Wheelwright Cluster HOA

July Board Meeting

Tuesday, July 9th, 2024 at 7pm

ATTENDEES: Kristina Myers, Kelly Fairbank, Cyndi Hartman, Aaron Rider, Karen Ren, Sandy Mohler



1. VCAP project updates

1. Adele – delays due to health issues

2. Soil and Water Conservation District meeting to determine if project can be split into 2

3. Aiming for September 1st application submission

4. Can shoot for late fall, early winter planting or Spring 2025


1. Amber white – No updates at this time.


1. Tree behind 2276 slated for removal

1. DRB will be needed based on past tree removals

2. From Rose at 2272:

1. The stump grinding took place and the area looks great without the tree! Thank you soooo much! I was wondering what the plans were for the “new” space. Will a new tree be planted or just become a grassy area? I have a suggestion if there isn’t a plan already in place for it. I’m in favor of a new tree, something small like a flowering dogwood or cherry blossom or something like that. Or, I think the space would be really great for a monarch way station! I’ve been raising monarch butterflies for a few years now and the space could be a wonderful host for pollinator flowers and milkweed.

If the board decided to build a way station for monarch butterflies, I’d be more than happy to help.


1. Update after DRB meeting on 6/25

1. Speed bumps approved with no conditions

2. The panel approved our request for the partial removal of lower cluster island and additional parking spaces with the caveat that we submit a landscape design for the lower cluster island and ensure that there are no issues with the Fairfax County Fire marshall since there are fire lanes. Kristina will be looking into this.

3. Community vote:


5. New schedule – september-ish 6. Landscape design – reached out to Jen Ren at 2245 – email


1. Soil testing updates? Are other areas being tested? Cost of treatment? – No updates

2. Concerns to bring up with Chris

1. Address how close mulch is to trees – still seeing mulch mountains burying the base of the trees

2. Mowing – is it any better? Still seem to be coming biweekly

3. Herbicide treatment letter is still arriving AFTER treatment. It says specifically in the letter to keep children and pets off the turf areas for 3 hours.

3. Reached out to Chris – waiting to hear back

4. We have been contacted by Blade Runner. We will be looking at getting a quote to compare to our current contractor.


1. Signs

1. Where to put entrance sign?

1. We decided to just add the sign to the current pole. Another pole might make things look cluttered.

2. Aaron will order clamps for signs.

2. Where to put up grass rejuvenation signs


1. Important Dates

1. Tot Lot cleanup – Sunday, July 28th (power wash and new mulch)

2. Reached out to Kona Ice – waiting to hear back



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