March 2023 Wheelwright Cluster HOA Board Meeting Minutes

Virtual via Zoom


  • HOA Board: Kristina Myers, Jade Perez, Kelly Fairbank, Joy Charles, Sandy Mohler, Cindi Hartman-Newland
  • Cluster Residents: Karen Reese (2207)
  1. Erosion/Drainage
  • Jose de la Cruz – waiting for proposal
  • Sunrise – received proposal
  • Additionally, met with Blue Sky Landscaping and Deco Footprint Design|Build
  • Fairfax County Soil and Conservation – offer a grant to HOA communities like ours called Virginia Conservation Assistance Program. Need to meet with Dan Schwartz, soil scientist to issue site evaluation.
  • The Virginia Conservation Assistance Program (VCAP) is an urban cost-share program that provides financial incentives and technical and educational assistance to property owners installing eligible Best Management Practices (BMPs) in Virginia’s participating Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs).
  • These practices can be installed in areas of your yard where problems like erosion, poor drainage, or poor vegetation occur. Qualified sites shall be used for residential, commercial, or recreational purposes with a proposed practice that addresses a need. Up to $7500.
  • Had tree to the rear of 2260 looked at by the contractors who came to look at our areas of concern and they all agreed that the tree looks ok.
  • Sidewalk area in front of 2229 and 2231 – all contractors are issuing proposals for this area as well.

2. EV/Charging Stations

  • Jill Jenkins, Cory Meacham and Kristina will make up the EV charging committee.
  • Is a charter necessary? Board Decision: Yes
  • After Action: Kristina will work to write and get approval for EV Charging Station Charter
  • Will be meeting periodically via Zoom to discuss goals of committee

3. Parking/Towing

  • Parking space shuffle: Thanks again to Sandy who graciously volunteered her time to repaint all of these parking spaces:| 2227 | 2231 | 2221 | 2225 | 2229 | [UNRESERVED]
  • Last meeting’s discussion: Should there be an update to the guidelines recommended at the next annual meeting?
  • The goal would be to update the guidelines to clear up the language on notices and individual homeowner rights to request towing for cars in assigned spots, as well as avoiding a cumbersome process for the HOA board members. We would want to include language on how homeowners should address this in a courteous way. In addition, we should include language on parking during inclement weather (Ex. Reserved Numbers blocked by snow)
  • Board Decision: Hold until annual meeting for official revision of language, which has to be reviewed by legal, but in the meantime, include a note to ask for community input on how to re-write guidelines and to ask for feedback.
  • Kristina passing off of parking list to Jade.

4. Landscaping

  • New contract for 2023 – signed and sent
  • Joy’s meeting with Chris
  • Joy and Sandy will add an item to the Spring Cleaning list to include non-toxic weed killing around Cluster.

5. Reserve Study

  • Agreed that parking lot should be done in 2024 the latest due to its deteriorating condition; initial assessment seems to have been done based on standard usage versus our actual usage.
  • Storm water drainage allowance should be kept in the study; allocating funds to this is more like an insurance policy; backup of storm water can create huge financial burdens such as damage to parking lots and erosion of homeowner land.

6. Cluster Clean Up Notes and Other Important Dates

  • Saturday, April 15th – hazardous waste pickup.
  • Saturday, April 22nd, Green Drop Donation Van – Cyndi will need a helper
  • Cluster Cleanup and cookout will be Saturday, April 29th
  • Rollaway dumpster will need to be scheduled/voucher obtained
  • Food for cookout needs to be ordered.
  • Project and Materials:
  • Wood chips
  • Wood borders around LFL (Little Free Library)
  • Invasives removal
  • Spraying weeds
  • Benches
  • Clear seal stairs
  • Painting trash bin enclosure – oxford brown

7. Newsletter Notes

  • Add note to remind to residents to email board about any landscaping issues.
  • Important dates (Ex. Cluster clean up)
  • Add note to remind residents regarding: Taking trash cans in after pickup/putting out trash late in evening day before or early morning of pick up.

8. Garbage

  • No new issues or discussion

Ad-Hoc Agenda Items

Ad Hoc: Can we post the meeting dates on the website in advance? 

After Action: Jade will post the remainder of the year’s meeting dates posted on the website. (2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. )

Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – July 2021

Thursday July 8, 2021 at 7 pm via Zoom

Attendees:  Kelly, Cyndi, Sandy, Kristina, Kayleen (2224) 

Community updates

Erosion – There was a proposal for the swale from Chris. Details for proposal outlined in spreadsheet. Jose proposed a French drain behind 2243-2249

For the breakdown, look at the spreadsheet Erosion Projects 2021.

Kristina proposes completing the swale project as proposed, the French drain project and the path leading to the rear of houses by 2231.  Cost of all projects $6505, coming under budget by $495.  Board voted to pursue all erosion projects.

Concrete – We do not have a date of service, yet, but Bright Construction says it will be 6-8 weeks from June 30th, putting the concrete work probably at the end of August or beginning of September.  Kristina will reach out to folks who are redoing their house from car damage to make sure that concrete work won’t interfere with their reconstruction.

Will Juan be offering a discount for homeowners who want work done? Cyndi spoke to a rep at Bright Construction group and they said that they could probably offer the 10% discount but it would have to be confirmed by Juan who hasn’t yet gotten back to Cyndi.

DRB applications updates

Siding – We are bundling the changes for trim, siding style, and colors together . Sandy has completed the DRB application for the trim, siding materials and colors with the intent to submit by the end of this week.  She will also include an update for the poly-coated wrap trim (fascia board) that we already have approved.  The current approved color is Musket Brown, which does not match our trim color, Oxford Brown.  Going forward, we’d like to amend the color to Oxford Brown but grandfather those who have already put trim capping in the Musket Brown color.  The board voted and agreed.

Door art glass styles – Sandy presented a number of decorative glass options for door inserts from several different companies.  She would like to present the community with options from different companies.  Styles were presented from Therma Tru, Masonite, MMI, and Jeld Wen.  Generally, the board tended towards modern but simple styles with straight lines and geometric shapes.  From Therma Tru, Pembridge and Axis styles were the favorites.  From Masonite, the Crosslines and Brooklyn styles were favored.  From MMI, the Atherton style was favored; and from Jeld Wen, the Wendover style was selected.  Sandy will put together a list of our favorites and we will share with the community for input.  Also, we would like to consider whether the art glass options should be available for doors only or also for the sidelight.

Landscaping proposal – Noncompliance issues with rock swales that were installed as part of recent erosion control work. The surrounding swale installation application is almost complete now that Chris’ proposal came through.  Kristina should be able to complete it by early next week.

Parking lot and asphalt – On hold until maybe September? Board agreed to delve into this topic in September.  Since we’re consumed with concrete, erosion projects, DRB applications, we’ll hold off until we can have a more comprehensive discussion.  Kristina will put something together for the September meeting. We can then present the issue at the annual meeting. This will be at the top of the list for annual meeting topics, as the work may be scheduled in 2022.

General Landscaping – Nudge Chris to give a gentle reminder to his crews to be more mindful when using the large lawn equipment in the yards. There has been damage to residents garden gates and bushes.

Sandy will bring up with Chris again.  Cyndi mentioned that the equipment they are using is too large for our front yards.  Sandy said she has had discussions with Chris about this topic and the next step down is similar to push mowers, which Chris stated is not very cost effective or beneficial for a landscaping company.

Garbage/Recycling – There was another combined recycling/trash dump incident. Bates also missed the upper cluster during yard waste pickup. Kristina has been in touch with Theresa trying to get these issues fixed.

Tree inspection – We are waiting to hear when this will be scheduled from the tree committee

Summer community cookout? August 1st

Preparations -We will plan to host a cookout similar to that of cluster cleanups.  Kristina will do the shopping at Costco a few days before.  Cyndi has room in her fridge.  Ideally, we will set up in the lower cluster at 1pm.  Our goal is for Sandy to a bring charcoal grill from 2223, or Kayleen has offered to lend the cluster the use of their gas grill.

Neighborhood donation drive – We will hold a donation drive the weekend of October 16th for Cornerstones. Items that are needed include new and used blankets and towels, and new sweatpants and sweatshirts

The board decided to do the Cornerstones donation during the cookout.  That way we can also look for a charity that picks up a wide array of used items not needed by Cornerstones. Residents can donate used items to prevent our dumpster from overfilling with items in good condition during the Fall Cluster Clean Up.  Kristina will look into Lupus foundation or Amvets.

Board Member positions – We need a new board member and person to fill the officer position of secretary.  Ruth Schulte will be leaving her position as secretary, as she and her family are leaving the neighborhood at the end of August.  Kayleen from 2224 has graciously offered to step in as board member and secretary. 

Who else is planning on leaving after this term is up?  Terms are up for Cyndi, Sandy and Kristina.  All have expressed interest in continuing to serve on the board.

Annual meeting – The board feels that more people attend when the annual meeting has been in person.  Kristina will reach out to RCC to see what their availability is for rooms in December.  We will also try to have a Zoom option available.

Other topics? Renewal for website domain name needs to be renewed.  Kristina will check with Ruth to see if she can take care of the renewal.  If not, Kristina will do.

It was suggested that a hard copy of the Wheelwriter be distributed to the neighborhood especially around cluster clean ups. Members also agreed that now might be a good time for a hard copy to go out, including information about hazardous waste pickup, the cookout, the Cornerstones donation drive, the fall cluster clean up, and doors style options.


Reviewed the current status of the budget and the anticipated net income for the end of the year since we have had a few line items go over budget and/or have some unexpected expenses.

Discussed proper allocation of income based on current and future cluster needs, such as the grind and mill for the parking lot, and general increases to operating expenses.

Began discussions on how to ensure we are in a better financial position moving forward.

Next Meeting

Thursday, August 12 at 7 pm

Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – June 2021

Thursday, June 10, 2021, at 7 pm via Zoom

Board Members: Kelly, Kristina, Sandy, Cindy, and Ruthie

Residents: Matt and Sarah K

Community updates

Door Styles – Sandy

RA wants residents to pick what they desire so Sandy drove by newer construction to get a sense of the current market; aim to keep it simple. We need guidelines because RA won’t let clusters eliminate them.

Question from residents: Why are we changing the guidelines now? Answer: We are updating the siding colors so the door colors need to coordinate with new siding colors. We are going for a more universal style and expanding brand choices so residents can take advantage of sales.

New door options will include different door material options (i.e., steel, wood, fiberglass, etc.). We plan to include glass panel options. New options will mimic what we currently have – flat panel – and add in divided two-panel option (¾ glass and ½ glass), all glass option, and a craftsman style door with one glass panel at top.

Do we want to include privacy glass options (i.e., frosted glass, simple privacy glass, satin etch) and art glass option as long as it is simple? Sandy will present glass styles at next meeting.

Colors – Sandy

How many colors? Goal is to make the colors subtle or pop if wanted, and allow for individuality. Ask Meghan if 18 door colors is too much before completing the DRB application. If RA thinks 18 is too many, the board will reduce color palette.

Do we want to include a wood grain option? Popular but limit to one manufacturer and one color.

DRB applications update – Sandy

No news from Meghan but application is available online to be downloaded. We can bundle the changes for trim, siding style, and colors together. After DRB application is sent to RA for changes to the siding, we can work on DRB application for doors.

Landscaping – Kristina

We can use proposal from Hemax as base to fix non-compliance problem. Otherwise Hemax proposal is over our budget.

Concrete – Cindy

Do we have a date scheduled for the work? Juan got back to Cindy and said we can get railing on the left side of the stairs by for same amount as proposed for the right side. Once we have decided, we can circle the options we want in the proposal, sign and then submit the contract. A 40% deposit is required if we want to proceed and the work will be scheduled 6-8 weeks after the deposit is received.

Parking lot & asphalt updates – Kristina

Kristina contacted Brothers Paving and Concrete Corporation for another 3rd opinion and they are coming out next week. No new updates otherwise. Kristina can update everyone at the next meeting.

Erosion – Kristina

For drainage and erosion solutions, Hemax quotes were complex engineering solutions and out of our price range. Suggest contracting with Jose’s company for the French drain.

To address RA non-compliance around the rock swales, we can use plants suggested by Hemax to submit to RA and strategize on what we can do as a cluster to save money. Kristina will ask Hemax to line item landscaping installations so we can pick which areas we really need to focus on.

Landscaping – no updates, begonias went in and look good

Garbage/Recycling – no updates

Trees – inspection aim for late July or early August, after cicadas are gone

Other topics?

Neighborhood donation drive – Kristina wrote to Cornerstones about working with them, aim to hold it weekend before the Fall Cluster Clean Up (October 16th).

Communicate events sooner rather than waiting until it gets closer so residents can plan ahead. October 23rd was proposed as the tentative date for Fall Cluster Clean Up.

Summer community cookout scheduled for Sunday, August 1st.


Treasurer expressed budgetary concerns as to how we will be able to afford the upkeep of the neighborhood. Board suggested communicating with the cluster about participating in cluster cleans ups to stave off costs. Other options include a special assessment or raising dues.

Other financials were discussed.

Next Meeting

July 8th at 7 pm via Zoom.

Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – May 2021

Thursday, May 13th at 7:00 pm via Zoom

Board Attendees: Kristina, Sandy, Ruthie, Cindy, and Kelly

Residents: 2207

Community updates

House Siding colors – Sandy

Colors chosen and approved by the Board – Naval, Waterloo, Steely Gray, Gauntlet Gray, Curio Gray, Connected Gray, and March Wind (alternative for Cape Cod). RA clusters do get a discount at Sherwin Williams. Need code from Megan, not received yet.

Door styles/colors – Sandy

Guidance from Megan not specific (brand name only, nothing about style of door). Sandy will discuss with her in upcoming meeting. After style and brand of doors selected, we can consider prefinished colors as an option for our door color palette.

Waiting to talk to Megan before completing DRB application.

Concrete – The proposal is complete. Talked about which areas to pull the trigger on. Proposal includes three concrete areas and an option for a railing, but the total would exceed what we had allotted so we need to pull some money from elsewhere (like snow removal or landscape beautification projects).

Board approved to go over budget to allow for cost of three concrete areas and railing and find money elsewhere in the budget to keep net budget the same as approved at the annual meeting. Agreed to suggest that Juan place the railing on the left-hand side of the steps.

Cluster Clean up – Finished many of the projects, but some lingering projects need attention.

Trash can enclosure at tot lot. Need 1×6’s pressure treated wood for the trash enclosure. Benches need to be sealed because it was wet during the clean up and we were only able to sand them down.

There are some loose steps after fixing the missing step and another loose step. Ruth and Sandy will look at loose step because the stringers are rotting beneath it and see if anything more needs to be done.

Parking lot – Asphalt updates

Joe at Finley provided some quotes. One option would be to replace only top two layers because the bottom layers looked good to Joe. We decided to also ask for a quote that would include redoing the base layers (hard pack) just in case it turns out that is not as good as Joe thought.

Questions to ask Joe: How often does the hard pack need to be replaced? If we are doing the top layer but the base layer needs to be fixed how long would the top layer really last? Would it make more sense to get the hard pack fixed if it is also needing to be replaced soon?

Nathan at Dominion provided two quotes, but they were more expensive than Finley and they wanted to replace 4 inches rather than the top two layers.

Kristina will ask for more clarification and look for another quote since the two quotes are so different.

To consider: If we wait another year to do the asphalt, we should at least look at fixing the potholes that have developed?


Areas under consideration: Cyndi’s hill, Karen Beasley’s backyard, swale landscaping

Waiting on proposal from Hemax. They have someone on staff who does the design and incorporates native plants, which would be useful for RA compliance.

Kristina has an appointment with Drainage and Erosion Solutions next week.

Kristina emailed Jose about planting non-invasive plant around the swale areas and rather than vinca, but she hasn’t heard back. Sandy can also call to follow up.

Re: RA non-compliance around rock swales- Kristina spoke at length with Cam at RA, who suggested sending an email to the non-compliance RA person to get feedback on what is required for the submitted design plan.


Chris said he could plant annual flowers at the front entrance for $110. He recommended perennial vinca as an option but not impatiens since deer like to eat them and require a lot of water. Begonias (white and red) and lantanas (pink, mauve, yellow) are also options because they are more heat tolerant.

Other issues/topics: 1) Weeding will occur this coming week; 2) Landscaping staff down 20% so Chris will try to keep it Tu/Wed/Th but can’t promise a specific day; 3) Concerns – Miscommunication with mowers for areas to be mowed or not mowed. Chris will talk to crew to find out better communication method; 4) Grass behind houses where there is balding could be considered for 2022; 5) $1,250 still remaining for tree budget – Sandy requested $100 to trim a tree that has overgrown along main drive path; 6) Mike and Kerry requested shade plants or flowers along the path leaving the tot lot to the lower cluster (Potentially include this as a fall cluster clean up activity)

Garbage/Recycling – Bates missing the upper loop on Wednesdays for yard waste. Kristina will contact them about it.

Other topics? Plastic bags still being thrown into the compost. Post picture of no plastic bags in addition to the written sign.

Financials were discussed.

Next Meeting
June 10th at 7pm via Zoom

Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting -April 8

Board Attendees: Kristina, Sandy, Cyndi, Kelly, Ruth

Members: 2207

Community Updates

Door and Siding Colors and Styles – Sandy

Allura prefinished product discontinued as of January 2021. Now the only manufacturer of vertical 8” cement siding strips is Hardie board (vertical Sierra 8). Hardie board does not come as a prefinished product so the siding will need to be painted. Allura also discontinued stucco boards.

RA working on discount at Sherwin Williams (SW). Sandy is finding colors at SW that are similar to what we had chosen in December from Allura. Paint samples ordered and will arrive later this month.

No word back from RA re: door styles with windows in them.

Cluster Clean up – April 24th


  • Clean and sand benches by tot lot (Cyndi)
  • Bin for trash can at tot lot (Sandy)
  • Need 2 x 6 board for steps, cut to length (Ruth)
  • Trash collection (Lily)
  • Re-planting daylilies in upper cluster island where bed was damaged (Kristina/Mike)
  • Sign washing (Elli)

Parking Lot

Tri-technologies did not show up for the scheduled Zoom meeting regarding asphalt rejuvenation. Cluster does not intend to reschedule, as most advice has been that rejuvenation will not delay grind and mill.

Finley (Joe) provided estimates for grind and mill and suggested doing work before 2025. Quote for the entire parking lot was $76,000. Joe said patching would be okay if we want to hold off until 2025 but would cost between $10,000-15,000 each time we need to patch.

Dominion (Nathan) will provide quotes for the entire parking lot, just the areas that are driven on, and patching rough spots. They agreed with Finley that the top layer of asphalt is too thin to last until 2025 and suggested moving the grind and mill to an earlier date. 


Need an estimate for erosion work on the hill by Cyndi’s house. No word back from Chris, yet. Kristina will look into it more, including a pathway for people to walk behind houses.

Jose De La Cruz spoke with Sandy about putting a 12 x 12 square drain behind Karen Beasley’s yard and running a French drain behind the adjacent houses for $2700

Cluster received a letter from RA about being out of compliance with the vegetation surrounding rock swales related to recent erosion work. Kristina will continue to investigate exactly where the non-compliance occurs and exactly what RA wants us to plant in those areas.


Cluster will offer to order bags of mulch to be delivered to the neighborhood. Residents need to order the number of bags they want and will be billed through the cluster. 

The turf was recently fertilized and overseeding will occur at some point in the future to the lawns that were seeded in the fall.


Sandy and Kristina talked about the possibility of putting in a railing by the stairs in front of 2245 rather than having them redone. Cyndi reached out to Juan. 

Garbage and Recycling

Board decided to hold off on switching from Bates to another provider. Prices were competitive but did not include extra features like dumpsters and large item pickup.

Need the voucher for the dump fee for the roll-away dumpster that will be here during the cluster cleanup

Other topics? 

Chemical/hazardous waste pickup date? (Sandy – but Kelly will also try to reach out to Chris)


Financials were discussed. Cluster dues for the 2nd quarter were sent out in April.

Next meeting 

May 13th at 7 pm via Zoom

Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting – March 11

Board Attendees: Kristina, Sandy, Cyndi, Kelly, Ruth

Members: 2207, 2237

Community Updates

Door colors and styles

  • Sandy has not heard back from Megan about updating glass door styles. 
  • Goal is to narrow down color choices to 6-7 colors, with 1-2 alternates. 
  • Residents will be able to pick any of the colors, not based on siding color, so there will be some freedom of choice there.
  • Board and members in attendance viewed mock up versions of the house colors with the suggested door colors. Of those mock ups, there was consensus on the following colors:
    • Burgundy red,
    • Purple but not too grapey,
    • Black,
    • Creamy white (slightly darker than Amber White used on stucco), 
    • Mid-tone gray brown,
    • Deep green,
    • Navy or strong blue,
    • Aqua or slate blue, and/or
    • Possibly a mid-range blue
  • Sandy agreed to get larger paint samples for the navy and strong blue to help decide which one is preferred as well as larger paint samples for aqua or slate blue.
    • Consensus was that it would be better to stick to one shade in a particular color than have a variety of different shades in that color family.

Spring Cluster Cleanup:

  • Date set for April 24th 
  • Projects:
    • General trash pick up (need to purchase more trash bags)
    • Kristina will make a list of projects and necessary supplies so we can coordinate purchases.
    • Possibilities include:
      • Erosion control on Cyndi’s hill 
        • Potential path (i.e., wood chips) to guide people to walk at base of hill rather than on the hill
        • Might need to grade the path some and set up edging to keep the wood chips from washing away
      • Wash, sand, and repaint/reseal the benches at the playground/tot lot. 
      • Build trash can enclosure for the trash can by the tot lot (Sandy).
      • Plant bulbs around the cluster.
      • One of the steps on the hill by Duncan’s old house is missing and should be replaced.
  • Socialization – Decided to delay community BBQ until this summer based on current social gathering guidelines and to give more people a chance to get vaccinated. This will be mentioned in the next newsletter.
  • Cyndi will lead and direct residents to various projects since Kristina works on Saturdays.

Parking lot rejuvenation – Zoom meeting with Tri-technologies on Wednesday March 24th at 7pm

  • Kristina is also looking at resealing the parking lot with Finley Asphalt and Dominion Paving rather than going with rejuvenation 
  • Estimate will include evaluation to determine if we are still on track for grind and mill in 2025

Erosion – Some work can be done on Cyndi’s hill during Cluster Clean Up

Tree Work – Pausing tree work due to pending cicada swarm. Planting new trees will wait until fall or next spring.

Landscaping – Sandy will look at planting more bulbs and flowers around the cluster. 

Snow/Ice – No real updates.

Concrete – Cyndi will reach out to Juan about replacing steps in front of Nick’s house as well as sidewalk surrounding steps.


  • Kristina got quotes from other companies
  • American Disposal Services quote was slightly under what we pay Bates 
    • Kristina will look into their capabilities to get more information
    • Do they already have customers that get pick up trash on Mondays and Thursdays? 
  • Waiting for estimates from Waste Management and Republic

Cluster Connect – RA’s newsletter to clusters in Reston

  • Wheelwright Board getting the RA’s newsletters and will forward to other board members 

Next meeting 

  • April 8th at 7 pm via Zoom

News this Week (November 9-13)

Concrete work has been scheduled to start on Monday, November 16, 2020, due to rain in the forecast this week.

Bright Construction, due to anticipated rain next week,  concrete work is scheduled to commence Monday 11/16. Cyndi will be meeting with him next week to mark the sidewalk sections and he’ll be providing traffic cones to mark the parking spaces to be vacated for the work access. Any homeowner wanting work done must send a signed contract and deposit or pay in full with a signed contract by Monday, 11/9.

Fairfax County Help with Heating Bills this Winter

If you think you, or someone you know, will need some help paying for your energy bills due to heating this winter, you can apply for assistance from Fairfax County’s Energy Assistance Program. Applications are due by November 13.

Fairfax Count Recycling Webinar

Will be held virtually on Monday, November 16. See the flyer below.