower cluster
    • Charge Up Fairfax program for EV Charging installation
    • Dominion’s Level II Charging Program 
    • Greenspot
    • Greenspot and Charge Up Fairfax Downsides
    • Repaving of the parking Lot
    • Website Improvements
      • Functionality and Appearance
    • Lower Cluster Island added to the cluster maintenance
    • Clean up the tot lot equipment and add new mulch 

Questions on Tot Lot

  • Based on reserve study expenditures that are listed, do we know the current usage? Do we know the usage in the neighborhood? 
  • We are in a period of heavy usage. 
  • Could the board look at mosquito repellents nearby? 

Questions related to EV Charging: 

  • Have we considered guidelines for individual owners who want to put in their own charger?
    • The board and the individual homeowner would be required to work together on an agreement on the installation and maintenance, including what would happen if you moved. This may be feasible, but there may be restrictions on the ability of a homeowner to do so based on where their spot is located in conjunction with their home. This has not yet been done and therefore there are unknown variables here to predict. 
  • How is EV charging being considered in conjunction with the parking lot and parking lot maintenance?
    • The Board is trying to do this, but without finalized decisions on EV we need to ensure we’re focusing on the problems at hand rather than future problems. We’re also hearing from contractors etc. how difficult it would be to have this many decisions made at once that could all line up in terms of timing. 
  • In addition to EV charging stations how about covering the lower cluster parking lot with a simple shed  covered with solar panels?
    • The Board can look into this as an option. 
  • 2023 budget in review

Questions on 2023 budget 

  • Please explain the difference in reserves from this year versus last year’s reserves. 
  • What is the usefulness of the reserve study if we have money in a checking account that is not included in the overall expenditures schedules? 
  • Have we separated tree removal from the capital expenditures or the operating budget? 
  • Have we done a deeper dive into possible, cheaper options for our landscaping in terms of competitive bidding?
    • Not at this time, the work done by Chris and team has been both acceptable, but, additionally, our landscaping is at a competitive price for the neighborhood. 
    • Jon, our neighborhood resident who works in the industry, weighed in to say it seems that our company is offering us competitive prices and they seem to be, in his opinion, doing a fair job for a fair price.  
    • While the board can review for competitive pricing, we want to ensure we’re not just reviewing for the overall lowest price, but also for the quality of the work and flexibility to work with the cluster as needed. 

2023 Expenses Budget Line Items Pending

  • We’ve not yet been charged for the Fall dumpster for clean up.
  • We’re still pending on trash and streetlights for the year. 
  • We’re rolling over $4500 from the concrete budget and this has to count on our budget for this year so we know it’s a roll over. 
  • 2024 proposed budget options
  • We over budget on some areas, like trash and recycling, to account for regular increases in prices. 
  • Landscaping is currently scheduled to go up in price for 2024, per industry standards. 

Questions from members

  • Dan Moran- Out of curiosity, do we have a spreadsheet that breaks down what the dues have been in past years?
    •  Kelly will put together what she can and will send this to Dan.
  • Have we removed everything from the budget that we can? Can we reduce costs any further?
    •  It doesn’t seem we can to Kelly based on a the current budget and our current costs which are already as low as they can be. 
  • What is the justification for the increase? Is this to build up the capital expense reserves or to pad operating expenses?
    •  This is about building up the reserves for the cluster, according to Kelly we need to do this because we’ve not had this reserve contribution historically. 
  • Can we delay the vote? Do we have enough information? Are we sure we understand how the capital reserves are being applied against the 130K that we have in our checking account?
    • The vote is majority. We can take the vote today, as there is a no vote option for cluster members and we will review where we stand. 
  • Cory-Do we have a procedure or guidelines on what we should have in our checking account? 
  • Sandy-Clarification on the length of time the board has been working with the Reserve Study board and VA special assessment guidelines. 
  • Paul- Do we have a breakdown of all of the Cluster accounts that can be reviewed and visualized? Would this help us all to understand this better? 
  • Mark-It’s fair to take a few extra minutes to figure out the specifics on the checking account dollar amount in relation to our capital expenses and encourage cluster residents to read the reserve study. 
  • Mary Ellen- It might be worth looking at other investment options, like a money market account, to see where we could create additional cash flow for the cluster. 
  • Decision: 
    • With 9 No and 15 Yes the board will move forward to allow for voting on the overall budget increases; members will be emailed a link to vote post-meeting. 

Pet Waste updated guidelines

  • Would it be possible to reduce mulch on islands to help pets feel more comfortable using the bathroom there?
    •  That’s a possibility the board can review. 
  • Karen Beasley asked for a pet-waste sign to be put at the light pole near her house. 
  • Proposed purchase of new speed bump
  • 2nd speed bump is proposed for the entry so that we can keep the existing speed bump in one location instead of moving the existing speed bump. 
  • Should we consider putting one in the lower-cluster loop as well? Conversion was good and Kristina asked our lower cluster residents to help weigh in on the location if we decided to do this in the long-term 
  • Kerry recommended taking a look at GunSmith to see their permanent speed bump. 
  • Is snow the only reason for removable speed bumps?This was a limitation of our previous snow plowing company, but the temporary speed bumps were also a short-term proof of concept that a permanent speed bump would be a good measure of impact. 
  • Open positions on the board
    • Aaron Rider has nominated himself for a position on the board
    • Sandy, Kristinaristina and Kelly renewed. 
    • Aaron Rider voted in as Secretary to replace Jade Perez who is stepping down. 

Ad Hoc Requests from Cluster Residents

  • Can we remind people to put away their trash bins on time? 
  • Roberto-Can we ask Chris about the bushes near his house that are dying?

November 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

November Board Meeting

Tuesday, November 13th, 2023

7 pm

Virtual via Zoom

Attendees: Karen Reese

Board:  Kristina Myers, Cyndi Hartman-Newland, Sandy Mohler and Kelly Fairbank and  Joy Charles


Community updates

  1. Tree inspection
  • Questions:
    • How much do we have left in the 2023 tree budget?
      • Kelly believes we’ve paid everything out so far for 2023.
      • Looks like $8,850 rolling over from 2023
    • If we were to pursue everything on this list, would it get us through 2024?
      • Yes, aside from unexpected, significant costs these lists would cover our 2024 tree needs. 

Board Discussion on Tree Inspection: 

  • Some of the trees on the list may require DRB review as they are on communal cluster property. 
  • Should we prioritize only Priority 1 quote? This would leave a bit of money for any aesthetic changes and for any immediate disasters, should they occur. 
  • How can we make sure we’re only prioritizing the most important and urgent situations now and setting up priority 2 for future reviews and re-prioritization? (Ex. Poplars near 2246 for example) 
  • How much would it be pertinent to leave in the tree budget? 

Board Decisions: 

  • Keep a cushion in the budget, but be prepared to pull from reserves if we have to for unexpected, disastrous, emergencies. 
  • Sandy will ask Kevin if we can just leave a spar on 2214 (Kevin from TreeSmith USA)
  • Then, we’ll work with Kevin to focus on the Priority 1 list, with an emphasis and investment on preservation and tree management. 
  • Maximum investment of $15K will be the budget we ask Kevin to work within. 
  1. Update on concrete
    • Two areas mentioned in walkthrough
      • In front of 2254 by large oak $3410
        • Problematic area because of ongoing tree issues – the tree roots are very obviously lifting sidewalk, would like to consider other options besides replacing that area of sidewalk right now – Sandy exploring other ideas
      • Lower cluster pad – crumbling – needs repair $4860

Board Discussion: 

  • Should we prioritize this work before it gets too cold for the winter? 
  • Is the lower pad, which is crumbling, really the highest priority of these two? 
  • Do we try to shave or grind down the sidewalk by 2254? Juan’s recommendation was not to as the concrete is already too brittle with the tree roots pushing upwards. 

Board Decision: 

  • Work with Juan on the lower pad, but save it for 2024 to ensure we don’t go over budget for 2023. 
  • We’ll continue to explore ideas for resolution for areas in front of 2254. 
  1. Drainage project by 2231
    • Project proposed by Juan was approved by RA but…
      • Tree problem observed by Kevin during tree inspection
      • Can we fix the problem without damaging the tree?
      • Discuss alternatives with Riverbend Landscaping and Bright Construction group

Board Discussion

  • Concern over this having been a long-standing issue that has been delayed by new information from Kevin
  • How can we ensure we’re resolving this issue in a timely manner, that won’t potentially hurt a tree in the cluster unnecessarily? 

Board Decision

  • Plan to continue to review and treat it as an ongoing project as we research and gather information. 
  1. 2024 Proposed Budget
    • Proposed budget
    • Rolling over money unspent from lingering 2023 projects
    • Dues increase

Board Discussion: 

  • Should we propose $1600 vs. $1500 per household per year (up from $1300) in our dues to extend the time between when we’d need to do a next increase? (Looking at at least a 2 year hold if we went this avenue) 
  • Would this amount to $400 per quarter? 
  • Comparison of close clusters and their associated costs
  • Mailing total updated to reflect purchase of stamps, which usually last up to two years
  • Snow removal budget agreed to by all members
  • Dumpster budget for cluster clean up cost was very close to the total cost this year so Kelly will only slightly increase budget $100.
  • Kristina will check on the total amount of the erosion grant, she thought it might be a bit higher. 
  • Have we fully considered the full impact of dues increases in relation to new, incoming residents? 
  • Discussion on approach for incremental increases pros vs. cons for Cluster in comparison to Reston Home Owners Association (RHOA) process 
  • How do we set the cluster up for long-term success with our reserve funds in light of the large cost of the parking lot we know we need to spend? 
  • Is there value in a one-time assessment rather than relying on just a dues increase? 
  • Discussion on possible cluster impacts if we don’t get the planning for fiscal future right for the cluster 

Board Decision:

  • To allow the community to plan in advance, Kelly and Kristina will break down options for the community, post special flyers and emails and we will allow the community to review the two proposed dollar amounts in advance for voting. 
  1. Annual Meeting
    • Monday, December 4th at 7pm – zoom
      • Topics for meeting
        • Reserve study
  • Resident Karen Reese asked that the board send out the Reserve study information in advance for cluster residents to review and get questions prepared or if we should have a separate meeting just to discuss the reserve study. 
  • Together with the board and Karen, the decision was made to send out specific details via flyers and email related to the Reserve Study in advance by the community to prepare questions in advance of the December Annual HOA Meeting. 
  • Dues increase
  • Budget review/budget proposal
  • Ongoing projects
    • VCAP
    • Drainage
    • Trees
    • Design updates
    • EV charging
    • 2nd speed bump – make sure to get quote
      • Kelly will send the invoice from the last speed bump purchase.
      • Cyndi mentioned making sure we address why these speed bumps are not looking at being installed permanently for right now to address cluster resident questions. 
  • Pet waste guideline amendments
  • Letter or newsletter to go out to residents re: annual meeting highlighting the need for dues increase and quorum vote
  1. EV charging
    • Dominion’s Level II charging program for multi-family communities
    • Charge Up fairfax
    • Greenspot

Board Decision: 

  • Kristina will send a note to the board with more updates to review. No significant conversation now. 
  1. Additional items
    • VCAP project
    • Design updates
  • Sandy stressed if this takes up too much discussion time at Annual Meeting, she is willing to hold a special meeting just to go over these if we need to. 


Next meeting:  Monday, December 4th (Annual Meeting)

October 2023 HOA Board Meeting

October Board Meeting

Tuesday, October 10th,, 2023

7 pm

Virtual via Zoom


Board: Kristina Redford-Meyers, Cyndi Hartman, Kelly Fairbank, Joy Charles, Jade Perez and Sandy 

Cluster Residents: Chun-Lung Huang


Community updates

  1. Erosion/Drainage
    1. VCAP-Deposit submitted, but not yet deposited 
    2. 2229/2231 – DRB application submitted
  1. Website
    1. September meeting minutes- Approved

Action Item: 

Jade will post approved minutes. 

  1. Reserve study needs to be published on our website

Action Item: 

Jade will post in Announcements and in the Minutes

  1. Last tab – tree committee – can be deleted

Action Item:

Jade will delete

  1.  Sandy requested we add Cluster Guidelines, Under Cluster Resources in the Menu Under the Guideline

Action Item: 

Jade will add the Cluster Resources 

  1. Update on concrete
    1. Bright construction group walkthrough- Lower pad and curb near sewer is starting to crumble; ramped area is what needs to be replaced.  

Action Item: 

Kristina is waiting on DRB proposal review and will follow up with Cyndi when this is finished. 

  1. Tree inspection
    1. 2272 Hemlock tree – this tree trimming was done by TreeSmith USA – may still need to be taken down
    2. 2246 Elm Tree – need to decide upon it’s removal
    3. Tree branch hanging over Olde Crafts behind 2201/03
    4. 2252/54 Oak tree – board decided on $700 treatment for tree and to continue to monitor
    5. Hemlocks in upper cluster island – 3 young trees – infected and need to be treated.  Board voted to allocate $450 to hemlocks in upper cluster for bacteria.
    6. Joy’s maple tree

Action Item: 

Sandy is pending a response from Kevin and Sandy/Joy will do the walk through together. 

  1. Design Updates
    1. Decks, fences, doors – DRB application – submitted?- Sandy ran into issues with the PDF submission, but is working on this. 
    2. Bin enclosures- No update but Sandy will check on the Cluster Lookbook with Erin 
  1. Landscaping
    1. Updates? No updates 
    2. Two areas behind 2251- These areas were planted, but there is a large bare area. Kristina asked if we could get more native plants. 

Ad Hoc:  Joy will check with Chris to see if it is too late for the Fall treatment. If it is not too late this year, the board would like to move forward this Fall if Chris thinks this would still be effective. 

  1. Pet waste in neighborhood
    1. Here is what was posted in the newsletter:

Pet Waste Guidelines changes will be proposed at this year’s Annual Meeting.  Currently the guidelines for Wheelwright Cluster Association do not provide adequate spaces in the neighborhood for dogs to relieve themselves.  The board believes these guidelines are too strict and have the opposite effect – dogs are going everywhere.  Additionally, pet owners from other neighborhoods do not know our guidelines and therefore let their pets use the bathroom indiscriminately along our sidewalks.  Therefore the board is proposing the following changes:

  1. Dogs may NOT use the bathroom on anyone’s personal property – front yards, backyards, and side yards – this will be strictly enforced.
  2. Dogs may not use the bathroom where there are signs that explicitly ask for dogs to stay off the grass*.
  3. Any other common spaces where there are no signs can be used as a bathroom for dogs.
  4. Dog owners MUST pick up after their dogs.  There is never a time or place where this rule does not apply.
  5. Dogs MUST be kept on a leash at all times unless in a fenced in yard.  You may not allow your pet to roam freely around the neighborhood at any time.

*these signs may move around to different common areas around the cluster to help rejuvenate spots that are suffering from pet waste.

  1. Asked Sawyers cluster about their pet waste stations but have not yet heard back.

Board Discussion: 

For #1, we should include a note that this is about other people’s personal property. 

There is already a blurb in our guidelines that we can pull for the notes on when to pick up, etc. 

  1.  Important Upcoming Dates
    1. Fall household hazardous waste pickup – this Saturday, Oct. 14th

Action Item: Kristina will send an email to Wheelwright HOA members and Jade will post on website. 

  1. GreenDrop donation – Saturday, October 21st (only until noon) 
  2. Roll off dumpster – Friday, October 27th-30th
  3. Fall cluster cleanup and cookout – Saturday, October 28th
    1. Projects:
      1. Invasive species removal, lower cluster
      2. Trash pick up
      3. Spreading wood chips behind 2245-49
      4. Potholes near LFL* Priority 1 
      5. Paint and repair trash enclosure in Tot Lot
      6. Clear Seal benches * Priority 3
      7. Tot lot equipment clean up 
      8. Trenching the timbers near the little free library * Priority 2


Jade and Joy will coordinate with Sandy to do a walk through before the morning of the clean up to get the directions for the trenching. 

Kristina will look at the area near the LFL to see how bad the poison ivy is so that we can do the trenching in advance. 

Kristina will check on the mulch/wood chips and will coordinate with Joy if we need any. 

Sandy will check on paint supplies (Ex. Paint and Paintbrush) for trash enclosure to see what is left and will follow up before the clean up. 

  1. Cookout
    1. Food


Kristina will do the Costco pickup after she sends a list to the board for review. 

  1. Annual Meeting – Monday, December 4th at 7pm – zoom
    1. Topics for meeting
      1. Dues increase
      2. Budget review/budget proposal
      3. Ongoing projects
        1. VCAP
        2. Design updates
        3. EV charging
        4. Purchasing 2nd speed bump 
  1. Additional items
    1. EV charging – reached out to Dominion again – waiting to hear back
    2. Wood borders by LFL – to be completed at cluster cleanup
    3. Parking/towing speeding in the neighborhood – Easton Warner at 2276
    4. Watchlights
    5. Zelle
    6. Lower Cluster Clean Up

Action Item: 

Joy will reach out to Chris to see if we can get the lower cluster added to the maintenance schedule to keep it today and will verify the cost with the board. 


Next meeting:  Tuesday, November 7th 

Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes-September 2023

September Board Meeting

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

7 pm

Virtual via Zoom



Cluster Residents: 


Community updates

  1. Erosion/Drainage
    1. VCAP – signed proposal and check sent
    2. 2229/2231 sidewalk drainage project
      1. DRB finished and ready to be submitted
  1. Reserve Study
    1. Copy of the study needs to be published on our website

After Action: 

  • Kelly will send the updated reserve study via email.
  • Jade will post the updated reserve study. 
  1. Update on concrete
    1. Proposal for areas needing repair from Bright Construction Group still under review.
  1. Repaving parking lot
    1. Board decided to forge ahead with Pavement Design, LLC – management of the project only.
      1. Burt says most companies in VA  won’t break ground to repave until mid March to early April.
      2. Based on that timeline, he suggests sending out the bid package to prospective paving companies at the beginning of March with bids expected to be returned in 2 weeks.  The board would then decide on who and when.
      3. Repaving should take 4 days
      4. Pavement Design LLC will bill for the work after the job is completed
      5. PD, LLC will make 2 visits to the site during the work and then a final visit once the work is completed.
      6. PD, LLC requires tonnage tickets for the asphalt installed to ensure that the required amount was received.
  1. Tree inspection
    1. The board voted to dismantle the tree committee after Mike Pendleton stepped down as chair.
    2. Sandy will reach out to TreesmithUSA to see if we can get an inspection done.
      1. 2272 Hemlock tree – this tree trimming was done by TreeSmith USA – still needs to be inspected? 
      2. 2246 Elm Tree – trimmed by TreeSmith USA, but will circle back in fall 
      3. Tree branch hanging over Olde Crafts behind 2201/03
      4. 2252/54 Oak tree – not healthy – needs treatment at the very least but will need to be taken down eventually (Confirmed: We did decide on the $700 treatment for this tree if needed to maintain tree for as long as possible)
      5. Hemlocks in upper cluster island – 3 young trees – infected and need to be treated.  Board voted to allocate $450 to hemlocks in upper cluster for bacteria.

After Action: 

  • Sandy will follow up with Kevin from TreeSmith USA on all of the items above. 
  1. Individual Homeowner who is upset about the trees has contacted RA regarding recent tree removal; Kristina followed up to provide clarity on the safety reasons for board decisions when removing trees and the board recognizes the importance of sharing information regarding decisions on safety measures in the neighborhood. 
  1. Design Updates
    1. Decks, fences, doors – DRB application ready for submission?
    2. Bin enclosures and front entrances (including overhang) will be the next DRB application to work on 

After Action: 

  • Christina has reviewed the DRB and Sandy will be working on consolidating those edits and submitting the updated DRB for Deck Stain, Fences, and Doors along with Erin from RA. 
  1. Landscaping
    1. Fall lawn treatment this Friday, 9/22
    2. Deadline for homeowners to order fall lawn treatment this Wednesday, 9/20
    3. Weed killer in concrete cracks- Joy did ask for this to happen in the yearly work from here on out. 
    4. Updates? 

After Action: 

Joy will see how much it would cost the cluster to treat Cluster Areas for grass/lawn treatment in the following areas: 

  • Behind 2257-2263
  • Near the new Stairs between 2263 and 2265, including front yard area of 2263
  • Between 2249 and 2251
  • Behind 2218-22030
  • Area between 2230 and 2242 
  • Behind 2217 and 2219
  1. Pet waste in neighborhood
    1. These proposals were agreed upon at the last meeting:
      1. Board agrees that communicating specific areas in the community that are on and off limits for pet bathroom use is important.  Current guidelines seem to be draconian.  Jade to take a look at the cluster map for a first draft on where can pets have waste? Then, she’ll send a draft proposal to the board for the September meeting for the board to review and discuss.
      2. Rework guidelines to be clear about which areas are acceptable and unacceptable, email community about upcoming changes and vote at annual meeting.  
      3. Infractions from within our neighborhood that occur will get targeted emails from the board.
      4. Additional signage to be purchased and strategically placed in common areas.

After Action: 

The board has decided we will skip trying to create designated pet areas after reviewing the map again.. The board will write updated, proposed guidelines before December’s meeting for the community to vote on at the annual meeting. 

  1. Resale disclosure Act
    1. Any changes that the board needs to make? Include previous years annual meeting minutes in the package from here on out
  1.  Important Upcoming Dates
    1. Fall hazardous waste pickup

After Action: 

  • Joy will work with Chris to schedule this for Saturday, October 14th 
  1. GreenDrop donation

After Action: 

  • Cyndi schedule this for Saturday, October 21st
  1. Roll off dumpster

After Action: 

  • Kristina will  request this for the Cluster Clean Up weekend on Saturday, October 28th . 
  1. Fall cluster cleanup and cookout

Board Decision

  • Confirmed Clean up Date for Fall Cluster Clean Up: Saturday, October 28th 
  1. Annual Meeting – Monday, December 4th at 7pm – zoom
  1. Additional items
    1. EV charging
    2. Parking/towing speeding in the neighborhood – Easton Warner at 2276 has volunteered to help with monitoring vehicles and registrations and will report issues to the board for action. 
    3. Watchlights
    4. Zelle
  2. Ad Hoc

After Action: 

  • Cyndi will move the speed bump to the mid-Cluster again to slow speeding drivers. 

Cluster Clean Up Draft List: 

  • Invasive Species removal in Lower Cluster
  • Trash Pick UP 
  • Worms and Woodchips Behind 2243-2247
  • Pot Holes near LFL
  • Paint Trash Enclosure in Tot Lot 
  • Repair Hinge on Trash Enclosure in Tot Lot 
  • Clear Seal the Benches 

Next meeting:  Tuesday, October 10th

July 2023 Wheelwright Cluster HOA Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, July 11th, 2023

7 pm

Virtual via Zoom



Cluster Residents: 


Community updates

1)  VCAP project – Adele from DecoFootprint will join us for a short segment of the meeting at 7:15 to answer any questions.

  1. Who is responsible for determining underground utilities?  For HOA common areas, we typically schedule Miss Utility to mark for underground public utilities roughly one week prior to any field work for project design or project build.  If there is concern for marking private utilities, most HOA Boards have their management company schedule this, or for an extra fee we can coordinate this.  
  2. Complaints – is there a time frame where we as a client have time to assess work and have issues addressed?  After our field inventory, site analysis, base mapping, stormwater assessment, VCAP/CAP project concepts and design, we can schedule a design presentation to reveal the proposed project plans before submitting to NVSWCD the project application that includes the plans.  We can discuss any revisions, if needed, and then submit the project application to be considered for rebate approval.
  3. Is this a severable contract?  The reason we present a separate Design Proposal first is to cover our services rendered for planning, design, application submission that includes a preliminary budget, and application approval.  Once your VCAP project application is approved, we present a second Project Proposal that outlines the project site prep, site work, and site restoration.  
  4. Watering of vegetation – responsibility of client or DecoFootprint?  If water access is provided by the private homeowners near the project, we typically like ot water immediately after planting and adding the mulch layer.  This is usually one of the last steps before site restoration.  The HOA is responsible for watering the vegetation after the first watering.   
  5. What condition will jobsite be left after completion of work?  Site restoration is mentioned in our Project Proposal.
  6. Plant guarantee – pests/disease?   This is mentioned in our Project Proposal.
  7. Is travel time billed?  ​​​​No.
  8. Underground obstructions clause?  What happens if there is something that is found that makes the work substantially more difficult?  This is mentioned in our Project Proposal.
  9. Acts of God clause?  Also mentioned in our Project Proposal.
  10. Is work/plants guaranteed for some period of time upon completion?  Also mentioned in our Project Proposal.  Here’s a link to our SAMPLE Project Proposal:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MvJGK9P4PaepHm-66-agCS3SuJujuhN5/view?usp=sharing
  11. Regarding property plats, many of our homeowners do not have these and when they’ve been necessary for work, homeowners have had to shell out costs to have their land surveyed.  Homeowners have not had luck obtaining these records from the county.  Have you had this issue before?  I have a site planning map of the whole neighborhood – I’m not sure if that would help at all.  Unless a homeowner waived the plat at settlement, the majority of property owners received a property plat with their settlement papers.  If they settled on the property less than 7 years ago, they can contact their settlement company to request a copy if available, contact their realtor to chase it down, or make a trip to the Fairfax County land records department to request a copy.  For townhome property owners in Fairfax County, it’s not available to request a plat online.  Other HOA Boards provide both the community planning map/s (aka grading plans) and the community record plats.  Both sets of plans are extremely helpful.  The record plat is the more important one because it’s the legal recordation of the community property lines, easements, right-of-ways, etc.  If the Board does not have these plans, and they do not wish to pay extra for an engineer or surveyor to prepare new land surveys (expensive!), then a Board member or community volunteer makes a trip to the Fairfax County land records department to request copies of the community recordation plans. 

Clarifications Provided by Board Members in Q&A with Adele from Deco Footprint

  • Rick Fairbank- Shared with Kristina that he doesn’t think it would be standard for most homeowners to have their plats. This didn’t appear to him to be a common theme in closings that he has seen. Rick explained that our entire plat for the community is on file with Fairfax County and because there are such standard delineations for properties, not every mortgage lender feels the need to require a plat, nor does every seller get required to require one in selling. 
  • According to Adele, individual plats are less important for this project than the community plats. However, the issue of roof water and creating appropriate irrigation, might create complexity because the irrigation may need to begin at the site of individual homeowners, but as the focus is on a communal area (the steep hill) and this is a community supported conservation landscaping project, Adele felt okay that we could begin without individual plats.
  • What would it look like if we did need to get individual plats? How would we proceed with that, recognizing that they are not on file with Fairfax County? According to Adele, Deco Footprint would just have to be more cautious with their measurements to ensure they are not missing something that could cause a problem down the road, but they have worked on similar situations working without plats. 
  • At what point does a community submit their application to the Reston Association from Adele’s perspective? After the design plan is finalized or approved by VCAP? Adele recommends doing both simultaneously in case we are approved as her company is largely limited to two planting seasons in Northern Virginia, Spring and Fall, due to weather. This way if approved for the VCAP grant, RHOA is also already approved and Deco Footprint could begin their work as quickly as possible. 
  • Is April the earliest planting? Generally speaking, but as long as the ground is above 40 degrees Farenheit they can begin planting and have begun as early as January.
  • Deco Footprint could send a designer to support the board in the RHOA Design Review board meetings to answer questions about the project, if needed. 
  • Deer deterrent plantings will be prioritized, but Adele did recommend we begin to focus on deer deterrent methods, such as fencing. Fencing is not currently included in the budget for this project so Wheelwright HOA will need to consider how to move forward on the fencing issue afterwards. 
  • 8-10 foot logs with a 10-12 inch diameter that we can save in the neighborhood from fallen trees might be able to be reused on the project. 
  • Deco Footprints does offer a maintenance contract that HOA’s can purchase after the installation if they’d not like to do the initial maintenance, including appropriate watering schedules, themselves, but after the first year or so, the maintenance should be fairly minimal, as planned. 

2)  Reserve Study

  1. Reserve study – final copy received with a few amendments
    1. What is included:
      1. Summary including where we are with funding, what our goal is over a 20 year period, what do we have to do to get there
      2. Condition of areas in our community that fall under capital expenses
        1. Notable findings of common assets:
          1. Parking lot
          2. Concrete
          3. Storm water drainage system (After Action: Kristina will ask for clarity on recommendations here)
      3. Methods of funding over the 20 year period
        1. Cash flow
        2. Component
        3. Hybrid approach
      4. Schedule for capital repairs
  2. Annual contribution to reserve fund – currently $9000, recommend $21,100.
  • Things to keep in mind:
    • All expenses are being covered through the collection of HOA dues. 
    • Some of these expenses will fall under Capital Repair, which could come out of that, instead of the current annual budget. 
    • The purpose of the reserve study is to ensure our HOA can potentially avoid special assessments, thus the increase in dues. (After Action: Kelly will continue to review the numbers to confirm what this year’s quarterly increase will be in preparation for the annual meeting in December.) 
  1. Asked to include repaving of the parking lot in 2024. 
  2. Capital expenses – what qualifies, what doesn’t qualify?
    1. Where does our money come from to take care of capital expenses?
    2. Do we need to make adjustments?
    3. We need to take into account our checking account balance.
    4. What investments do we want to make going forward?
  3. Taking into account interest when investments are made. 

3)  Drainage issue by 2231

  1. Proposals from:
    1. Riverbend Landscaping
    2. Sunrise
    3. Bright Construction Group (Juan)-Pending work to be done.

4)  Update on concrete

  1. Update on walkthrough?  Cyndi is working to finalize a walk through. 
  2. Which are areas of concern?

After Action: Cyndi will focus on an expedited time frame for all of the proposals to ensure we can finalize plans for the work ASAP. 

5)  Repaving the parking lot

  1. Burt with Pavement Design, LLC
  2. Are their services more than we need at this time?
    1. Pavement inspection for cracks/sealant issues
    2. Pavement upkeep plan/schedule
    3. Management of the construction is another component

Decision by Board: 

We do want to have good oversight of the work  that is not from us. However, we not feel we need another assessment or inspection to tell us we need to replace the pavement. We will go back to Pavement Design, LLC, to ask to remove the inspection from their contract as we know we need to replace the parking lot paving ((the base layer as well as a full mill and resurfacing) (After Action: Kristina will take this back to Pavement Design LLC) 

(After Action: Kristina will reach out  VA Asphalt Company and have them come do an estimate for work at recommendation from Cyndi) 

6)  Tree inspection-Delayed pending Joy’s input as the tree lead

  1. Do we have an inspection date scheduled?
    1. 2272 Hemlock tree – this tree trimming was done by TreeSmith USA – still needs to be inspected?
    2. 2246 Elm Tree – trimmed by TreeSmith USA, but will circle back in fall and possibly JL to see about possible removal
    3. Tree hanging over Olde Crafts behind 2201/03

7)  Cookout this Sunday

  1. By the little free library at noon? 

Board Decision: Moved location to lower cluster to avoid parking impacts near Little Free Library. 

  1. Kristina has 3 packages of 10 hotdogs
    1. Other remaining items from Cluster Community Cookout included water and chips, along with condiments, which Cyndi will manage. 

8)  Whose terms are up at the end of year/what are people’s intentions?

Kristina and Sandy were both considering wrapping up, but felt that with so many ongoing projects they are going to hold on they think for now and will be willing to serve on the board for another term of two years. Kelly feels she is also willing to serve on board for the coming year, as does Cyndi. 

Next meeting: 

Tuesday, August 8th

June 2023 Wheelwright Cluster HOA Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, June 13th, 2023

7 pm

Virtual via Zoom



Cluster Residents: 


Community updates

  1. Cluster Clean up – projects remaining
  • Wood chips – Kristina contacted homeowners 2243-2249
  • All replied yes (did not hear back from 2243)
  • Jen Ren mentioned soil (clay that isn’t very porous) and slope

Board Discussion:  On 2245 we can put the mulch between the pavers; Kristina will reach back out to Karen Beasley at 2243 to make sure she’s okay before she puts down the mulch.  The goal here is to reduce the moisture and we need to use the mulch we have. 

We’ll start on 2243 and 2245 as there is the most moisture there. 

Sandy recommended the board may want to look at including Earthworms to create an organic solution to help with the soil that is mostly clay. After Action: Sandy will research. 

  • Wood borders around lfl

Decision from the board: After Action: Jade will lay the wood out in front of the LFL near the hill and we will table this project for the Fall cluster clean up. 

  • Do we still have perishables from the cookout?  Schedule another?

 Hot dogs and hamburger buns are frozen and there are some chips that need to be eaten; Cyndi has an older case of beer that needs to be used. 

  1. Erosion/Drainage
    1. VCAP – answers to questions from Adele at DecoFootprint:

1)  I remember when we first met, you said that the timeline for breaking ground would be probably early next year.  When and what would we owe you in 2023 based on our discussion of a final budget of $14,500 so that we can obtain the maximum $7,000 VCAP funding?  What would we owe you in 2024?  For this year, we would like a good faith deposit of $2,500 to get us started on the VCAP planning and design for a Conservation Landscaping project on a steep hillside.  Since our services are considered “technical assistance” this portion will be covered by the VCAP rebate when the project is completed.  The remaining $12,000, depending on when the potential VCAP project is approved, we typically collect a 50% project deposit of $6,000 to reserve a space on the install schedule for spring or fall, the two most busy times to install plants, and collect the remaining 50% deposit of $6,000 upon project completion.  If this is acceptable, I can write up our Proposal that explains this in detail.

2)  Before you begin with your design, will you give us an idea of what option you are going with?  I.e. terracing using biologs, coir matting, coir matting and biologs, rerouting downspouts or not, etc?  We’ll also want to make sure that the design includes plenty of walking space for our homeowners to access the backs of their homes as well.  Yes, we can present the preliminary design to you or to the Board for Q&A and at this design presentation discuss our observations, assessments, professional recommendations, pros and cons, etc.

Discussion: The board is fine to go forward with this as a good faith risk, but the board has asked for a reasonable “contract” that can show how this can work, including acts of God that are unexpected. 

After Action:  Kristina will reach back out to her and will follow up with the board on where we are on this “Good faith contract” 

  1. Drainage work by 2231/33
    1. Another project proposal from Riverbend landscapes

  1. Juan? –

Cyndi and Juan are scheduled to meet on Thursday to review this; Kristina asked to get very specific measurements to ensure we can use those for the design review board; the goal is to be able to make the decision at next month’s board meeting. 

  1. Design updates
    1. Doors/sidelight
    2. Garbage bin enclosures
    3. Clear stain for decks

NO updates: Sandy working on writing up items. 

  1. EV/Charging Stations
    1. Draft of EVWG charter sent to Chesapeake Law Group, PLC
    2. Second meeting tentatively scheduled for Sunday, June 18th
      1. Dominion update
        1. Dominion’s Design and Construction team will come out and do a review of our site and let us know the best places, costs, etc. From the sounds of it, they will draw up plans for us as well
  1. Concrete/Watchlights
    1. Walkthrough schedule update? Cyndi will be walking through this week. 
    2. Watchlights?- No new reported issues. 
  2. Parking/Towing
    1. 2217, 2215, 2213, 2211, 2209, 2223 parking space shuffle – keep Kristina posted a week in advance to inform homeowners
    2. Speed bump moved
      1. Feedback?

Several members of the board have noticed speeding from the lower cluster now; concern expressed for the safety of neighborhood kids and older residents 

Discussion: How can we help ensure we can support the safety of the community without taking overly punitive actions?  

Decision: We’ll start with a notice in the newsletter and we will review how to add a second removable speed bump. Kelly will share the cost of the previous speed bump at the July meeting and we will review how to pay for this next month at the board meeting. 

  1. Registering cars with cluster – update?

After Action: Jade will do a walk through and comparison against registration next weekend.  Any concerns? Areas to focus on? 

  1. Self registration form – updates?

Looks like we may be able to do this with a combination of WordPress and Google forms. However, this will take a bit more time to ensure we can create an authentication and role-based process; research in progress. (FYI: As part of the process, we may need to scrub our current subscribers list in WordPress (currently 681 subscribers) and do an update of associated emails. )

Discussion: As long as it’s not a smart phone required for two-factor authentication, fine to move forward. 

Decision: Jade will go forward with pro-typing this for the board to review and will include a training/enablement plan to ensure that all residents can be included (Ex. Zoom transition for the board) 

  1. Start meeting with paving companies again
    1. Burt – Pavement Design, LLC? – pay to hold our hands through the process?

Board Decision: This is a valuable service for such a large expenditure and will provide us the expertise we need to ensure we’re getting the most bang for our buck. Kristina will reach out to him to ask for the services they offer again and the costs associated. 

  1. Landscaping
    1. Update on:
      1. Bags of mulch?

Joy has the final two bags of mulch and will ask Kelly at 2248 if she wants the remaining two bags mulch. We need to bill for the Mulch so  Joy and Kristina will put those numbers together and will send that to Kelly.  

  1. Stump removal (Chris)
  2. Individual yard landscaping through Chris?  Still pursuing? 

Decision: We will hold on this until next spring and will reach out next year in advance of the Spring clean up to see if they can offer this then. 

  1. Chemical application to lawns – Elite is still giving us notice after treatment

After Action: Joy will follow up with them on this. 

Ater Action: Joy will follow up with Elite to ask if they can start cutting the grass just a bit higher as we enter the slower growing season.

After Action: Joy will reach out to Chris for cost estimates now so that we can hopefully include notes on lawn aeration and seeding in the July newsletter.  

  1. Reserve Study/Online payments 
    1. Reserve Study – final is in our hands

All- Kristina asked for all board members to review for 

  1. Zelle for online payments – update?

 Still on Kelly’s to do list for 3rd quarter invoices

  1. Possibility of linking to website- Kelly is still confirming the details on this. This is something that can be noted on the site, but she isn’t sure just yet. 
  1. Trees
    1. Tree maintenance with Tree USA scheduled for Tuesday, June 27th.
      1. Do we need to ask Chris to avoid that day for landscaping? Agreed yes and Joy will manage that. 
      2. Kevin with Tree USA is offering a 15% discount to homeowners who want to have work done on personal property around the same time.

Board  Decision:  Put in a newsletter and have homeowners contact individually.

  1. Tree list for summer inspection
    1. 2272 Hemlock tree- This trimming will be taken care of by Kevin at Tree USA 
    2. 2246 Elm Tree-Holding until the Fall for a final decision on moving/keeping and JUL trees will do standard trimming. 
    3. After Action: Joy will reach out to Mike Pendleton for the August tree inspection with J&L trees
  1. Newsletter topics
    1. Ad-Hoc Cookout in late June? 

Vote is for this to happen on Sunday, July 16th; we’ll block off the spaces near the LFL and we’ll do it there. 

  1. Cluster Clean Up results
  2. Benefits of planting native plants in cluster and yards 

Kristina will include this in the newsletter

  1. Garbage
    1. Issues?


Next meeting:  Tuesday, July 11th

May 2023 Wheelwright Cluster HOA Board Meeting Minutes

May Board Meeting

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

7 pm

Virtual via Zoom



Cluster Residents: 


Community updates

  1. Cluster Clean up review
    1. How did it go?
  • It turned out okay, better in the afternoon. It seemed like people weren’t sure due to the rain.
  • Discussion: Next year we may want to include shifts and a skill notation (ex. Carpentry) if the work requires it. 
  1. What still needs to be completed? 
  • We need to deal with the mulch in the parking lot. 
  • Building additional benches; ideally Sandy would like to have one more person to help her at a time, but it would be helpful to have others with carpentry skills. 
  1. What food is left over and what to do with it? 


  • Hot dog and hamburger buns probably need to be reduced in the coming year. 
  • Sandy mentioned maybe getting the Kona Ice truck for the coming year
  •  Kristina will freeze the hot dogs and hamburgers for a possible late-June impromptu meeting. 
  1. Projects left for completion? 
  • Wood chips
  • Mulching slope by 2231: Kristina will email neighbors around this area to see if they are okay with adding the mulch
  • Wood borders the Little Free Library. After Action: Jade will move these to match trench line until Fall clean up happens
  • Invasive removal: We could still remove more. 
  • Spraying weeds
  • Benches
  • Clear seal stairs: After Action: Sandy would like to hold on this until the Fall so that we can research more about dealing with clear stain 
  • Painting trash bin enclosure – oxford brown
  1. Erosion/Drainage
    1. VCAP
      1. Adele Kuo – landscape designer with Deco Footprint.  She has a lot of experience with VCAP and most of her designs are approved for VCAP funding.  She will submit the application, take care of any easements, fully design and implement the project.  She will work within our means.
        1. Budget of up to $14,500.  With VCAP rebate the project would cost us a total of $7,500.
      2. $7,500 is our entire budget for the year 2023.
      3. Timing would likely put us in 2024 (according to Adele)

Board vote and decision:

 Update the erosion budget for the year 2024 to be $14,500 (with the firm belief that we will be eligible for the VCAAP rebate) 

Discussion: Concern for the design meeting RA guidelines and works for residents nearby. After Action: Kristina will find out what the contingencies are for the contract to ensure, should the grant fall through, we can pull out if needed. 

Drainage work by 2231/33

  1. Jose – never heard back after multiple efforts to contact; the board (Cyndi) will likely ask for a 2nd proposal from Juan. The goal is to finalize the bids and make a decision before the end of the year. 
  1. Design updates- No updates beyond D. 
    1. Doors/sidelight
    2. Garbage bin enclosures
    3. Clear stain for decks
    4. Attaching stucco to concrete blocks- Resolved. No more language is included. 
  1. EV/Charging Stations
    1. We have not yet had a second meeting.
    2. Fairfax county update on Charge Up Fairfax program
      1. Concluded their review of applications and engineering site visits will begin in the next month.  Those communities will then hire contractors to complete the installation.
      2. Contingent on budget approval, Charge Up Fairfax will open up to the county in the Fall with the launch of an official program webpage.
      3. Electrical contractors-No recommendations from the county
      4. Jill will work on getting information about Dominion
  1. Concrete/Watchlights
    1. Walkthrough schedule update? 

Cyndi is working to coordinate  with Juan when this can happen. 

  1. 2205 and 2219 watchlight update?

 No issues observed right now. 

  1. Parking/Towing
    • 2217, 2215, 2213, 2211, 2209, 2223 parking space shuffle; a week ahead Kristina would like to have a week of notice on their moves. 
    • Speed bump still needs to be moved to temporary home at top of cluster

After Action: Jade, Joy and Kristina will coordinate to move; Cyndi can help coordinate with her cart 

  1. Registered cars – time for another walkthrough?

After Action: Jade will do walk through the weekend of May 20th 

  1. Self registration form

After Action: Jade will work on a prototype form to share for next month with notes of consideration in the build for the following? 

  • Renter access; can we create roles for the renters to be able to register their own cars?
  • How can we include notification to the board?
  • Highlight that Old Crafts is the approved spot for parking multiple vehicles
  1. Landscaping
    1. Update on:
      1. Mulch delivery for cluster residents

After Action: Joy will send out a note to ask residents to confirm if they’ve picked up mulch and who hasn’t gotten their mulch yet; Kelly asked for the spreadsheet of who got mulch so that she can bill residents 

  1. Stump removal (Chris)

Pending equipment for this 

  1. Individual yard landscaping through Chris?  Still pursuing?

Joy will follow up with Chris 

  1. Issues? No reported issues and homeowners seem to be happy with the mowing; 

Ad-Hoc- Kristina asked if elite could give us at least a days notice on the chemical application so that we can better notify residents 

  1. Reserve Study/Online payments 
    1. Kelly submitted final edits a month ago this week and we’re expecting to hear back this week. 
    2. Updates?

Possibility of online payments for cluster dues

Zelle is free, but Kelly is working to visit in person to help get this set up.Kelly’s goal will be to get this set up for the board to test by 3rd quarter dues. 

After Action: Jade, Sandy and Kristina will help to test Zelle for the cluster when it’s ready. 

  1. Trees
    1. Reston tree experts quote for tree trimming/pruning
      1. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MrMHgNJDmfLWKqFIzJ60IpPqnFpCIffe/view?usp=sharing

Concerns from Reston Tree Experts included: 

  • Trees that are too large for peninsulas
  • Mulch has been over built up around our trees, which can cause the roots to grow up and beyond where they should for health. 


 Should we go with J&L for standard maintenance, rather than having one of these specialized groups do this larger work? Would it be valuable to get a quote from J&L to see where there is overlap? 

Can we get a quote from Kevin at TreeSmith that removes the trees that would normally be covered by J&L for preventative maintenance? 

Board decision: We will have J&L do their normal work and we will contract with Treesmith USA for the corrective pruning, minus the Elm tree removal, for 3200. After Action: Sandy will do the outreach to get this moving.  

  1. Elm tree – problem of the giant tree on the tiny peninsula by 2246
  2. Tree list for summer walkthrough
    1. 2272 Hemlock tree
  1. Newsletter topics
    1. Ad-Hoc Cookout in late June 
    2. Cluster Clean Up results 
  2. Garbage
    1. As long as homeowners are allowed to deposit items in the roll off dumpster, we are no longer eligible for a voucher from the county to deposit garbage at no cost.  This will have to be taken into consideration for future budgeting. 
    2. Issues?-Nothing reported 


Next meeting:  Tuesday, June 13th

April 2023 Wheelwright Cluster HOA Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

7 pm

Virtual via Zoom


HOA Board: Joy Charles, Sandy Mohler, Kristina Myers, Cyndi Hartman, Kelly Fairbank

Cluster Residents: Karen Reese (2207), Dan Moran (2271)


Community updates

  1. Erosion/Drainage
  • Met with Dan Schwartz from Fairfax County Soil and Water Conservation District about the sloped area behind 2250-2254.
  • He gave us an official site assessment report with his recommendations.
  • Submitted this site report to two companies who had come by already to look at the area and who have experience with the VCAP program. It will be less of a headache to work with companies that already have experience with VCAP. 
  • Coordinate with Erin on DRB application. We can most likely submit to VCAP first and then submit the DRB application to RA. 
  • VCAP should cover 80% of cost up to $7,000. Dan said we have a good shot obtaining the funding for this project. 
  • Cluster Resident Kerry Wingell emailed about the wet flooded area by 2231/33. He’s worried about the water pipe line. Board Decision: We will reach out to Jose about this area to mitigate the drainage issue. 
  1. Design Updates

Doors/sidelight modifications

  • We are still working with RA to get updates approved as it requires submitting a proposal with RA. Sandy thinks it should go through this year.

Garbage bin enclosures 

  • Sandy will reach out to architects on RA to see what we can do to modify current designs. Based on Sandy’s experience, this process of getting modifications determined and approved will still take about 8 months. 
  • There is an issue with not attaching stucco to concrete blocks. 
  • We need to adjust HOA guidelines to include language regarding clear stain for decks. 
  1. EV/Charging Stations
  • First meeting with Jill and Kristina happened on Sun 4/2; Cory was unable to join. 
  • They are working on charter now and looking for feedback from HOA board members on language now. The next step is to submit this to legal review. 
  • Jill agreed to reach out to Dominion to get more information about grants for installing charging stations in our neighborhood and if the utilities in our neighborhood are capable of supporting community EV chargers. 
  • Kristina reached out to Erin, at RA, to get information on where they are with the pilot Charge Up Fairfax program in Reston and also to find out if there is anyone on staff who can give advice on the feasibility of charging stations in communities like ours. She heard back that the process is very slow going, they have not picked their clusters yet and the grants are very small, but we still need additional clarification on what that means. 
  1. Concrete and Neighborhood Lights 


  • Waiting for Juan to respond and we are asking for suggestions from the community on which areas of sidewalk that need repair. 

              Are lights blinking by 2205 and 2219? 

  • Karen R reported this, but said it was a very windy night. Cyndi will keep an eye out to confirm.  Kelly has seen the light by 2219 blinking at times. 
  1. Parking/Towing

Update from Sandy on upper-cluster reshuffle

  • She  has talked with all neighbors involved and has gotten verbal agreements about the reshuffling. 

Parking Spaces to be modified: 

  • 2213, 2217, 2215, 2211, 2209, 2223

Board Vote Required and Results Were: Board voted to reassign spaces 2213,  2217, 2215, 2211, 2209 and 2203 

2272’s personal parking space #25

  • Requested that it be repainted due to the fading paint. People are parking in their parking spot claiming that they didn’t know it was reserved due to this faded paint. 

Cluster Resident Request Review: 

  • Karen R. asked for another speed bump closer to the entry of the cluster as residents and visitors are still speeding into the neighborhood. 

 Board Discussion:                         

 Joy is highly in favor of more speed bumps, while Sandy suggested that we need to get more community buy-in before we purchase another and we’d need to get that at the annual meeting. Until then, Kelly suggested moving the speed bump to the top of the cluster – that was one of the reasons we got the moveable bump.  

Board Decision: 

Board agreed to move the speed bump at the cluster clean up. We’ll assess its position at the new spot with community feedback and will reconsider purchasing another down the line.

  1. Landscaping
  • Wood chips for bus path will be delivered 2 or so days before cleanup. Chris will drop at the entrance to the bus path. Joy will put cones up so there is space to deliver the mulch. 

Mulch for homeowners

  • Home Depot has the highest delivery price but good flexibility on the minimum number of bags. We should also look at Lumber Jake and Virginia Groundcovers. The timing for delivery should be the  week after cluster cleanup around 5/6.   
  • Joy will send price to Kelly and she’ll weigh in on the recommended price/bag for homeowners.  
  • Hopefully we can get a mulch order form on the email so homeowners can have several days.  Deadline will be 4/23.
  • After Action: Email for Cluster Residents regarding hazardous waste pickup.

Stump Removal (Chris) 

  • No date yet as needs equipment, but should be during spring

Individual HomeOwner Yard landscaping through Chris

  • He’ll offer a 2 day window . We need to put out a notice about what services he’ll offer. We will put a note in the newsletter about this. 
  • After Action:  First week in May – Joy will confirm with Chris how this will work. 

Hazardous waste pickup will be on  4/15 between 9am and 10:30. 

7. Reserve Study

  • Kelly submitted an email giving them our final corrections and we’ll wait to hear back about their final study


  • Agreed that parking lot should be done in 2024 the latest due to its deteriorating condition; initial assessment seems to have been done based on standard usage versus our actual usage. 
  • Storm water drainage allowance should be kept in the study – allocating funds to this is more like an insurance policy; backup of storm water can create huge financial burdens such as damage to parking lots and erosion of homeowner land
  1. Trees
  • Homeowner at 2272 was concerned about Hemlock tree to the front of their house. Sandy met with Brian from Reston Trees and Kevin from TreeSmithUSA. Kevin looked at the tree and said it is actually in really good health and could use some nutrients and needs a bit of a topping. 
  • Brian wants to come back and do another walkthrough once the trees have gained full leaf cover in late-Spring/early-Summer. 
  • Kevin and Sandy walked around for a full hour and she had a really good meeting with him and liked his approach to the trees.  Sandy will submit the bids to the board once received.
  • There was concern regarding the elm tree on the peninsula in front of 2248. Both tree companies said it is way too big for the peninsula as it can get up to 100 feet tall. It will likely be more money for the cluster to maintain that tree than to take it down, but no decision has been finalized.

8. Cluster Clean Up Updates and Other Important Dates

  • Saturday, April 15th – hazardous waste pickup.
  • Saturday, April 22nd, Green Drop Donation Van – Cyndi – Cody/Peter to help?
  • Cluster Cleanup and cookout will be Saturday, April 29th
  • Rollaway dumpster – submitted request through Bates delivered Friday 4/28, picked up Monday 5/1, requested voucher through FC

Food for cookout – Kristina

  • Cyndi will update Kristina on what we still have

Materials for projects

  • Sandy will get couple extra bags of mulch for the slope by 2231

Projects for Cluster Clean Up: 

  • Wood chip the bus path and tot lot, as well as small path to compost bin
  • Wood borders around the Little Free Library will require one or two more lengths of boards. We need to get that area trenched. 
  • Kristina will go around the neighborhood with Joy and figure out which plants are aggressive and invasive.  Kristina will put together a pamphlet for cluster clean up. 
  • Spraying weeds island in lower cluster
  • Benches
  • Clear seal stairs
  • Painting trash bin enclosure – oxford brown 

8. Newsletter

  • Hard copy to go out next week but will send an email blast about the hazardous  waste pickup this weekend
  • Important dates

9. Garbage

  • Issues? No discussion and no updates

Ad Hoc Discussion Items: 

  • Joy had suggested sending out a follow-up email about the  recent break-in to reassure residents that those responsible were children, who are now being held accountable for their actions, in coordination with the impacted homeowner and the children’s families. 
  • Dan asked about individual lawn grass maintenance. Is seeding and aeration with weeding treatment a service that is offered in the fall? Yes.

Next meeting:  

Tuesday, May 9th

March 2023 Wheelwright Cluster HOA Board Meeting Minutes

Virtual via Zoom


  • HOA Board: Kristina Myers, Jade Perez, Kelly Fairbank, Joy Charles, Sandy Mohler, Cindi Hartman-Newland
  • Cluster Residents: Karen Reese (2207)
  1. Erosion/Drainage
  • Jose de la Cruz – waiting for proposal
  • Sunrise – received proposal
  • Additionally, met with Blue Sky Landscaping and Deco Footprint Design|Build
  • Fairfax County Soil and Conservation – offer a grant to HOA communities like ours called Virginia Conservation Assistance Program. Need to meet with Dan Schwartz, soil scientist to issue site evaluation.
  • The Virginia Conservation Assistance Program (VCAP) is an urban cost-share program that provides financial incentives and technical and educational assistance to property owners installing eligible Best Management Practices (BMPs) in Virginia’s participating Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs).
  • These practices can be installed in areas of your yard where problems like erosion, poor drainage, or poor vegetation occur. Qualified sites shall be used for residential, commercial, or recreational purposes with a proposed practice that addresses a need. Up to $7500.
  • Had tree to the rear of 2260 looked at by the contractors who came to look at our areas of concern and they all agreed that the tree looks ok.
  • Sidewalk area in front of 2229 and 2231 – all contractors are issuing proposals for this area as well.

2. EV/Charging Stations

  • Jill Jenkins, Cory Meacham and Kristina will make up the EV charging committee.
  • Is a charter necessary? Board Decision: Yes
  • After Action: Kristina will work to write and get approval for EV Charging Station Charter
  • Will be meeting periodically via Zoom to discuss goals of committee

3. Parking/Towing

  • Parking space shuffle: Thanks again to Sandy who graciously volunteered her time to repaint all of these parking spaces:| 2227 | 2231 | 2221 | 2225 | 2229 | [UNRESERVED]
  • Last meeting’s discussion: Should there be an update to the guidelines recommended at the next annual meeting?
  • The goal would be to update the guidelines to clear up the language on notices and individual homeowner rights to request towing for cars in assigned spots, as well as avoiding a cumbersome process for the HOA board members. We would want to include language on how homeowners should address this in a courteous way. In addition, we should include language on parking during inclement weather (Ex. Reserved Numbers blocked by snow)
  • Board Decision: Hold until annual meeting for official revision of language, which has to be reviewed by legal, but in the meantime, include a note to ask for community input on how to re-write guidelines and to ask for feedback.
  • Kristina passing off of parking list to Jade.

4. Landscaping

  • New contract for 2023 – signed and sent
  • Joy’s meeting with Chris
  • Joy and Sandy will add an item to the Spring Cleaning list to include non-toxic weed killing around Cluster.

5. Reserve Study

  • Agreed that parking lot should be done in 2024 the latest due to its deteriorating condition; initial assessment seems to have been done based on standard usage versus our actual usage.
  • Storm water drainage allowance should be kept in the study; allocating funds to this is more like an insurance policy; backup of storm water can create huge financial burdens such as damage to parking lots and erosion of homeowner land.

6. Cluster Clean Up Notes and Other Important Dates

  • Saturday, April 15th – hazardous waste pickup.
  • Saturday, April 22nd, Green Drop Donation Van – Cyndi will need a helper
  • Cluster Cleanup and cookout will be Saturday, April 29th
  • Rollaway dumpster will need to be scheduled/voucher obtained
  • Food for cookout needs to be ordered.
  • Project and Materials:
  • Wood chips
  • Wood borders around LFL (Little Free Library)
  • Invasives removal
  • Spraying weeds
  • Benches
  • Clear seal stairs
  • Painting trash bin enclosure – oxford brown

7. Newsletter Notes

  • Add note to remind to residents to email board about any landscaping issues.
  • Important dates (Ex. Cluster clean up)
  • Add note to remind residents regarding: Taking trash cans in after pickup/putting out trash late in evening day before or early morning of pick up.

8. Garbage

  • No new issues or discussion

Ad-Hoc Agenda Items

Ad Hoc: Can we post the meeting dates on the website in advance? 

After Action: Jade will post the remainder of the year’s meeting dates posted on the website. (2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. )

February 2023 Wheelwright Cluster HOA Board Meeting Minutes

Virtual via Zoom


  • HOA Members Board: Kristina Myers, Jade Perez, Kelly Fairbank, Joy Charles, Sandy Mohler, Cindi Hartman-Newland
  • Cluster Residents: Karen Reese (2207)  and Antonella Cordero (2261)
  1. Board responsibilities – assigning tasks for 2022 (leftover from Jan meeting)
  • Landscaping (Chris Hughes)-Joy Charles
  • Garbage Pickup (Theresa Cunningham)- Kristina
  • Parking – Jade
  • Tree Committee Liaison (Mike Pendleton-chair)-Joy Charles
  • Cluster Sign – Joy Charles

2. Reserve Study

  • Kelly and Kristina met with Jim from Mason and Mason on Monday, January 23rd
  • Revised starting number for reserve account and talked about adjusting the amount we currently allocate to the reserve fund every year.
  • Agreed to make adjustments to the reserve study in the final report rather than going back and redoing a draft version.
  • Present members agreed the parking lot should likely be done in 2024 at the latest due to its deteriorating condition; the initial assessment seems to have been done based on standard usage versus our actual usage was the consensus among the present members.
  • Present members agreed that storm water drainage allowance should be kept in the study as allocating funds to this is more like an insurance policy; backup of storm water can create huge financial burdens such as damage to parking lots and erosion of homeowner land and this helps keep the cluster financially secure.

3. Erosion/Drainage

  • Kristina reached out to Jose de la Cruz, who previously worked in Cluster, and Sunrise, who also completed work previously, to see if we can get a couple of bids on Erosion/Drainage work. Sunrise may be available next week and we’ve not heard back from Jose yet.
  • After Action: Kristina will reach out to our current landscaping team as well for another bid.
  • Previously, Kristina met with Fairfax County Soil and Conservation to ask for an erosion consultation and there may be some additional ideas we can put in place to help with erosion from that previous consultation.
  • We will need to taper erosion efforts due to cost.
  • Board Note for Joy: Joy brought up a concern raised regarding erosion that may impact trees behind 2258; Sandy recommended the tree committee take a look to see if something could be done. )
  • After Action: Kristina will look again at the areas near 2250-2256 to see which area needs to be addressed first for erosion.
  • Ad Hoc Issue:
  • Cyndi raised a concern about drainage issues in front of her home (2231) on the way to the Tot Lot. Water doesn’t seem to be draining and is potentially creating hazards during bad weather. Previously Jose recommended a French drain for this that would be on the side of Cyndi’s front yard.
  • After Action: Kristina will look into this with Jose and Sunrise to see what can be done to reroute drainage and see if there is something more that could be done there that would help.

4. EV Charging Stations

  • Homeowner at 2251 has offered to participate in the EV charging working group.
  • Recruit at least one more member.
  • After Action: Kristina will reach out to Jill and Mary, as EV owners, and Mike Pendleton was recommended by Sandy.
  • Next step would be to outline the charter and overall goals for the group.
  • Board Note for Kristina: Kristina will let us know about her communications to the other community members and will share next steps from there.

5. Parking/Towing

  • We have not yet reached out to Legal yet regarding towing, but we have confirmed Roadrunner is on the website as our towing company and we confirmed they are still operating.
  • Discussion of Current Parking Sign and Cluster Parking Guidelines Language (See Referenced Materials)-Should there be an update to the guidelines recommended at the next annual meeting?
  • The goal would be to update the guidelines to clear up the language on notices and individual homeowner rights to request towing for cars in assigned spots, as well as avoiding a cumbersome process for the HOA board members. We would want to include language on how homeowners should address this in a courteous way. In addition, we should include language on parking during inclement weather (Ex. Reserved Numbers blocked by snow)
  • Board Decision: We must be on hold with this until the annual meeting. Per Cluster guidelines, for official revision of language it must be reviewed by legal. In the meantime, let’s ask for community input on how to re-write guidelines and to ask for feedback.
  • After Action: Jade will follow up with the board to ask how best we can request feedback in advance.
  • Reassigning parking spaces
  • Cindi Hartman-Newland (2231) requested a review of her current assigned parking space for possible movement closer to her home.
  • After Action: Kristina will have a conversation with nearby homeowners to see how spaces could be shuffled to accommodate all parties.
  • Reference Materials from Board Meeting
  • Recent photo of current Parking Restriction Sign in Upper-Cluster
  • Current Cluster Guidelines regarding Parking 

6. Landscaping

  • New contract is confirmed for 2023 and Kelly is just waiting on an updated contract to sign.
  • Discussion of recent issues regarding pet waste in the cluster:
  • Should cluster guidelines need to be updated to improve language and designate more dog-appropriate areas?
  • Should we just get more signs to ask for respectful dog-walking habits?
  • Board Decision: We will send out a friendly Neighborhood notice similar to the parking notices recently sent asking residents to ensure they are picking up after their pets and we will revisit Cluster Guidelines to reflect reality and get those voted on at the annual meeting.
  • Ad-Hoc Discussion: Joy and Sandy will add a plan for the spring cleaning to tidy the lower cluster design to manage the amount of mulch, as well as adding 4 season friendly plants, and looking at the grading.
  • After Action: Joy Kristina recommended asking Chris for some intermediary ways to help keep the lower-cluster island tidy.
  • Ad-Hoc Discussion: How can we make sure residents know how to raise Landscaping issues to the board? We’ll remind them to do so via email and we will get those issues brought up to Chris and the landscaping team.
  • After Action: Kristina will include this note in the next newsletter.
  • Ad-Hoc Discussion: Joy and Sandy will add an item to the Spring Cleaning list to include non-toxic weed killing around Cluster.
  • After Action: Joy and Sandy to update Spring Cleaning list

7. Garbage

  • No new issues reported

Housekeeping Items

  • Next meeting date: March 14th
  • Approved Date for Spring Cluster Clean Up: Saturday, April 29th
  • Dates for Cluster Clean Up Items
  • 15th will be goal to have for Hazardous Waste pickup
  • 22nd will be goal for for Donation/Green Drop

Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes January 2023


  1. Board Decisions on Division of Labor for 2023
    Snow Removal (Mike Peyton)
    -Kelly will keep this for the coming year.
    Landscaping (Chris Hughes)
    -Sandy will keep this and will work on the DRB’s first before she dives into lower cluster redesign; she’s hoping to get others in the cluster included, particularly those who live near lower cluster.
    Garbage Pickup (Theresa Cunningham)
    -Jade or Joy-Decide who might like to pick this up at next meeting
    Concrete (Juan) –
    -Cindy will keep this.
    Dominion (watchlights)
    -Cindy will keep this, but is having trouble with hearing back from Dominion and may need a back up. (Note: Kristina followed up with Dominion on the lights that are out in front of 2220 and 2228; orders were put in and lights seem to be working now. Kristina will be backup in case Cindy needs help calling Dominion; Jade can backup)
    Legal (Chesapeake) – Kristina
    -Kristina holding on this one.
    Parking – keeping an eye on suspicious vehicles, trying to update cluster vehicle list
    -Jade will take this on.
    Tree Committee Liaison – contact with the tree committee (reports on tree trimming/removal updates
    -Jade or Joy can take on being the liaison
    Note: We need to be supportive of this group to ensure this group can move along at a steady pace.
    Community outreach
    -Facebook updates
    -Kristina will continue with this. (After Action: Request for Jade or Joy to help with bringing the sign for the neighborhood; Jade can help if shown where and what to do )
    -Kristina will continue with this.
    Parking Lot Repair/repaving
    -Shelve this one until we meet with Mason & Mason again
    House Exterior Redesign – Sandy
    -Sandy will hold onto this one, especially as we work through DRB’s.

2. Reserve Study
Corrected numbers?
Waiting on updated numbers and Kelly is coordinating.
-Do we have a meeting date?
Not yet, TBD.

3. Next newsletter – to go out late this week or early next week
-Results of the annual meeting survey
-Electric vehicles charging stations
-Recruit for EVCS working group

4. Parking
-Reminders: Be a good neighbor and remember that we have limited parking; following the parking rules is a simple way to be respectful and considerate of all Cluster residents. We want to keep this simple and would like to avoid parking passes or towing unnecessarily.
-Park in your reserved space first, additional vehicles can go in any unreserved spot.
-Additional vehicles beyond 2:
-Lower cluster can park 1 or 2 additional vehicles by the Little Free Library, any more need to go on Olde Crafts.
-Upper cluster can park additional vehicles on Olde Crafts.

5. Garbage/recycling
Include the garbage and recycling pickup schedule as well as yard waste pickup.
Glass cannot be recycled by Bates. Glass either needs to go in regular trash or Purple bins at the South Reston Park and Ride
Recycling cannot be put inside plastic bags and plastic bags need to be recycled at the grocery store.
Bulky, large items that cannot fit in your trash can should be reserved for Thursdays pick up. If you are unsure if your Bulky item (Ex. Mattress) can be picked up, please call Bates in advance to confirm their ability.

6. Design updates
-Stairs are COMPLETED! Huge, huge shout out to Sandy for organizing and constructing these stairs with the help of community members.
-Next design updates on the docket?
Upcoming next is finalizing the door DRB with Reston. Sandy is working to layer our DRB improvement requests to ensure we get all of the smaller (Ex. House Numbers) approvals finished before the larger, more complex redesign of the garbage bin enclosure.

7. Landscaping
No known issues at this time, per Sandy.
-Design plan for lower cluster island?
Sandy is hoping to do this in tandem with some lower cluster residents later this year.

8. Erosion
-Contact a few companies about erosion work behind 2250-2254, possibly 2258-2262
After Action: Kristina will be following up with a few companies to look at this. (Note: She would like to be able to potentially apply for the Fairfax Water Grant to help with this cost, if our grant is accepted. Application due date is around May 15th. )
-EV charging stations
Received legal advice from Chesapeake Law Group
-The important points were:
Right to charge act of 2020 does not mean that Wheelwright cluster has to approve individual chargers for reserved parking spaces since these spaces are not owned by the homeowner but rather the cluster
The articles of incorporation in our bylaws would need to be modified before we could install common use chargers on our common property

Discussion– Any objections to amending our by-laws for this?
Sandy- Until we know specifically what we, as a cluster, know what we want to do with EV charging stations, I think we should hold on amending by-laws.
Cindy-Do we understand what an individual homeowner putting in their own charging station would mean for the community? We should make sure we know how to write that up in the by-laws.
Kristina- Agreed, the by-laws need to be updated, but let’s reach back out to the Chesapeake Law group to be sure we understand how to actually modify our articles of incorporation and what this means long term.
Sandy- Maybe it’s not the worst thing to hear what is happening in other clusters and understand how other clusters are making these changes over time. In order to create more ironclad and intentional rules in our by-laws, maybe we learn from other clusters’ mistakes and hold for now? We have a lot we’re working on now in the cluster and this doesn’t seem to be the most pressing item we’re facing.
Kristina-Agreed, let’s see what happens with the other clusters who go forward.
Sandy-Agreed, let’s see what happens and how the Reston Association is handling this. We can benefit and save some money for our cluster this way.
Cindy-Agreed, let’s enjoy the benefit of the cumulative knowledge that Reston Association is getting on EV Charging Stations as other clusters are working on.
Decision– We will hold on amending by-laws for now while we watch for additional progress on this from Reston Association and other clusters.

9. Treasurer Laptop and QuickBooks Need
-We need to appropriate money for a new Wheelwright Cluster Laptop, at minimum, as the previous one has died, and ideally a new cloud-based Quickbooks annual subscription for treasurer’s use. If we update to the new Quickbooks, Kelly has agreed to transition previous Quickbook information and will manage this transition for the Cluster.

Decision: Board members agreed to move forward with the laptop now and get remaining board member approval on QuickBooks subscription via email before the next board meeting.
After Action: Kelly will order new laptop
After Action: Jade and Joy will provide feedback on Quickbooks Annual Subscription via email.
AdHoc Agenda Item
After Action: Kristina will follow up with our Legal Council and Reston Association to confirm what specifically we need to put on our towing enforcement signs should we need to resume towing regularly.

2022 Wheelwright Cluster Annual HOA Meeting

Monday Dec 5th at 7pm via zoom


  • Fairbank – 2213
  • Myers – 2226
  • Hartman-Newland – 2231
  • Chin – 2224
  • Mark and Rhea Mohler – 2250
  • Sandy Mohler – 2209
  • Dominiak – 2235
  • Beasley – 2243
  • Reese – 2207
  • Bhide – 2259
  • Zambrana – 2274
  • Jenkins – 2254
  • Miranda Salva – 2205
  • Antonella – 2261
  • Perez and Lucas – 2228
  • Gustavvson and Meacham – 2251
  • Wingell -2219 
  • Charles – 2220
  • Wiley – 2230
  • Bill and Nina – 2246
  • Conrad – 2262

2022 In Review

  • Inflation – increase in prices for services and supplies
  • Erosion 
    • Cluster clean up – installed erosion netting and native green and gold on slope next to 2231/tot lot.
  • Concrete
    • Upper cluster areas – focus has been to address areas that pose the greatest risk of tripping hazards
    • Curved sidewalk next to Wheelwright entrance/small area of sidewalk in front of 2226/2228.
  • Landscaping/Grounds Maintenance
    • Rebuild of lower cluster stairs by resident volunteers
    • Native plants around the cluster – many in areas around trees,                                     slope by 2241, little free library – by resident volunteers
    • 2 replacement trees in prominent areas.
    • Continuation of grass rejuvenation around common cluster areas
  • Tree Committee (Michael Pendleton, Jeffrey Cai, Kerry Wingell)
  • Removable speed bump installed – community feedback?
  • Ongoing: Community compost bin – community feedback?

Design Updates

  • What has been approved by Reston
    • Siding
      • Cement Siding “Stucco” Panels may now be attached to concrete block structure.
    • A/C Unit Location
      • HVAC units may be located in front within trash enclosures or in rear of property.
    • House Numbers
      • Serif or sans serif individual numbers not to exceed 6 inches in height. Numbers may be plastic or metal; black, dark brown, brass, or silver in color. Number color should contrast with the house siding color. 
    • Decks and Patios
      • Composite decking colors that are wood grained in pattern, in light wood, gray, or dark brown.
      • The only “painted style” composite decking color permitted should coordinate with our Oxford Brown Trim.
      • No manufacturer specified, but approved colors of Trex and TimberTech are listed for comparison of requested material’s color compatibility. 
    • Deck Color
      • Visible wood elements on a deck or patio with composite decking may be stained to match the composite decking.
    • Railings
      • Metal or composite railing with a square baluster in either all black or brown.
      • Homeowners have the option of having a “leaf-sweep space” below the bottom rail. 
      • Clear, untextured, tempered glass panel inserts may replace the balusters in the railing system.
      • Cocktail Rail Cap may be composite to match decking.
    • Deck Stairs
      • Stairs connecting elevated decks and balconies to ground level may be incorporated into deck projects; all stairs must be contained within property lines.
    • Deck Size
      • Elevated decks may extend out from the primary house rear wall as permitted by building codes; not to exceed 15’ or property lines.
    • Under Deck Guttering and Covers
      • TimberTech Dryspace guttering system in White or Bone
      • Trex RainEscape guttering system in Black or Brown
      • Any of the manufacturer colors are acceptable, provided that the associated guttering troughs and downspouts are in brown to match the existing gutters on the house.
      • Any changes to drainage patterns caused by the addition of a below-deck protector must not adversely affect adjoining properties or cluster common ground.
  • What is pending approval by Reston
    • Deck Color – Wood
      • Decks with composite decking may stain wood elements to match decking. Requested adding the option for properties with all wood decks to be permitted to stain them to match the colors that would be allowed with composite decking.
      • Reestablishing the language for wood decks to be clear sealed. Reston confirmed this has been corrected.
    • Doors
      • Adding options for door materials in fiberglass or wood
      • Adding options for simple square panels
      • Adding option for panel to be glass
      • Adding options for glass to be clear, frosted privacy, or specified decorative design
      • Creating a new and broader color palette for door colors that coordinate with the new house color palette – 18 colors and a dark wood tone
  • 2023 Design Updates
    • Storm Doors
      • Wheelwright Cluster’s current design guidelines only permit two options for the design of storm doors; full glass and glass divided by a support bar. Many houses within the cluster do not have either of these styles of storm doors. Adding this widely used style to the design standards would increase the number of houses in design compliance for this element.
        • Recommend adding another design option that permits a solid panel on the lower third of the door.
    • Fences
      • Currently, Wheelwright Cluster is only approved for rear fences and privacy fences to be painted or stained Olympic Oxford Brown.
        • Would we want to add the color options of “clear-sealed” or “allowed to weather naturally”
          • There are worries that the “weather naturally” option will lead to people not doing the proper upkeep.
          • Some people like the brown on the fence and think it makes it look cleaner
      • Post Caps
        • Wheelwright Cluster’s design guidelines specifically forbid metal caps on the tops of fence posts. Post caps reduce rain incursion to the end of fence posts, thus reducing rot and extending the life of the fence post.
          • Add the option of a simple square metal or composite fence post cap to match the color of the fence.
    • Porch and Storage Area Roofs and Garbage Enclosures
      • We will be reaching out to an architect to draw up designs and blueprints to address the desired features discussed last year. One of the newer members of Reston’s Design Review Board is an architect interested in providing pro bono work to clusters that are updating their guidelines. The board will contact him to see if this project is within the scope of his assistance.
      • Design Features that will be addressed
        • Cover integrated above entrance and garbage bin
        • Appropriate drainage and guttering created for cover
        • Adequate air circulation provided for modern HVAC unit sizes
        • Resize enclosures to fit current trash and recycling bins
        • Optional additional lighting within garbage enclosures for safety
        • Blueprints provided to homeowners to assist contractors in building appropriate and compliant garbage enclosures and porch roofs
    • Deck Enclosures
      • The board will move forward on pursuing options with Reston to address mosquito issues, lack of rain protection, and privacy concerns that negatively impact homeowners in 3-level houses when they are using their rear deck area. 
      • Requested options
        • Wheelwright at one time was approved for retractable awning covers; homeowners have requested more permanent structures for rain protection on elevated decks
        • Allowing some sort of side privacy option for decks
        • If more permanent structures are permitted, allowing those structures to be screened to prevent mosquito incursion
    • Exterior Light Fixtures
      • Currently, Wheelwright has three approved exterior lights; the original square lucite lamps, and two globe lights from Seagull Lighting. Only one of these three are still being manufactured. 
      • We have had many requests for new fixture options for both the front and rear house lights
        • Some complaints have been:
          • Existing fixtures look outdated and too plain for a front entrance
          • Style of enclosures makes LED bulbs difficult to find
      • The Board is looking to add a couple of new light fixture options for Wheelwright homeowners
        • We will be working with Reston in 2023 to determine exactly which options would be best for our cluster; but some of the features we will be taking into consideration will be:
          • Fixtures will be reasonably priced and readily available
          • Style will be able to accommodate LED bulbs
          • Lightbulb brightness and color of light will be evaluated for safety and visibility as well as the impact of light-bleed on neighboring properties
          • Timeless designs that both match our architecture and resists being discontinued

Goals/Ideas for 2023

  • EV Car Charging
    • Charge Up Fairfax Pilot Program
      • Designed to help HOA communities install public use EV charging stations
      • Pilot program where 2 or 3 clusters in Reston will be the “guinea pigs” for this program from January through March of 2023.  
      • Full roll-out of program after July 2023 in which all HOA’s in Fairfax county will be eligible.
      • HOA Exploration phase – it will be incumbent upon the HOA to review governing documents – Identify Possible Charging Locations – Survey residents – review funding options – submit predevelopment worksheet.
      • If selected, Charge Up Fairfax will begin the Engagement phase including engineering site evaluation (paid for by county).
      • If feasible, then HOA would go into implementation phase – select general contractor and build.  Charge Up Fairfax would rebate up to ⅓ of cost or up to $5,000.
      • Since public funds would be used for installation of chargers, the stations would need to be open to the public, not just residents.  Restrictions and heavy fees for outsiders could be set up.
      • Engineering considerations – where are transformers in neighborhood.  Proximity to charging space is ideal.
      • Estimates are ~$10-30,000 for EV charging station.
      • Do we have enough parking spaces?
      • RA also looking into installing stations on some RA spaces throughout Reston – probably Walker Nature Center.
      • County is also putting a lot of charging stations in public lots all around county.
      • Right to Charge Act passed by the Virginia Assembly in 2020
        • Because our parking spaces are all on common property (our cluster owns every inch of the parking lot), individual residents could install their own chargers on their reserved parking spot but:
        • Would need to submit the application as co-applicants with the resident and board
        • May need to get clarification from lawyer on who has ownership
        • Cluster and resident must come up with maintenance agreement
        • Legal guidance needed on a path forward
      • Community Input
        • How would you differentiate between who lives in the neighborhood and who doesn’t
          • The charger knows how to recognize whose car it is
          • They can also be programmed to have a password
        • Concerns about having random people coming into the neighborhood to charge their car. Fine to have a cluster specific charger but don’t want it to be open to the public
        • How much destruction will be required to install the stations?
          • One thing to consider is that the parking lot will be redone soon. So ideally we could time the parking lot replacement when we are able to at least put in some infrastructure 
        • Would like to put together an EV Committee
        • Is it something that we could possibly make money on at some point to lower dues
        • With the way technology is progressing and how laws are being written we are going to have to deal with this sooner rather than later. Especially with a new parking lot that will last us 20-30 years
        • Would not be a huge concern as a public charging area because when people look for chargers you look to see what the charge is. If we have a dual tier fee structure the likelihood of getting outsiders is small. Especially as charging options expand
        • In Maryland and in DC, the Solar Power installation with solar panels is free if you give the utility company the roof space to install the solar power. This program may be implemented in Virginia as well . Some time ago there was an idea to cover the existing parking area with a roof and solar panels installed over it to generate free electricity. Let’s wait for a few months to do anything regarding the installation of charging stations in our parking areas.
  • Repaving of Parking Lot
    • Why didn’t this get done in 2022?
      • Price of oil affected the Asphalt Price Adjustment Indices – since last January.
        • Finally starting to come back down again
      • Reserve study dedicated a large portion to parking lot assessment
    • Will it get completed in 2023?
      • That depends.  Reserve study needs to be discussed with Mason and Mason.
    • If it does not get completed, it will definitely need to be crack sealed.
    • EV charging stations will play into the decision as well.
  • Parking in the Cluster
    • Only registered cars will be allowed to park in the cluster (unregistered guests of residents will always be allowed to temporarily park in the lot as well; however, long term guests or frequent guests should register their cars with the cluster)
    • All vehicles must have current tags
    • Ideally, 2 vehicles/household in parking lot.  Extra vehicles – Olde Crafts
    • Do we want to rethink parking lot – reserved parking spaces?  Open up new spaces?
    • Community Input
      • We have enough spaces for each house to have their registered spot and one extra spot. And 2 extra spots left. If we used that for EV parking it would take those. This would also be the time to consider modifying the median spaces to allow for more spaces. 
      • Do we want to codify something in the guidelines that specifies you can only have two vehicles in the neighborhood and any others need to be on Olde Crafts
        • To codify it takes away some of the neighborly arrangements
      • Where it does seem to become a problem is when residents have 5 cars. 
      • Most houses have 3 bedrooms and 3 baths. So those will multiple tenants in a house it is inconvenient for them to have to park on Olde Crafts
      • Suggested that those in the lower cluster could park extra vehicles in the spaces by the little free library and those in upper cluster park extra vehicles on Olde Crafts.
  • Erosion
    • Continue to tackle erosion
    • Areas of concern 2250-2256 – rear of houses
    • Erosion control benefits the community in several ways:
    • improves drainage/ decreases sitting water and runoff into area streams and lakes
    • Repairs and prevents further wearing away of slopes
    • Stabilization of slopes can be achieved through planting of shade tolerant vegetation – specifically native plants as they have much longer roots that hold the soil in place
    • This area was a 2022 goal, but 2231 was addressed instead
    • Community project that could help us determine if stabilization of slopes can be addressed with ground cover plantings.
    • Results: we will have a better idea by spring/summer, but 2250-2256 may require more engineering to mitigate erosion of slopes from drainage pipes.
    • Whatever solution we come up with for the erosion behind 2250 – If possible we would like to look at the option of hiring someone to do the engineering and structures and then have the community doing some of the planting
  • Concrete
    • Patchwork maintenance of sidewalks on cluster property around the community
    • Continue to address tripping hazards
    • Alternate years addressing problem areas in lower vs. upper cluster
    • Community input welcome regarding areas needing to be monitored for possible replacement 
  • Landscaping
    • Continue with common areas for grass rejuvenation
    • Rebuild wooden benches throughout the cluster – (this was a goal for 2022 but we replaced the lower cluster stairs instead)
    • Designing a well thought out landscaped area for the lower cluster island and installing replacement tree
    • Hiring smaller tree company to prune small trees
  • Tree Work
    • Tree Committee
    • Separate from the board/makes recommendations to the board who ultimately decide
    • Coordinates annual review of trees with arborist
    • Largely focuses on trees that are potential risks to life and property
    • Community members can reach out to board if they are interested in joining the tree committee
  • Pet Waste Stations
    • Pet waste stations
    • 1 or 2 stations – one in lower, one in upper cluster?
    • Companies that will install and maintain the waste stations
    • Cost?
    • Community Input
      • Worried that those that don’t pick it up still won’t even if there are bags
      • It may help with kids who are walking the dogs and don’t think about it as much
      • Lots near our house in upper cluster
      • Near the little free library see a lot of kids that won’t pick up or when they do they will dump it in personal trash cans
      • Are these kids in our neighborhood? Maybe a note should go out to remind Cluster parents to talk to kids about this?
  • Reserve Study
    • Completed at the end of November by Mason and Mason
    • Due to the delay in receiving the report, we are holding off on a formal discussion at this meeting.
    • Board will review and post the results.  Community members will have an opportunity to discuss and ask questions.

2022 Budget Review/2023 Budget Proposal

  • 2022 Budget
    • There have been issues with the cluster laptop that have made it so that we are not able to view the current 2022 budget.
    • We had to make some adjustments to some budget items due to inflation.
    • There were some invoices that came out for the yard work. Multiple copies may have been sent
  • 2023 Budget
    • We tend to budget a little over to give some wiggle room. There may be a larger increase than normal since prices have increased so much. 

Topics for Discussion

  • Trash 
    • People putting their trash out outside of the guidelines times
    • Putting yard waste in plastic, which won’t get picked up by the county
    • Recycling sounds like it has a lot of glass in it
    • Plastic bags can’t be put in the recycling

Board Member Positions

  • Jade Perez and Joy Charles were elected to the board. 

Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – November 2022

Thursday, November 10, 2022 at 7 pm via Zoom

Community updates

  1. Reserve Study
    • Mason and Mason – updates?
    • Came out last week and did the inspection. We should get the report shortly
  2. Watchlight by 2228 – K. Reese reported it was blinking
    • Cyndi needs to get the number for the pole and will call soon
  3. Trees
    • Trees planted in front of 2230 and 2261
    • After some back and forth with JL, they agreed on a 10% discount.  Vote to move forward with tree work.
      • Approved
    • Update on tree trimming companies?
      • No update
  4. Design updates
    • Update on clarification whether those without Trex Staining can stain deck a natural color and about clear staining?
      • Erin needs to check with Megan
    • Garbage Bin enclosures – time to set date with Satish?
      • Erin sent an email saying a new RA DRB member is an architect and is willing to donate time
      • Sandy will follow up
    • Door colors and style
      • Trying to submit before annual meeting but also trying to get other DRB items finalized first
  5. Landscaping
    • Issues?
      • No recent complaints
    • Concern that some areas that were treated with grass aren’t growing well
      • May need to start even earlier next year
      • Not sure grass being put down is doing what needs to for the amount we are spending. We may need to look into a company that comes out to water after seeding.
      • Would spring be better? Possibly but grass that germinates in the spring isn’t as hardy as grass that is germinated in the fall
  6. Parking 
    • Formal request to move Cyndi’s space
      • Email sent to resident at 2227 regarding moving car in the spot Cyndi wants for her reserved spot.  Haven’t gotten a response.
    • Do parking spots in the upper cluster need to be relooked at? We will discuss this during the annual meeting
  7. EV charging stations
    • EV charger meeting at RA Wednesday, November 9th.
      • Charge Up Fairfax – program that is being rolled out by Fairfax County to aid common interest communities in installing chargers
      • Pilot program where 2 or 3 clusters in Reston will be the “guinea pigs” for this program from January through March of 2023.  Full roll-out of program after July 2023 in which all HOA’s in Fairfax county will be eligible.
      • HOA Exploration phase – it will be incumbent upon the HOA to review governing documents – Identify Possible Charging Locations – Survey residents – review funding options – submit predevelopment worksheet.
      • If selected, Charge Up Fairfax will begin Engagement phase including engineering site evaluation (paid for by county).
      • If feasible, then HOA would go into implementation phase – select general contractor and build.  Charge Up Fairfax would rebate up to ⅓ of cost or up to $5,000.
      • Since public funds would be used for installation of chargers, the stations would need to be open to the public, not just residents.  Restrictions and heavy fees for outsiders could be set up.
      • Engineering considerations – where are transformers in neighborhood.  Proximity to charging space is ideal.
      • RA also looking into installing stations on some RA spaces throughout Reston – probably Walker Nature Center.
      • County is also putting a lot of charging stations in public lots all around county.
      • Estimates are ~$10-30,000 for EV charging station.
      • My understanding from Erin and also Cam at the meeting is that because our parking spaces are all on common property (our cluster owns every inch of the parking lot), individual residents could install their own chargers on their reserved parking spot but:
        • Would need to submit the application as co-applicants with the resident and board
        • May need to get clarification from lawyer on who has ownership
        • Do we have extra spaces to accommodate?
  8. Cluster Clean-Up (Saturday, Oct 22nd)
    • Turn out?
      • Not as many as the spring but still a good turnout
    • Stair project update?
      • Going well. Support members need to be cut but half have been installed. Sandy will be out Saturday and Sunday, weather permitting.
  9.  Annual meetingDecember 5th
    • Get thoughts on parking/reassigning spots
    • Hoping to have walkthrough done with Satish/talk with RA DRB
    • Board openings
    • EV Charging Stations
    • Design Guidelines
      • Redesign of sheds
      • Decks and ability to put roof/privacy sides/mosquito netting enclosure
      • Fences – post caps
      • Light fixtures
      • Storm Doors? Need to update language
  10. Other items:
    • Speed bump – negative/positive feedback
      • none
    • Pet garbage stations?  Would we be interested?
    • There are also ones without the garbage can attached if we just wanted to provide pet waste bags
      • Good idea, need some metrics and cost
      • Are there services that remove the trash and restock bags?


Next meeting Monday, December 5, 2022

Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – October 2022

Thursday, October 13, 2022 at 7 pm via Zoom

Community updates

  1. Repaving parking lots – asphalt alternatives
    • Benjamin Phillips – update – recommends against TrueGrid
    • Will wait until reserve study is done to make any decisions
  1. Reserve Study
    • Mason and Mason – updates?
      • No updates. 
    • Still planning onsite visit this month?
      • Have not heard if this is still happening. 
  1. Speed bumps
    • Feedback so far?
      • There is positive feedback and it seems to be slowing people down
      • Drivers seem to be more conscientious. 
      • Haven’t noticed any increase in road noise
      • 2248 homeowner mentioned that she thought the speed bump was too severe. Explained that the reason for the one we chose is so that it can be removed. 
      • When the speed bump is at an angle from shifting it can be a little more jarring
  1. Concrete
    • Completed this week.
      • Traffic cones will be picked up
  1. Watchlight by 2260 – still strobing?
    • Cyndi called it in
  1. Trees
    • Walkthrough was Monday 10/10
    • Update from Mike?
      • 2215 – thinks that taking the limb off would not be good for the tree and thinks that the branches would not cause property damage
      • Steve’s tree – will put in quote
      • Dead tree  in woods – bottom of cluster – very large oak that is dead – by Nathan’s house that recommends topping off
      • Big tree behind Mike’s that is on our side of stream
      • Behind 2217 – it was cut down, 25 ft spar, push it over
      • Tree that is dripping sap near 2254 may need to be pruned. The tree seems to fit the spot well but may need to be maintained more.
    • Trees to plant: 
      • Eastern Redbud in front of 2261- the Red bud is the one that would go in the small peninsula by 2261 – 25 gallon (which I believe would be somewhere around 6-8 feet tall) – $339
        • Approved for $339
      • The Red Maple would go by 2228/2230 and there are a few choices:
        • Frank’s Red: Taller at maturity (50′ high and 40′ wide) Grows faster and is pyramidal. 2″ caliper bnb (balled and burlapped) $300 (I believe this would be 10-12 feet tall at the start)
        • October Glory is smaller (30′ high and 20–25 round) and rounded.  2″ bnb is $380 (also, probably 10-12 feet tall)
  • Possibly a 2.5″ caliper tree of either maple but he’s not sure he can move it and will only know once they see it.  It’s probably around 12-15 ft tall.  It would be an additional $150. 
  • Sandy suggested the larger 2.5” caliper version of the October Glory
    • Approved for $530
  1. Do we still want to reach out to other tree companies for smaller tree trimming?
    • Sandy will look at other companies and get a few bids
  1. Design updates
    • Comprehensive deck, door number, ac unit updates were approved by Reston – awesome job, Sandy!
      • Waiting on clarification on if those without Trex staining can stain their deck a natural color and if clear stain is approved
    • Garbage Bin enclosures
    • Door colors and style
  1. Landscaping
    • Issues?
      • 2246 owners – were their issues resolved
        • Chris reached out and resolved their issues to their satisfaction
  1. Parking 
    • Sandy repainted parking space for 2270 and 2274 residents
    • Formal request to move Cyndi’s space
      • Concern that the snow will be pushed there during plowing because it is near the drain. It could potentially block the space. 
      • Will need to reach out to the owner of the car currently in the spot.  
      • Will follow back up on approval during next meeting
    • Put signs on 4 cars that are not registered with the cluster.
      • One person registered their car
      • One car has not moved and the note placed on their car has not been moved. Will need to decide what action to take. 
  1.  EV charging stations
    • Started working on putting together some guidelines
      • Working to get clarification on whether the spot is owned by the Cluster or by the homeowner. 
  1.   Cluster Clean-Up (Saturday, Oct 22nd)
    • Set up coffee in front of LFL (Kristina will stay until ~10 am)
    • Redo stairs in lower cluster
    • Plant more bulbs?  Lycoris squamigera or Magic Lily?
      • Need to order
    • Tree removal?  Tree trimming (tree behind 2258)
    • Cluster cookout
      • Set up in the lower cluster
      • Food for cleanup
    • Schedule county voucher and roll off dumpster
  1. Other
    • Manhole was broken and shifted in lower cluster. The county said that they have fixed it. 
  1.  Other Important Dates
    • Hazardous waste pickup – last weekend
    • Green Drop (schedule u-haul) – this Saturday, October 15
    • Annual meeting – December 5th
      • Get thoughts on parking
      • Hoping to have walkthrough done with Satish
      • Board openings


Next meeting Thursday, November 10th

Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – September 2022

Thursday, September 8, 2022 at 7 pm via Zoom

Community updates

  1. Repaving parking lots – asphalt alternatives
    • Kristina reached out to get a quote and answers about TrueGrid Paving System
    • Benjamin Phillips of Phillips C&C – waiting for a date for a zoom meeting
  1. Reserve Study
    • Mason and Mason – updates?
      • The site visit will be in October
  1. Speed bumps
    • Speed bumps have arrived and been installed by Kayleen and Kyle.
    • Feedback so far?
      • They do move some when big vehicles go over them
      • The noise seems to be fairly low
      • Will keep in current position for now
      • What does drilling them in do?
        • It is possible to still remove, but it will damage the asphalt
  1. Concrete
    • Update on scheduled work?
      • Revised proposal was sent for under $4k with the promise of the extra piece of concrete near 2226 and 2228
  1. Watchlight by 2260 – is this light having issues?
    • It is intermittent and will go on and off
  1. Trees
    • Tree committee – Mike told me that Peter at J&L wanted to wait until fall for the walkthrough because he is super busy right now and recommended waiting on the work until discounted winter prices start anyway.
    • Current tabulation of trees for inspection
      • Most urgent:  tree that was struck by lightning behind Karen’s house – this tree is scheduled for removal with J and L  date?
      • Large oak in front of 2254
      • Elm tree in front of 2248
      • Tree with heavy low branches behind 2258
      • (new) Dead tree behind 2242 (Steve emailed about it on 9/3) – Mike mentioned wanting to do diy removal during cluster clean up
        • During the walkthrough we will ask for an expert opinion on if we can take care of it ourselves. We can also try get an on the spot quote and execution of when taking down tree behind Karen’s house.
    • Trees to plant: 
      • Order in September or October
      • Red maple in front of 2230?
      • Eastern Redbud in front of 2261
    • Reaching out to other companies for pruning/trimming of smaller trees – after walkthrough
  1. Design updates
    • Decks DRB – 
      • Scheduled for Tuesday 9/13/2022
    • Garbage Bin enclosures – Still need to schedule with Satish?
    • Door colors and styles
      • Sandy is working on the proposal
    • 2261 inquiry about staining
      • They should be good to apply a clear coat. If they are interested in other color options, more may be available after the meeting on the 13th. 
  1. Landscaping
    • Issues?
      • 2246 owners are unhappy because their flowers have been damaged the last 2 times that the landscapers came through
      • Sandy will follow up with Chris
    • Fall grass treatment
      • Deadline was Monday 9/5
        • Need to figure out what cluster areas need to be treated
  1. Erosion
    • Area behind 2243-2251 (to be aerated and seeded with other common areas around the cluster but to come out of erosion budget.
  1. Parking 
    • Repainting parking spaces (2270 and 2274) – update?
      • Possibly next weekend (9/17) if the weather is good
      • Will need to buy yellow paint
    • Put signs on 4 cars that are not registered with the cluster.
      • Gave option to put sheet in LFL or email the board
      • Have not heard back from anyone
  1.  EV charging stations
    • Email received from homeowner thinking about purchasing EV
    • Perhaps we should think about putting together some of our own guidelines based on what Reston already has for homeowners interested in their own charging stations
      • Kristina will work on drafting up basic guidelines
  1.   Cluster Clean-Up (Saturday, Oct 22nd)
    • Either redo benches OR redo stairs in lower cluster
      • Stairs should take precedence. They are more of a safety issue
    • Plant more bulbs?  Lycoris squamigera or Magic Lily?
      • Can plant around the cluster
    • Tree removal?
    • Cluster cookout
      • Set up in the lower cluster
    • Schedule county voucher and roll off dumpster
      • Email sent to Bates and to the County
  1.  Other Important Dates
    • Hazardous waste pickup – October 8th
    • Green Drop (schedule u-haul) – October 15
    • Annual meeting – December 5th
      • Get thoughts on parking
      • Hoping to have walkthrough done with Satish
      • Board openings


Next meeting Thursday, October 13th

Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – August 2022

Thursday, August 11, 2022 at 7 pm via Zoom

Community updates

  1. Design updates
    • Decks DRB – waiting for review date 
      • Sandy will follow up to see when we will put on the schedule
    • Garbage Bin enclosures – Still need to schedule with Satish?
    • Stucco update has been approved by RA
      • There was some back and forth over some of the language, but it is approved
    • Door colors and styles
      • This has been started but the focus is on finishing current projects first. 
  1. Repaving parking lots – asphalt alternatives
    • Kristina reached out to get a quote and answers about TrueGrid Paving System
    • Heard back regarding companies in our area that have installed TrueGrid. 
    • Talked with Benjamin Phillips of Phillips C&C
      • He has installed truegrid a few times
      • He would like to setup a video call where we can discuss things and ask questions
  1. Reserve Study
    • Mason and Mason – updates?
      • Have not heard anything since sending back the questionnaire. Kelly will follow up
  1. Speed bumps
    • Update on purchase of removable speed bumps?
      • Will purchase on the week of 15th
  1. Concrete
    • Update on scheduled work?
      • Have not heard back with multiple follow up emails
  1. Trees
    • Tree committee – date for walkthrough? Still needs to be scheduled
    • Current tabulation of trees for inspection
      • Most urgent:  tree that was struck by lightning behind Karen’s house
      • Large oak in front of 2254
      • Elm tree in front of 2248
      • Tree with heavy low branches behind 2258
    • Trees to plant: 
      • Order in September or October
      • Red maple in front of 2230?
      • Eastern Redbud in front of 2261
    • Reaching out to other companies for pruning/trimming of smaller trees – after walkthrough
      • Tree by 2259 is growing over the sidewalk. Will reach out to homeowner to look into pruning the tree
  1. Landscaping
    • Issues?
    • Fall grass treatment
      • Sandy reached out about prices. Chris says he has prices for next year
      • Sandy is ready to send out the prices to the cluster. 
      • Last day to fill out the form is September 1st
  1. Erosion
    • Area behind 2243-2251
    • Some grass is growing – will add to common area seeding and aeration and pay with erosion budget
    • We still have some left in the bank for erosion – do we want to do another hill for the fall cluster cleanup?  2250?  2258?
      • Save for the spring cleanup so that we can buy from RA and get native plants
      • Will do more research about how to handle the erosion since it is a steep hill
  1. Parking 
    • Homeowners at 2270 would like their parking space moved to the very end – how to make this happen
    • Homeowners who did not have cars registered – 2 left – trying to get in touch with these homeowners
    • Sign on car that has no known owner
  1. RA Board, Cluster, & Committee event –
    • invited chairs from each RA Board Committee, Advisory Committee, the Design Review Board, as well as one (1) representative from each RA Cluster or Condominium Association on Monday, July 18.
    • Enforcement of cluster standards
      • Can have a walkthrough by RA once a year
      • They are heavily reliant on the complaint system
        • Complaint can come from the board or an owner not on the board
        • If the homeowner does submit a claim, copy the board so that the board is aware of the situation
        • If a complaint is filed, the homeowner can request a copy of the complaint and the person who filed the complaint will be listed on it
          1. The board could also do walkthrough and cite
          2. If that is a route the board would like to take we should wait until all of the guidelines are updated. Some people may be holding off on updates because they knew a new standard is coming
    • Community forum
    • Reason for increase in dues every year is largely the pools.
  1.   Newsletter
    • Fall Lawn care
    • Cluster Clean up – date October 22
      • Fill more spots in the asphalt to get us through the winter. Still have some materials leftover from spring
      • Work on the benches
      • Plant more of the purple flowers in the neighborhood. They bloom at a nice time and seem like they may be more deer resistant than some of the other flowers
    • Hazardous waste pickup – date October 8th
    • Donation? October 15
    • Other topics?
      • The street light near 2260 has been out for 2 months
    • Maybe mention the annual meeting? December 5th


Next meeting Thursday, September 8th

Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – July 2022

Thursday, July 14th, 2022 at 7 pm via Zoom

Community updates

  1. Design updates
    • Decks – Waiting on Kristina’s signature and then the application can be sent
    • Garbage Bin enclosures – Schedule a walkthrough for Sunday with Satish
    • Door colors/styles – Will be part of next DRB update
    • A/C Units – Waiting on Kristina’s signature and then the application can be sent
    • House numbers – Waiting on Kristina’s signature and then the application can be sent
    • Stucco update:
      • (Addendum to last meeting’s notes) The Board has applied to Reston to remove the cement siding stipulation in the cluster guidelines that states “that stucco panels not be attached to concrete blocks”. This will allow end units to use cement siding stucco panels on their third side.
      • Will be decided on the July 19th Reston DRB meeting
  1. Repaving parking lots – asphalt alternatives – Kristina reached out to get a quote and answers about TrueGrid Paving System
    • Would still need to contract with a paving company – the company would mill the old lot (all layers to my understanding) and truegrid would go down on top of the milled surface.  Angular clean wash gravel would fill the holes in the grid.  
    • The grid can be snow plowed using a rubber tip blade or keeping the plow slightly above the surface
    • Electrical infrastructure could be put into place with TrueGrid
      • Run utilities with concrete footers and cut grid to fit or put right against.
    • Cost is less clear.  Truegrid gives you an estimate of what the grid costs – for us, it would be roughly $15,630.62.  Milling?  Gravel?  Installation?  The website says the cost is comparable to laying asphalt.
      • Currently inquiring about companies in our area that are familiar with installing TrueGrid.
      • Do they have companies that they work with or that they recommend?
    • Damage to any square of the grid could be replaced (because they come in interlocking squares)
    • 20-30 year longevity listed on website
  1. Reserve Study
    • Mason and Mason – updates?
      • Kelly filled out a questionnaire they provided
  1. Speed bumps
    • Ami Pape, lawyer, emailed back replying that there are no regulations that require us to put up any special signage for speed bumps.
    • Kayleen obtained cost:  The street measures about 23 feet across. Depending on how much we want to cover, with a cost of $134 for a 36 inch segment the cost are as followed:
      • 21 feet (7 segments) = $938
      • 18 feet (6 segments) = $804
      • 15 feet (5 segments) = $670
    • Go with 21 feet so that it covers enough of the road
    • Speed bumps will be placed near the front of the neighborhood by the island near 2218 to start. Will move as needed to find the best spot.
  1. Concrete
    • Cyndi obtained updated quote including upper cluster sidewalk by 2228 – cost?  
      • Top of the cluster near the bus stop needs to be done
      • Spot near 2226 and 2228
      • Cost is $3895
        • For one square by 2226. Want to verify it would stay that way if two needed to be  replaced
    • Vote
      • Approved
  1. Trees
    • Tree committee – date for walkthrough?
      • Cyndi will send email to the Tree Committee to set up date
      • Need to look at tree behind Karen and Sandy’s house since it was struck by lightning
    • Current tabulation of trees for inspection
      • Large oak in front of 2254
      • Elm tree in front of 2248
      • Tree with heavy low branches behind 2258
    • Trees to plant:
      • Red maple in front of 2230?
      • Eastern Redbud in front of 2261
    • Reaching out to other companies for pruning/trimming of smaller trees – after walkthrough
  1. Landscaping
    • Issues?
      • Emailed Chris to find out when weeds between cracks will be sprayed
      • Sandy will be reaching out for grass treatment
      • After the landscaping company puts down pesticide treatment they then send an email hours afterwards. Would prefer earlier notice so we know to stay off while it dries
    • Lower cluster mulch island
      • Sent picture to Chris
      • All kinds of plants and weeds are taking over
  2. Erosion
    • Area behind 2243-2251
    • Some grass is growing but it is still muddy
  1. Parking compliance
    • Updates on walkthrough
      • Most cars have been accounted for at this point including some question marks that were on our list from the last walkthrough
    • Still need to address the ones that we haven’t been able to figure out.
    • At the annual meeting we will ask if people are having regular parking issues
    • If it is an issue then we can add it the guidelines and have more leverage over making sure people don’t take up too many spaces
  1. Summer events?
    • COVID is making an unfortunate comeback in our area and may want to wait for cluster sanctioned activities until fall (or when transmission falls again)
  1. RA Board, Cluster, & Committee event –
    • invited chairs from each RA Board Committee, Advisory Committee, the Design Review Board, as well as one (1) representative from each RA Cluster or Condominium Association on Monday, July 18 from 6:30-8:30pm.  If the President of your Condo/Cluster Board cannot attend, they are welcome to designate an alternative representative to attend in place.
    • Kristina will attend
    • RA is asking for budget requests and suggestions:


Next meeting Thursday, August 11th

Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – June 2022

Thursday, June 9th, 2022 at 7 pm via Zoom

Community updates

  1. Q&A with Erin Gable, covenants advisor, RA 
    • Garbage Enclosures
      • Highlights from last meeting with Erin
      • Ultimate goal should be to design a structure that would allow the most people in the neighborhood to be compliant with the design standard.
      • Erin’s concerns with the current design is the decorative screen at the top and front of the enclosure (the uncertainty of  materials being available for replacement long term as well as the style not really matching mid-century modern Reston may prove to be an uphill battle in getting approval – “any grid shaped design may work better than a lattice design”)
      • Door overhang cover
    • Decks
      • Currently, RA guidelines approve trex on floor and cocktail railing regardless of cluster guidelines.  Other options/colors would require a drb review.
      • Sandy is working on applications for decks, moving AC units, door colors, door styles, and house numbers.
      • The Board has applied to Reston to remove the cement siding stipulation in the cluster guidelines that states “that stucco panels not be attached to concrete blocks”. This will allow end units to use cement siding stucco panels on their third side.
  1. Repaving parking lots – asphalt alternatives
    • While Erin had not heard of approval for asphalt alternatives for parking lots, she felt like more environmental, sustainable alternatives might be looked upon well by Reston. https://www.truegridpaver.com/parking-lot-alternatives/
    • The Board believes this is worth looking into more. More research is needed on 
      •  Are small patches needed to fix it? 
      • Would the cost be more? 
      • How does it work with snow plowing? 
      • Is there a recyclable material alternative?
  1. Reserve Study
    • Mason and Mason vs. PM Plus
    • Mason and Mason – 
      • There is a possibility of needing special engineers
      • A visual evaluation of each street is put into a format that identifies names, quantities, cracks, full depth repairs, former quality of work, and other deficiencies.
    • Both seem like good companies. However, Mason and Mason came highly recommended by the lawyers. 
    • Kristina motions to choose Mason and Mason for reserve study with a cost up to $2700. Approved
  1. Speed bumps
    • Additional things to consider:  https://emspm.com/speed-bump-regulations/#Everything_You_Need_to_Know_About_Speed_Bump_Regulations_on_Private_Property
      • Other things to consider
        • Possible slow down of emergency vehicle
        • Increased air pollution. You have to brake at the speed hump and then apply gas to get going again
        • Increased noise level
      • The speeds bumps we are looking at are temporary so if they don’t work out we can always remove them
    • Good to move forward with the option Sandy provided?  Cost?  Vote?
      • Kayleen to put together costs. Also need to hear back from lawyers to see if other signage is needed.
    • Email sent to lawyers
  1. Concrete
    • Updated quote including sidewalk in front of 2228?
      • Have not been able to communicate with the contractor due to missing each other’s calls.
    • Emailed Jill about sidewalk in front of her house
      • Waiting to hear back
  1. Trees
    • Check in with tree committee about scheduling walkthrough
      • There is not a walkthrough planned currently. 
      • We will need to look at the tree in front of Jill’s house. It is messing with the sidewalk and also dropping branches fairly consistently. 
    • Kelly Clark complained about the tree leaving sap on her car
      • Talked with Bill and Nina about the tree. They said it’s not terrible and the worst part is the birds. If the tree was replaced they would still have that issue. 
      • There is the option to possibly move the reserved parking space over. However, they may not solve the problem since they have two spots and tend to park in both spots. But they also don’t want to replace the tree because she likes it. 
      • There is also the option to potentially move Kelly’s reserved space away from the tree since the tree has caused issues with the paint on her car.
      • Also need to consider the future impact of the tree. It is an elm and they can grow to be very large so it may outgrow that space quicker than we would like. Even if we don’t remove it for the sap issue, we will be fighting the size of the tree at some point. 
      • What is the process of getting a healthy tree removed? If it is under 4 inches we don’t have to get approval. But we could also make the case that the tree isn’t fit for the space and will cause issues in the future. We will replace it with a tree better fit for the space. 
      • Is it possible to move the tree to a different location in the neighborhood?
      • Any tree we replace it with, to hold the aesthetic and shade, will need to be a 7-15 foot tree. 
  1. Landscaping
    • Issues?
    • Lower cluster mulch island?
      • At a minimum weeding is needed. 
    • Weeds in cracks and curb debris?
      • Were they sprayed? There seems to be more weeds than usual. 
    • Trimming smaller trees in the neighborhood
      • The Tree committee needs to walk around and make sure everything looks healthy and good. Then we can figure out which one needs to be trimmed.
    • Planting new trees – area by 2230 and 2261
      • 2261 – Interested in getting an eastern red bud. It is the same tree that is in front of 2216 and is a good tree for small spaces
      • Need to look into replacing the tree that was taken out in front of 2228. A red maple is an option. 
      • We should wait until the fall to plant since they seem to survive better that way.
  1. Parking compliance
    • Updates on walkthrough
      • There were some cars that the board was unable to determine which house they belonged to.
    • Next steps – letter on cars
      • We will leave a note for the cars that aren’t registered to let them know that if they aren’t part of this neighborhood they need to move their car or they will be towed.
      • There are still cases of cars parking in the lower cluster and walking to other neighborhoods.
  1. Summer events?
    • Ideas?
      • Mid summer cookout?
      • Watermelon party?
      • Food truck?
      • Yard sale?
      • Pot luck
      • Kona food truck


Next meeting Thursday, July 14th

Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – May 2022

Thursday, May 12, 2022 at 7 pm via Zoom

Community updates

  1. Q&A with Erin Gable, covenants advisor, RA
    • Garbage Bin enclosures 
      • Garbage Enclosures
        • Board – The garbage enclosures are too small for more modern units and for the proper circulation needed for them. We need to address changes that need to be made to the guidelines. 
        • Erin – Hiring an architect is a good idea if the board deems it necessary or if there is someone in the neighborhood that is willing to volunteer their time. This is a good idea because it will help to keep up the look of the house for something that is needed. 
        • Board – The goal would be to have the architect look around to see what design will get the most people in compliance as possible. For the HVAC we need to enlarge them for space but we still may also need them to be open for the proper airflow. The draft idea shows about 3 feet open at the top with a decoration.
        • Erin – There isn’t anything like this in Reston. That’s not to say it is not approvable., but there may be concerns about materials and upkeep and maintenance. Making it larger won’t be an issue. The only possible issue is the decorative screen. However, Wheelwright has a mid century contemporary architecture. So doing something outside of that could be detrimental to the character of the neighborhood. There are options to keep in the style and the feel of the architecture of the community. There can be decorative options, but it should match the style of the neighborhood. Any grid shaped design would probably fit better than a lattice design. 
      • Door Overhang Cover
        • Board – We would also ask the architect to come up with a plan to cover the door areas of houses. We want an option to cover the overhang that doesn’t include plastic being hung up under or over but also allows for proper drainage.
        • Erin – Reston has a couple of communities with the open board cover but not a lot of alternatives to that, such as the plastic on top or underneath. A permanent solution will require a full DRB with a panel review. 
      • Decks
        • Board – We have been working on options to update the decks to include Trex or other composite material. As well as options for staining the tails to match the natural weathered wood. What kind of options are there for that?
        • Erin – Based on the RA guidelines you are allowed to have composite boards on the floor and the cocktail rail of the deck regardless of the cluster guidelines. For the stain color there are multiple options that you can look to adopt. The standards could be written to say composite material is allowed for all elements so that no stain would be needed. Or it could be written that the deck can be composed of all wood or a combination of the two. Then add that decks must be constructed and stained to be one color, or give the option for composite decking and leave the wood to weather naturally. 
      • Design Guideline Compliance
        • Board – Have other clusters redesigned their exteriors, and if they have what would you suggest in terms of compliance? Would we say here is what we are approving and we need everyone to be compliant in a certain amount of time or that when you are making substantial updates that is when you need to make this change?
        • Erin – When you change your exterior design elements, the way that you enforce compliance is either by putting a deadline on it, or when you are at a stage where you need to redesign or when you sell you need to comply with the new design or if there is substantial repair and replacement of the structure. More flexibility is typically preferred. 
  1. Repaving parking lots – asphalt alternatives
    • Board – Has the RA ever considered asphalt alternatives?
    • https://www.truegridpaver.com/parking-lot-alternatives/
    • Erin – It is not currently on anyone’s radar but it could be good to get the environmental group on this. RA doesn’t own a lot of asphalt spaces other than small parking lots so this isn’t something that comes up very often. However, alternatives to asphalt and alternative parking materials is “Reston” sounding. Look into it but don’t spend the money on getting a bid. See if it looks practical and if it is meaningful to us as a cluster.
  2. Reserve Study
    • Mason and Mason has a focus on the asphalt which is definitely a concern for our neighborhood. 
    • It is a 20 year prospectus vs a 30 year prospectus that the other 3 companies offer
    • PM Plus reserve even gives the option of a 50 year prospectus and would meet with you 3 times before charging extra.
    • For Mason and Mason, if they need to call an engineering specialist that is billable above what they are giving us as a proposal. Whereas the other 2 have specialists on staff and if they don’t it will be at their expense. 
    • Reserve advisor has other Reston clients and are familiar with the area
    • Mason and Mason didn’t include that but basically said our reserve doesn’t have anything to do with the other neighborhoods. 
    • Between Mason and Mason and PM+
    • What exactly is included in the asphalt report from Mason and Mason?
    • Landscaping and erosion may be an extra specialist which is a big issue in our neighborhood
    • Kelly to reach out to see how likely it is for mason and mason to have to go out and get specialist outside of the scope
  3. Speed bumps
    • Good to move forward with the option Sandy provided. We have considered the possible noise impact on the new speed bumps but think it is important for safety. It is not a permanent speed bump so if it is too loud we can try to find a better place for it or remove it entirely if it is too much.
    • We will determine the cost and then will vote. Also recommend speed bump signs. May need to ask lawyers how much signage is needed and what regulations apply
  4. RA’s last meet and greet
    • Meet & Greet – Site Lighting – this past Monday, May 9th.
      • It is a county change to have sky friendly lights that do not send light into the atmosphere. 
      • It doesn’t impact our cluster as much as it does other clusters that have shoebox lighting. Those are outdated and will need to change their entire fixture. We have the colonial style. The new fixture will not have panes.
      • Cyndi asked a question about how bright the light is for the community. No panes could be ok with  lower lumen light. 
  5. Concrete
    • Walk through date?
      • Sidewalk by the bus stop that is sunken
      • Looked at the area in front of Jill’s house where the sidewalk has been humped by the root system of the tree. Tree root system will need to be worked on. Is it worth it to save that tree especially when we constantly have issues with the tree?
      • Look to add in the area by the light pole near Kristina’s house. There is a dip and it will pool with water
  6. Pets
    1. There has been an increase in pet droppings not being picked up throughout the neighborhood. 
    2. It is within the Fairfax County Laws that all dogs need to be leashed at all times and also must be picked up after. 
    3. Violation of these rules can lead to impoundment of pets and incursion of fines. Neighbors also have the option to call animal control when these rules are not followed. 


Next meeting Thursday, June 9th

Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – April 2022

Thursday, April 14, 2022 at 7 pm via Zoom

Community updates

Design updates

  1. Doors/Decks/AC unit DRB’s
    • Updates on DRB submission?
  2. Architect for garbage enclosures
    • On hold until doors and decks are completed – garbage enclosures are on the agenda for the May meeting with Erin at RA so we should plan to meet with Satish before then so we can have a full discussion.  She has not yet confirmed that she can make the May meeting.
  3. Speed bumps
    • Quote for 1 ($223) or 2 ($447)
    • From Kayleen:  Below is the link for the speed bump I have been looking at. It is the 7ft option which is a 6ft with two end caps. I wasn’t able to find any videos or instructions for removal. Through the installation manual it looks like the concrete options have screws/bolts that you drill a hole for and put anchors in. Then the bolts secure the speed bump. For removal you would just take out the bolts. This would leave a hole where the anchor is. I’m not sure if we would be ok with having these holes in the ground when it may snow. And how they would hold being filled with snow and water after it melted.  
    • Sandy looked further into this – she couldn’t find much regarding damage to the asphalt – most folks use the bolts rather than the spikes and then plug holes with silicone plugs to prevent water grit and dirt from getting in there.  She found another product – if you get it at 2.5 inch height, the weight of it will hold it down up to 10 miles/hour.  It’s a rubber product – heavy so may be hard to remove every season but it won’t damage asphalt but it can be bolted down if we find that it starts to move around.  Cost?  This product is for 36 inches in length – $134 so 6 ft would be $270 plus shipping.  Right in line with cost for product that Kayleen found.  35 lbs per piece and they lock together.  Kayleen can look at this product and weigh in on how she thinks it compares to the other product.  https://rubberform.com/product/speedbump
    • Kelly brought up that it could use extra markings on it to make it more visible.  Tape might be an option.
    • https://unimattraffic-us.com/products/speed-bump-hump/heavy-duty-economy-speed-bump.html

Parking Lot

  • On hold for the moment.  Keeping an eye on fuel prices and Asphalt base index per VDOT.
  • Patch work to be done during the cluster clean up.

Reserve Study

  • Update Kelly to send out quotes for the reserve studies that she has obtained so far.  She is rethinking which company to go with – the one she was leaning towards was the company who did our reserve study many years ago but they have become very automated.  The lawyers recommended Mason and Mason, they are the ones that the lawyer recommended and that is the company Kelly is leaning towards at this point.  
  • Sandy brought up the point that perhaps the company that did our reserve study initially might be willing to shave a bit off the price of a full reserve study since we completed one with them already.  But Kelly thinks that since it is 13 years old, and a lot has changes in 13 years, it probably isn’t worth it.

RA’s next meet and greet

  • Meet & Greet to Cover Site Lighting – Meeting date has changed from April 11 to Monday, May 9th – 
  • The impact of Fairfax County’s new zoning  ordinance modification on site lighting in Reston
  • Dominion Energy’s initiative to convert to LED light sources
  • Reston’s Design Guideline for site lighting in clusters
  • The design review process for site lighting installation and replacement on cluster common ground, to include review of the ‘photometric plan’ requirement stipulated by the applicable site lighting Design Guideline
  • Cyndi and Kristina plan to attend

Electric Car Charging

  • Updates? No updates yet but Cyndi will delve into this more soon.

Tree work

  • Anything new? Kerry’s tree – temporary fix (Mike’s renter used strapping to hold it in place – he used his own equipment to hold the tree but he needs the equipment back) – Sandy told Kerry to give us a price to replace the equipment.

Landscaping – Sandy

  • Updates?  Did their first mowing – cut the grass very low.  But no one has complained yet.  Hazardous waste pickup on Saturday.  Plants by 2251 – they were looking a little bit unhealthy but could still be in their dormancy stage – will keep posted.  Mulch and coir for cluster cleanup on order.  All set for supplies needed for landscaping for cluster clean up.  Price for annuals for front entrance – red and white vinca between $110 and $150.  Board approved up to $150.


  • Updates?  Next week Cyndi will try to schedule a walk through with Juan.

Getting the neighborhood into parking compliance

  • Sunday, May 1st is the deadline for people registering their cars with the cluster.
  • Newsletter – delivered to houses on Wednesday – the vehicles we have on file for everyone were included in each homeowner’s newsletter – if their information is incomplete or incorrect, they have been instructed to fill out the form on the newsletter and return to the LFL box.  
  • After May 1st, go around parking lot looking for cars that are not on our list and putting notices on them.

Cluster Clean – Up – Saturday April 30th

  • Roll off dumpster – should we park in a couple of lower cluster parking spaces?  Confirm with Kayleen that it has been scheduled as well as voucher.  Still waiting for Bates to confirm delivery of roll off dumpster but should be fine since we are still 2 weeks out.  We will do our best to get parking spaces cleared out – the 4 spaces on the lower side of the lower cluster island and then we’ll work with Bates to see if they can fit the dumpster in those parking spots.  Send out email saying not to park in those parking spots and blocking spaces with traffic cones.  Dumpster signs to let people know what can and can’t be dumped in the dumpster – Sandy will make.
  • Hazardous waste pickup – Saturday April 16th?
  • Donation pickup – plan is to rent U-haul van and deliver items to Green drop on Saturday, April 23rd.  Picking up a 9 am from Lake Anne on Saturday – renting for 6 hours.  May need to make a couple trips over to Green Drop.  Park by Little Free Library.  Elli and Cyndi to man the donation van.  Cluster sign advertising at top of cluster.  Make a sign for the van.  Kristina will do another email push next week to advertise it again.
  • Projects – 
    • The following was ordered for the clean-up.  These plants will be ready to be picked up on Saturday, April 23rd.  Tim has offered to do a pickup or 2 but we could use one more person to help pick up with their own car.  Kelly has offered to go with Tim to pick up plants.
    • Patching asphalt Sandy still working on which product to use for patching.  The Aquaphalt will be too expensive for the size of the patching this time – still needs to do more research.  Cody will be volunteering to help with this project as well.
    • Double checking the stairs to see if there are additional boards that need to be replaced?  Double check the stairs – if anything looks like a safety hazard, we’ll replace boards if needed, but no major overhaul right now.
    • Painting garbage enclosure?
    • Painting the garbage enclosure could be easily done since we are going to be working on landscaping in that area anyway.  But getting plants in the ground is the utmost priority – everything else second.
    • Mulching area across from tot lot and next to 2249 will get done down the road – trees arriving from Arbor Day Foundation will get planted there and we can think about mulching then.  This area is on our radar as it needs to get tidied up.
    • Cluster cookout?
      • Shopping for food/supplies Sandy will pick up food.  Cyndi has fridge and freezer space available for food.  We already have water and soda leftover from last time.  Kristina will provide list and Cyndi will fill in what we still have leftover from last time especially paper products.

 Erin Gable (Wheelwright Covenants Advisor) has offered to attend a board meeting

  • Next meeting on May 12th?
  • Shed enclosures and size and design. Schedule for May
  • Sandy also asked Erin to throw out some dates that she could be available for a homeowners meeting with covenants advisor.


Next meeting Thursday, May 12th

Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – March 2022

Thursday, March 10, 2022 at 7 pm via Zoom

Attendees: Kristina, Sandy, Kelly, Cyndi, Kayleen, Karen

Community updates

Design updates

  1. Doors/Decks/AC unit DRB’s
    • Updates on DRB submission? No Updates
  2. Architect for garbage enclosures
    • Satish – walk through?  Updates? Working to send in doors and decks DRB to RA first and then will start this process.
  3. Speed bumps – Kayleen
    • Quote for 1 or 2? To have speed bumps in one location it will be $223 plus shipping. For two locations it will be $447 plus shipping. Will follow up with the company to get instructions on how the speed bumps are removed to make sure it won’t be destroying the parking lot. 
  4. Parking Lot
    • Oil prices:  It appears that asphalt base index for January 2022 was $525/liquid ton.  Currently $745/liquid ton.  Probably cost us an extra ~$15,000 if we were to repave right now.  This will likely go up.
    • Here is oil price outlook according to Car and Driver
      • GasBuddy released a statement about this weekend’s milestone saying that, while international sanctions that are crippling Russia’s crude oil exports are one cause of the price spike, that’s not the only reason GasBuddy expects fuel prices to continue to rise.
      • “Seasonal factors including increased demand for gas, refinery maintenance and the switch to summer blend gas, on top of current geopolitical tensions, could propel prices upward of $4.25 per gallon by Memorial Day,” the group wrote in a statement. On the bright side, the company’s 2022 Fuel Outlook predicts prices will start to slope downward after that, with a national average all the way down to $3.78 by December 2022. That number used to seem high, but it’s all relative.
      • The patch work from Fall cleanup seems to be holding up well. We can use that to fix some spots or the normal cold patch for bigger areas. Hopefully this will hold us over until prices go down.
  5. Pavement Design, LLC:  what is included in parking lot assessment:
    • Condition survey and evaluation of pavement
      • Pavement condition index rated as per US Army Corp of Engineers
    • Obtain inventory information
      • Information relevant to pavement sections gathered based on the construction of the property
      • Involves meeting with maintenance staff as well as observing traffic conditions/patterns
      • Reports including analysis and pictures
        • Inventory report
        • Aerial image report
        • Pavement condition index report
        • Network maintenance report
        • Network summary report
        • Maintenance and repair report
        • Recommendations
        • Inspection schedule report
        • Budget planning report
      • Review of final assessment with client
    • Will take time looking through and deciding. Since we are holding off on the parking lot we have some time.
  6. Reserve Study
    • Update
    • Reserve study to help determine timeline for parking lot (i.e. can we eke another year out of it?)
    • Asphalt is a big part of the studies. The study in 2007 had a significant portion for asphalt. Holding off on proceeding with the parking lot makes sense until the reserve study is done.
    • All of the proposals look about the same. One more has been thrown into the mix but we are seeking a proposal from the company that did our 2007 study. We would lean towards choosing them if their range is in line with other proposals.
    • After all proposals are received they will be sent to the Board to review so a decision can be made. 
  7. RA’s next meet and greet
    • April 11 Meet & Greet to Cover Site Lighting
    • The impact of Fairfax County’s new zoning  ordinance modification on site lighting in Reston
    • Dominion Energy’s initiative to convert to LED light sources
    • Reston’s Design Guideline for site lighting in clusters
    • The design review process for site lighting installation and replacement on cluster common ground, to include review of the ‘photometric plan’ requirement stipulated by the applicable site lighting Design Guideline
    • Cyndi plans to attend. Kristina will try to attend.
  8. Electric Car Charging
    • Any updates? Some inquiries have been sent out. There are a lot of options out there which could be good from a competitive standpoint. Cyndi is also working on gathering information to see which do residential versus just business areas. 
  9. Tree work – Cyndi
    • The trees near the path to the woods have some trees that are almost touching the ground. Is this something landscaping could take care of or would we need JL to handle it?
    • Nothing is impeding the path, so it may not be worth the cost but it will be mentioned during the next walkthrough
    • Kerry mentioned a tree that is overhanging his deck. It may have tipped over from the ice storm. It is significantly hanging over. He talked to JL and they said they need to take a rope and try to stand it back up. He will need to talk with the tree committee to determine what needs to be done and to get a bid. 
  10. Landscaping – Sandy
    • Bus path – done!  (still some wood chips left – ideas?)
    • Updates?
      • We plan to spread them where they are. It is such a muddy area that a deeper and wider path may be better. 
      • Emailed Chris – they ran out of mulch and they are coming back 3/11 to finish. 
  11. Getting the neighborhood into parking compliance
    • Sent an email directly to everyone who has not registered with the cluster.  Only one person has responded so far.
    • Next step is to put flyers on doors. We could also put flyers on cars parked in neighborhood that aren’t in our database.
  12. Cluster Clean – Up – Saturday April 30th
    • Roll away dumpster – need to schedule with Bates – should we park in a couple of lower cluster parking spaces? 
    • Hazardous waste pickup – 2 weeks before?  Saturday April 16th?
    • Donation pickup – ideas?  When? Should we go with Green Drop again or look into other options.
    • We could Rent a Uhaul van and load it up and then drop it off at the Green Drop at Fox Mill. However, we would need to communicate with Green Drop to make sure they can accommodate what we bring.
    • Project ideas?
      • Planting natives on slopes to help with erosion?
      • Reston Association is having a native plant sale and pickup is Saturday April 23rd. Reston Association Native Plant Sale
      • Board will look through to see which ones they think will look nice and would work in the area. We should move fast so that inventory doesn’t run out. 
    • Other ideas?
      • Rebuild the benches throughout the cluster
      • Paint or stain the trash bin that was built (Oxford Brown)
      • Patching asphalt
      • Double checking the stairs to see if there are additional boards that need to be replaced
    • Cluster cookout?
      • Shopping for food/supplies
  13.  Erin Gable (Wheelwright Covenants Advisor) has offered to attend a board meeting
    • Did we nail down a time and topic? 
      • Shed enclosures and size and design. Schedule for May
      • Non-Board Meeting with an open forum to ask questions. Send out a newsletter seeing if there is interest


Traffic Cones

  • approval to order 6 traffic sticks for $120


  • Trying to schedule a walkthrough in the next month 
  • Near Jill’s house, the sidewalk in front is starting to lift up and form a lip. It’s about an inch taller than the pad next to it.


Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – February 2022

Thursday, February 10, 2022 at 7PM via Zoom

Attendees: Sandy, Cyndi, Kristina, Kayleen, Kelly, Antonella

Community updates

Design updates

  1. Doors/Decks/AC unit DRB’s –
    • Where are we?  What is the goal?
    • No changes since last meeting. Work is still being done on the DRB. 
  2. Deck enclosures, exterior light fixtures, house numbers
    • Where are we?  What is the goal?
    • Working to finish the Doors/decks/AC units and then will shift focus to these items.
  3. Architect for garbage enclosures
    • Timeline? Satish sent a proposal and picture of what he was envisioning for the enclosures.. It has a translucent panel over the walkway and opens up the shed. There are possible concerns with snowfall weight and drainage. Also if the size needs to be increased to help with airflow.
    • Satish wants to get together with Sandy to walk around and look for free. Then he would charge $85/hr with an estimated hours of 40, the total would come to $3,400. 
  4. Speed bumps – Kayleen
    • Received initial information package. Will get a quote for one and two speed bumps. If we just do one it would most likely be near the little free library. If we do 2, then one would also be added near the front of the neighborhood. 

Parking Lot

  1. Resurface, Inc. – received bid

JW22-0023 Wheelwright Cluster HOA PROPOSAL 0222.pdf

2. From Burt at Pavement Design, LLC:

The cost for the pavement evaluation is $3,000, the cost for management is $2,500.  The management includes the bid package sent to contractors with specifications for the work as we found during the evaluation process.

After receiving the bid results back from the contractors we will send you the bid summary and discuss the results with you..  Once a contractor is selected we will meet with the contractor and yourself and representatives from your association for a pre-construction meeting at Wheelwright Cluster.  The work will be discussed, areas and boundaries identified and marked, dates and times for the work and answer any questions anyone may have.   A final inspection of the completed work with the contractor and yourself.

Also, regarding preparation for electric charging installations:

Yes we have installed many conduits under the asphalt pavement or concrete sidewalk or concrete curb and gutter for future use for both electric and irrigation systems.  We install them and cap them off, then mark the locations.

We work with Marriott International across the country and all the hotels are beginning to have electric stations, however the car manufacturers are the ones that are installing the parking stations, we assist in planning the location and if work is taking place and conduit is needed we have the paving contractor do the installation.

  • They were recommended by another cluster. While it may seem like hand holding it helps to ensure that a capital expense this large is taken care of properly and will last. Kristina will get more information on what is included in the $3,000 evaluation cost. 
  • When looking at quotes and evaluations for milling and paving the whole 4 inches,it seems as though doing the 2 inch mill is standard. The bottom 2 layers typically last longer than the top.

3.Reserve Study – parking lot inquiry? Will circle back next month

Reserve Study

Mason and Mason, Capital Reserve Analysts, Inc – company recommended by our law firm Kelly wants to take one more month to research before making a final decision

Electric Car Charging

  1. Falcon group (advisors) – ~$5000

2. Cluster standards

3. Planning for the infrastructure when we redo parking lot

4. Tax incentives

5. RA – guidance packet for clusters

6. Who wants to field this? Cyndi

7. Reserve study

8. Is there an option to add spaces in the medians and cut out some of the space that is just mulch?

Tree work – Cyndi

Large oak in lower cluster removed and stump has been grinded

Trees whose branches have suffered from the weight of snow – Chris?

Trees near the path to the woods have some trees that are almost touching the ground. Is this something landscaping could take care of or would we need JLL to handle it?

Landscaping – Sandy

Bus path Chips have gotten blown away and need to be put down and plumped up. 

Getting the neighborhood into parking compliance

Last newsletter urged residents to become compliant

Next step – will send email directly to people who have not registered their cars with the cluster.

Dominion – watchlights – Cyndi

2233 light – has it been repaired? Been addressed

From Meghan:  

Unfortunately the upshot is that the conversation surrounding Dominion owned/operated site lighting installed on cluster common ground is still evolving. Specifically, the Zoning Ordinance modification that was adopted by the County’s Board of Supervisors last year directly impacts the type of fixtures and light sources that clusters can use and Dominion is in the process of converting many of Reston’s older watch light fixtures to more modern LED light sources, as you mentioned Kristina. Basically there are several major changes afoot and it is still unclear how Dominion needs to work with cluster associations to ensure that lights are repaired, installed and maintained in conformance with both Reston’s Design Guidelines and applicable County requirements.

That’s a very long winded way of saying that Staff doesn’t have a solution to the blinding replacement light problem right now. I can tell you that we are digging in and working on engaging all of the necessary players in order to get some answers as quickly as possible; please stay tuned for updates via outreach events (Zoom calls) and newsletter updates on this topic over the next few months. In the meantime, following are a few informational links that may be of assistance. Thanks for reaching out and we will be in touch!  Meagan

Dominion Outdoor Lighting Webpage


Fairfax County Zoning Ordinance

Outdoor Lighting Standards | Planning Development (fairfaxcounty.gov)

Snow plowing -Kelly

Erin Gable (Wheelwright Covenants Advisor) has offered to attend a board meeting

When and What topic(s)

  • Parking and electric parking could be a good topic. We could also do a board meeting that is light but is about tying up the ends that we need help with. 
  • Another option is to have a one on one type conversation with Erin and the cluster on questions they have
  • Another option is to have Erin give input on design guideline changes and ways to apply them
  • Board or whole community

Cluster Clean Up will be on April 30th. 


Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – January 2022

Thursday, January 13, 2022 at 7 pm via Zoom

Attendees: Kelly, Cyndi, Kayleen, Kristina, Sandy, Karen

Community updates

Board Responsibilities – assigning tasks for 2022

  1. Snow Removal (Mike Peyton) – Kelly
  2. Landscaping (Chris Hughes) – Sandy
  3. Garbage Pickup (Theresa Cunningham) – Kayleen
  4. Concrete (Juan) – Cyndi
  5. Dominion (watchlights) -Cyndi
  6. Legal (Chesapeake) – Kristina
  7. Parking – Kristina
  8. Tree Committee Liaison – contact with the tree committee (reports on tree trimming/removal updates) – Cyndi
    1. Tree committee members – Mike Pendleton, Jeffrey Cai, Kerry Wingell
  9. Community outreach –
    1. E-news – Kristina
    2. Facebook updates – Kristina
    3. Website maintenance – Kayleen
    4. Sign – Kristina
  10. Erosion – Kristina
  11. Parking Lot – Kristina
  12. Design updates – Sandy

Annual Meeting Review

  1. The community overwhelmingly voted for an increase in dues of $25/quarter or $100/year.  Most homeowners also wanted to keep homeowner lawn care as is currently provided by our landscaping company.  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Myaun5dGGZbjxgrcF0b1YZJPswWA7GylCiXSfaMcVo4/edit#responses

2. Reviewed new siding colors with the community.  Since then, the board approved a new form that homeowners can submit when applying for a siding color change.  Wheelwright Cluster House Color Change DRB.pdf

The link has also been added to the Design Updates tab on the website

  1. Doors/Decks/AC unit DRB’s There is no set time frame yet, but  doors and Ac units have priority. Decks will be worked after. 
  2. Deck enclosures, exterior light fixtures, house numbers Sandy will get with Meghan and Erin to talk about these and what they think Reston will approve and determine if our plan needs to be adjusted and discussed with residents. 
  3. Parking lot – next step is to get a quote from Resurface, Inc.
    • Also need to decide if we want to go the route of muddling through this on our own or hiring an outside company to contract with us to manage the process (i.e. Pavement Design, LLC)
    • Talked with Burt Hall. Seems like this company will be a good idea in helping us determine our needs. They charge $3k to do an assessment to see what your parking lot needs. They will also get quotes and give a 10-15 year plan.
    • It could be beneficial to have someone who has experience in parking lots instead of the board trying to run it when we don’t have the expertise. We want to make sure that we are getting our money’s worth and get quality work and that we have a subject matter expert
    • Could be a money saver in the long run if it ensures the work is done properly.
    • Doing the reserve study first may be beneficial in getting the estimate of aging and life of parking lot
  4. Reserve study
    • How many companies have we received quotes from? 3
    • Do the services offered differ between companies? Haven’t done a comprehensive comparison but at a glance they all seem pretty much the same. Price wise they are in the 2k range, 3k range, 4k range
    • We should go with least expensive not only because of price but because it is the one Chesapeake (our cluster lawyers) recommended to us
    • Kelly to put together what service they provide in their study and reach out and ask about what is included with parking lots. Determine If it is a major part of study and if we can expect them to lay out a budget for us and do an assessment.
  5.  Items that were discussed and also referred to in survey
    • Trim options – namely white because of cost and ease of use
      1. People aren’t interested at this point
    • Hiring architect for garbage enclosures
      1. Majority say yes, Sandy will reach out
    • Parking permits
      1. Not enough of a push to go the parking permit direction. However, parking will be on top in the next newsletter. We will give people a date to have cars registered with the cluster within the next 4 months.
    • Speed bumps
      1. Kayleen will look into removable speed bump options
    • Results of survey https://docs.google.com/forms/d/191EX925Z4OyECiZLfiuvgWgZLd2GzePJrCxm8oLd7yQ/edit#responses

RA Meet and Greet

  • Monday 1/10 at 6:30 pm – Sandy attended meeting that touched largely on Electric car charging stations.
  • A copy of the presentation can be found here.

    The whole meeting was on electric car charging. Falcon Group came out and they are private contractors that act similar to parking lot advisors. They  help clusters navigate the evaluation of installing electric car chargers. There is a new VA law that allows a resident to put in a car charging unit and governing bodies can’t prohibit you from doing that. However, Reston has put into regulation what they consider appropriate charging stations. If a cluster doesn’t have set charging station standards then whoever is the first to put in a unit usually sets the standard. Even if we aren’t prepared to finance charging stations as a cluster, we should look into the available options and create cluster standards on what they need to look like. 

    Reston has prohibited people from stretching cords across sidewalks and installing level 3 charging stations. They must have wheel bumper stops and balusters to protect the unit. There are also specific heights and other parameters. We can add additional requirements to the units that can be used. 

    There needs to be guidelines for if someone wants to install something in their reserved space and possibly require them to carry insurance on it. If you are an independent homeowner putting a station in your spot, all the cost comes from you including egress issues for if a spot isn’t directly in front of the house. 

    If we decide to tackle this as a cluster and what we need in the future, they recommend we put in place all of the conduits and infrastructure that needs to run underground when paving. Much of the expense in installing charging units comes from digging up roads and sidewalks and then repaving. Running inexpensive conduits for future electrical needs may save us money in the long run. Parking lots last 20-30 years and the reliance on electric vehicles may change drastically by then.  We may need to talk to an independent group who works with communities about how to navigate electrical charging and where the power supplies will come from. 

    Falcon Group said their average budgeting cost for a feasibility study is $5k. There are some tax credits available and a $30k government tax credit that we could apply for. Dominion also offers some savings. Falcon Group estimates about $11k for getting the site ready and $4k for equipment. Some money has been put into the infrastructure bills coming down the pipeline which could help. There may also be solar options to address car charging and utilizing solar power for this. They said there are some commercial structures but not usually available for residential use.

    There are lots of power and electrical line upgrades that will have to be considered and planned for; this will affect all levels of electrical infrastructure – individual, cluster wide, and on up. Existing power lines that are run throughout our community are not necessarily sized to handle all 65 homes in our cluster each having their own power charging station. This could also look cluttered and be more infrastructure and individual homeowner expense than we actually need as a cluster.

    If we decide to pursue adding community chargers, we should go with one company for all charging devices. Having one company allows you to have a more integrated system. This can also lessen the overall power demand on electrical lines. We need to look at the rules we would set for communal car charging and guidelines about how long you can leave your car there. Also, how to get in contact with someone who has left their car there too long. Reston has said they are working on putting together a guidance packet for clusters. Included in this packet will be polling questions to ask residents about car charging; which should help get the conversation about electric car charging started.

    The Supervisor for Fairfax County is looking into options for creating money for electric charging in Fairfax County.. 

    Upcoming tree work

    Work for Monday is the last of upcoming tree work. We will put out extra communication to get the word out to make sure cars are moved (update: this was rescheduled for Friday January 28th due to inclement weather)

    Getting the neighborhood into parking compliance

    Dominion – watchlights

    Light by 2233 still going on and off

    Have not heard back from Erin yet regarding Dominion’s watchlight new design without the glass panes – will check back in with her

    Snow plowing

    Were we going to inquire about common area sidewalk treating and shoveling for 2022? We did and are not able to contract to have the common sidewalks shoveled with our current contractor.


    HOA Meeting – January 2022

    Thursday, January 12th at 7:00 pm

    Join Zoom Meeting


    Meeting ID: 812 6832 5305

    Passcode: 232494

    Please be sure to arrive early so that the moderator can let you in the virtual meeting. Once the meeting has started, it is difficult to see if someone is trying to join.

    If you are having trouble joining, email the board at

    Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – December 2021

    Thursday, December 9th, 2021 at 7PM via Zoom

    Attendees : Kristina, Sandy, Kelly, Cyndi, Kayleen

    Expedited DRB Form

    RA no longer requires the DRB form for siding color changes. There is still value in including the board and to verify that changes are being made properly and following the guidelines. Sandy has set up a form that gets the main information required for color changes and also requires homeowners to sign off that they understand the guidelines and timelines for their project.

    Forms can be approved by the President or Vice President. A time stamp will be used to verify the first come first serve basis of the form. A spreadsheet will also be created to help verify when forms were submitted and that no two adjacent houses are approved for the same color.

    2021 Annual Meeting Minutes

    Monday December 6th, 2021 at 7PM via Zoom

    Attendees: Mary Dominiak (2235),Sarah Keally (2233), Jill Jenkins (2254), Kristina Myers (2226), Kayleen Chin (2224), Roberto & MaryEllen Zambrana (2274), Miranda Salva (2205). Natalie Gustavsson (2251), Katie Jay (2237), Sandy Mohler (2209), Cyndi Hartman-Newland (2231), Scott Conrad (2262), Nathan Dreon (2273), Perez-Lucas (2228), Kelly Fairbank (2213), Oliver Goodridge and Jen Ren (2245), Mark and Rhea Mohler (2250), Kevin Wiley (2230), Karen (2207), Kerry Wingell (2219), Antonella 2261), Joy Charles (2258)

    2021 in review

    • Effects of ongoing pandemic  
      • Board Meetings still being presented over Zoom
      • Landscaping company – labor shortages
    • Erosion 
      • French drain installed behind houses 2243-49 to mitigate flooding/pooling of water
    • Concrete
      • Lower cluster areas – focus has been to address areas that pose the greatest risk of tripping hazards
      • Railing added to concrete stairs by 2245-2249
    • Landscaping & Grounds Maintenance
      • Swale plantings by 2251 as required by Reston Association
      • Wood chip path by 2231 to create easier access to rear of houses 2217-2231
      • Continuation of grass rejuvenation around common cluster areas
      • Invasive weeds and underbrush removed from wooded areas by cluster residents during Cluster Cleanup
      • Wooden stairs repaired between 2263 & 2265
      • Removed hornets nest behind mailboxes in lower cluster
      • Trash can enclosure built in Tot Lot – easier to empty roll-can installed
      • Benches in Tot Lot cleaned, sanded and sealed
      • Asphalt potholes patched in main roadway
    • Discussion on individual lawn care
      • Kristina: Elite Landscaping is doing a fairly good job with common area but there have been some issues with personal lawns
      • Roberto: Thinks the mowing of the lawn is great. Adding in personal responsibility for lawn care would be a lot of work
      • Sarah:  Now that they are renting they would require the renters to do it and she doesn’t see them doing that. If lawn care was removed they would just get rid of their grass and put in plants. May not be the best but it is better than nothing
      • Mary: When we first started having the contractors do the lawns the primary reason was because of people not maintaining yards and concern about how that detracted from all the properties in the cluster. For many houses the lawn is small and having a lawn mower doesn’t make sense. But doing it with a weed wacker doesn’t provide the most level lawn trimming. She favors having the contractors do the lawn because of the convenience
      • Jill – It would give the incentive to find a company that can help plan the yard, but also feel like if we go to private it would come down to some of us coming together to try to find a better rate to make it worth while for a company to come out and take care of a small area. She would be ok without but appreciates that we don’t have to deal with it. 
      • Kevin – As someone who doesn’t have a lawn he is in favor of keeping the personal lawn care. It makes it as easy as possible for people who are here. His bigger concern is about the need to even consider it because of people not taking care of their lawn. Some people are also not taking care of property as a whole. He believes there is a larger problem about taking care of peoples properties and wonder how we will address that.
      • Kristina – Kevin’s comment is something Kristina has seen on FB forums. There doesn’t seem to be a great way to enforce it. We rely a lot on RA and they have stopped doing their inspections and only do them when people buy and sell properties. It seems like the onus will be on the clusters themselves. We can possibly consider incentivizing  people to make their homes aesthetically pleasant
      • Jill – Is this something the lawyer can tell us about or answer? There was a conversation about this when she was on board but doesn’t know if the lawyer was ever asked. This topic seems to keep coming up a lot so it might be worth trying to get it answered.
      • Sandy – Her understanding of the guidelines and charters is that the cluster board doesn’t have a lot of authority to enforce what the guidelines are. Individual people can make complaints to RA. The most RA can do is put a lien on the property. That doesn’t go into effect until someone sells the property. She hopes that by updating the design guidelines and putting things in people’s heads and giving them options that it will encourage them to address things that haven’t been addressed or need to be addressed. People have been struggling with wanting to address issues but the guidelines need to be updated. For some issues maybe we can take a proactive approach during cluster cleanup and reach out and offer services during cluster cleanup. 
      • Kristina – A couple homeowners were waiting for updated siding colors to actually go ahead and repair their siding. We expect some improvements in siding in the next year and will continue to look into it and reach out to RA to ask for  some ideas for how we can achieve compliance in keeping properties looking nice in our cluster.
      • Kerry – He has been here 43 years and for half of them we had lawn service and the other half we didn’t. The years we didn’t could be very contentious because of some members who really let their lawn go. It makes things easier and why take 30 minutes to mow the lawn when they can do it in a minute and half. He is not always happy with how they do it, but the uniformity makes a difference.
      • Kristina- This is something  we want to throw out there and see how people feel about it. Is a topic that kept coming up
    • Tree Committee – Tree Work
      • Most notable includes September removal of large dead oak trees by
        • Bus path and Olde Crafts
        • Rear of 2207
        • Rear of 2267
      • To be completed December 6-7, 2021
        • Removal of large oak in front of 2230 – on peninsula
        • Additional pruning and small tree removals include
    • Perilous tree discovered to the rear of 2224 and 2226.   Roots on the creek side of this tree have become exposed and uprooted and left the tree leaning becoming a potential fall hazard.
    • Received 2 bids to remove the tree and the one that could do it more quickly with less obtrusive equipment and at less cost was the route the board decided to pursue.
    • Still put us over budget for trees for 2021.
    • Landscaping
      • Continuing to contract with Elite Lawn and Landscaping
      • Homeowner complaints largely involved individual yard carelessness.
        • Broken potters, broken or damaged lawn decor
        • Uneven or poorly cut grass
        • Poor edging
        • Using too heavy equipment on individual lawns
        • Blowing debris in lawns
      • Pros with this company
        • Owner is responsive and personally addresses homeowner concerns and complaints
        • Entrance landscaping was very well tended this year
        • Hazardous waste pickup and tree credit 
      • Going forward
        • Individual lawn care – onus on the cluster or homeowner?
        • Ending this service would save the cluster $4,180 in 2022

    Design for our future

    • The guidelines haven’t been updated in a while and some materials became unavailable or hard to find
    • What has been approved by Reston
      • Siding
        • Exterior Paint Option added for siding and trim
        • 8” OC t1-11 Wood Siding Plywood Option
          • The change to the 8 inch board doesn’t have to be onthe whole house at once. You can do the entire front or back as needed.
      • Trim
        • Resilient trim board options
        • Vinyl aluminum trim wrap color now matches existing Oxford Brown paint color
          • Musket Brown is grandfathered in but future changes should be Oxford Brown
      • New Colors
        • New upper Siding House Color Palette
        • RA approved a 10 year upgrade from October 2021 to upgrade to new house colors. Put in clause that if you substantively repair, replace, or repaint you are required to update tp a new house color
        • No two adjacent houses may be the same color and the Wheelwright Cluster Board must sign off on any color changes. Color Choices are on a first come first serve basis. 
        • For houses that have vinyl, the colors are technically discontinued but several paint colors match existing products. For example if your house is  Arbor Blend, that matches the approved connected gray. 
        • Discussion
          • Mary: Since the vinyl is no longer approved, are there any vinyl options for homes in the cluster, or is only for wood?
          • Sandy: No vinyl options were added and for all of the vinyl options that exist, none of them match any color that was previously approved. It would be adding a new color to the color palette to get a vinyl color in there. Part of it is limited because the vertically aligned vinyl is limited in their color spectrum. There are a lot of whites and cream. No one seemed passionate to add a color in. 
          • Kristina: The current color is good for the life of the vinyl
          • Sandy: If anyone has any problems filling out the DRB reach out to the board for assistance. The new covenants advisor, Erin, is really on the ball and awesome and has been cognizant that things are done correctly and quickly. With first come first serve, RA requires that the project is started within 6 months of submission and completion in 18 months.
    • What is pending approval
      • Doors
        • Adding options for door materials in fiberglass or wood
        • Adding options for simple square panels
        • Adding option for panel to be glass
        • Adding options for glass to be clear, frosted privacy, or specified decorative design
        • Creating a new and broader color palette for door colors that coordinate with the new house color palette – 18 colors and a dark wood tone
        • These are options. You do not have to change your door from what it is currently. 
          • Jill – Does this include the side light?
          • Sandy: The side light is not going away, but we have allowed for the sidelight to be clear or a privacy frosted glass
        • We are hoping for a February meeting with the RA DRB. We are ready for submission but we need to get on the schedule. If you want to look at the full presentation it is on the website on the new Design Updates tab
      • Decks
        • Adding options for composite deck material as decking and drink railing
        • Composite material colors to be allowed in wood-look tones that coordinate with existing wood color guidelines
        • Adding options for railings, balusters, and posts to be composite or metal in dark brown or black
        • Adding an option for infill glass panel to replace balusters
        • Increasing maximum allowed deck size
        • Adding optional stairs to access lower level patio
        • Adding an option for water channeling underneath deck to keep lower patios dry
        • We are looking at around the same timeline for completion as the doors, but the doors are farther along. 
    • A/C location
      • Add option for homeowners to move exterior A/C units from garbage bin enclosures to rear of house
        • Several homeowners have already done this individually, with Reston approval; the option is being added to the cluster standards
    • 2022 design updates
      • Guideline updates will address
        • Trim color
          • Currently, Wheelwright Cluster is only approved for Olympic Oxford Brown color trim. Some homeowners have requested white as an optional trim color for houses. According to our RA covenants advisor, there is nothing in RA’s guidance that prevents a community from adding this as an option. Other communities in Reston have made a cluster-wide switch or added other trim color options.
          • Adding White as an option can help save in renovation costs
            • White is frequently the base color offered on many items at the lowest price point
            • When replacing doors and windows, it costs homeowners extra to have the exterior side dipped brown to match the existing Oxford Brown trim
            • Light colors can help wood and trim resist wrapping, extending its life
          • Discussion
            • Roberto: The white looks great, but certain houses having white next to the brown looks like an eye sore.  If you go white would you have to change everything, including the windows and screen door?
            • Sandy: Unsure if RA would require windows to be changed. Since most are black or dark brown they may allow us to keep brown windows and at the time of replacement you would upgrade to white. We are in the  initial stages of determining how RA and the cluster feels about it. One requirement doesn’t mean the other will happen.
            • Roberto: It  just may look weird with the brown and white next to each other
            • Sandy – Some clusters have a couple different trim options and have a similar look to ours. 
            • Jade: It seems like we are putting everything on the table and there can be too many options. She votes for just one color throughout the neighborhood and to stick with Oxford Brown so it looks cohesive
            • Jill – Considering how much it costs for the size of the window, anything that makes the cost less she is in favor of. If we pick only one she would prefer white, especially since it is cheaper.
            • Sandy – We would either need agreement from the cluster or we just not do anything and leave it as Oxford Brown.
        • Porch and Storage Area Roofs and Garbage Enclosures
          • Homeowners have expressed concern about the front of Wheelwright houses due to the lack of coverage provided by the current design of the arbor boards that sit over the porches and garbage bin enclosures
          • Complaints raised about the existing design
            • No protection from inclement weather when entering or exiting houses
            • Items stored in garbage enclosures are also unprotected
            • Current guideline solution of mounting corrugated plastic underneath arbor boards which is not Reston Approved and, as the plastic ages, the warping and accumulated dirt becomes unsightly
            • Some homeowners have constructed more hidden systems of solid roofing; but these are not always Reston approved, can sometimes create draining issues for neighboring houses, and often impede the air flow required by newer A/C units
            • The way most garbage enclosure doors have been installed makes trash bin removal difficult
            • Discussion
              • Jill: Having gone through it, she is thrilled that we are looking at this. She knows hers isn’t Reston approved and they will make her tear it down, but it needs to be fixed. She went in circles with the contractor trying to get it to work and it didn’t make sense
              • Sarah : When she redid hers recently they had the same issues and tried to make the best of it but think it is time to reevaluate
              • Kerry: His experience is with replacing a heat pump. The one that he wanted to have was too large for the enclosure. It fit but didn’t have the needed air circulation. He had it installed next to the shed and it was allowed by RA as long as it couldn’t be seen from the curb. It is a messy issue and addressing something that was designed in the 70s
              • Sandy: Depending on how diligent the contractor is, it has made it so that the homeowner is okay but it then causes issue for the neighbor
              • Scott: He has seen a few sheds that have a screen like area that was cut into the side of the shed to help with air flow. Is that approved?
              • Sandy: It is approved but is not something that is added into our design regulations. There are several artifacts where something got approved but never added into the guidelines. 
              • Jill: She has a hole cut in her shed, and RA came through and said the hole was fine but the chicken wire screen had to be removed. 
              • Sandy: She wants a professional who will know what is required. This is still in early stages and we do not know what it will cost but think it is important to do it right.
            • Given the complexity of the redesign issues at hand, and the variety of how neighboring houses intersect, the Board is recommending that an architect be hired to ensure a code-compliant, neighbor-friendly, Reston-approved option for homeowners to use when rebuilding garbage enclosures and renovating front porch areas
            • Desired design features to be address
              • Cover integrated above entrance and garbage bin
              • Appropriate drainage and guttering created for cover
              • Adequate air circulation provided for modern HVAC unit sizes
              • Resize enclosures to fit current trash and recycling bins
              • Optional additional lighting within garbage enclosures for safety
              • Blueprints provided to homeowners to assist contractors in building appropriate and complaint garbage enclosures and porch roofs
        • Deck enclosures and privacy
          • The board has fielded several complaints about mosquito issues, lack of rain protection, and privacy concerns that negatively impact homeowners in 3-level houses when they are using their rear deck area. The Board would like to explore community feedback as to if Wheelwright should add standards to our design guidelines that address these issues
          • Options to Consider
            • Wheelwright at one time was approved for retractable awning covers; some homeowners have requested more permanent structures for rain protection
            • Allowing some sort of side privacy option for decks
            • If more permanent structures are permitted, allowing those structures to be screened to prevent mosquito incursion
          • Discussion
          • Joy: Those who face public park land may have an argument for approval because they look at the natural view and RA doesn’t consider screened in porches an option. She has had this issue in other areas
          • Kristina: She saw one on Generation that faces the trail. Was that not approved?
          • Joy – Some were grandfathered in and others lived in violation and problem occured when selling
      • Exterior light fixtures
        • Wheelwright has three approved exterior lights; the original square lucite lamps, and two globe lights from Seagull Lighting. Only one of these three are still being manufactured
        • We have had many requests for new fixture options for both front and rear house lights
        • Some complaints have been
          • Existing fixtures look outdated and too plain for a front entrance
          • Style of enclosure makes LED bulbs difficult to find
        • The Board is looking to add a couple of new light fixture options for Wheelwright homeowners
        • We will be working with Reston in 2022 to determine exactly which options would be best for our cluster; but some of the features we will be taking into consideration will be:
          • Fixtures will be reasonably priced and readily available
          • Style will be able to accommodate LED bulbs
          • Light Bulb brightness and color of light will be evaluated for safety and visibility as well as the impact of light-bleed on neighboring properties
          • Timeless design that both match our architecture and resist being discontinued
      • House Number Design
        • These are our current design guidelines regarding house numbers:
          • A choice of two types
            • Blue and white metal numbers in existence
            • Wooden numbers not to exceed 6 inches in height
            • The color of these numbers matches the existing house trim
            • Numbers may be painted or stained in earth colors to match the existing house colors or sealed in their natural state
        • Many homes have lost the original blue and white number plates and wooden letters are no longer readily available. Most homes have already switched or added the metal individual style numbers that are available in local hardware stores. 
        • The Board is proposing these new guidelines
          • House numbers shall be either:
            • Original-style blue and white square metal placard; located near front exterior light
            • Simply designed, individual numbers, without ornamentation
              • Numbers may not exceed 6 inches in height
              • Numbers may be plastic or metal material; black, dark brown, brass, or silver in color
              • Numbers should be easily visible from sidewalk and shall be located around front door or on garbage bin enclosure
            • Having both the placard and individual house numbers is also permitted

    Goals for 2022

    • Repaving of Parking Lot
      • Last December – discussion about parking lot rejuvenation
      • Obtained assessment and bids from 3  companies
      • The work will be done in 2022
      • Through the inspections it appears that the work probably wasn’t done properly in 2009. It is very uneven throughout the neighborhood
      • Discussion:
        • Jill : Do any provide a guarantee or a warranty over a certain period for quality of work?
        • Kristina – The guy from RA said at the most we may get a year or two guarantee
        • Jill : Have we looked at how long the companies have been in business or reviews?
        • Kristina: We used these companies as a launching point because they came recommended from RA and have been in business for a while. Interesting that you brought it up, Jay from RA said he has had really great parking lots and really bad parking lots by the same company. There have been issues with turnover and it is a problem with any paving company. He brought up one other company that he has good experience with. They are on our list to get another bid starting in the new year. 
        • Sandy – She knows that Dominion has been around a while and did our parking lot in the 90s. 
        • Mary – What they said then is in line with what they are saying now. They did it back in the 90s. Interim would be not grinding down as far but eventually would need to go in depth.
    • Speed bumps
      • Too many drivers speed down Wheelwright
        • Many kids/people walking dogs in the neighborhood
        • People trying to back out of their spots safely
      • Pros and Cons
        • Pros – slow down drivers
        • Pros – protect kids and pedestrians and other vehicles
        • Cons – irritating for drivers
        • Cons – expense?
        • Cons – wear and tear from snow plow
      • Alternatives to asphalt speed bumps?
        • Removable speed bumps
        • Other ideas?
      • Discussion
        • Jill – She is against it. She has not seen anything that makes them seem necessary
        • Cyndi – She disagrees. Delivery trucks are some of the worst offenders. They drive through the neighborhood way too fast and residents do as well
        • Roberto – We should consider the height of the speed bump or people will continue to speed through it. Additional signs might help that are also more visible
    • Erosion
      • Continue to tackle erosion
      • Areas of concern 2250-2256 – rear of houses
      • Erosion control benefits the community in several ways:
        • improves drainage/ decreases sitting water and runoff into area streams and lakes
        • Repairs and prevents further wearing away of slopes
        • Stabilization of slopes can be achieved through planting of shade tolerant vegetation – specifically native plants as they have much longer roots that hold the soil in place
    • Concrete
      • Patchwork maintenance of sidewalks on cluster property around the community
        • Limited budget
        • Continue to address tripping hazards
        • Alternate years addressing problem areas in lower vs. upper cluster
        • Community input welcome regarding areas needing to be monitored for possible replacement 
    • Landscaping
      • Continue with common areas for grass rejuvenation
      • Rebuild wooden benches throughout the cluster
    • Tree Work
      • Tree Committee
        • Separate from the board/makes recommendations to the board who ultimately decide
        • Coordinates annual review of trees with arborist
        • Largely focuses on trees that are potential risks to life and property
        • Community members can reach out to board if they are interested in joining the tree committee
      • Tree Committee charter
      • Liability

    Budget review

    • Review of Profit and Loss Statement
    • Income – The Board has been putting effort into making sure everyone is paying and cleaning up delinquent accounts. Income this year looks really good. We are setting resale documents and started charging a transfer fee for new homeowners
    • Expenses – There are some things where the cost went up like insurance. Office supplies went over a little
    • Legal Fees
      • So far we are under budget, but expect an invoice this month for some services in November
    • Landscaping
      • We are slightly over, but will recover some of that as it is billed to homeowners
    • Trash and Recycling
      • We are over on the trash removal due to an increase in fees for the dumpster rentals
    • Concrete and Grounds Maintenance
      • We are slightly over in these categories for unforeseen repairs
    • Reserve Study
      • A reserve study is a long-range capital planning tool that helps anticipate and prepare for repairs/replacement of the community’s common areas
    • The Proposed Budget
      • For 2022, we have a budget with four options that we are asking the community to sign off on how we proceed
      • 4 options
        • 2 different income options and 2 different landscaping options
      • Parking Lot
        • We are planning the parking lot replacement in 2022 and plan to use reserves for this
      • Reserve Study
        • We have received three different studies with prices ranging from $2,000-$4,000
      • Other Expenses
        • We have reduced as much as we can for expenses and tried to keep them “true to actual”
    • Increasing Dues
      • Rising Costs
        • We are looking at cost increases for most of our services including landscaping, trash and recycling and others
      • Aging Neighborhood
        • As our neighborhood continues to age, the need for maintenance of property such as trees, parking lot and sidewalk increases
    • Discussion
      • Mary: There needs to be a dues increase. However, for all options the entire amount of the increase looks to be going towards operating expenses and none towards rebuilding capital reserve. We need to make sure we are putting a sufficient amount back into the reserves rather than everything be in operating
      • Kelly: When looking at everything there was a set that went towards operating, then a small amount that went towards capital. All increases since 2008 went towards capital, but operating revenue didn’t increase, so income wasn’t being allocated properly. She looked to figure out what was needed for capital and what was needed for operating. $35,000 gave us everything we needed for capital plus some. With the reserve study, everything might change for the allocation and we can reevaluate after the reserve study.
      • Sandy: Reserve studies are now required by law for HOAs in Virginia every 5 years, and boards need to review amongst themselves on an annual basis.
      • Mark: In 1998 we didn’t have a capital fund and to start one it was a significant amount per household. We need a process to make sure operating funds aren’t taken from the capital funds and we need to think of how to rebuild the fund for future residents.
    • Vote
      • Majority picked an increase of $25 per quarter, for a total of a $100 increase annually and to keep the landscaping option that we currently have

    Topics for discussion

    • Quick Reminders – community mailbox to rear of LFL
    • New Community composting bin located by the tot lot
    • Parking in the cluster
      • Only registered cars will be allowed to park in the cluster
      • All vehicles must have current tags
      • 2 vehicles per household in the parking lot. Extra vehicles – Olde Crafts
      • Parking Pads for lower cluster are for offloading of items only. No vehicle should be “parked” on parking pad
      • Parking Permits 
        • Discussion
          • Sarah: How would permits with renters work?
          • Kristina: We have renters on the email distribution list. If they aren’t please get them in touch with board and we can communicate that way
          • Cyndi: There have been comments made about people parking in our lot who do not live in our community. If you see that please let the board know. 
          • Karen: If we see this should we capture the license plate number? She has seen people park and leave the community
          • Sandy: If you are seeing cars park and then leave, take a quick snapshot of the license plate and we can check the plates against a database we have. We want to be diligent about everyone having enough space.
          • Scott: Has there been any more discussions about putting in charges for electric vehicles?
          • Kristina: We talked about it in the last annual meeting and not much has been done in 2021. There has been a lot of talk and updates in RA because there are lots of communities looking into it for their communities or individual homeowners. We need to stay on top of it and explore in 2022. 
          • Cyndi: As of last year’s meeting it wasn’t cost effective at the time. It would be something that would have to come out of pocket and would be an investment up front and more of a benefit than a money maker. We would lose money for some time/
          • Scott: He understands it would cost money, but he doesn’t know many communities that have it available and it would increase property values. It also would be convenient for those that want a Tesla but have nowhere to charge it.
          • Mary: She was looking at the cost and the big part on the front end would be having to trench through the parking lot. It is possible but minimal cost would be $25k to do the installation and it would be coming out of the capital reserve fund. In terms of allowing access to it we would probably contract with one of the network companies that offers EV charging services. They would handle the billing and maintenance on the units. The Cluster should look into it in the future because it will be a selling point for people who want to move here but have an electric vehicle that they want to charge overnight at their home. 
          • Sandy: This is definitely something to think about before paving the cluster parking lot. Adding whatever infrastructure is needed subsurface. 
    • Elections
      • Three board members are up for re-election. One member is up for election to fill Ruth’s position. Others in the community may put their in the hat as well
      • Vote
        • Majority voted for Cyndi, Sandy, Kristina for a new term
        • Majority voted for Kayleen to fill the remainder of Ruth’s term

    HOA Meeting – December 2021

    Thursday, December 9th at 7:00 pm

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 814 2153 7481
    Passcode: 391711

    Please be sure to arrive early so that the moderator can let you in the virtual meeting. Once the meeting has started, it is difficult to see if someone is trying to join.

    If you are having trouble joining, email the board at

    Annual Cluster HOA Meeting – December 2021

    Monday, December 6th at 7PM

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 876 9256 6063
    Passcode: 361441

    Please be sure to arrive early so that the moderator can let you in the virtual meeting. Once the meeting has started, it is difficult to see if someone is trying to join.

    If you are having trouble joining, email the board at

    Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – November 2021

    Thursday, November 11, 2021 at 7 pm via Zoom

    Attendees: Kelly, Kristina, Cyndi, Sandy, Kayleen

    Community updates

    Fall Cluster Clean up – how did it go?

    Around 14 houses were represented during the cleanup. It was a great turn out and we were able to be successful with the projects we wanted to complete. Thank you to everyone who helped out. 


    French drain and access path – completed.  Checking with Eddie/Jose on whether grass seed was put down or if that still needs to be done – he is putting down straw instead

    We may need to circle back in the Spring and see if anything else needs to be done with area and possibly plant grass or ivy. 

    Watch light updates?  2265 replacement and 2215 blinding lamp

    ***New work orders submitted 10/4. Keeping an eye on 2265. Update:  resident at 2269 sent email about blinking watchlight on his corner – may be the same lamp?

    There hasn’t been much success in getting Dominion to come out and look at the issues we are having. Or if they do the problem seems to come back shortly after. There is also still the issue of the lamp without panes. Kristina will reach out to Erin to see if the RA is able to assist.

    Deck renovations – materials and colors; Door colors and styles; new approved siding colors/trim capping

    Community outreach – sent out via hard copy Wheelwrighter, email, and updated tap on website

    DRB -Deck guidelines will be mentioned during the annual meeting, but we are not expecting to have a full discussion. Information materials have been sent out but no one has addressed any concerns with the proposed changes. 

    Tree work/Tree committee

    Steve Weissman has resigned from the Tree Committee. Mike Pendleton is thinking about signing on and acting as chair of the committee. Jeffrey Cai and Kerry Wingell will continue on as members of the committee

    Scheduled work with J&L on December 11th – will be coordinated and carried through by the tree committee members – Board will be available if needed

    The tree committee will be responsible only for the trees in the neighborhood that pose potential hazards to life and property – this may include removal of trees, topping trees or pruning back trees that are intrusive and potentially destructive to property.

    The board will be responsible for smaller trees in the neighborhood that require aesthetic pruning/trimming as these fall into the category of general landscaping.  If one of these smaller trees needs to be evaluated due to possible danger to life or property, it will then be referred to the tree committee.

    Precarious tree behind 2224/2226 – Awaiting call from Peter at J&L trees to ask some questions and get an official quote for bringing down the tree.  Tree Committee to get a second (and maybe 3rd opinion) from another company.

    One company quoted $2,700 and said they would be able to take down the tree immediately. 

    Parking lot

    Reached out to Jay from RA – have not yet heard back, probably a long shot

    Also waiting to hear back from Pavement Designs, LLC


    Issues?  There have been some issues with work being done on houses that didn’t request work to be done. 

    There have also been concerns about grass seed being laid and then the landscaping company coming and using the same space to stage materials, ruining the previous work that was done. 

    Swale installation has been completed.



    Annual Meeting – Monday, December 6th at 7 pm – via Zoom

    Accomplishments – 2021

    • New siding specifications and color, trim capping  expansion to all houses and color adjustment
    • Concrete sidewalk repair and addition of railing railing
    • Drainage control behind houses 2245 to 2249
    • Access path added for row of houses 2217-2231
    • Updating design standards for 
    • Front doors
    • Decks
    • A/C units

    Goals for 2022

    • Replacement of parking lot – speed bump? Speed bumps tend to get damaged during snow removal. Board will look into temporary options to see if there are any that can be removed when snow is expected. 
    • Erosion control perhaps behind houses 2256-2250
    • Reserve study
    • Front sheds
    • White trim options
    • Parking in the cluster – enforcement of:
    • Registered cars only in the parking lots
    • Up to date tags
    • Limit number of cars per household to 2 in parking lot – possibly have hanging parking permits
    • Parking on parking pads in lower cluster (remind those in lower cluster to report illegal parking)
    • Give people deadline (3-4 months)


    • P&L
    • Customer balance sheet
    • 2022 budget
    • Reserve study

    HOA Meeting – November 2021

    Thursday, November 11th at 7:00 pm

    Join Zoom Meeting


    Meeting ID: 850 0831 2009

    Passcode: 094247

    Please be sure to arrive early so that the moderator can let you in the virtual meeting. Once the meeting has started, it is difficult to see if someone is trying to join.

    If you are having trouble joining, email the board at

    Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – October 2021

    Thursday, October 14, 2021 at 7 pm via Zoom

    Community updates

    Cluster Clean up – Saturday, October 23rd


    1. Cold patch repair on parking lot

    Jay from RA has a product he recommends that is superior to Coldpatch and much easier to use called Aquaphalt.

    Kristina will order the Aquaphalt from Ace Hardware as it is the best price.  Will take measurements to determine how much is needed for the potholes

    2. Pulling invasive weeds and cleaning up natural areas between rows 2241 and 2243 and the area to the right of 2249 as well as other unkempt areas around tot lot. 

    Mulch to be added.  Need to order.

    Talked about ordering mulch from the company that delivers in bags as opposed to our landscaper who will deliver in a large pile which makes it more difficult to haul.  (Update:  did not end up ordering mulch – decided to wait until Spring.

    1. Tot lot benches

    Cyndi to lead this effort – benches need to be sanded and stained.

    1. Moving sod from 2248 to the surrounding path by 2249 and 2251

    This may end up being a cluster clean up project

    1. Cookout

    KM put it into the last Wheelwrighter.  Thinks we are probably ok to go ahead and has been watching county COVID transmission rate, down from high to substantial.  Numbers are lower with a 3.31% positive rate.  Proposes still having the cookout since it’s outside.  Board agreed to start planning for it and cancel if transmission rates worsen.

    After everyone reviews the shopping list for cookout, Kristina will go to Costco to pick up items.


    Kristina will man check-in table and have coffee available and go to work later in the morning.

    Will also direct people where they can do to help during clean up.

    Cyndi already has some of the items needed for coffee and a table.

    Sandy – in charge of asphalt patching

    Cyndi – in charge of benches

    Kelly and Kayleen to be in charge of weeds/invasives in the area by tot lot and between rows of houses between upper and lower cluster.

    Kyle and/or Tim to grill during cookout.

    Sandy to put out samples of siding and door colors and some decking information for people to view during the cleanup.  Sandy has some paint sample chips that folks can take for our approved siding colors.  If we don’t have enough, people can get more at Sherwin Williams.Erosion – 


    French drain – 2243, 45, 47, 49 and access path to right of 2231 application – this has been approved by RA but waiting on clarification on a couple of things.

    For the French drain Jose will be using 57 gravel and covering it with soil and grass seed making it invisible.  RA said to use river jack instead of 57 gravel for aesthetics but agreed if underground, 57 gravel should be ok.  They had also wanted a metal edging that will go along the access path to prevent wood chips from washing down the slope.  That metal edging is supposed to be 6 in. in height but RA said they don’t want it to be higher than 4 in.  (Part of this will be underground and not visible and in places where the grade of slope prevents the railing from “hiding” some of the railing, it is ok.  Sandy suggested that the stipulation likely is so that the railing does not exceed the height of the wood chips creating a tripping hazard.  We’ll try to ensure the chips are flush with the railing.

    Jose said he could probably come out to start the work after the 25th After the lines are marked by “Miss Utility” to get the lines marked.

    Kristina talked to Jose about him possibly using the wood chips from the stump of the tree in front of 2230’s house for the path.  (Update:  Jose will not use these chips – we will use for other projects – Sandy suggested using around the tot lot benches since it is muddy there)

    Haven’t yet gotten a quote from Chris for price to move mulch once the tree stump has been grinded by J and L.


    Completed.  Railing installed.  Everything looks great!

    Everything looks really good.  Railing is installed.  

    Kerry had a couple of concerns about the concrete surface being too rough and clean up being less than adequate.  We may want to monitor this going forward if we continue to use the same company but no one else has complained.  Things seem to have been completed well and on time.

    Watch light updates? 

    2265 replacement and 2215 blinding lamp

    ***New work orders submitted 10/4. Keeping an eye on 2265. Appears to be working, let me know if anyone notices otherwise. No feedback about the “searchlight” as yet.

    Cyndi submitted new work orders on 10/4.  They didn’t give feedback on turnaround time.  Iit seems they have come by and taken care of it.  No one has gotten back to her about the one in front of 2257.  She will follow up if she doesn’t hear back.

    Sandy mentioned the light in front of Cyndi’s house which appears to go on and off periodically as well.  Cyndi has only noticed an occasional flicker but will keep an eye on.

    Deck renovations -materials and colors, Door colors and styles

    Sandy working on slide-show to share with the Cluster.  Meaghan hoping to have some updates regarding decks by the end of the week.  Once we get feedback Sandy will finish DRB and send it off.  2263 submitted their DRB for deck and railings.  Sandy recommended clarification/changes  – square rails instead of round and railing holders underneath instead of on top – to their DRB before the Board signs off on it – she will address with 2263.

    Community outreach



    Tree work

    The amount of tree work remaining will total $6247.50 as opposed to $8100 that would have included removal of shredded stump wood chips which we hope to use for our access path by Cyndi’s home.  However, we’ll need to factor in the cost of moving the chips from one location to another in the cluster – our landscaper, Chris has offered to do this for us but I don’t have an estimate yet.

    Tree planting – Jeffrey has proposed 2 trees for planting behind his home to replace the felled trees from a couple of years ago.

    Tulip Poplar (native)

    black sourgum tree (native)

    American sweetgum (native) (alternate)

    Jeffrey got prices on the Tulip Poplar trees from a nursery in Ashburn for $169.99 for a sizable baby tree (can’t remember exact size).  The sourgumm and sweetgum can also be found at the same nursery.  No price available for those yet.  The price of the trees will come out of the tree budget.  They are not covered by our tree credit.  Is everyone ok with spending the roughly $325 for the two trees behind Jeffrey’s house.

    Board agreed to the trees.  (Update:  Jeffrey went to the nursery and purchased 2 black gum trees – one of which was the price that was agreed upon, the other was significantly bigger and the price was significantly more.  Board will have to address.)

    Sandy proposed waiting on the cherry tree behind 2250 as agreed upon by the homeowners because when the cherry tree left, other trees filled in and now there is not a lot of light back there.  A small sapling won’t do well.  Also, many of those trees need to be considerably pruned.  Some of the remaining roots are actually sprouting and we may be able to use these offshoots to replant this cherry tree either there or other places in the cluster.

    Cyndi has talked with her neighbor about the very dead tree in her neighbor’s yard and has suggested that others help to cut down the tree.  Sandy offered to take her chain saw to it after we can confirm with the homeowner.

    Scope of work that the tree committee is responsible for and what the board is responsible for.

    The tree committee says that they only handle trees that potentially imperil life or property.  We didn’t realize that and assumed anything to do with trees fell under the purview of the tree committee.

    Board will take on the task of figuring out how to go forward with smaller tree work and potentially explore other companies for this.

    Parking lot

    Email regarding visit with Jay from RA

    Kristina met with Jay from RA about parking lots.  Biggest take away was that RA does not do any seal coating of their parking lots because it doesn’t add to the life of the parking lot.  Addressing cracks as soon as they appear is important.  He added we are potentially looking at a foundation problem with our parking lot and it might be wise to do the 4 inch mill & pave.  

    Discussion about only doing 4 in. mill & pave in the middle of the parking lot and 1.5 inches in the parking space.  Jay from RA thinks that’s a good idea.

    K will continue to gather information and will talk with the guy from Pavement Design LLC to answer her questions and determine cost.

    Also, determine if Jay from RA is available for a paid consultancy/project management.

    Email from Pavement design, LLC – consultants for repaving lots – proposal and sample report that was completed for Marriott recently. 

    Email from Pavement & Design LLC, a consultant who basically holds your hand through the process….they go through bids and put together a 10 – 15 year budget and tell you how to elongate the life of your parking lot.  However, Kristina had questions about a recent Marriott proposal that they had worked on & contradictory message about seal coating.



    Aeration of Steve’s yard that was done even though he had not ordered it.  Sandy talking with Chris to address the problem.

    Progress on seeking other bids?

    Will likely need to continue using Chris for another year.  No one has time to look for new bids.  Might need to save money by only doing common areas.  This way there won’t be any more problems with individual lawns and will save money too.

    Will ask Chris for two proposals, 1) Common areas only, 2) common areas plus individual yards.

    Homeowner Fall lawn service update

    Swale installation update

    Maybe next week or the week after. (Update:  Chris says he will do week of October 25th.)


    Rollaway dumpster has been ordered for Friday 10/22 to Monday 10/25. – Ordered

    Voucher to exempt us from dumping fees was actually processed and received and submitted to Bates already.  (Miracles can happen) – Done


    None reported.

    Neighborhood donation pickup

    Cyndi has been working with Green Drop to get us a date for a community pickup of donated items for multiple families.  Email went out and we will hopefully get multiple homeowners to sign up

    ****scheduled for Wednesday 10/20 7am – 7pm – Done.

    Compost bin discussion. 

    Texted Lynn to ask if she’d keep an eye on it.  

    Cindy asked how to take care of it and offered to help maintain as well.

    Update:  Lynn has offered to keep an eye on it and communicate any issues to the board.


    Sandy suggested to start enforcing guidelines more strictly since pandemic restrictions are easing a little….two cars, tags up to date, inspections current, etc.


    Financial outlook 

    2022 budget

    Dues increase

    Kelly & KM talked about dues increase and determined that $350 is where we want to be.  It is the average for other clusters in Reston are paying..  Talked about doing it incrementally, $25 this year, $25 next year.  Money in CDs will be needed for pavement mill & grind in 2022.


    Two CD’s listed in online banking totaling $95K.  Need to call the bank to talk about them and get details.

    P&L, dues

    Reserve study

    We have a CPA for tax prep.  KM reached out to an attorney via email but hasn’t heard back yet. Kelly will reach out to CPA to ask about reserve study.

    Next Meeting

    • Thursday, November 11th at 7pm
    • Annual Meeting Monday Dec. 6th, at 7pm
      • Still half virtual, half in person?

    Consensus is to have it virtual. KM will ask RA for a refund for the room.

    HOA Meeting – October 2021

    Thursday, October 14th at 7:00 pm

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 892 6581 1059
    Passcode: 255094

    Please be sure to arrive early so that the moderator can let you in the virtual meeting. Once the meeting has started, it is difficult to see if someone is trying to join.

    If you are having trouble joining, email the board at

    Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – September 2021

    Thursday, September 9, 2021 at 7 pm via Zoom

    Attendees: Kelly, Cyndi, Kristina, Kayleen, Sandy, Kyle (2224)

    Community updates

    Siding updates

    Approved!!!!!!  (because of Sandy’s awesomeness!)🙌🙌🙌 *** Awaiting final approval from the RA after requested changes to language on timing of changes.

    This includes an update in siding material to switch to the more readily available 8” on center plywood (though I believe cedar is still approved as well?).  This is more in line with our currently approved 8” on center Sierra 8 cement fiber product. When switching from 12” oc paneling to 8”, the whole house does not need to be done at once. The front of the house can be replaced and the back can be done separately. 12” and 8” is not permitted to be mixed on any given side, though.

    New approved siding colors – establish a new color palette that coordinates with the existing vinyl colors.

    • Retired paint colors: Cedar, Navajo Red, Russet, Avocado

    • Paint color carried over from currently approved color palette: Cape Cod Gray

    • Paint colors to be added: Needlepoint Navy, Steely Gray, Naval, Gauntlet Gray

    • Paint colors to be added that match existing vinyl colors: Connected Gray, Curio Gray

    • Old, original paint colors will be phased out to achieve full compliance in a period of 10 yrs.Upgrade to include “solid color stain or paint” as only stain was previously approved but is not the best option for some siding materials.

    Expand the option of poly-vinyl coated aluminum trim wrap to include all houses, not just vinyl sided houses.  Change the approved color of trim wrap on houses from musket brown to a color to match the painted Oxford brown trim.

    Doors and decks will be the next guideline items that will be updated. After that Sandy will work on getting smaller items updated. There will be an appendix at the end of the guidelines listing historical guidelines. 


    Swale installation DRB application was approved.  Chris to install plantings and seed surrounding swales in September.

    French drain – 2243, 45, 47, 49 and access path to right of 2231 application – finished but waiting on one homeowner signature.


    Date of service – Friday 9/10  Cyndi left notes on affected homeowners doors notifying them of the service and if they need to or are recommended to move their car. 

    Watch light by 2265

    Cyndi says that she thought the light was fixed but then noticed it flickering again on her walk the other evening. Cyndi will reach back out to Dominion. She also wants to have a discussion about the light by 2215. The light is too bright and does not look complete. Sandy noted that she believes there are RA guidelines to how many Kelvins the lights can be. If this continues to be an issue with Dominion we may be able to reach out to RA for assistance. 

    Deck renovations – materials and colors

    Looking to update guidelines to include composite decking options (i.e. Trex) 

    Board plans to pick a general color palette. This allows homeowners to use different companies and will help to keep the guidelines from being outdated by companies changing names or discontinuing colors. Homeowners will have to present their color option to the Cluster Board for approval before submitting an application with RA.

    On 3 level houses,  if 3 sided composite vs the 4 sided composite is chosen, the underneath will need to be painted to match. 

    Board is looking at allowing options for composite and aluminum railing. Design will be limited to the squared off option to keep consistency with the rest of the neighborhood design. When possible matching composite should be used for the cocktail ledge. Some companies offer limited colors. Most seem as though they would work, except for the white option. 

    The glass panel option of replacing the balusters is also being considered. 

    Some companies offer a gutter casing underneath the top level deck that keeps water from getting to the lower deck. This would be a nice option to have. Further research will need to be done on color options, and if the covering will need to be painted.

    Sandy will look into adding stairs as an option for decks. Other communities in Reston have staircases so this seems like a viable option. 

    Board will also look into if the top deck still needs to be restricted to 8 feet. Sandy believes this restriction has to do with building code when the houses were originally built. 

    Tree work

    Email from Steve


    Work to be done in December = $8100

    Work to be done at end of September = $5500

    Total = $12,300 (Budgeted $2000 for tree maintenance and $11,300 (already spent $850 or was that from last year?)  Regardless, we should come in under budget. Board approved tree work. 

    Door updates

    Community input – Sandy and I have yet to do this but plan a hard copy Wheelwrighter as well as an email to inform homeowners of proposed updates.  Will also take the opportunity to inform residents of the new design updates just approved by RA.

    Timeframe? Sandy is aiming for November timeframe. 

    Parking lot – 

    Finley Asphalt and Concrete20212022 (minimum)2022 (maximum)
    Asphalt Mill and Overlay 2″ (includes pavement markings and fire lane curb marking)$76,485.00$80,325.00$84,134.00
    Contingency costs for possible areas of lot that need total replacement$15,000.00$20,000.00
    Crack sealing, seal coating, and other repairs over the life of the lot$45,000.00$50,000.00
    Total over the life of the parking lot (20-25 years)$140,325.00$154,134.00
    Brothers Paving20212022 (minimum)2022 (maximum)
    Asphalt Mill and Overlay 2″ (includes pavement markings and fire lane curb marking)$89,950.00$89,950.00
    Contingency costs for possible areas of lot that need total replacement$5,000.00$10,000.00
    Crack sealing, seal coating, and other repairs over the life of the lot$42,400.00$45,000.00
    Total over the life of the parking lot (12-15 years)$137,350.00$144,950.00

    Finley $7706/year (if lot lasts 20 years)

    Brothers $9663/year (if lot lasts 15 years)

    Board agrees that this work needs to be done next year. Kristina will go back to both companies to see what the cost would be to just do driving paths and not parking spaces. Also, will see if there is a way for the companies to verify that the base layer will not need to be redone. Kristina will also reach out to see if she can get more information on both companies and their reputation and work. 


    Issues? No specific new issues. Sandy talked to Chris about the overall appearance of the landscaping. He said to take photos of any incidents as they happen and he will address them.

    Progress on seeking other bids? Will come back to in October

    Other – The service request packet for grass was sent out. Work is recommended to be done in mid September.

    A portion of the tree credit from the landscaping company needs to be used by December else it is forfeited.


    Issues? No issues

    Neighborhood donation pickup – Weekend of October 16th 

    Amvets did not respond.  Moving on… Cyndi will contact Green drop donation

     Cluster Clean up – Saturday, October 23rd


    Cold patch repair on parking lot

    Pulling invasive weeds and cleaning up natural areas between rows 2241 and 2243 and the area to the right of 2249 as well as other unkempt areas around tot lot.  Plantings? http://wheelwright.website/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Wheelwright-Cluster-map.pdf

    Cluster clean up organization

    It was recommended to have a welcome station where homeowners can check in and see where work is being done. Also get any materials that are needed. 


    Hazardous waste pickup will be on October 9th. 

    Cookout? Board will reevaluate at the October HOA meeting.


    Next Meeting

    • Thursday, October 14th at 7pm

    HOA Meeting – September 2021

    Thursday, September 9th at 7:00 pm

    Here is the link to join:


    Meeting ID: 854 4521 8146

    Passcode: 453344

    Please be sure to arrive early so that the moderator can let you in the virtual meeting. Once the meeting has started, it is difficult to see if someone is trying to join.

    If you are having trouble joining, email the board at

    Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – August 2021

    Thursday August 12, 2021 at 7 pm via Zoom

    Attendees: Kelly, Cyndi, Kristina, Kayleen, Sarah Keally, Sandy

    Community updates


    Swale installation DRB submitted – waiting to hear back

    French drain installation along with 2231 path – DRB application in progress Kristina is working on getting pictures and signatures from affected neighbors for the application.


    Date of service – Tuesday 9/7  Will still need to coordinate with owners doing reno at 2245. Cyndi talked with the company and noted which homeowners will need to move cars. They also suggested other spots that may want to move their cars to avoid possible damage by loose cement flying throughout the process.  Board will reach out to 2245, 2247 and 2249 to notify them of the 9/7 date for the sidewalk repair that is happening from 2245 to 2247 that links to the tot lot path as this will block access to these houses temporarily. Also, need to ask owners at 2249 and 2251 if they can move their car so the generator can be put in their spot. The railing is currently in manufacturing, and will be installed by a separate company.  Cyndi does not believe the install of the railing will be the same week, but will reach out to get a date of when it will be installed. Once a date has been determined the Board will notify owners of 2245, 2247 and 2249. 

     Watch light by 2265

    Cyndi called but was not able to talk with anyone. She plans to call again to be able to talk to a real representative. She wants to discuss and look at a light that was previously replaced with a very bright light. She wants to see if there are alternatives to the extra bright light. Sandy mentioned a conversation she had with Mike about the potential option of making the lights solar based. Mike has reached out to the RA to see if it is a possibility. Will follow up in the September HOA meeting. 

    Siding updates

    DRB submitted Sandy talked with Erin (new covenants advisor) and Meghan and they believe everything  seems good with the DRB application. However, the RA has started a two tier system in which smaller items can be taken care of by the covenant advisor and bigger items go to the RA DRB. However, the RA DRB has the ability to take over any item from the covenant level. To ensure that this does not cause a hold up in the DRB application, Erin has put us on the schedule for the September RA DRB meeting, so that a ruling can be made quickly. Erin asked for some additional items such as community photos and copies of meeting notes. Sandy sent those off and is going to check in to make sure they’ve got everything.

    Door updates

    Community input? Plan for going forward? 

    Sandy discussed with Erin the door color options as well as the decorative glass options. She discussed how we are submitting a large number of colors to help future proof the design as it is easier to take colors away from the design guidelines than it is to add more. After presenting her slides they seemed on board with the idea. The current plan is to present at the October RA DRB meeting. 

    Before the meeting we want to get more community input on doors via a survey. This will help the application move along faster if we have community buy in. Board plans to send out slides and a survey through multiple sources (i.e. email, Facebook, wheelwright website). The board wants to get as much feedback as possible and ensure that everyone has been properly notified. 

    Sandy also mentioned wanting to clean up our guidelines to reflect things we are actually approved for. She also wants to start looking through all sections of the guidelines to clean up and adjust and update some of the smaller items, like house numbers.  Sandy will present these during the October meeting. 

    One of the larger items she wants to look into is to get bids for garbage bins and front overhang areas. We will probably have to get an architect to draw that up. Kelly will reach out to see if she knows anyone that can help with planning. 

    Parking lot – asphalt updates

    Kristina to present for board/community discussion in September



    Should we seek bids from other companies? Sandy reached out to Chris and sent him an email covering our concerns about the weight of the equipment and things starting to look dingy. He has not responded. Sandy will try reaching out again.

    The board will look into getting bids from other companies. This will help to give a point of reference on the possible cost and see if the community is interested enough for the possible increase. It was also discussed whether personal landscaping should be taken out of the budget and each homeowner will be responsible for the upkeep of their own land. In the past, this has led to overgrown unkempt yards.  Cyndi made the point that those who do not have a lawn, subsidize the cost of personal lawn upkeep by paying higher dues for this service.  This will most likely be a point of conversation at the annual meeting. 



    Overall there have been no new issues reported and we have not heard of trash and recycling being combined again. There have been black bags left on the curb from gutter cleanings that weren’t picked up when first put out, but were eventually grabbed. 

    Tree inspection 

    JLL Tree Proposal

    Steve and Kerry took Kristina around and showed her the big issues.  There are a few high priced items. First is the Oak tree by bus path on the edge of Old Crafts. It is on our property and it is dead and needs to be removed. We are not sure where or how they would get parking spots on old crafts. Steve is looking into it. 

    A tree in the rear of 2267 is very dead and leaning toward the houses. It is a high ticket item

    An oak tree behind 2207 is not large but is completely dead. It is mostly leaning away from houses but isn’t holding up well.

    There is a tree near 2231  that needs pruning. 

    The oak tree in front of 2230 continues to be a concern. They have been keeping their eye on it for the past  few years and the arborist feels like it’s not going to get better and it is a large tree on a small peninsula.  

    There is a large tree on the island in the lower cluster that has branches at the top that need to be pruned. The arborist is not worried about the tree as whole but the tree would be healthier if the dead limbs were removed.

    The estimated price is $13,600 but there is an option to take $750 off if they do not remove stump grindings. The neighborhood could use the stump grindings but we need to figure out how they would be transported to the areas that need them. We can also get $1,100 off if we postpone the non urgent work until the winter. We are ok pursuing the recommended work but we need a priority list of what needs to be done immediately and what can be postponed until we can get the winter discount.

    Summer community cookout? Postponed due to weather

    New date? Board decided to cancel the “summer cookout” due to high transmission rates but may decide to continue with the cluster clean up cookout in October depending on covid numbers in our community.  

    Dennis has a grill he would like to donate to cluster Cyndi can keep the grill on her back deck for now. 

    Will collect items for cornerstones during cluster cleanup cookout

    Neighborhood donation pickup – Weekend of October 16th 

    Kristina will look into Lupus foundation or Amvets – on to do list

    Annual meeting

    Room at RCC has been reserved pending payment


    Continuation of discussion about fiscal health and early planning for 2022 budget. 

    Next Meeting

    • Thursday, September 9th at 7pm

    HOA Meeting – August 2021

    Thursday, August 12th at 7:00 pm

    Here is the link to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85954358376?pwd=SVVOMG9zNU5sTHFUaWhvV0VYbXhRUT09

    Meeting ID: 859 5435 8376

    Passcode: 856423

    Please be sure to arrive early so that the moderator can let you in the virtual meeting. Once the meeting has started, it is difficult to see if someone is trying to join.

    If you are having trouble joining, email the board at

    Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – July 2021

    Thursday July 8, 2021 at 7 pm via Zoom

    Attendees:  Kelly, Cyndi, Sandy, Kristina, Kayleen (2224) 

    Community updates

    Erosion – There was a proposal for the swale from Chris. Details for proposal outlined in spreadsheet. Jose proposed a French drain behind 2243-2249

    For the breakdown, look at the spreadsheet Erosion Projects 2021.

    Kristina proposes completing the swale project as proposed, the French drain project and the path leading to the rear of houses by 2231.  Cost of all projects $6505, coming under budget by $495.  Board voted to pursue all erosion projects.

    Concrete – We do not have a date of service, yet, but Bright Construction says it will be 6-8 weeks from June 30th, putting the concrete work probably at the end of August or beginning of September.  Kristina will reach out to folks who are redoing their house from car damage to make sure that concrete work won’t interfere with their reconstruction.

    Will Juan be offering a discount for homeowners who want work done? Cyndi spoke to a rep at Bright Construction group and they said that they could probably offer the 10% discount but it would have to be confirmed by Juan who hasn’t yet gotten back to Cyndi.

    DRB applications updates

    Siding – We are bundling the changes for trim, siding style, and colors together . Sandy has completed the DRB application for the trim, siding materials and colors with the intent to submit by the end of this week.  She will also include an update for the poly-coated wrap trim (fascia board) that we already have approved.  The current approved color is Musket Brown, which does not match our trim color, Oxford Brown.  Going forward, we’d like to amend the color to Oxford Brown but grandfather those who have already put trim capping in the Musket Brown color.  The board voted and agreed.

    Door art glass styles – Sandy presented a number of decorative glass options for door inserts from several different companies.  She would like to present the community with options from different companies.  Styles were presented from Therma Tru, Masonite, MMI, and Jeld Wen.  Generally, the board tended towards modern but simple styles with straight lines and geometric shapes.  From Therma Tru, Pembridge and Axis styles were the favorites.  From Masonite, the Crosslines and Brooklyn styles were favored.  From MMI, the Atherton style was favored; and from Jeld Wen, the Wendover style was selected.  Sandy will put together a list of our favorites and we will share with the community for input.  Also, we would like to consider whether the art glass options should be available for doors only or also for the sidelight.

    Landscaping proposal – Noncompliance issues with rock swales that were installed as part of recent erosion control work. The surrounding swale installation application is almost complete now that Chris’ proposal came through.  Kristina should be able to complete it by early next week.

    Parking lot and asphalt – On hold until maybe September? Board agreed to delve into this topic in September.  Since we’re consumed with concrete, erosion projects, DRB applications, we’ll hold off until we can have a more comprehensive discussion.  Kristina will put something together for the September meeting. We can then present the issue at the annual meeting. This will be at the top of the list for annual meeting topics, as the work may be scheduled in 2022.

    General Landscaping – Nudge Chris to give a gentle reminder to his crews to be more mindful when using the large lawn equipment in the yards. There has been damage to residents garden gates and bushes.

    Sandy will bring up with Chris again.  Cyndi mentioned that the equipment they are using is too large for our front yards.  Sandy said she has had discussions with Chris about this topic and the next step down is similar to push mowers, which Chris stated is not very cost effective or beneficial for a landscaping company.

    Garbage/Recycling – There was another combined recycling/trash dump incident. Bates also missed the upper cluster during yard waste pickup. Kristina has been in touch with Theresa trying to get these issues fixed.

    Tree inspection – We are waiting to hear when this will be scheduled from the tree committee

    Summer community cookout? August 1st

    Preparations -We will plan to host a cookout similar to that of cluster cleanups.  Kristina will do the shopping at Costco a few days before.  Cyndi has room in her fridge.  Ideally, we will set up in the lower cluster at 1pm.  Our goal is for Sandy to a bring charcoal grill from 2223, or Kayleen has offered to lend the cluster the use of their gas grill.

    Neighborhood donation drive – We will hold a donation drive the weekend of October 16th for Cornerstones. Items that are needed include new and used blankets and towels, and new sweatpants and sweatshirts

    The board decided to do the Cornerstones donation during the cookout.  That way we can also look for a charity that picks up a wide array of used items not needed by Cornerstones. Residents can donate used items to prevent our dumpster from overfilling with items in good condition during the Fall Cluster Clean Up.  Kristina will look into Lupus foundation or Amvets.

    Board Member positions – We need a new board member and person to fill the officer position of secretary.  Ruth Schulte will be leaving her position as secretary, as she and her family are leaving the neighborhood at the end of August.  Kayleen from 2224 has graciously offered to step in as board member and secretary. 

    Who else is planning on leaving after this term is up?  Terms are up for Cyndi, Sandy and Kristina.  All have expressed interest in continuing to serve on the board.

    Annual meeting – The board feels that more people attend when the annual meeting has been in person.  Kristina will reach out to RCC to see what their availability is for rooms in December.  We will also try to have a Zoom option available.

    Other topics? Renewal for website domain name needs to be renewed.  Kristina will check with Ruth to see if she can take care of the renewal.  If not, Kristina will do.

    It was suggested that a hard copy of the Wheelwriter be distributed to the neighborhood especially around cluster clean ups. Members also agreed that now might be a good time for a hard copy to go out, including information about hazardous waste pickup, the cookout, the Cornerstones donation drive, the fall cluster clean up, and doors style options.


    Reviewed the current status of the budget and the anticipated net income for the end of the year since we have had a few line items go over budget and/or have some unexpected expenses.

    Discussed proper allocation of income based on current and future cluster needs, such as the grind and mill for the parking lot, and general increases to operating expenses.

    Began discussions on how to ensure we are in a better financial position moving forward.

    Next Meeting

    Thursday, August 12 at 7 pm

    HOA Meeting – July 2021

    Thursday, July 8th at 7 pm

    Here’s the link to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86250694494?pwd=amtJcGJkM0JraUZkTHV4UzdydkIwUT09

    Meeting ID: 862 5069 4494

    Passcode: 442967

    Please be sure to arrive a little early so that the moderator can let you in the virtual meeting. Once the meeting has started, it is difficult to see if someone is trying to join.

    If you are having trouble joining, email the board at wheelwright.cluster.assoc@gmail.com.

    Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – June 2021

    Thursday, June 10, 2021, at 7 pm via Zoom

    Board Members: Kelly, Kristina, Sandy, Cindy, and Ruthie

    Residents: Matt and Sarah K

    Community updates

    Door Styles – Sandy

    RA wants residents to pick what they desire so Sandy drove by newer construction to get a sense of the current market; aim to keep it simple. We need guidelines because RA won’t let clusters eliminate them.

    Question from residents: Why are we changing the guidelines now? Answer: We are updating the siding colors so the door colors need to coordinate with new siding colors. We are going for a more universal style and expanding brand choices so residents can take advantage of sales.

    New door options will include different door material options (i.e., steel, wood, fiberglass, etc.). We plan to include glass panel options. New options will mimic what we currently have – flat panel – and add in divided two-panel option (¾ glass and ½ glass), all glass option, and a craftsman style door with one glass panel at top.

    Do we want to include privacy glass options (i.e., frosted glass, simple privacy glass, satin etch) and art glass option as long as it is simple? Sandy will present glass styles at next meeting.

    Colors – Sandy

    How many colors? Goal is to make the colors subtle or pop if wanted, and allow for individuality. Ask Meghan if 18 door colors is too much before completing the DRB application. If RA thinks 18 is too many, the board will reduce color palette.

    Do we want to include a wood grain option? Popular but limit to one manufacturer and one color.

    DRB applications update – Sandy

    No news from Meghan but application is available online to be downloaded. We can bundle the changes for trim, siding style, and colors together. After DRB application is sent to RA for changes to the siding, we can work on DRB application for doors.

    Landscaping – Kristina

    We can use proposal from Hemax as base to fix non-compliance problem. Otherwise Hemax proposal is over our budget.

    Concrete – Cindy

    Do we have a date scheduled for the work? Juan got back to Cindy and said we can get railing on the left side of the stairs by for same amount as proposed for the right side. Once we have decided, we can circle the options we want in the proposal, sign and then submit the contract. A 40% deposit is required if we want to proceed and the work will be scheduled 6-8 weeks after the deposit is received.

    Parking lot & asphalt updates – Kristina

    Kristina contacted Brothers Paving and Concrete Corporation for another 3rd opinion and they are coming out next week. No new updates otherwise. Kristina can update everyone at the next meeting.

    Erosion – Kristina

    For drainage and erosion solutions, Hemax quotes were complex engineering solutions and out of our price range. Suggest contracting with Jose’s company for the French drain.

    To address RA non-compliance around the rock swales, we can use plants suggested by Hemax to submit to RA and strategize on what we can do as a cluster to save money. Kristina will ask Hemax to line item landscaping installations so we can pick which areas we really need to focus on.

    Landscaping – no updates, begonias went in and look good

    Garbage/Recycling – no updates

    Trees – inspection aim for late July or early August, after cicadas are gone

    Other topics?

    Neighborhood donation drive – Kristina wrote to Cornerstones about working with them, aim to hold it weekend before the Fall Cluster Clean Up (October 16th).

    Communicate events sooner rather than waiting until it gets closer so residents can plan ahead. October 23rd was proposed as the tentative date for Fall Cluster Clean Up.

    Summer community cookout scheduled for Sunday, August 1st.


    Treasurer expressed budgetary concerns as to how we will be able to afford the upkeep of the neighborhood. Board suggested communicating with the cluster about participating in cluster cleans ups to stave off costs. Other options include a special assessment or raising dues.

    Other financials were discussed.

    Next Meeting

    July 8th at 7 pm via Zoom.

    Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – May 2021

    Thursday, May 13th at 7:00 pm via Zoom

    Board Attendees: Kristina, Sandy, Ruthie, Cindy, and Kelly

    Residents: 2207

    Community updates

    House Siding colors – Sandy

    Colors chosen and approved by the Board – Naval, Waterloo, Steely Gray, Gauntlet Gray, Curio Gray, Connected Gray, and March Wind (alternative for Cape Cod). RA clusters do get a discount at Sherwin Williams. Need code from Megan, not received yet.

    Door styles/colors – Sandy

    Guidance from Megan not specific (brand name only, nothing about style of door). Sandy will discuss with her in upcoming meeting. After style and brand of doors selected, we can consider prefinished colors as an option for our door color palette.

    Waiting to talk to Megan before completing DRB application.

    Concrete – The proposal is complete. Talked about which areas to pull the trigger on. Proposal includes three concrete areas and an option for a railing, but the total would exceed what we had allotted so we need to pull some money from elsewhere (like snow removal or landscape beautification projects).

    Board approved to go over budget to allow for cost of three concrete areas and railing and find money elsewhere in the budget to keep net budget the same as approved at the annual meeting. Agreed to suggest that Juan place the railing on the left-hand side of the steps.

    Cluster Clean up – Finished many of the projects, but some lingering projects need attention.

    Trash can enclosure at tot lot. Need 1×6’s pressure treated wood for the trash enclosure. Benches need to be sealed because it was wet during the clean up and we were only able to sand them down.

    There are some loose steps after fixing the missing step and another loose step. Ruth and Sandy will look at loose step because the stringers are rotting beneath it and see if anything more needs to be done.

    Parking lot – Asphalt updates

    Joe at Finley provided some quotes. One option would be to replace only top two layers because the bottom layers looked good to Joe. We decided to also ask for a quote that would include redoing the base layers (hard pack) just in case it turns out that is not as good as Joe thought.

    Questions to ask Joe: How often does the hard pack need to be replaced? If we are doing the top layer but the base layer needs to be fixed how long would the top layer really last? Would it make more sense to get the hard pack fixed if it is also needing to be replaced soon?

    Nathan at Dominion provided two quotes, but they were more expensive than Finley and they wanted to replace 4 inches rather than the top two layers.

    Kristina will ask for more clarification and look for another quote since the two quotes are so different.

    To consider: If we wait another year to do the asphalt, we should at least look at fixing the potholes that have developed?


    Areas under consideration: Cyndi’s hill, Karen Beasley’s backyard, swale landscaping

    Waiting on proposal from Hemax. They have someone on staff who does the design and incorporates native plants, which would be useful for RA compliance.

    Kristina has an appointment with Drainage and Erosion Solutions next week.

    Kristina emailed Jose about planting non-invasive plant around the swale areas and rather than vinca, but she hasn’t heard back. Sandy can also call to follow up.

    Re: RA non-compliance around rock swales- Kristina spoke at length with Cam at RA, who suggested sending an email to the non-compliance RA person to get feedback on what is required for the submitted design plan.


    Chris said he could plant annual flowers at the front entrance for $110. He recommended perennial vinca as an option but not impatiens since deer like to eat them and require a lot of water. Begonias (white and red) and lantanas (pink, mauve, yellow) are also options because they are more heat tolerant.

    Other issues/topics: 1) Weeding will occur this coming week; 2) Landscaping staff down 20% so Chris will try to keep it Tu/Wed/Th but can’t promise a specific day; 3) Concerns – Miscommunication with mowers for areas to be mowed or not mowed. Chris will talk to crew to find out better communication method; 4) Grass behind houses where there is balding could be considered for 2022; 5) $1,250 still remaining for tree budget – Sandy requested $100 to trim a tree that has overgrown along main drive path; 6) Mike and Kerry requested shade plants or flowers along the path leaving the tot lot to the lower cluster (Potentially include this as a fall cluster clean up activity)

    Garbage/Recycling – Bates missing the upper loop on Wednesdays for yard waste. Kristina will contact them about it.

    Other topics? Plastic bags still being thrown into the compost. Post picture of no plastic bags in addition to the written sign.

    Financials were discussed.

    Next Meeting
    June 10th at 7pm via Zoom

    HOA Meeting – June 2021

    Thursday, June 10th at 7 pm

    Here’s the link to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88511138116?pwd=aEE0bEc1QVErdE1lS256VnJCdTVWUT09

    Please be sure to arrive a little early so that the moderator can let you in the virtual meeting. Once the meeting has started, it is difficult to see if someone is trying to join.

    If you are having trouble joining, email the board at wheelwright.cluster.assoc@gmail.com.

    HOA Meeting – May 2021

    Thursday, May 13th at 7 pm

    Here’s the link to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82790974740?pwd=eG8rS0t6OXNKSmxmWGlwbVQ5RmRNdz09

    Please be sure to arrive a little early so that the moderator can let you in the virtual meeting. Once the meeting has started, it is difficult to see if someone is trying to join.

    If you are having trouble joining, email the board at wheelwright.cluster.assoc@gmail.com

    Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting -April 8

    Board Attendees: Kristina, Sandy, Cyndi, Kelly, Ruth

    Members: 2207

    Community Updates

    Door and Siding Colors and Styles – Sandy

    Allura prefinished product discontinued as of January 2021. Now the only manufacturer of vertical 8” cement siding strips is Hardie board (vertical Sierra 8). Hardie board does not come as a prefinished product so the siding will need to be painted. Allura also discontinued stucco boards.

    RA working on discount at Sherwin Williams (SW). Sandy is finding colors at SW that are similar to what we had chosen in December from Allura. Paint samples ordered and will arrive later this month.

    No word back from RA re: door styles with windows in them.

    Cluster Clean up – April 24th


    • Clean and sand benches by tot lot (Cyndi)
    • Bin for trash can at tot lot (Sandy)
    • Need 2 x 6 board for steps, cut to length (Ruth)
    • Trash collection (Lily)
    • Re-planting daylilies in upper cluster island where bed was damaged (Kristina/Mike)
    • Sign washing (Elli)

    Parking Lot

    Tri-technologies did not show up for the scheduled Zoom meeting regarding asphalt rejuvenation. Cluster does not intend to reschedule, as most advice has been that rejuvenation will not delay grind and mill.

    Finley (Joe) provided estimates for grind and mill and suggested doing work before 2025. Quote for the entire parking lot was $76,000. Joe said patching would be okay if we want to hold off until 2025 but would cost between $10,000-15,000 each time we need to patch.

    Dominion (Nathan) will provide quotes for the entire parking lot, just the areas that are driven on, and patching rough spots. They agreed with Finley that the top layer of asphalt is too thin to last until 2025 and suggested moving the grind and mill to an earlier date. 


    Need an estimate for erosion work on the hill by Cyndi’s house. No word back from Chris, yet. Kristina will look into it more, including a pathway for people to walk behind houses.

    Jose De La Cruz spoke with Sandy about putting a 12 x 12 square drain behind Karen Beasley’s yard and running a French drain behind the adjacent houses for $2700

    Cluster received a letter from RA about being out of compliance with the vegetation surrounding rock swales related to recent erosion work. Kristina will continue to investigate exactly where the non-compliance occurs and exactly what RA wants us to plant in those areas.


    Cluster will offer to order bags of mulch to be delivered to the neighborhood. Residents need to order the number of bags they want and will be billed through the cluster. 

    The turf was recently fertilized and overseeding will occur at some point in the future to the lawns that were seeded in the fall.


    Sandy and Kristina talked about the possibility of putting in a railing by the stairs in front of 2245 rather than having them redone. Cyndi reached out to Juan. 

    Garbage and Recycling

    Board decided to hold off on switching from Bates to another provider. Prices were competitive but did not include extra features like dumpsters and large item pickup.

    Need the voucher for the dump fee for the roll-away dumpster that will be here during the cluster cleanup

    Other topics? 

    Chemical/hazardous waste pickup date? (Sandy – but Kelly will also try to reach out to Chris)


    Financials were discussed. Cluster dues for the 2nd quarter were sent out in April.

    Next meeting 

    May 13th at 7 pm via Zoom

    HOA Meeting – April 2021

    Thursday, April 8th at 7:00 pm

    Here is the link to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83166905242?pwd=anhQY2tHc244R29zYjh4Z01YdjdYUT09

    Please be sure to arrive early so that the moderator can let you in the virtual meeting. Once the meeting has started, it is difficult to see if someone is trying to join.

    If you are having trouble joining, email the board at wheelwright.cluster.assoc@gmail.com

    Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting – March 11

    Board Attendees: Kristina, Sandy, Cyndi, Kelly, Ruth

    Members: 2207, 2237

    Community Updates

    Door colors and styles

    • Sandy has not heard back from Megan about updating glass door styles. 
    • Goal is to narrow down color choices to 6-7 colors, with 1-2 alternates. 
    • Residents will be able to pick any of the colors, not based on siding color, so there will be some freedom of choice there.
    • Board and members in attendance viewed mock up versions of the house colors with the suggested door colors. Of those mock ups, there was consensus on the following colors:
      • Burgundy red,
      • Purple but not too grapey,
      • Black,
      • Creamy white (slightly darker than Amber White used on stucco), 
      • Mid-tone gray brown,
      • Deep green,
      • Navy or strong blue,
      • Aqua or slate blue, and/or
      • Possibly a mid-range blue
    • Sandy agreed to get larger paint samples for the navy and strong blue to help decide which one is preferred as well as larger paint samples for aqua or slate blue.
      • Consensus was that it would be better to stick to one shade in a particular color than have a variety of different shades in that color family.

    Spring Cluster Cleanup:

    • Date set for April 24th 
    • Projects:
      • General trash pick up (need to purchase more trash bags)
      • Kristina will make a list of projects and necessary supplies so we can coordinate purchases.
      • Possibilities include:
        • Erosion control on Cyndi’s hill 
          • Potential path (i.e., wood chips) to guide people to walk at base of hill rather than on the hill
          • Might need to grade the path some and set up edging to keep the wood chips from washing away
        • Wash, sand, and repaint/reseal the benches at the playground/tot lot. 
        • Build trash can enclosure for the trash can by the tot lot (Sandy).
        • Plant bulbs around the cluster.
        • One of the steps on the hill by Duncan’s old house is missing and should be replaced.
    • Socialization – Decided to delay community BBQ until this summer based on current social gathering guidelines and to give more people a chance to get vaccinated. This will be mentioned in the next newsletter.
    • Cyndi will lead and direct residents to various projects since Kristina works on Saturdays.

    Parking lot rejuvenation – Zoom meeting with Tri-technologies on Wednesday March 24th at 7pm

    • Kristina is also looking at resealing the parking lot with Finley Asphalt and Dominion Paving rather than going with rejuvenation 
    • Estimate will include evaluation to determine if we are still on track for grind and mill in 2025

    Erosion – Some work can be done on Cyndi’s hill during Cluster Clean Up

    Tree Work – Pausing tree work due to pending cicada swarm. Planting new trees will wait until fall or next spring.

    Landscaping – Sandy will look at planting more bulbs and flowers around the cluster. 

    Snow/Ice – No real updates.

    Concrete – Cyndi will reach out to Juan about replacing steps in front of Nick’s house as well as sidewalk surrounding steps.


    • Kristina got quotes from other companies
    • American Disposal Services quote was slightly under what we pay Bates 
      • Kristina will look into their capabilities to get more information
      • Do they already have customers that get pick up trash on Mondays and Thursdays? 
    • Waiting for estimates from Waste Management and Republic

    Cluster Connect – RA’s newsletter to clusters in Reston

    • Wheelwright Board getting the RA’s newsletters and will forward to other board members 

    Next meeting 

    • April 8th at 7 pm via Zoom

    HOA Meeting – March 2021

    Thursday, March 11th at 7:00 pm

    Here is the link to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87675201389?pwd=azdJbGRaWWhqTVhWbnZhZnlXMk5LUT09

    Please be sure to arrive early so that the moderator can let you in the virtual meeting. Once the meeting has started, it is difficult to see if someone is trying to join.

    If you are having trouble joining, email the board at

    Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting – February 11

    Board Attendees: Kristina, Sandy, Cyndi, Kelly, Ruthie

    Members: 2207

    Community Updates

    Parking lot rejuvenation – Kristina talked to someone at Tri Technologies and she will send someone out to look at our parking lot to give us an estimate. Might be too late to try this option. Kristina spoke with someone else at an HOA that had the rejuvenation done by Tri Technologies. The work quality was great, but she seemed unsure that it was a better option than asphalt seal coating. Grind & mill schedule for 2025, but the parking lot seems like it needs work. Tri Technologies offered to give a 15-20 min presentation at the next meeting. Sandy suggested getting a prospectus for how long the rejuvenation would last. Effectiveness reported to be better when it’s put on early after the grind & mill (within 4 years and then subsequent 4 years to extend the need for another grind & mill). Kristina will do more research.

    Erosion – Kristina spoke with Chris Hughes and looked at Cyndi’s hill. Discussed planting to help stabilize the hill and asked about putting in pavers so that people can get behind the houses along that row. He will give us an estimate for the work and we can look at what we might be able to do on our own.

    Tree Work – Sandy said nothing is going on with tree work at the moment. There could be a tree credit for the over trimmed holly tree that could be used toward labor for planting a new cherry tree (which we would have to buy) or grinding of stumps (which would require us to pay for renting a grinder). Sandy agreed to get numbers on the cost of cherry tree and grinding equipment rental. Not sure what the tree credit is, so Sandy will ask Chris.

    Landscaping – Sandy talked with homeowners with concerns about damage done (divots) to their yards when the crew last came through for mowing.  Chris Hughes said he would reseed this spring for those who had their yards seeded.

    Snow/Ice – Peyton has come out to handle the snow and ice when needed. We could get a bucket of sand for the playground area or check with Peyton on how much it would cost to sand and/or salt common areas.

    Concrete – Cyndi hasn’t contacted Juan yet because it’s too early in the season. Areas have been identified last year, but Juan needs to walk the neighborhood to assess if more areas have become problematic over the winter.

    Siding color palette/door colors? – DRB application – Sandy still working on it. Cluster residents should meet in a special session (or roll it into a regular board meeting) to discuss door colors. We need approval from the Cluster before we can submit new door colors to DRB. Or, if our HOA guidelines don’t require a meeting, we can notify the cluster of the change using a flyer and that appears to be sufficient based on DRB guidelines. Kristina will look through the cluster guidelines to determine what is required. Sandy agreed to have a color palette for the doors by the next meeting so we can proceed one way or another.

    Composting – A new compost bin has been installed by the playground. Sarah is the contact and agreed to maintain. Sandy is going to laminate the Do’s and Don’ts. Cyndi pointed out that there are discrepancies between the newsletter and the graphics provided by Sarah. Kristina will double check the different versions and send a copy to Sandy to laminate instead. 

    Garbage/Recycling – Kristina talked to Teresa about the communication problem as to when garbage and recycling are supposed to come, particularly when it changes due to weather conditions. Kristina will reach out to Republic, American, and other waste management companies for updated quotes. Waste Management appears to accept new business, so we could try to contact them to see if they would serve our area again.

    Parking registration – 42 homeowners have responded via online form or paper document! That leaves 20 homes not registered. It appears that many homes have more than two cars, which is against our guidelines. We will keep an eye on it to make sure that parking is still available. We can send out reminders as needed.

    RA HOA cluster meet and greet – Sandy attended. Got a lot of good information on DRB application. 135 clusters in Reston. 

    • Meet & greet available to view online via YouTube. Survey sent to clusters to determine how cluster boards engage with their constituents. 
    • RA is trying to get a list of contractors and vendors and which clusters use those contractors and vendors so that we can determine which vendors are good to work with and not good to work with. 
    • RA is looking for ways for clusters to connect to each other and looking toward clusters to work with RA to facilitate those connections. Several new people joined the website after Sandy shared the information. 
    • RA has discount codes for Sherwin Williams 30-40% off so we can contact them to get that information. Sherwin Williams has a point of contact we can use and work with. 
    • RA is pushing clusters to go back and update guidelines and color palettes. RA will enforce whatever is in our guidelines, so if we don’t want those out-of-date products we need to submit new guidelines. 
    • Sandy discussed door colors and door styles with them. They shared new door styles that have been submitted and already been approved, which is a good sign that we can get the doors we want (especially if another cluster already has that door approved).
    • RA has revised DRB situations. There is now a 30-day turnaround. Previously the time was 5 months. RA is working on digitizing cluster standards so we will be able to go online to look at other clusters and see what they already have approved. Fences, decks, siding, and trim decisions now take place in the covenants committee to avoid going into additional committees.
    • When updating guidelines, we need to pay attention to wording so that older, original versions can be grandfathered in (except in cases like the color palette where we want only the new colors).
    • Sandy will look for a way to get us on future RA cluster DRB info meetings

    Climate planning meeting in Fairfax County – Kristina attended. Action plan being put together to develop environmental standards and changes they want implemented in Fairfax County and they want to engage the community as much as possible. Group is looking for help from HOAs, churches, and other community groups to get their new standards and guidelines communicated to the public.


    Treasurer went over monthly financials

    • P.O. Box fee went up. 
    • HOA fees will need to go up, probably up by $20 per quarter to increase operating budget. Previous increases in dues were put into capital costs rather than operating expenses, so we may have spent from capital costs to cover operating costs. Kelly will look into this in more detail.
    • Other clusters charge $270 to $350 per quarter, but some of these clusters have 100 or more homes so their budgets are much larger. Kelly will inquire what services these clusters provide to their residents. 

    Next meeting 

    • March 11th at 7 pm via Zoom

    HOA Meeting – February 2021

    Thursday, February 11th at 7:00 pm

    Here is the link to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85872280227?pwd=dnRxV1EvWGlGeUpURmFFVlNCK216QT09

    Please be sure to arrive early so that the moderator can let you in the virtual meeting. Once the meeting has started, it is difficult to see if someone is trying to join.

    If you are having trouble joining, email the board at

    Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting – January 14

    Board Attendees: Kristina, Sandy, Cyndi, Kelly, Ruth

    Members: 2207

    Financials – Treasurer went over monthly financials and projected costs.

    2020 Budget Review

    • Final numbers show a profit of $18,161.75

    2021 Budget Review

    • 1st quarter dues just went out
    • Not a lot of rainy day funds and costs increasing so dues may need to be adjusted or services eliminated

    Annual Meeting Review

    • Parking lot rejuvenation interest
      • Kristina will look into this to get names of people from potential companies who have had this work done
      • Also look for feedback from other neighborhoods if they’ve done similar work in their community
    • Erosion 
      • Completed
      • Reston Association will inspect work the week of Jan 18-22
      • No one needs to be present for inspection 
      • Inspection good for two years
      • Additional erosion projects to be evaluated for 2021 (Ruth and Kristina)
        • Focus on the hill by the tot lot – low lying gourds or pumpkins? (Cyndi)
        • Other alternatives like native sedges? (Kristina) 
    • Tree Work
      • Stump grinding behind 2250 was successful
      • Company slated to come back to reseed grass where truck damaged ground
    • Concrete (Cyndi)
      • Lower cluster slated to be done in spring 2021
      • Need to evaluate new spots that may have arisen due to weathering during winter
      • Some damage done to resident property during concrete work in fall
        • Cyndi will look into compensation for those areas
      • Look for property boundaries to assess ownership of stairs in lower cluster 
    • Landscaping (Sandy)
      • Lower cluster peninsula areas need to be addressed using grounds maintenance funds 
    • Electric car charging stations – community not ready to install but may be interested in the future
    • Glass collection option was not approved by the community
    • Community thought we should give composting a try and Sarah Keally offered to maintain it
    • Design Review Board (DRB) Application (Sandy)
      • Shingle guidelines will need to be updated so they will be included with color palette application to RA Design Review Board 
      • Annual meeting came to consensus about color palette for house colors and will be included in DRB Application 
      • Door options and colors still need votes by community 
        • We can add new colors in future if resident really likes a different color within the Alura color palette
        • Community agreed to give residents 10 years to comply with new color palette if approved by DRB

    Action/Discussion Items

    • Complaints about Garbage/Recycling pickup
      • Standalone trash bags being placed in recycling truck rather than trash truck
      • Bates suggested moving recycling pickup to Wednesdays but this could be an issue with residents having to put bins out three times a week and increases possibility of people leaving bins out all week
        • Decided to leave trash pickup schedule as it is
        • Communicate with community about new recycling guidelines to improve compliance
        • Look into hiring a second company to pick up recycling on Monday
          • Would this be more expensive than hiring a new company to handle all trash and recycling?
    • Purchasing a compost bin
      • Site selected adjacent to tot lot
    • Decided to purchase a bin ($279 at Home Depot) that is designed to have good airflow (which might be better in a shaded area like the tot lot) and is mid-range in terms of size (187 g)
    • Update parking list (Kristina, Cyndi, Ruth) to make sure all cars parked are owned by residents of the cluster
      • Send out reminders about motorcycle parking in reserved spots, not sidewalk
      • Keep an eye out for cars with expired registrations (provide some leeway due to current registration process with DMV because of covid) 
    • The Cluster wheelbarrow is fixed!!! Located behind Cyndi’s house right now.
    • Need to update Cluster guidelines (Kristina will talk to Jessica)
    • Dog waste stations not viable given our current budget
    • Suggestion to put exercise equipment in place of tot lot or next to it
      • Tot lot is used and is an attractive feature to prospective families
      • Possible increase in liability
      • Compost to be situated near tot lot so another location would need to be selected
      • If we have budget to redo tot lot at a future point, we could look for designs to incorporate activities for children and adults
      • If RA plans to install exercise circuit around Snakeden Branch loop behind the cluster, see if we can get a stop posted close to the rear of our community
      • Not enough money in budget to pursue now
    • Native seedling sale to take place in February 
      • https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/soil-water-conservation/native-seedling-sale
      • Could be an opportunity to purchase native plants for erosion control
    • Landscape follow-up
      • Possible replacement for cherry tree behind 2250
      • Landscaping company agreed to reseed areas where grass did not grow because of late timing of grass seeding work in the fall and the amount of leaves that fell on lawns 

    Board Members agreed to work with contractors or committees:

    • Snow Removal (Mike Peyton) – Kelly
    • Landscaping (Chris Hughes) – Sandy 
    • Garbage Pickup (Theresa Cunningham) – Kristina 
    • Concrete (Juan) – Cyndi 
    • Dominion (watchlights) – Cyndi 
    • Legal (Chesapeake) – Kristina 
    • Tree Committee Liaison – Sandy
    • Community outreach – Kristina 
      • E-news
      • Facebook updates
      • Sign

    Next meeting 

    • February 11th
    • Upcoming meetings to be held on 2nd Thursday in the month
    • Virtual only

    Annual Meeting Minutes

    Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting – December 7

    Attendees: Kristina, Jessica, Sandy, Cyndi, Sarah, and Kelly

    Residents from: 2246, 2235, 2224, 2256, 2242, 2244, 2228, 2205, 2230, 2254

    Meeting was called to order at 7:06 PM by Kristina Myers, Interim President

    2020 In Review:

    • Covid-19 disruptions to board meetings/contracted work – 
      • Board Meetings from March onward held on virtual platforms
      • DRB application delays 
      • Concrete companies did not respond to inquiries
      • Landscaper having trouble with sick crew members
    • Erosion – 
      • Work to the rear of houses 2251-53 delayed due to DRB delays
      • Drainage work including construction of artificial swale filled with wash gravel to route water to drainage stream and prevent further erosion
      • Will likely ensue week of December 21st
    • Concrete – Cyndi
      • Upper cluster – most work completed in this section to save money
      • Portions of sidewalk in front of 2201 around corner to 2223.
      • Lower cluster areas to be addressed in the Spring
    • Shingles – Jessica
      • Discussed the newly approved shingles by Reston DRB as well as older ones already approved by our cluster guidelines
      • Added a few architectural shingle styles – see slide
        • Newly approved shingles will be added to the cluster guidelines
    • Landscaping – Sandy
      • Grass rejuvenation project – added grass seed to several areas with the help of the landscaping contractor to help build up the grassy areas
      • Showed several before and after pictures of the work and results
      • Next year they want to address more areas in the peninsulas and lower cluster areas
    • Tree Update – Tree Committee
      • Steve gave a quick overview of the work completed in 2020 to a total estimated cost of $11,027.50 (including a 15% winter discount).

    2020 Budget Review:

    • All of the expenditures were sent out via email ahead of the meeting
    • Saved money on meeting room
    • Little over budget on website maintenance fees (paid for two years instead of one)
    • Greatly under budget for snow removal
    • Concrete work – still awaiting final invoice for December for a total of ~$4,000
    • Tree removal – awaiting final invoice once work complete, should arrive this month
    • Erosion – awaiting final invoice – just under budget this year

    2021 Budget Proposal:

    • General liability insurance – what we actually pay
    • Reduced office supplies
    • Copying – small amount but reduced from previous years
    • Wheelwrighter – reduced down to $0
    • Landscaping – just received quote for $21,080
    • Trash removal went up
    • Tree removal will go up slightly
    • Grounds maintenance – new category to capture things like grass rejuvenation and other similar projects – budgeted $1500
    • No questions or comments

    Updating Wheelwright Cluster Guidelines – Sandy

    • Started with shingles and then added on more for a cohesive looking neighborhood
    • Learned that several currently approved siding materials are expensive (special orders), hard to source, or discontinued
    • Providing recommendations for updates and replacements that are easy and affordable options
      • Recommended to replace 12” RBB Cedar to 8” T1-11 plywood (which is currently in stock at Home Depot and Lowes)
      • Hardieboard already approved but must be painted, which doesn’t last as long
      • Recommendations on solid exterior latex paint colors over stain due to the materials and how they absorb the stain versus paint
        • There was some discussion about the pros and cons of stain versus paint
        • Residents are ok with having paint and stain options to help make the colors more uniform
      • Remove vinyl colors from guidelines since all colors have been discontinued and nothing matches to replace it
        • Will grandfather in those who already have vinyl siding
      • New Colors – update Wheelwright Cluster palette to modern colors to blend with existing vinyl siding
        • See slide for more information
        • There was discussion about the color options and some people might want to see more
    • Discussed poll for voting on recommendations provided by board
      • Siding size – 100% voted to move to newer size of siding – 8” 
      • Trim and siding materials – 100% approval for more cost effective options
      • Colors of siding – 81% for Pacific Blue, 75% for Calvary, and 63% each for Pewter and Cool Charcoal
        • Most people agreed that we could keep all seven colors
      • For phasing out the colors, residents agreed to a timeline of 10 years to come into compliance with the newer colors

    New Topics:

    • Electric car charging stations – up to $3600 per charger, not including taxes and shipping
      • Also would need to hire contractors for electrical and installation on top of purchasing
      • Would be more for maintenance and not a profit maker
      • More of an investment and incentive for purchasing in the community 
      • Question: is this something we can put in ourselves as individual owners? Yes, you theoretically can if you wanted to do that.
      • Question: Is there data to show what the added value would be to condos and other HOAs? Not currently, but this is relatively new. RA might have more information.
      • Mary offered to write an article on electric car charging for the website in the future.
      • Many residents are willing to consider but don’t think we are ready for it yet.
    • Asphalt Rejuvenation
      • Two layer process
      • 4 year warranty on flaking, peeling, and chipping
      • 3 year fuse bond overlay warranty
      • Proposal received in July 2020 was $8,889.00; we just did a resealing in 2017 at a cost of $11,248
      • More research needs to be done, but residents are willing to consider it
    • Glass collection
      • Pay a company to come and collect the glass to be used as ground cover material
      • Most people feel it is not worth it 
    • Community Composting Proposal
      • Put on list of things to do in 2021 
      • Most people agree with it and would be willing to try it
        • See benefits and ideas of bins with the slides
      • Would need to find a more ideal location for the cluster but that can be overcome
      • Rules would need to be followed to make sure the piles are maintained

    Voting for new board members:

    • Ruth Schulte was nominated and seconded as a new board member
    • Kelly Fairbank, current Treasurer, also is willing to be a board director
    • Poll – members voted by majority vote (100%) to elect both Kelly and Ruth in as new members

    New positions will be determined by chat over the next few days.

    Annual Meeting Virtual Link

    Based on responses to our survey, we will conduct the Annual Meeting virtually on Zoom this year. You can access the meeting through your computer, mobile device or tablet using the below link:


    Meeting ID: 839 5847 4953 
    Passcode: 495997

    To access the meeting by phone, please call +1 301 715 8592 and enter the meeting ID (839 5847 4953) and passcode (495997).

    News this Week (November 9-13)

    Concrete work has been scheduled to start on Monday, November 16, 2020, due to rain in the forecast this week.

    Bright Construction, due to anticipated rain next week,  concrete work is scheduled to commence Monday 11/16. Cyndi will be meeting with him next week to mark the sidewalk sections and he’ll be providing traffic cones to mark the parking spaces to be vacated for the work access. Any homeowner wanting work done must send a signed contract and deposit or pay in full with a signed contract by Monday, 11/9.

    Fairfax County Help with Heating Bills this Winter

    If you think you, or someone you know, will need some help paying for your energy bills due to heating this winter, you can apply for assistance from Fairfax County’s Energy Assistance Program. Applications are due by November 13.

    Fairfax Count Recycling Webinar

    Will be held virtually on Monday, November 16. See the flyer below.

    2019 Tree Committee Report

    Tree Work Completed in 2019 Calendar Year

    Tree Work Completed 2019 as per JL Tree Service Invoices

    Note: The primary criterion for tree work was hazard to people or property, verified by a licensed arborist. In addition, in two cases, pruning was performed on large branches touching houses. 

    • 2218 front- removed dying tree and ground out stump
    • 2276 front- removed dying tree and ground out stump
    • 2241-opposite house on parking island- removed dying tree
    • 2214 side- removed dead limbs over sidewalk, small dead nearby and small dead tree closer to creek
    • 2215 back- removed top of dead tree in woods
    • 2215 back- removed top of dead tree in woods
    • Tot lot- removed two dead trees and dead limbs over path
    • 2233 back – pruned dead limbs
    • 2231 front- pruned large branches touching house
    • 2241 back- removed dead tree
    • 2251 back- pruned low dead limbs from two oaks
    • 2252-back- pruned branches touching house
    • 2244- back- cut up and disbursed fallen trees
    • 2242- back near creek– removed dead tree
    • 2252 front- pruned dead limbs over parking spaces
    • Creek to 2249 Gunsmith- cut up fallen tree from our side

    Consider Trick-or-Treating Early – Potential Severe Weather on Halloween

    Severe weather is expected between 7:00 PM – 9:00PM tonight. Heavy rain, damaging winds and an isolated tornado are possible. Consider trick-or-treating early to ensure everyone is safely home before the storm. Stay up-to-date on any changes from National Weather Service http://bit.ly/34mE9sj

    Updated Recycling Rules

    Fairfax County is no longer accepting glass in curbside bins for recycling. The public who wishes to continue with recycling glass in the County can take their glass to purple collection bins throughout the County.

    Learn more about the updates from Fairfax County’s Recycling website: https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/publicworks/recycling-trash/glass.

    purple can
    Recycle glass in the purple collection bins.

    Cluster Cleanup – Oct 19

    Join your neighbors Saturday, October 19 at 9 AM for beautification and cleanup projects around the cluster. Everyone is welcome to pitch in! All ages and skill levels are encouraged to attend.

    We will have a community cookout immediately following, which usually begins around noon. This is not only a great way to build sweat equity but also to meet your neighbors. Hope to see you all there!

    Community Yard Sale

    The Cluster will be having a community wide yard sale on Saturday, October 12, from 8 AM to 1 PM.

    You and your family are welcome to participate by selling household items. On the day of the yard sale , display your items on the yard or sidewalk in front of your home. The planning committee will do all the advertising for the event.

    Unsure about what to do with unsold items at the end of the sale? Goodwill and Habitat for Humanity will take most household goods. Additionally, leftover pieces can be discarded during the Cluster Cleanup in the large dumpster the following weekend (October 19).

    Want to participate as a seller? Contact Kristina at kdninabean@gmail.com or test 703-864-3282.

    Board Updates and Upcoming Activities

    The next Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting will be held on April 11, 2019 at 2233, 7 PM. Minutes from the last meeting have been posted below.

    Cluster Cleanup is scheduled for April 27, 2019 starting at 9 AM. We’ll meet at the table in the upper cluster common area then divide up jobs. We’ll enjoy a nice cookout and party afterwards, all residents welcome to join the party afterwards!

    Calling for ideas for the Spring 2019 Cluster Cleanup, scheduled for April 27th! Please email the board at Wheelwright.cluster.assoc@gmail.com if you have ideas on projects you would like to see completed! No project is too big or too small!   

    Wheelwright Cluster HOA

    Annual Board Meeting

    Monday, December 2nd, 2024 at 7pm 

    ATTENDEES:  Kelly Fairbank, Kristina Myer, Cyndi Hartman, Aaron Rider, Sandy Mohler, Briana Colescott, Mary Ellen & Roberto Zambrana, Bill & Nina Redlin, Jill Jenkins, Katie Jay, Jade Perez, Ryan Lucas, Conrad, Oliver & Jen Goodridge, Miranda Salva, Jeffrey Cai, Kevin Wiley, Kerry Wingell, Karen Reese, Joy Charles, Mark & Rhea Mohler


    1. 2024 in review:
      1. Erosion/Drainage
      1. Concrete
      1. Landscaping/Grounds Maintenance
      1. Tree Work
      1. Cluster clean ups
      1. GreenDrop donations
      1. Repaving project
    2. Goals for 2025
      1. EV charging stations
      1. Improve website
      1. Landscaping lower cluster island
      1. Landscaping Entrance
      1. Larger concrete repair
      1. Tree work
    3. Design Updates
      1. Deck color, wood clear seal
      1. New door design options
      1. New Storm door options
      1. Fences
      1. 2025 guideline to be addressed
        1. Additional door colors
        1. Porch & Storage area roofs
        1. Garbage enclose
        1. Deck enclosures
        1. Exterior light options
    4. 2024 budget in review
    5. 2025 budget in review
    6. Open Forum Discussion
      1. Parking reminders
      1. Waste reminders
    7. Open positions on the board
      1. Aaron Rider
      1. Katie Jay

    Wheelwright Cluster HOA

    September Board Meeting

    Wednesday, September 11th, 2024 at 7pm 

    ATTENDEES – Kristina Myers, Kelly Fairbank, Sandy Mohler, Cyndi Hartman, Aaron Rider           



    1. VCAP project updates
    2. Will not get submitted until 10/1 – multiple delays, expected the application to be submitted to Reston association on 10/1.  Looking for phase 1 to be done next year.


    1. Tree Inspection
    2. Date – no date yet.  Hoping for next week.
    3. Replacement for removed poplar:
    4. Will get Kevin’s opinion on tree replacement in upper cluster island
    5. May be able to use a portion of our first year tree credit to plant this tree
    6. Replacement for hemlock in lower cluster
    7. Monarch Way Station with help and direction of Rose Robinson at 2272
    8. Rose and Kristina submitted application to Earth Sangha for Plant Grant Donation
    9. Here is the scope of the project as specified in the application:
    • Additionally, we will need to remove a portion of the mulch when planting – tarp?
    • Chris verified that a retaining wall is not needed for this project
    • Probable cost of project:
    • A table with text and numbers

Description automatically generated with medium confidence


    1. DRB decision about lower cluster island removal with conditions
    2. Addendum to application was turned in on August 20th
    3. Next DRB meeting is September 24th – closed.  Still need fire marshall’s statement in writing to complete the application.  Next meeting is Oct 1st.
    4. Cannot schedule repaving until we get the final approval from RA.


    1. Chris Hughes meet-up last Tuesday, 9/3.  Here’s what was discussed:
    2. Monarch way station – no retaining wall needed due to the types of plantings.  We’ll send our list of plants once we’ve figured them all out.
    3. Soil testing – even though we got results for just one area, samples were taken from around the cluster but they are mostly similar in results.  Nothing was very out of the ordinary but the areas where we see the most problems are in shaded areas.  The biggest reason our aeration, seeding efforts are not seeing many results is the lack of consistent watering after we do the treatment.  Due to constraints with watering, this is probably not a very viable plan going forward.  If we really want to address some of those problem areas, we might need to explore ground covers instead.
    4. Entrance to the cluster – on the left side is the steeply pitched mini slope where the grass is very patchy and unsightly.  We talked about trying some mulch in that area.  Chris will give us a quote for a small section of the slope starting from the corner where there is already well established mulch and plantings to about 15 ft to the left.  We may decide to proceed this fall, but there is a possibility it will need to wait until Spring.
    5. Cost for lower cluster island landscape plan.  This will get planted in the Spring.  I sent Chris a copy of the plan so that he can give us a quote.
    6. Missed mowings – we have a certain number of mowings in our contract – if the grass isn’t growing anymore by the beginning of Oct and we still have some mowings left, Chris will credit us.
    7. Getting invoices to us in a timely manner – getting invoices within 5 to 7 days of the bill date.
    8. We don’t have time to get additional bids for lawn maintenance companies for next year.  Will continue to monitor current companies quality.


    1. Important Dates
    2. Newsletter before the end of August – delayed.
    3. Repaving sometime in October
    4. Covenants Outreach Event on Association Finance – August 26th at 6 pm – this was cancelled
    5. Cluster clean up – Saturday, October 26th
    6. Hazardous waste – Saturday, October 12th
    7. Greendrop – Saturday, October 19th
    8. Roll off dumpster – Friday, October 25th through Monday, October 28th
    9. 2025 budget proposal and review November
    10. Annual Review of reserve study – also November?
    11. Online payments – Still looking into this option.
    12. Design Updates – front sheds – architect from RA; distinguishing shades of amber white, still working on this.
    13. Pet waste – signs in good locations.
    14. Ideas for board replacement? – will look into possible candidates.  Need someone to cover until the annual meeting.
    15. Cluster Show and Tell Visit – with Reston Association. Will look at possible virtual meeting.


    NEXT MEETING TUESDAY, October 8th, at 7 pm

    Wheelwright Cluster HOA

    November Board Meeting

    Tuesday, November 12th, 2024 at 7pm 

    ATTENDEES: Kristina Myer, Kelly Fairbank, Sandy Mohler, Cyndi Hartman, Katie Jay, Aaron Rider



    1. VCAP project updates
    2. Will pass along updates later


    1. Large tree branch that fell behind 2226-2230
    2. Most of the damage to 2228
    3. Large amount of tree debris that needs to be discarded/disbursed
    4. $1000 estimate from Kevin
    5. $1000 remaining in tree budget for 2024
    6. Estimate for tree work for 2025 is $15,600.  We can move $3,600 from erosion control to get the tree budget up to this level.  Voted and passed.


    1. Completed 11/7 with no major issues
    2. Resident who pointed out the parking lot seam is not as smooth as could be and has some discoloration.  Kristina is meeting with Robert tomorrow to look at the seam and see if any corrections are needed.


    1. Chris Hughes – waiting for the following:
    2. 2025 contract received – sent back with a few revisions.  Price will increase by 6.2% – $26,210 (assuming mulch for lower island is covered in the lower cluster planting below)
    3. Price increase is mostly due to extra mulch (for entrance) and extra mowings
    4. Quote for lower cluster island plantings for next Spring $5065.00
    5. Plant types as described. (Great selections. Color. 4 season interest!)
    6. Magnolias are 7′ Balled and burlapped.
    7. Shrubs are #3 gallon
    8. Perennials are 1 gallon sized
    9. For Spring Cluster Cleanup, we would clean the bed, add top soil and a plant starter amendment for each plant and mulch when completed.
    10. Looking at options for local clubs to either provide plants or help with planting.


    1. The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) 

    CTA: Corporate Transparency Act

    HOA must submit

    FinCEN Corporate Transparency Act Homeowner Associations | HOAs

    Any domestic reporting company created before January 1, 2024, must file a report no later than January 1, 2025.

    Reporting Company Required Information:

    1) Its full legal name

    2) Complete current address – reporting company’s registered agent

    3) The state where the company first registered

    4) IRS Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)

    Company applicant is considered the individual who directly files the documents with the

    Secretary of State that creates the entity. We don’t need to provide a company applicant

    because we did not file the application on Jan 1, 2024 or later.

    Beneficial Owner, exercises substantial control over the entity. Directs, determines or has

    substantial control over important decisions.

    Beneficial Owner required information:

    1) Full legal name

    2) Date of birth

    3) Current residential address

    4) Unique identifying number. U.S. passport, driver’s license. Need to include picture of

    front side of document.

    3 methods of submitting:

    1) BOSS Web file system

    2) BOSS PDF submission

    3) Approved API 3 rd parties

    Once filed, BOSS system does not keep a record to go back and search. Does not allow you to create a user profile. Filings are not visible to general public.

    • RASi: Registered Agent Solutions Inc:
    1. Voted to use this company to submit filing.  Kristina will be the “Beneficial Owner” and work with Aaron to get documents submitted.


    1. Monday, December 2nd at 7pm
    2. Notice to residents no later than 11/25 – combination of email, snail mail, and door to door handouts
    3. Topics
    4. 2024 Budget Review/2025 budget proposal
    5. Exterior light options.
    6. Door paint colors.
    7. Pet waste stations.


    • Tree Inspection
    • Upper cluster poplar replacement – tree for behind 2207, recommend a white oak.
    • Online payments
    • Design Updates – front sheds – architect from RA; distinguishing shades of amber white

    FINANCIALS NEXT MEETING Monday, December 2nd, at 7 pm