Virtual via Zoom
- HOA Members Board: Kristina Myers, Jade Perez, Kelly Fairbank, Joy Charles, Sandy Mohler, Cindi Hartman-Newland
- Cluster Residents: Karen Reese (2207) and Antonella Cordero (2261)
- Board responsibilities – assigning tasks for 2022 (leftover from Jan meeting)
- Landscaping (Chris Hughes)-Joy Charles
- Garbage Pickup (Theresa Cunningham)- Kristina
- Parking – Jade
- Tree Committee Liaison (Mike Pendleton-chair)-Joy Charles
- Cluster Sign – Joy Charles
2. Reserve Study
- Kelly and Kristina met with Jim from Mason and Mason on Monday, January 23rd
- Revised starting number for reserve account and talked about adjusting the amount we currently allocate to the reserve fund every year.
- Agreed to make adjustments to the reserve study in the final report rather than going back and redoing a draft version.
- Present members agreed the parking lot should likely be done in 2024 at the latest due to its deteriorating condition; the initial assessment seems to have been done based on standard usage versus our actual usage was the consensus among the present members.
- Present members agreed that storm water drainage allowance should be kept in the study as allocating funds to this is more like an insurance policy; backup of storm water can create huge financial burdens such as damage to parking lots and erosion of homeowner land and this helps keep the cluster financially secure.
3. Erosion/Drainage
- Kristina reached out to Jose de la Cruz, who previously worked in Cluster, and Sunrise, who also completed work previously, to see if we can get a couple of bids on Erosion/Drainage work. Sunrise may be available next week and we’ve not heard back from Jose yet.
- After Action: Kristina will reach out to our current landscaping team as well for another bid.
- Previously, Kristina met with Fairfax County Soil and Conservation to ask for an erosion consultation and there may be some additional ideas we can put in place to help with erosion from that previous consultation.
- We will need to taper erosion efforts due to cost.
- Board Note for Joy: Joy brought up a concern raised regarding erosion that may impact trees behind 2258; Sandy recommended the tree committee take a look to see if something could be done. )
- After Action: Kristina will look again at the areas near 2250-2256 to see which area needs to be addressed first for erosion.
- Ad Hoc Issue:
- Cyndi raised a concern about drainage issues in front of her home (2231) on the way to the Tot Lot. Water doesn’t seem to be draining and is potentially creating hazards during bad weather. Previously Jose recommended a French drain for this that would be on the side of Cyndi’s front yard.
- After Action: Kristina will look into this with Jose and Sunrise to see what can be done to reroute drainage and see if there is something more that could be done there that would help.
4. EV Charging Stations
- Homeowner at 2251 has offered to participate in the EV charging working group.
- Recruit at least one more member.
- After Action: Kristina will reach out to Jill and Mary, as EV owners, and Mike Pendleton was recommended by Sandy.
- Next step would be to outline the charter and overall goals for the group.
- Board Note for Kristina: Kristina will let us know about her communications to the other community members and will share next steps from there.
5. Parking/Towing
- We have not yet reached out to Legal yet regarding towing, but we have confirmed Roadrunner is on the website as our towing company and we confirmed they are still operating.
- Discussion of Current Parking Sign and Cluster Parking Guidelines Language (See Referenced Materials)-Should there be an update to the guidelines recommended at the next annual meeting?
- The goal would be to update the guidelines to clear up the language on notices and individual homeowner rights to request towing for cars in assigned spots, as well as avoiding a cumbersome process for the HOA board members. We would want to include language on how homeowners should address this in a courteous way. In addition, we should include language on parking during inclement weather (Ex. Reserved Numbers blocked by snow)
- Board Decision: We must be on hold with this until the annual meeting. Per Cluster guidelines, for official revision of language it must be reviewed by legal. In the meantime, let’s ask for community input on how to re-write guidelines and to ask for feedback.
- After Action: Jade will follow up with the board to ask how best we can request feedback in advance.
- Reassigning parking spaces
- Cindi Hartman-Newland (2231) requested a review of her current assigned parking space for possible movement closer to her home.
- After Action: Kristina will have a conversation with nearby homeowners to see how spaces could be shuffled to accommodate all parties.
- Reference Materials from Board Meeting
- Recent photo of current Parking Restriction Sign in Upper-Cluster
- Current Cluster Guidelines regarding Parking
6. Landscaping
- New contract is confirmed for 2023 and Kelly is just waiting on an updated contract to sign.
- Discussion of recent issues regarding pet waste in the cluster:
- Should cluster guidelines need to be updated to improve language and designate more dog-appropriate areas?
- Should we just get more signs to ask for respectful dog-walking habits?
- Board Decision: We will send out a friendly Neighborhood notice similar to the parking notices recently sent asking residents to ensure they are picking up after their pets and we will revisit Cluster Guidelines to reflect reality and get those voted on at the annual meeting.
- Ad-Hoc Discussion: Joy and Sandy will add a plan for the spring cleaning to tidy the lower cluster design to manage the amount of mulch, as well as adding 4 season friendly plants, and looking at the grading.
- After Action: Joy Kristina recommended asking Chris for some intermediary ways to help keep the lower-cluster island tidy.
- Ad-Hoc Discussion: How can we make sure residents know how to raise Landscaping issues to the board? We’ll remind them to do so via email and we will get those issues brought up to Chris and the landscaping team.
- After Action: Kristina will include this note in the next newsletter.
- Ad-Hoc Discussion: Joy and Sandy will add an item to the Spring Cleaning list to include non-toxic weed killing around Cluster.
- After Action: Joy and Sandy to update Spring Cleaning list
7. Garbage
- No new issues reported
Housekeeping Items
- Next meeting date: March 14th
- Approved Date for Spring Cluster Clean Up: Saturday, April 29th
- Dates for Cluster Clean Up Items
- 15th will be goal to have for Hazardous Waste pickup
- 22nd will be goal for for Donation/Green Drop