February 2025 Board Meeting

Wednesday, February 19th, 2025 at 7pm 

ATTENDEES: Kristina Myers, Sandy Mohler, Cyndi Hartman, Kelly Fairbank, Katie Jay, Aaron Rider



  1. Decided on the Black Gum for planting on the bluff behind 2211/2213
  2. Estimate for current tree work proposal from TreeSmith USA is $16,250.  We voted to move forward with this work; however, Kevin’s recommendation is to wait until the large oak by 2252 leaves out so we can better assess the health of the tree.  Tree work minus 2252 tree:  $10,150 (SM sent signed proposal)
  3. No DRB’s needed for the other 2 trees slated for removal (behind 2230 and 2226).  DRB for 2252 tree in progress and will be completed once we receive the go ahead for removal from Kevin.


  1. Quote for lower cluster island plantings for next Spring $5065.00 if we go through GreenSpace – his plan would ensure that the area would look fully planted with larger plants right from the get go.  Alternatively, we could try to lower the cost with the following:
  2. Fairfax Releaf
  3. FFX Tree Stewards
  4. Earth Sanga
  5. We will be looking into finding out which dog is using the island as a bathroom.  This needs to be solved before investing in planting.
  6. Watering after fully planted
  7. Volunteers through a sign up genius?
  8. Water bags?
  9. Ideas from Chris
  10. Front Entrance Landscaping
  11. Jen Ren’s landscape design plan for entrance:
  12. Attached is a draft of the front entrance planting plan. It includes plants to be removed, new planting, and pictures of the plant choices. I made sure the plants were deer resistant and provided year-round seasonal interest.

New plant cost estimate: $790 (based on local nursery prices)

I also looked into steep slope/erosion control seed mixes for the mulched slope area on the other side of the front entrance.

area: 600sqft

seed mix required: 0.25 lbs

Since it’s a small area, I haven’t had much luck finding nurseries that sell small amounts of seed mixes. I’ve specified seed mixes from Ernst Seeds, Prairie Nursery before. I can keep looking.

When you have time, please let me know if you or the board have any feedback.


  1. Met with Pete Corbino from District Native Plants about area behind 2248-2256
  2. Talked about a project that would stay within our budget
  3. Targeting each downspout with swale, plantings; daylighting further up slope
  4. Design would cost $1250
  5. Cluster could add slope plantings over time to further stabilize the slope during cluster cleanups
  6. Pete was enthusiastic about the moss already covering the slope.  He said that is a good sign
  7. Kristina will look into our current contract to see what options we have for either moving forward or getting out.


  1. HVAC units –
  2. Front enclosures – architectural redesign
  3. Positioning of units – currently inside front enclosures (can implement cutout for additional air flow) and rear of houses
  4. Sandy has someone to reach out to on possible designs
  5. Outside lighting – Sandy is looking at options to present to homeowners
  6. Front door color matching the house color – very popular response from homeowners.
  7. Deck stairs – Spiral stairs for rear decks are approved by Reston HOA


  1. Concrete – Cyndi will look at possible companies for quotes.
  2. Vehicle Registration – Kristina has emailed to homeowners, now need to put the information together.  Katie will help with this.
  3. Pet Waste Stations – No update.  Aaron will look at options.
  4. Online payments – No update
  5. Addressing houses in the neighborhood that have fallen into disrepair – will need to bring up at the annual meeting to see what homeowners would like to see happen.
  6. Newsletter – Feb/March



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