Wednesday, February 19th, 2025 at 7pm
ATTENDEES: Kristina Myers, Sandy Mohler, Cyndi Hartman, Kelly Fairbank, Katie Jay, Aaron Rider
- Decided on the Black Gum for planting on the bluff behind 2211/2213
- Estimate for current tree work proposal from TreeSmith USA is $16,250. We voted to move forward with this work; however, Kevin’s recommendation is to wait until the large oak by 2252 leaves out so we can better assess the health of the tree. Tree work minus 2252 tree: $10,150 (SM sent signed proposal)
- No DRB’s needed for the other 2 trees slated for removal (behind 2230 and 2226). DRB for 2252 tree in progress and will be completed once we receive the go ahead for removal from Kevin.
- Quote for lower cluster island plantings for next Spring $5065.00 if we go through GreenSpace – his plan would ensure that the area would look fully planted with larger plants right from the get go. Alternatively, we could try to lower the cost with the following:
- Fairfax Releaf
- FFX Tree Stewards
- Earth Sanga
- We will be looking into finding out which dog is using the island as a bathroom. This needs to be solved before investing in planting.
- Watering after fully planted
- Volunteers through a sign up genius?
- Water bags?
- Ideas from Chris
- Front Entrance Landscaping
- Jen Ren’s landscape design plan for entrance:
- Attached is a draft of the front entrance planting plan. It includes plants to be removed, new planting, and pictures of the plant choices. I made sure the plants were deer resistant and provided year-round seasonal interest.
New plant cost estimate: $790 (based on local nursery prices)
I also looked into steep slope/erosion control seed mixes for the mulched slope area on the other side of the front entrance.
area: 600sqft
seed mix required: 0.25 lbs
Since it’s a small area, I haven’t had much luck finding nurseries that sell small amounts of seed mixes. I’ve specified seed mixes from Ernst Seeds, Prairie Nursery before. I can keep looking.
When you have time, please let me know if you or the board have any feedback.
- planting front.pdf
- Email sent to CH asking for estimate
- Solar lighting for sign – Kaxiida Solar Lights Outdoor Waterproof IP68, 3 Lighting Models Solar Powered Spot Lights Outdoor, 56LED Solar Lights Dusk to Dawn for Yard Patio Garden Pathway Landscape Lighting –, has a 6 pack for $39.99
- Met with Pete Corbino from District Native Plants about area behind 2248-2256
- Talked about a project that would stay within our budget
- Targeting each downspout with swale, plantings; daylighting further up slope
- Design would cost $1250
- Cluster could add slope plantings over time to further stabilize the slope during cluster cleanups
- Pete was enthusiastic about the moss already covering the slope. He said that is a good sign
- Kristina will look into our current contract to see what options we have for either moving forward or getting out.
- HVAC units –
- Front enclosures – architectural redesign
- Positioning of units – currently inside front enclosures (can implement cutout for additional air flow) and rear of houses
- Sandy has someone to reach out to on possible designs
- Outside lighting – Sandy is looking at options to present to homeowners
- Front door color matching the house color – very popular response from homeowners.
- Deck stairs – Spiral stairs for rear decks are approved by Reston HOA
- Concrete – Cyndi will look at possible companies for quotes.
- Vehicle Registration – Kristina has emailed to homeowners, now need to put the information together. Katie will help with this.
- Pet Waste Stations – No update. Aaron will look at options.
- Online payments – No update
- Addressing houses in the neighborhood that have fallen into disrepair – will need to bring up at the annual meeting to see what homeowners would like to see happen.
- Newsletter – Feb/March