Wheelwright Cluster HOA

May Board Meeting

Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 at 7pm

ATTENDEES: Cyndi Hartman, Sandy Mohler, Kristina Myers, Aaron Rider



1. VCAP project updates

1. Design proposal was presented Wednesday, April 24th with Cyndi, Aaron, Sandy and Kristina in attendance.

2. Board agreed on the following:

1. Organic design with curved coir logs

2. Keep Cherry tree, dogwood tree and holly tree. Remove both ailing hemlocks.

3. Path to go from 2242 to 2256.

4. The erosion work will be concentrated from 2248 to 2256.

3. Waiting to hear back from Dominion regarding the meters

4. Waiting to hear from Adele – she said she may suggest some changes after the RA drainage meeting and talking with the Soil and Water Conservation District

2. Catch basin project 2229/31/33

1. Deposit sent. Verified that it was received.

2. Work scheduled, still waiting to get scheduled.


1. DRB for doors, fence post caps and clear sealing – approved as submitted on 5/7 after Sandy attended the RA DRB meeting – congrats Sandy!! 🎉🎉🎉

2. New guidelines will be updated on website shortly.

3. Amber white – Is this available in different manufacture’s paint? If so, what would be the equivalent to Amber white.

4. Outdoor lighting – looking at additional options.


1. Tree DRB’s have been approved by RA

1. Scheduled for the last week of May.

2. Will look at putting up cones on Old Crafts by the creek a couple days prior to block of area.


1. Summary of board decisions

1. The board unanimously via email on 5/7/2024 and 5/8/2024 for the following:

1. Remove drive lanes to a depth of 4″ and base in with base asphalt to a depth of 2 1/2″

2. Profile Milling 1 1/2″ and Asphalt Resurfacing 1 1/2″

3. Restriping/yellow curb/stencils

4. 2 additional Parking Spaces with the removal of half lower cluster island

5. 2 new speed bumps

6. Total cost: $158,120

7. Total cost for Pavement, LLC: $2,500

8. Total $160,620

9. Budget reallocation:

1. From General Liability Insurance (over-budgeted) $26.00

2. From Fidelity Bond (over-budgeted) $23.00

3. From Zoom (over-budgeted) $2.10

4. From Concrete (pushed concrete work to next year) $9,000.00

5. From Snow Removal (currently have $4,195.00 remaining for the year) $2,000.00

6. Reducing our reserve allocation $14,524.00

2. Pre-Construction/walkthrough meeting with Dominion and Burt

1. Wednesday, 5/15 at 9 am

2. All board members welcome to join

3. DRB is required. Kristinia is working on paperwork for Reston for additional spaces. Next meeting 6/11.


1. Soil testing updates will be done next meeting? Are other areas being tested? Cost of treatment?

2. Mulching – very late this year – may want to address with Chris about how close the mulch is to the trees.

3. Homeowner complaint about quality of mowing, length of grass. Christina will address with Chris.


1. Signs

1. Where to put entrance sign? Looking at possibly install additional post. Aaron will look into the cost of a post, concrete and a post hole digger.

2. Where to put up grass rejuvenation signs. Aaron will look at the post on the trail.


1. Concrete – board voted to forego concrete repair this year but will budget more for next year

2. Important Dates

1. Tot Lot cleanup – Sunday June 2 (power wash and new mulch)



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