Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – May 2021

Thursday, May 13th at 7:00 pm via Zoom

Board Attendees: Kristina, Sandy, Ruthie, Cindy, and Kelly

Residents: 2207

Community updates

House Siding colors – Sandy

Colors chosen and approved by the Board – Naval, Waterloo, Steely Gray, Gauntlet Gray, Curio Gray, Connected Gray, and March Wind (alternative for Cape Cod). RA clusters do get a discount at Sherwin Williams. Need code from Megan, not received yet.

Door styles/colors – Sandy

Guidance from Megan not specific (brand name only, nothing about style of door). Sandy will discuss with her in upcoming meeting. After style and brand of doors selected, we can consider prefinished colors as an option for our door color palette.

Waiting to talk to Megan before completing DRB application.

Concrete – The proposal is complete. Talked about which areas to pull the trigger on. Proposal includes three concrete areas and an option for a railing, but the total would exceed what we had allotted so we need to pull some money from elsewhere (like snow removal or landscape beautification projects).

Board approved to go over budget to allow for cost of three concrete areas and railing and find money elsewhere in the budget to keep net budget the same as approved at the annual meeting. Agreed to suggest that Juan place the railing on the left-hand side of the steps.

Cluster Clean up – Finished many of the projects, but some lingering projects need attention.

Trash can enclosure at tot lot. Need 1×6’s pressure treated wood for the trash enclosure. Benches need to be sealed because it was wet during the clean up and we were only able to sand them down.

There are some loose steps after fixing the missing step and another loose step. Ruth and Sandy will look at loose step because the stringers are rotting beneath it and see if anything more needs to be done.

Parking lot – Asphalt updates

Joe at Finley provided some quotes. One option would be to replace only top two layers because the bottom layers looked good to Joe. We decided to also ask for a quote that would include redoing the base layers (hard pack) just in case it turns out that is not as good as Joe thought.

Questions to ask Joe: How often does the hard pack need to be replaced? If we are doing the top layer but the base layer needs to be fixed how long would the top layer really last? Would it make more sense to get the hard pack fixed if it is also needing to be replaced soon?

Nathan at Dominion provided two quotes, but they were more expensive than Finley and they wanted to replace 4 inches rather than the top two layers.

Kristina will ask for more clarification and look for another quote since the two quotes are so different.

To consider: If we wait another year to do the asphalt, we should at least look at fixing the potholes that have developed?


Areas under consideration: Cyndi’s hill, Karen Beasley’s backyard, swale landscaping

Waiting on proposal from Hemax. They have someone on staff who does the design and incorporates native plants, which would be useful for RA compliance.

Kristina has an appointment with Drainage and Erosion Solutions next week.

Kristina emailed Jose about planting non-invasive plant around the swale areas and rather than vinca, but she hasn’t heard back. Sandy can also call to follow up.

Re: RA non-compliance around rock swales- Kristina spoke at length with Cam at RA, who suggested sending an email to the non-compliance RA person to get feedback on what is required for the submitted design plan.


Chris said he could plant annual flowers at the front entrance for $110. He recommended perennial vinca as an option but not impatiens since deer like to eat them and require a lot of water. Begonias (white and red) and lantanas (pink, mauve, yellow) are also options because they are more heat tolerant.

Other issues/topics: 1) Weeding will occur this coming week; 2) Landscaping staff down 20% so Chris will try to keep it Tu/Wed/Th but can’t promise a specific day; 3) Concerns – Miscommunication with mowers for areas to be mowed or not mowed. Chris will talk to crew to find out better communication method; 4) Grass behind houses where there is balding could be considered for 2022; 5) $1,250 still remaining for tree budget – Sandy requested $100 to trim a tree that has overgrown along main drive path; 6) Mike and Kerry requested shade plants or flowers along the path leaving the tot lot to the lower cluster (Potentially include this as a fall cluster clean up activity)

Garbage/Recycling – Bates missing the upper loop on Wednesdays for yard waste. Kristina will contact them about it.

Other topics? Plastic bags still being thrown into the compost. Post picture of no plastic bags in addition to the written sign.

Financials were discussed.

Next Meeting
June 10th at 7pm via Zoom

Recycling in the Neighborhood

Recently there has been some confusion about what can be recycled and what is actually being recycled. Due to recent changes to the type of recycling that China is accepting from the US, the rates of local recycling have gone down. To ensure that recycling is accepted, we want to reduce the amount of “wishful recycling” and only put items in the bin that can be recycled: https://www.batestrucking.com/recycling-collection-services/residential/.

Any trash and recycling that is picked up by our new trash and recycling collector, Bates Trucking, is still subject to the rules of the locality that it is dropped off, materials taken to the I-66 Transfer Station or I-95 Landfill Complex within Fairfax County. Here is a great reference webpage that can help determine if it will be accepted or not: https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/publicworks/recycling-trash/residential-materials. Many items in recycling end up in the trash due to wishful recycling and also the costs of recycling the raw materials.

Please ensure that you are placing recycling in the proper bins and trash in the proper bins. The green top bins are for trash and blue top bins are for recycling. Recycling placed in plastic bags will not be accepted for recycling and will be picked up by the trash truck. If you need a blue recycling bin or trash bin, please email wheelwright.cluster.assoc@gmail.com to request one; include your name and address please.