Trash and Recycling Update

A message from CSI, our trash and recycling provider:

Reminder: Be sure to place items at the curb the night before collection.
With the upcoming chance of dangerous heat, there is a high probability that we may have to start residential services earlier than normal next week.  Please remember to place your trash and recycling at the curb the night before collection, to ensure your items are collected.


Board Meeting Minutes, 2 May 2016

Board Members in Attendance

  • Heather Maddox, President
  • Dennis Schulte, Director
  • Elliot Wild, Secretary
  • Matt Keally, Director
  • Manuel Torres, Treasurer

Also in attendance: N/A

Old Business

  • Website. The Board decided to hold off on doing a demo of the website until all Board members were present.  Access –who resets/approves users? The Board had a lengthy discussion concerning security of the site.
  • Parking Registration Form.  The Board examined and discussed an online form Heather had put together. The form appeared very well put together. The Board debated the need for such a form and how the community may receive such a form.
  • Tree replacement/health bids. Manuel shared that we had approximately $6,000 left for tree maintenance. And $1,200 for tree removal. The Care of Trees quoted $980 to remove two troubled trees behind Mike’s house. The Board will explore the possibility of JL removing them and also taking care of the logs they left behind from the last work they did.  The Board voted 3-1 in favor of fertilizing the three large oaks lining the entrance to the community at a cost of $425.
  • Winter Weather Service. The Board voted unanimously to hire Frontier as the provider for snow removal service.
  • Parking lot resealing bids/concrete work-assigned to Elliot. Dennis did some research, and it seems like grinding and milling parking lots is typically only done about every 15 years. Our last milling was done around 2008-9. Elliot will still get a sealing quote from ProPave and at least one other competitor.
  • Cluster Cleanup Follow-up. The Board discussed the success of the spring cluster cleanup and the excellent job done by the social committee.  The Board also discussed the supplies owned by the Board, and that there were not enough out in circulation to bother creating a tracking spreadsheet. Heather put together a shopping list in an effort to streamline the shopping for future Board/Social Committee members.
  • Erosion control-look at areas and revisit in fall. The Board also discussed things which could be done to proactively mitigate erosion, such as trimming low limbs on trees near erosion sites.
  • The Board discussed how frequently registration tags should be checked in the community and how that should be handled.
  • A resident requested the Board conduct an audit. The Board discussed the possibility and how much it might cost. The Board agreed that this was worthy of pricing CPAs and considering at a future meeting.
  • Tree Replacement.  The Board agreed to consider bids from multiple tree replacement services. RA requires Wheelwright to replace 8 trees. The Board will vote via email.
  • Intuit- Financials. Intuit has indicated they will begin charging a monthly fee to the Cluster. Manuel and the Board are going to look into other services.
  • Dennis suggested we discuss cords and buried cords at the next meeting. Heather shared that she spoke with Comcast, and that they have already been the community and will be working to rectify the unburied cord situation.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Monday, June 6 th , 2016, at 8:00pm at Elliot’s at 2274 Wheelwright Ct.

Board Meeting Minutes, 4 April 2016

Board Members in attendance:

  • Heather Maddox, President
  • Karen Reese, Vice President
  • Dennis Schulte, Director
  • Elliot Wild, Secretary
  • Matt Keally, Director
  • Manuel Torres, Treasurer

Also in attendance:

  • Genelle McDonald 2217

New Business

  • Yard Sale: the Board is not officially sponsoring. There is no appropriate line item to financially support it. The date will be April 16th, with the 30th as a rain date.
  • On the agenda for next meeting: further tree replacement discussion. Heather had repeated discussions with Merrifield Gardens. The planted trees will do better if planted in the fall.
  • The Board will walk around the morning of the Cluster Cleanup to look at tree replacement. The cleanup will be at 9:00am, and the tree replacement walkaround will be at 10:00am.
  • Elliot met with ProPave, they recommended not sealing, and waiting a year or two to grind and pave. He will gather a quote from them, and get a quote from at least one more company. Push for a reduced price on individual unit work.
  • Cluster cleanup:
    1. Elliot will look in his shed for the stain for the last bench.
    2. Transplant several plants away from the trees.
    3. Cautiously dig up grass around the trees and cover with mulch.
    4. Trash pick up.
    5. Mailbox cleanup
    6. Tot lot graffiti
  • Website
    1. Access problems?
    2. Create anonymous feedback form? Matt said that would be good to go.o
    3. At the next meeting, Matt will give us a short demo.
  • Genelle brought up the idea of an off-lease dog area. Heather will begin to explore with our lawyer.
  • Genelle also brought up the desire to coalesce cluster concrete work with individual property work to save funds.
  • Logs in the woods: Karen will advertize the logs on craigslist
  • Kerry and Mike’s trees: Heather will contact the Care of Trees.
  • The Board unanimously approved a motion that requests and communication to the cluster be put in writing to the full Board, copying the cluster email, and that the Wheelwrighter should be sent to the Board ahead of time.
  • Elliot will collect the credit card from Bill and deliver to Manuel.

Next Meeting

The Board will reconvene at Monday, May 2 nd , 8:00pm at Elliot’s house, 2274


Cluster Event Survey

Dear Cluster Residents,

To assist our Social Committee, please answer the survey below:

Create your own user feedback survey

Trash and Recycling, 15 February

A word from CSI, who provides our trash and recycling service:

At this point in time the collection crews are being pulled in due to the deteriorating road conditions.  The collection crews did their best to service all stops that they could get to safely.  Please alert residents that all trash and recycling will be collected on their next regularly scheduled collection day.   Thank you all for your patience!

Board Meeting Minutes, 6 January 2016

Board Members in Attendance

  • Heather Maddox, President
  • Karen Reese, Vice President
  • Elliot Wild, Secretary
  • Dennis Shulte, Director
  • Matt Keally, Director

Also in Attendance


Old Business

  1. Tree removal/stump grinding
  2. Tree replacements:
    • The Board still needs to get bids on replacement trees.
    • Reston doesn’t care where we put the trees. Just that we have appropriate replacement species.
    • We will need to submit a plan to RA once we figure out the locations and trees.
  3. The cluster records are still at Bill’s house. Someone needs to volunteer to take some files.  Friday night @ 7:30pm, January 29th will be a file sorting party at Heather’s house.

New Business

  1. Inventory of current contracts/accounts:
    • Trash
    • Landscape/snow removal
    • We already have one landscaping bid; Dennis will solicit two more.  Elliot will solicit snow removal bids
    • Legal
    • Towing: update towing company with current board members
    • Electric
  2. Parking lot resealing: we have received one quote which we believe is high; perhaps we can get a deal if they do the parking lot and sidewalk.  Elliot will investigate further.
  3. Sidewalk work: perhaps negotiate a single contract for the parking lot and sidewalk.
  4. Communication:
    • Website: Karen is the moderator
    • Facebook: Karen is also the moderator and will give admin access to Matt
    • Message board: table discussion until the next meeting
  5. Increasing neighborhood involvement:
    • Social media/website
    • Committees: the Board will seek to establish several committees: Welcome, Social, Yard Sale (Kristina and Ruth), Neighborhood Watch (Easton or Elliot), Parking
  6. Additional Items
  7. Financials

Next Meeting

The next Board meeting was set for 1 February 2016 at 7:30PM, pending Manuel’s schedule.  The meeting will be at Heather’s (2252).