Annual Board Meeting Minutes: December 4

Annual Meeting, Reston Community Center
8PM 12/4/2017

Board Members in Attendance
-Elliot Wild, President
-Genelle McDonald, Vice President
-Matt Keally, Secretary
-Easton Warner, Treasurer
-Jessica Joyner, Director
-Kerry Wingell, Director

Bylaws Changes
Elliot and Ami Pape, the cluster attorney, provided an overview of eight proposed bylaws changes: absentee ballots, electronic voting, electronic meeting notices, director removal, board member code of conduct, board action without meeting, board member liability, and collection of late dues.

Several questions arose over the issue to limit board member liability.  Ms. Pape explained that the changes will not reduce the cluster insurance requirement and would not protect board members from any criminal act.  Residents also commented on absentee voting and board action without a meeting, stating that these changes could potentially reduce resident input into board decisions.  Ms. Pape reminded residents that the changes do not override the requirement for an annual meeting and that absentee voting will still require a quorum.  There was also a comment that it may be too easy to remove a director, either through a director supermajority or member vote, however, Ms. Pape assured the room that the thresholds for removal were still significant.

Bylaws Vote
All eight proposed amendments passed with a supermajority voting in favor of each.

2017 Overview
The board described work accomplished in 2017, to include parking lot sealing, a new landscaping and snow removal contract, sidewalk concrete repair, and tree removal.  Erosion control was the only unaccomplished item for 2017.  Several residents voiced their concern with the new landscaping company and its leaf removal practices: some leaves were still blown into the woods and that some of the landscapers were running their equipment too close to children.

A member asked about the validity of the parking regulation previously championed by the board: residents are strongly encouraged to have no more than two cars.  Ms. Pape stated that whatever is printed in the guidelines is what the rule is, however, this can be changed by a board vote.

Elliot stated that the cluster finances were in good health and that he believed that a dues increase would not be needed for nearly ten years.  An increase would be needed eventually to maintain cluster reserve funding.  Elliot stated that within the next ten years, a parking lot grind and mill would be required.  Residents stated that the parking lot was deteriorating in several locations.  Elliot responded that the crack sealing did not cover everything and that one contractor suggested performing a grind and mill this past summer, however, the board believed it was too early.

Easton stated that a CD was coming due and would be renewed.  He also brought up the intention of the board to perform an audit, a necessary but expensive undertaking.

2018 Budget
The board described the 2018 budget as being similar to 2017 with several exceptions.  Insurance would be increased to meet Virginia state requirements.  Additionally, landscaping costs will increase due to the new contract.  There was a comment that the tree maintenance budget was too high.  The board responded that $4,000 was spent on tree pruning and removal this year and that while there are no trees planned for removal, the amount is included to handle any unforeseen circumstances.  The members voted unanimously to pass the 2018 budget proposal.

Board Member Elections
Kerry, Elliot, and Matt were at the end of their terms.  Kerry and Elliot stated that they were stepping down while Matt stated that he would run for re-election but strongly encouraged someone to fill his spot.  Mike Pendleton, Jill Jenkins, and Kristina Myers volunteered to run for the three open seats and were subsequently elected to the board by the members.

Post-Annual Meeting of New Board Members
There was a brief meeting immediately after the end of the regular Annual Meeting attended by Genelle McDonald, Jessica Joyner (formerly Jessica Vasconcellos), Easton C. Warner, Jill Jenkins, Kristina Redford Myers and Michael Pendleton. The purpose of the meeting was to assign positions for Board Officers and Directors.  After brief discussions the group agreed that:  Mrs. Jessica Joyner would become Board President; Ms. Genelle McDonald would remain Vice President; Mr. Easton C. Warner would remain Treasurer; Ms. Jill Jenkins would become Secretary/Computer Specialist; Mrs. Kristina Redford Myers would become Director; Mr. Michael Pendleton would become Director. The group also set the next board meeting for Thursday, January 11th at 7pm at Jessica Joyner’s residence (2205) and made a general plan to try to hold regular meetings on the second Thursday of each month at 7pm, rotating locations.


Board Meeting Minutes: July 13th

2233, 8:00PM

Board Members in Attendance:
– Elliot Wild, President
– Genelle McDonald, Vice President
– Matt Keally, Secretary
– Easton Warner, Treasurer
– Jessica Vasconcellos, Director
– Kerry Wingell, Director

Minutes Approval.
The board voted 4-0 to approve the minutes from the previous meeting (June 13).

New Director.
The board voted 4-0 to approve Kerry Wingell of 2219 to serve out the remainder of Heather’s term.

Bylaws Amendments.
The board will wait until the lawyer presents feedback before deciding on a meeting to vote on the proposed amendments. Debate centered around introducing the amendments at the annual meeting or earlier in the fall where the vote could be held outside at the cluster. Flyers and detailed information will be disseminated to residents beforehand.

Stump Grinding.
Jessica presented three stump grinding options. The board voted 5-0 to approve Strictly Stumps to grind but not remove at a cost of $150. The work will take place within the month. Note: a subsequent email thread approved Mr. Stumpy to perform the work instead at a cost of $60.

Cluster Cleanup.
The Cluster Cleanup will be on Saturday, September 30th at 9:30 AM. The board will meet at 9AM.

Replacement Tree.
The board will let Merrifield decide the species of tree to replace the dead tree by the Oliver’s. While it was decided earlier to plant a redbud, RA’s strict tree planting requirements combined with a comment from Mike Pendleton that redbuds do not do well in the sun prompted the board to allow Merrifield to decide the species.

Conference Calling.
Jessica stated that the conference call performed well for the meeting and that the board will pay on an as needed basis.

Parking Lot Work.
The schedule for the parking lot is as follows:
– Mon, 8/7: Powerwashing curbs, vehicles do not need to be moved
– Tue, 8/8: Vehicles must be removed by 6:30AM.
– Wed, 8/9: Striping, vehicles must remain outside the lot until the afternoon.

The board decided to tow cars at the expense of the owner starting at 6AM on August 8th. Jessica will look up towing rates. Additionally, Fairfax County stated that while they would not remove vehicles from Olde Crafts, the Park Authority will allow parking in the South Lakes Drive Park parking lot during the sealcoating.

The board will post flyers regarding the sealcoating on Sunday, August 6th.

Tree Removal.
In a 5-0 vote, the board approved Elliot to pursue a $4,000 bid from Tree60 to remove the one RA approved tree behind 2219 and to look into pruning and removal options with the other tree behind 2221. Additionally, the bid listed a shrub and another tree behind 2276 that were both proposed to be removed. Elliot will also investigate this.

Cluster Audit and Accountants.
Genelle received three local bids which stated Quickbooks would not be a problem and the work could be completed in one to two days. Also, Easton mentioned that the current tax accountant is having difficulty handling basic interest statements.

Easton stated there were no major issues.

Next Meeting.
The next meeting will be Thursday, August 24th at 8PM. It will be held at 2274.

Minutes, 13 June 2017

Special Meeting: 2217, 7:30PM

Board Members in Attendance:

  • Elliot Wild, President
  • Genelle McDonald, Vice President
  • Matt Keally, Secretary
  • Easton Warner, Treasurer
  • Jessica Vasconcellos, Director

Board Member Resignation

Heather Maddox submitted a letter of resignation. The board voted unanimously to accept her resignation.

Publication of Minutes on Website

The board voted unanimously to give the Secretary discretion in posting edited minutes to the website.

Remote Participation in Board Meetings

The board voted unanimously to allow remote board member participation in meetings, as permitted by Virginia law. Jessica will identify a service to be employed on an as needed basis with voice participation as the sole requirement.

Proposed Bylaws Amendments

The board voted to approve four changes to the bylaws. Bylaws amendments will be submitted to the cluster lawyer for review. The lawyer, Ami Pape, as part of the approval process, will meet with the board to discuss the changes and meet with the cluster members during the homeowner vote.

Absentee Voting

The board voted 4-0 to allow homeowners to vote via mail or hand deliver ballots to the board prior to votes at annual meetings or special meetings. Such votes would include director positions as well as major financial decisions requiring homeowner input. Voting by proxy will be prohibited.

Remote Meeting Participation

The board voted unanimously to approve remote participation in board meetings by homeowners. The remote participation will be facilitated by the voice or video means identified by Jessica.

Removing Directors

The board voted 4-0 to allow removal of directors via a four out of five director vote. The board also discussed shortening the director term length to 1 year.

Code of Conduct

The board voted 3-0 to add a one paragraph Code of Conduct to the bylaws, governing the behavior of board directors and officers.

July Meeting

The board voted unanimously to find space at RCC for the July meeting and, pending review by the lawyer, conduct a resident vote on the proposed bylaws changes.


The board voted unanimously to approve the Wheelwrighter.


American Lawn Brothers notified the cluster that the normal lawn care day will be Thursday.

Parking Lot Sealcoating

Jessica will send a letter to Fairfax County about removing cars on Olde Crafts to allow for cluster parking during the sealcoating in August.

New Director

The board will work to identify a new board member to fill out the remainder of Heather’s term.

Cluster Cleanup: April 22nd

The spring cleanup will take place on Saturday, April 22nd at 9:30 AM.  This is a great way to meet your neighbors and help reduce cluster expenses.  Coffee and light breakfast items will be available followed by a barbecue in the afternoon.  Items on the agenda include:

  • Mulching the tot lot
  • Repair island planter boxes in the upper cluster
  • Shrub trimming
  • Trash pickup (a dumpster will be available for residents)

Trash Service Update

A note from our account manager at CSI:

Last night there was a fire at the Fairfax County Disposal and Recycling Facility. As a result, the facility will be closed until further notice. This may impact your service because our drivers will have to go to an alternate disposal facility, which may be farther away and will most likely have long lines. We appreciate your patience during this time.

Monday, December 5th: Annual Meeting

As per our bylaws, the Wheelwright Cluster Annual Meeting will occur on Monday, December 5th at 7PM.  The meeting will be held at Reston Community Center.  We will be discussing the 2016 and 2017 budget.  Additionally, two board seats are up for election and, since Manuel is stepping down, we are also looking for a new treasurer.  All residents are encouraged to attend, especially since a quorum is needed to approve the budget.