Annual Cluster HOA Meeting – December 2021

Monday, December 6th at 7PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 876 9256 6063
Passcode: 361441

Please be sure to arrive early so that the moderator can let you in the virtual meeting. Once the meeting has started, it is difficult to see if someone is trying to join.

If you are having trouble joining, email the board at

Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – November 2021

Thursday, November 11, 2021 at 7 pm via Zoom

Attendees: Kelly, Kristina, Cyndi, Sandy, Kayleen

Community updates

Fall Cluster Clean up – how did it go?

Around 14 houses were represented during the cleanup. It was a great turn out and we were able to be successful with the projects we wanted to complete. Thank you to everyone who helped out. 


French drain and access path – completed.  Checking with Eddie/Jose on whether grass seed was put down or if that still needs to be done – he is putting down straw instead

We may need to circle back in the Spring and see if anything else needs to be done with area and possibly plant grass or ivy. 

Watch light updates?  2265 replacement and 2215 blinding lamp

***New work orders submitted 10/4. Keeping an eye on 2265. Update:  resident at 2269 sent email about blinking watchlight on his corner – may be the same lamp?

There hasn’t been much success in getting Dominion to come out and look at the issues we are having. Or if they do the problem seems to come back shortly after. There is also still the issue of the lamp without panes. Kristina will reach out to Erin to see if the RA is able to assist.

Deck renovations – materials and colors; Door colors and styles; new approved siding colors/trim capping

Community outreach – sent out via hard copy Wheelwrighter, email, and updated tap on website

DRB -Deck guidelines will be mentioned during the annual meeting, but we are not expecting to have a full discussion. Information materials have been sent out but no one has addressed any concerns with the proposed changes. 

Tree work/Tree committee

Steve Weissman has resigned from the Tree Committee. Mike Pendleton is thinking about signing on and acting as chair of the committee. Jeffrey Cai and Kerry Wingell will continue on as members of the committee

Scheduled work with J&L on December 11th – will be coordinated and carried through by the tree committee members – Board will be available if needed

The tree committee will be responsible only for the trees in the neighborhood that pose potential hazards to life and property – this may include removal of trees, topping trees or pruning back trees that are intrusive and potentially destructive to property.

The board will be responsible for smaller trees in the neighborhood that require aesthetic pruning/trimming as these fall into the category of general landscaping.  If one of these smaller trees needs to be evaluated due to possible danger to life or property, it will then be referred to the tree committee.

Precarious tree behind 2224/2226 – Awaiting call from Peter at J&L trees to ask some questions and get an official quote for bringing down the tree.  Tree Committee to get a second (and maybe 3rd opinion) from another company.

One company quoted $2,700 and said they would be able to take down the tree immediately. 

Parking lot

Reached out to Jay from RA – have not yet heard back, probably a long shot

Also waiting to hear back from Pavement Designs, LLC


Issues?  There have been some issues with work being done on houses that didn’t request work to be done. 

There have also been concerns about grass seed being laid and then the landscaping company coming and using the same space to stage materials, ruining the previous work that was done. 

Swale installation has been completed.



Annual Meeting – Monday, December 6th at 7 pm – via Zoom

Accomplishments – 2021

  • New siding specifications and color, trim capping  expansion to all houses and color adjustment
  • Concrete sidewalk repair and addition of railing railing
  • Drainage control behind houses 2245 to 2249
  • Access path added for row of houses 2217-2231
  • Updating design standards for 
  • Front doors
  • Decks
  • A/C units

Goals for 2022

  • Replacement of parking lot – speed bump? Speed bumps tend to get damaged during snow removal. Board will look into temporary options to see if there are any that can be removed when snow is expected. 
  • Erosion control perhaps behind houses 2256-2250
  • Reserve study
  • Front sheds
  • White trim options
  • Parking in the cluster – enforcement of:
  • Registered cars only in the parking lots
  • Up to date tags
  • Limit number of cars per household to 2 in parking lot – possibly have hanging parking permits
  • Parking on parking pads in lower cluster (remind those in lower cluster to report illegal parking)
  • Give people deadline (3-4 months)


  • P&L
  • Customer balance sheet
  • 2022 budget
  • Reserve study

HOA Meeting – November 2021

Thursday, November 11th at 7:00 pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 850 0831 2009

Passcode: 094247

Please be sure to arrive early so that the moderator can let you in the virtual meeting. Once the meeting has started, it is difficult to see if someone is trying to join.

If you are having trouble joining, email the board at

Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – October 2021

Thursday, October 14, 2021 at 7 pm via Zoom

Community updates

Cluster Clean up – Saturday, October 23rd


  1. Cold patch repair on parking lot

Jay from RA has a product he recommends that is superior to Coldpatch and much easier to use called Aquaphalt.

Kristina will order the Aquaphalt from Ace Hardware as it is the best price.  Will take measurements to determine how much is needed for the potholes

2. Pulling invasive weeds and cleaning up natural areas between rows 2241 and 2243 and the area to the right of 2249 as well as other unkempt areas around tot lot. 

Mulch to be added.  Need to order.

Talked about ordering mulch from the company that delivers in bags as opposed to our landscaper who will deliver in a large pile which makes it more difficult to haul.  (Update:  did not end up ordering mulch – decided to wait until Spring.

  1. Tot lot benches

Cyndi to lead this effort – benches need to be sanded and stained.

  1. Moving sod from 2248 to the surrounding path by 2249 and 2251

This may end up being a cluster clean up project

  1. Cookout

KM put it into the last Wheelwrighter.  Thinks we are probably ok to go ahead and has been watching county COVID transmission rate, down from high to substantial.  Numbers are lower with a 3.31% positive rate.  Proposes still having the cookout since it’s outside.  Board agreed to start planning for it and cancel if transmission rates worsen.

After everyone reviews the shopping list for cookout, Kristina will go to Costco to pick up items.


Kristina will man check-in table and have coffee available and go to work later in the morning.

Will also direct people where they can do to help during clean up.

Cyndi already has some of the items needed for coffee and a table.

Sandy – in charge of asphalt patching

Cyndi – in charge of benches

Kelly and Kayleen to be in charge of weeds/invasives in the area by tot lot and between rows of houses between upper and lower cluster.

Kyle and/or Tim to grill during cookout.

Sandy to put out samples of siding and door colors and some decking information for people to view during the cleanup.  Sandy has some paint sample chips that folks can take for our approved siding colors.  If we don’t have enough, people can get more at Sherwin Williams.Erosion – 


French drain – 2243, 45, 47, 49 and access path to right of 2231 application – this has been approved by RA but waiting on clarification on a couple of things.

For the French drain Jose will be using 57 gravel and covering it with soil and grass seed making it invisible.  RA said to use river jack instead of 57 gravel for aesthetics but agreed if underground, 57 gravel should be ok.  They had also wanted a metal edging that will go along the access path to prevent wood chips from washing down the slope.  That metal edging is supposed to be 6 in. in height but RA said they don’t want it to be higher than 4 in.  (Part of this will be underground and not visible and in places where the grade of slope prevents the railing from “hiding” some of the railing, it is ok.  Sandy suggested that the stipulation likely is so that the railing does not exceed the height of the wood chips creating a tripping hazard.  We’ll try to ensure the chips are flush with the railing.

Jose said he could probably come out to start the work after the 25th After the lines are marked by “Miss Utility” to get the lines marked.

Kristina talked to Jose about him possibly using the wood chips from the stump of the tree in front of 2230’s house for the path.  (Update:  Jose will not use these chips – we will use for other projects – Sandy suggested using around the tot lot benches since it is muddy there)

Haven’t yet gotten a quote from Chris for price to move mulch once the tree stump has been grinded by J and L.


Completed.  Railing installed.  Everything looks great!

Everything looks really good.  Railing is installed.  

Kerry had a couple of concerns about the concrete surface being too rough and clean up being less than adequate.  We may want to monitor this going forward if we continue to use the same company but no one else has complained.  Things seem to have been completed well and on time.

Watch light updates? 

2265 replacement and 2215 blinding lamp

***New work orders submitted 10/4. Keeping an eye on 2265. Appears to be working, let me know if anyone notices otherwise. No feedback about the “searchlight” as yet.

Cyndi submitted new work orders on 10/4.  They didn’t give feedback on turnaround time.  Iit seems they have come by and taken care of it.  No one has gotten back to her about the one in front of 2257.  She will follow up if she doesn’t hear back.

Sandy mentioned the light in front of Cyndi’s house which appears to go on and off periodically as well.  Cyndi has only noticed an occasional flicker but will keep an eye on.

Deck renovations -materials and colors, Door colors and styles

Sandy working on slide-show to share with the Cluster.  Meaghan hoping to have some updates regarding decks by the end of the week.  Once we get feedback Sandy will finish DRB and send it off.  2263 submitted their DRB for deck and railings.  Sandy recommended clarification/changes  – square rails instead of round and railing holders underneath instead of on top – to their DRB before the Board signs off on it – she will address with 2263.

Community outreach



Tree work

The amount of tree work remaining will total $6247.50 as opposed to $8100 that would have included removal of shredded stump wood chips which we hope to use for our access path by Cyndi’s home.  However, we’ll need to factor in the cost of moving the chips from one location to another in the cluster – our landscaper, Chris has offered to do this for us but I don’t have an estimate yet.

Tree planting – Jeffrey has proposed 2 trees for planting behind his home to replace the felled trees from a couple of years ago.

Tulip Poplar (native)

black sourgum tree (native)

American sweetgum (native) (alternate)

Jeffrey got prices on the Tulip Poplar trees from a nursery in Ashburn for $169.99 for a sizable baby tree (can’t remember exact size).  The sourgumm and sweetgum can also be found at the same nursery.  No price available for those yet.  The price of the trees will come out of the tree budget.  They are not covered by our tree credit.  Is everyone ok with spending the roughly $325 for the two trees behind Jeffrey’s house.

Board agreed to the trees.  (Update:  Jeffrey went to the nursery and purchased 2 black gum trees – one of which was the price that was agreed upon, the other was significantly bigger and the price was significantly more.  Board will have to address.)

Sandy proposed waiting on the cherry tree behind 2250 as agreed upon by the homeowners because when the cherry tree left, other trees filled in and now there is not a lot of light back there.  A small sapling won’t do well.  Also, many of those trees need to be considerably pruned.  Some of the remaining roots are actually sprouting and we may be able to use these offshoots to replant this cherry tree either there or other places in the cluster.

Cyndi has talked with her neighbor about the very dead tree in her neighbor’s yard and has suggested that others help to cut down the tree.  Sandy offered to take her chain saw to it after we can confirm with the homeowner.

Scope of work that the tree committee is responsible for and what the board is responsible for.

The tree committee says that they only handle trees that potentially imperil life or property.  We didn’t realize that and assumed anything to do with trees fell under the purview of the tree committee.

Board will take on the task of figuring out how to go forward with smaller tree work and potentially explore other companies for this.

Parking lot

Email regarding visit with Jay from RA

Kristina met with Jay from RA about parking lots.  Biggest take away was that RA does not do any seal coating of their parking lots because it doesn’t add to the life of the parking lot.  Addressing cracks as soon as they appear is important.  He added we are potentially looking at a foundation problem with our parking lot and it might be wise to do the 4 inch mill & pave.  

Discussion about only doing 4 in. mill & pave in the middle of the parking lot and 1.5 inches in the parking space.  Jay from RA thinks that’s a good idea.

K will continue to gather information and will talk with the guy from Pavement Design LLC to answer her questions and determine cost.

Also, determine if Jay from RA is available for a paid consultancy/project management.

Email from Pavement design, LLC – consultants for repaving lots – proposal and sample report that was completed for Marriott recently. 

Email from Pavement & Design LLC, a consultant who basically holds your hand through the process….they go through bids and put together a 10 – 15 year budget and tell you how to elongate the life of your parking lot.  However, Kristina had questions about a recent Marriott proposal that they had worked on & contradictory message about seal coating.



Aeration of Steve’s yard that was done even though he had not ordered it.  Sandy talking with Chris to address the problem.

Progress on seeking other bids?

Will likely need to continue using Chris for another year.  No one has time to look for new bids.  Might need to save money by only doing common areas.  This way there won’t be any more problems with individual lawns and will save money too.

Will ask Chris for two proposals, 1) Common areas only, 2) common areas plus individual yards.

Homeowner Fall lawn service update

Swale installation update

Maybe next week or the week after. (Update:  Chris says he will do week of October 25th.)


Rollaway dumpster has been ordered for Friday 10/22 to Monday 10/25. – Ordered

Voucher to exempt us from dumping fees was actually processed and received and submitted to Bates already.  (Miracles can happen) – Done


None reported.

Neighborhood donation pickup

Cyndi has been working with Green Drop to get us a date for a community pickup of donated items for multiple families.  Email went out and we will hopefully get multiple homeowners to sign up

****scheduled for Wednesday 10/20 7am – 7pm – Done.

Compost bin discussion. 

Texted Lynn to ask if she’d keep an eye on it.  

Cindy asked how to take care of it and offered to help maintain as well.

Update:  Lynn has offered to keep an eye on it and communicate any issues to the board.


Sandy suggested to start enforcing guidelines more strictly since pandemic restrictions are easing a little….two cars, tags up to date, inspections current, etc.


Financial outlook 

2022 budget

Dues increase

Kelly & KM talked about dues increase and determined that $350 is where we want to be.  It is the average for other clusters in Reston are paying..  Talked about doing it incrementally, $25 this year, $25 next year.  Money in CDs will be needed for pavement mill & grind in 2022.


Two CD’s listed in online banking totaling $95K.  Need to call the bank to talk about them and get details.

P&L, dues

Reserve study

We have a CPA for tax prep.  KM reached out to an attorney via email but hasn’t heard back yet. Kelly will reach out to CPA to ask about reserve study.

Next Meeting

  • Thursday, November 11th at 7pm
  • Annual Meeting Monday Dec. 6th, at 7pm
    • Still half virtual, half in person?

Consensus is to have it virtual. KM will ask RA for a refund for the room.

HOA Meeting – October 2021

Thursday, October 14th at 7:00 pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 892 6581 1059
Passcode: 255094

Please be sure to arrive early so that the moderator can let you in the virtual meeting. Once the meeting has started, it is difficult to see if someone is trying to join.

If you are having trouble joining, email the board at

Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – September 2021

Thursday, September 9, 2021 at 7 pm via Zoom

Attendees: Kelly, Cyndi, Kristina, Kayleen, Sandy, Kyle (2224)

Community updates

Siding updates

Approved!!!!!!  (because of Sandy’s awesomeness!)🙌🙌🙌 *** Awaiting final approval from the RA after requested changes to language on timing of changes.

This includes an update in siding material to switch to the more readily available 8” on center plywood (though I believe cedar is still approved as well?).  This is more in line with our currently approved 8” on center Sierra 8 cement fiber product. When switching from 12” oc paneling to 8”, the whole house does not need to be done at once. The front of the house can be replaced and the back can be done separately. 12” and 8” is not permitted to be mixed on any given side, though.

New approved siding colors – establish a new color palette that coordinates with the existing vinyl colors.

• Retired paint colors: Cedar, Navajo Red, Russet, Avocado

• Paint color carried over from currently approved color palette: Cape Cod Gray

• Paint colors to be added: Needlepoint Navy, Steely Gray, Naval, Gauntlet Gray

• Paint colors to be added that match existing vinyl colors: Connected Gray, Curio Gray

• Old, original paint colors will be phased out to achieve full compliance in a period of 10 yrs.Upgrade to include “solid color stain or paint” as only stain was previously approved but is not the best option for some siding materials.

Expand the option of poly-vinyl coated aluminum trim wrap to include all houses, not just vinyl sided houses.  Change the approved color of trim wrap on houses from musket brown to a color to match the painted Oxford brown trim.

Doors and decks will be the next guideline items that will be updated. After that Sandy will work on getting smaller items updated. There will be an appendix at the end of the guidelines listing historical guidelines. 


Swale installation DRB application was approved.  Chris to install plantings and seed surrounding swales in September.

French drain – 2243, 45, 47, 49 and access path to right of 2231 application – finished but waiting on one homeowner signature.


Date of service – Friday 9/10  Cyndi left notes on affected homeowners doors notifying them of the service and if they need to or are recommended to move their car. 

Watch light by 2265

Cyndi says that she thought the light was fixed but then noticed it flickering again on her walk the other evening. Cyndi will reach back out to Dominion. She also wants to have a discussion about the light by 2215. The light is too bright and does not look complete. Sandy noted that she believes there are RA guidelines to how many Kelvins the lights can be. If this continues to be an issue with Dominion we may be able to reach out to RA for assistance. 

Deck renovations – materials and colors

Looking to update guidelines to include composite decking options (i.e. Trex) 

Board plans to pick a general color palette. This allows homeowners to use different companies and will help to keep the guidelines from being outdated by companies changing names or discontinuing colors. Homeowners will have to present their color option to the Cluster Board for approval before submitting an application with RA.

On 3 level houses,  if 3 sided composite vs the 4 sided composite is chosen, the underneath will need to be painted to match. 

Board is looking at allowing options for composite and aluminum railing. Design will be limited to the squared off option to keep consistency with the rest of the neighborhood design. When possible matching composite should be used for the cocktail ledge. Some companies offer limited colors. Most seem as though they would work, except for the white option. 

The glass panel option of replacing the balusters is also being considered. 

Some companies offer a gutter casing underneath the top level deck that keeps water from getting to the lower deck. This would be a nice option to have. Further research will need to be done on color options, and if the covering will need to be painted.

Sandy will look into adding stairs as an option for decks. Other communities in Reston have staircases so this seems like a viable option. 

Board will also look into if the top deck still needs to be restricted to 8 feet. Sandy believes this restriction has to do with building code when the houses were originally built. 

Tree work

Email from Steve

Work to be done in December = $8100

Work to be done at end of September = $5500

Total = $12,300 (Budgeted $2000 for tree maintenance and $11,300 (already spent $850 or was that from last year?)  Regardless, we should come in under budget. Board approved tree work. 

Door updates

Community input – Sandy and I have yet to do this but plan a hard copy Wheelwrighter as well as an email to inform homeowners of proposed updates.  Will also take the opportunity to inform residents of the new design updates just approved by RA.

Timeframe? Sandy is aiming for November timeframe. 

Parking lot – 

Finley Asphalt and Concrete20212022 (minimum)2022 (maximum)
Asphalt Mill and Overlay 2″ (includes pavement markings and fire lane curb marking)$76,485.00$80,325.00$84,134.00
Contingency costs for possible areas of lot that need total replacement$15,000.00$20,000.00
Crack sealing, seal coating, and other repairs over the life of the lot$45,000.00$50,000.00
Total over the life of the parking lot (20-25 years)$140,325.00$154,134.00
Brothers Paving20212022 (minimum)2022 (maximum)
Asphalt Mill and Overlay 2″ (includes pavement markings and fire lane curb marking)$89,950.00$89,950.00
Contingency costs for possible areas of lot that need total replacement$5,000.00$10,000.00
Crack sealing, seal coating, and other repairs over the life of the lot$42,400.00$45,000.00
Total over the life of the parking lot (12-15 years)$137,350.00$144,950.00

Finley $7706/year (if lot lasts 20 years)

Brothers $9663/year (if lot lasts 15 years)

Board agrees that this work needs to be done next year. Kristina will go back to both companies to see what the cost would be to just do driving paths and not parking spaces. Also, will see if there is a way for the companies to verify that the base layer will not need to be redone. Kristina will also reach out to see if she can get more information on both companies and their reputation and work. 


Issues? No specific new issues. Sandy talked to Chris about the overall appearance of the landscaping. He said to take photos of any incidents as they happen and he will address them.

Progress on seeking other bids? Will come back to in October

Other – The service request packet for grass was sent out. Work is recommended to be done in mid September.

A portion of the tree credit from the landscaping company needs to be used by December else it is forfeited.


Issues? No issues

Neighborhood donation pickup – Weekend of October 16th 

Amvets did not respond.  Moving on… Cyndi will contact Green drop donation

 Cluster Clean up – Saturday, October 23rd


Cold patch repair on parking lot

Pulling invasive weeds and cleaning up natural areas between rows 2241 and 2243 and the area to the right of 2249 as well as other unkempt areas around tot lot.  Plantings?

Cluster clean up organization

It was recommended to have a welcome station where homeowners can check in and see where work is being done. Also get any materials that are needed. 


Hazardous waste pickup will be on October 9th. 

Cookout? Board will reevaluate at the October HOA meeting.


Next Meeting

  • Thursday, October 14th at 7pm

HOA Meeting – September 2021

Thursday, September 9th at 7:00 pm

Here is the link to join:

Meeting ID: 854 4521 8146

Passcode: 453344

Please be sure to arrive early so that the moderator can let you in the virtual meeting. Once the meeting has started, it is difficult to see if someone is trying to join.

If you are having trouble joining, email the board at

Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – August 2021

Thursday August 12, 2021 at 7 pm via Zoom

Attendees: Kelly, Cyndi, Kristina, Kayleen, Sarah Keally, Sandy

Community updates


Swale installation DRB submitted – waiting to hear back

French drain installation along with 2231 path – DRB application in progress Kristina is working on getting pictures and signatures from affected neighbors for the application.


Date of service – Tuesday 9/7  Will still need to coordinate with owners doing reno at 2245. Cyndi talked with the company and noted which homeowners will need to move cars. They also suggested other spots that may want to move their cars to avoid possible damage by loose cement flying throughout the process.  Board will reach out to 2245, 2247 and 2249 to notify them of the 9/7 date for the sidewalk repair that is happening from 2245 to 2247 that links to the tot lot path as this will block access to these houses temporarily. Also, need to ask owners at 2249 and 2251 if they can move their car so the generator can be put in their spot. The railing is currently in manufacturing, and will be installed by a separate company.  Cyndi does not believe the install of the railing will be the same week, but will reach out to get a date of when it will be installed. Once a date has been determined the Board will notify owners of 2245, 2247 and 2249. 

 Watch light by 2265

Cyndi called but was not able to talk with anyone. She plans to call again to be able to talk to a real representative. She wants to discuss and look at a light that was previously replaced with a very bright light. She wants to see if there are alternatives to the extra bright light. Sandy mentioned a conversation she had with Mike about the potential option of making the lights solar based. Mike has reached out to the RA to see if it is a possibility. Will follow up in the September HOA meeting. 

Siding updates

DRB submitted Sandy talked with Erin (new covenants advisor) and Meghan and they believe everything  seems good with the DRB application. However, the RA has started a two tier system in which smaller items can be taken care of by the covenant advisor and bigger items go to the RA DRB. However, the RA DRB has the ability to take over any item from the covenant level. To ensure that this does not cause a hold up in the DRB application, Erin has put us on the schedule for the September RA DRB meeting, so that a ruling can be made quickly. Erin asked for some additional items such as community photos and copies of meeting notes. Sandy sent those off and is going to check in to make sure they’ve got everything.

Door updates

Community input? Plan for going forward? 

Sandy discussed with Erin the door color options as well as the decorative glass options. She discussed how we are submitting a large number of colors to help future proof the design as it is easier to take colors away from the design guidelines than it is to add more. After presenting her slides they seemed on board with the idea. The current plan is to present at the October RA DRB meeting. 

Before the meeting we want to get more community input on doors via a survey. This will help the application move along faster if we have community buy in. Board plans to send out slides and a survey through multiple sources (i.e. email, Facebook, wheelwright website). The board wants to get as much feedback as possible and ensure that everyone has been properly notified. 

Sandy also mentioned wanting to clean up our guidelines to reflect things we are actually approved for. She also wants to start looking through all sections of the guidelines to clean up and adjust and update some of the smaller items, like house numbers.  Sandy will present these during the October meeting. 

One of the larger items she wants to look into is to get bids for garbage bins and front overhang areas. We will probably have to get an architect to draw that up. Kelly will reach out to see if she knows anyone that can help with planning. 

Parking lot – asphalt updates

Kristina to present for board/community discussion in September



Should we seek bids from other companies? Sandy reached out to Chris and sent him an email covering our concerns about the weight of the equipment and things starting to look dingy. He has not responded. Sandy will try reaching out again.

The board will look into getting bids from other companies. This will help to give a point of reference on the possible cost and see if the community is interested enough for the possible increase. It was also discussed whether personal landscaping should be taken out of the budget and each homeowner will be responsible for the upkeep of their own land. In the past, this has led to overgrown unkempt yards.  Cyndi made the point that those who do not have a lawn, subsidize the cost of personal lawn upkeep by paying higher dues for this service.  This will most likely be a point of conversation at the annual meeting. 



Overall there have been no new issues reported and we have not heard of trash and recycling being combined again. There have been black bags left on the curb from gutter cleanings that weren’t picked up when first put out, but were eventually grabbed. 

Tree inspection 

JLL Tree Proposal

Steve and Kerry took Kristina around and showed her the big issues.  There are a few high priced items. First is the Oak tree by bus path on the edge of Old Crafts. It is on our property and it is dead and needs to be removed. We are not sure where or how they would get parking spots on old crafts. Steve is looking into it. 

A tree in the rear of 2267 is very dead and leaning toward the houses. It is a high ticket item

An oak tree behind 2207 is not large but is completely dead. It is mostly leaning away from houses but isn’t holding up well.

There is a tree near 2231  that needs pruning. 

The oak tree in front of 2230 continues to be a concern. They have been keeping their eye on it for the past  few years and the arborist feels like it’s not going to get better and it is a large tree on a small peninsula.  

There is a large tree on the island in the lower cluster that has branches at the top that need to be pruned. The arborist is not worried about the tree as whole but the tree would be healthier if the dead limbs were removed.

The estimated price is $13,600 but there is an option to take $750 off if they do not remove stump grindings. The neighborhood could use the stump grindings but we need to figure out how they would be transported to the areas that need them. We can also get $1,100 off if we postpone the non urgent work until the winter. We are ok pursuing the recommended work but we need a priority list of what needs to be done immediately and what can be postponed until we can get the winter discount.

Summer community cookout? Postponed due to weather

New date? Board decided to cancel the “summer cookout” due to high transmission rates but may decide to continue with the cluster clean up cookout in October depending on covid numbers in our community.  

Dennis has a grill he would like to donate to cluster Cyndi can keep the grill on her back deck for now. 

Will collect items for cornerstones during cluster cleanup cookout

Neighborhood donation pickup – Weekend of October 16th 

Kristina will look into Lupus foundation or Amvets – on to do list

Annual meeting

Room at RCC has been reserved pending payment


Continuation of discussion about fiscal health and early planning for 2022 budget. 

Next Meeting

  • Thursday, September 9th at 7pm

HOA Meeting – August 2021

Thursday, August 12th at 7:00 pm

Here is the link to join:

Meeting ID: 859 5435 8376

Passcode: 856423

Please be sure to arrive early so that the moderator can let you in the virtual meeting. Once the meeting has started, it is difficult to see if someone is trying to join.

If you are having trouble joining, email the board at