Trash Service Update

A note from our account manager at CSI:

Last night there was a fire at the Fairfax County Disposal and Recycling Facility. As a result, the facility will be closed until further notice. This may impact your service because our drivers will have to go to an alternate disposal facility, which may be farther away and will most likely have long lines. We appreciate your patience during this time.

Monday, December 5th: Annual Meeting

As per our bylaws, the Wheelwright Cluster Annual Meeting will occur on Monday, December 5th at 7PM.  The meeting will be held at Reston Community Center.  We will be discussing the 2016 and 2017 budget.  Additionally, two board seats are up for election and, since Manuel is stepping down, we are also looking for a new treasurer.  All residents are encouraged to attend, especially since a quorum is needed to approve the budget.

Board Meeting Minutes, 26 September 2016

Reston Community Center, 7:30 PM

Board Members in Attendance:

– Elliott Wild
– Karen Reese
– Heather Maddox
– Matt Keally
– Dennis Schulte
– Manuel Torres

Also in Attendance:

– Sarah Keally
– Jessica Vasconcellos

Fall Cleanup

The fall cleanup date is Saturday, November 12th.  The board decided to address the following at the fall cleanup: mulch the bus path, stain the remaining bench, pick up trash, remove the dead tree by Manuel’s house, and remove the limb overhanging the tot lot.  The Social Committee has a budget of $300-400 for food and drinks for after the cleanup.


There are still complaints about the landscapers cutting the grass too closely in some areas with riding mowers.  Dennis will call to remind them to use hand mowers.

Social Committee

Sarah and Jessica reported highlights from the last Social Committee meeting.  There were suggestions from the committee to provide a message board for contractor recommendations, help with projects, as well as snow removal.  The board also asked the Social Committee to determine if a budget would be necessary to plan further social activities.

Communication from the Board

Due to the lack of visits on the cluster Facebook page and website, the board authorized the purchase of a sandwich board to be placed at the cluster entrance.  The sandwich board will be displayed in advance of cluster events, announcing the fall cleanup, board meetings, and the annual meeting.  Additionally, a Wheelwrighter will be distributed within the next 30 days to announce the fall cleanup as well as the annual meeting.

Parking Lot

Genelle has one quote for crack sealing and is obtaining two more.  She is also obtaining bids for concrete work.


Following the walkaround, the board decided to hold off on further discussions on moving any of the newly planted trees due to the time and effort involved.  Bids are still being solicited for the stump removal behind Carrie’s house.  The board decided to cut down two dead trees behind Mike and Kerry’s house; the contractor’s cost estimate was roughly $400.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be Monday, October 24th at 7:30PM at RCC.  Heather will present a draft Code of Ethics which will be a proposed amendment to the bylaws in December.

Board Meeting Minutes, 24 August 2016

Reston Community Center, 7:30 PM

Board Members in Attendance:

– Elliott Wild
– Karen Reese
– Heather Maddox
– Dennis Schulte
– Matt Keally
– Manuel Torres

Opening Remarks

Due to some disagreements between board members Dennis opened the meeting with a statement that he wished the board can move forward to address new business.  To that end, Heather introduced a motion to develop a code of ethics to be added to the bylaws.  A draft version is to be developed by the October meeting.  Elliot, Matt, and Heather voted to support the motion.


Heather stepped down as president but will remain on the board.  Elliot will become the new president until at least the annual meeting, while Matt will become secretary.


Merrifield Gardening planted replacement trees in early August.  Carrie brought up that some of the trees were planted in locations unsuitable for large trees.  She also brought up that several stumps from the original trees were not removed and presented a hazard.  Genelle brought up that a tree limb was dangerously overhanging the tot lot.  The board invited all who were interested to walk around the cluster to survey the completed tree work and provide input as to how to address the stumps and remaining tree hazards.  Elliott set the date for the walkaround for Sunday, August 28th at 2PM.

Parking Lot Resealing

Elliott mentioned he had one bid for parking lot resealing, however, he wanted several more bids.  Two companies he contacted would not reseal a parking lot they did not originally pave themselves.  Genelle said she would identify more paving and sealing contractors and provide the names to Elliott.  Carrie and several others discussed re-adding a motorcycle parking space in the lower cluster that had previously been eliminated.  Genelle also said she would help coordinate an effort to fix cracking concrete sidewalks around the cluster, identifying homeowners who would like concrete work done in order to reduce costs to individual homeonwers via one large job.


Carrie stated her disagreement with a letter she received from Heather regarding parking of her husband’s truck.  Manuel also voiced his displeasure of the board’s monitoring of expired registration and inspection stickers.  The board members stated that they will cease all vehicle policing for the indefinite future.


Several residents reported rat sightings.  Karen will work to identify a pest control company.

Future Meetings

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 26th at 7:30PM at RCC.  The board also scheduled a budget planning meeting for Monday, November 21st.

Trash and Recycling Update

A message from CSI, our trash and recycling provider:

Reminder: Be sure to place items at the curb the night before collection.
With the upcoming chance of dangerous heat, there is a high probability that we may have to start residential services earlier than normal next week.  Please remember to place your trash and recycling at the curb the night before collection, to ensure your items are collected.


Board Meeting Minutes, 2 May 2016

Board Members in Attendance

  • Heather Maddox, President
  • Dennis Schulte, Director
  • Elliot Wild, Secretary
  • Matt Keally, Director
  • Manuel Torres, Treasurer

Also in attendance: N/A

Old Business

  • Website. The Board decided to hold off on doing a demo of the website until all Board members were present.  Access –who resets/approves users? The Board had a lengthy discussion concerning security of the site.
  • Parking Registration Form.  The Board examined and discussed an online form Heather had put together. The form appeared very well put together. The Board debated the need for such a form and how the community may receive such a form.
  • Tree replacement/health bids. Manuel shared that we had approximately $6,000 left for tree maintenance. And $1,200 for tree removal. The Care of Trees quoted $980 to remove two troubled trees behind Mike’s house. The Board will explore the possibility of JL removing them and also taking care of the logs they left behind from the last work they did.  The Board voted 3-1 in favor of fertilizing the three large oaks lining the entrance to the community at a cost of $425.
  • Winter Weather Service. The Board voted unanimously to hire Frontier as the provider for snow removal service.
  • Parking lot resealing bids/concrete work-assigned to Elliot. Dennis did some research, and it seems like grinding and milling parking lots is typically only done about every 15 years. Our last milling was done around 2008-9. Elliot will still get a sealing quote from ProPave and at least one other competitor.
  • Cluster Cleanup Follow-up. The Board discussed the success of the spring cluster cleanup and the excellent job done by the social committee.  The Board also discussed the supplies owned by the Board, and that there were not enough out in circulation to bother creating a tracking spreadsheet. Heather put together a shopping list in an effort to streamline the shopping for future Board/Social Committee members.
  • Erosion control-look at areas and revisit in fall. The Board also discussed things which could be done to proactively mitigate erosion, such as trimming low limbs on trees near erosion sites.
  • The Board discussed how frequently registration tags should be checked in the community and how that should be handled.
  • A resident requested the Board conduct an audit. The Board discussed the possibility and how much it might cost. The Board agreed that this was worthy of pricing CPAs and considering at a future meeting.
  • Tree Replacement.  The Board agreed to consider bids from multiple tree replacement services. RA requires Wheelwright to replace 8 trees. The Board will vote via email.
  • Intuit- Financials. Intuit has indicated they will begin charging a monthly fee to the Cluster. Manuel and the Board are going to look into other services.
  • Dennis suggested we discuss cords and buried cords at the next meeting. Heather shared that she spoke with Comcast, and that they have already been the community and will be working to rectify the unburied cord situation.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Monday, June 6 th , 2016, at 8:00pm at Elliot’s at 2274 Wheelwright Ct.