Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – August 22, 2019

Board members present: Jessica Joyner, Mike Pendleton, Sarah Keally, Kristina Myers, and Jill Jenkins

Residents present:  Steve, Kerry, and Jeffrey

Tree Work: 

  • All tree work was completed except for one tree that will be taken down tomorrow. 
  • Original estimate was to top it but due to the condition of the tree the crew did not feel comfortable doing that and it was decided to take the whole tree down.  
    • Want to prevent tree from falling on a house or in the creek, so they might increase the cost by $500-700 more than original estimate.
    • We saved about the same amount due to two trees that fell on their own
    • Two stumps were removed. Tree company suggested we have excess removed by landscaper or we can do it during cluster cleanup in the fall.
    • Logs still not removed by the one tree at the bottom of the cluster, near 2276.  Steve has been pestering the company to remove the logs and take care of the grass.
    • Replanting of trees likely to be done by the landscaping company. Suggested trees:
      • Magnolia
      • Redburn
      • Serviceberry
      • Flowering Cherry
  • We voted to do an Eastern Redbud in front of 2217 and Magnolia in front of 2276.  For other trees we’ll consider planting a few others during the fall cleanup.
  • Another tree that had been pruned was suggested for removal in the upper island part of the cluster.  The board viewed pictures of the tree and will consider removal of the tree.  
    • Tree committee will submit the RA application for removal while we evaluate whether to remove the tree.  
    • Board to consider the excess mulch from the stump grounding to be advertised as free mulch to residents.

Fairfax Water Bond Program Update:

  • Award letter is in the mail to the Cluster mailbox.  
  • Dennis will write the final report once the money is received, $2500.  
  • We’ll consider reapplying in the spring for more work to be done.

Drainage Issue:

  • The board talked about several different options to fix the issues of water pooling between 2231 and 2233.  
  • The board voted to redirect the pipe from 2233 towards the tot lot direction.  We’ll put it on the list for the fall cluster cleanup.

Landscaping updates:

  • It has been decided to plant the butterfly garden in the fall, the weekend of October 5th and 6th.
  • There is a $450 credit for tree work.
  • We will not plant any additional trees as part of the cluster cleanup.
  • Benches look good.

Concrete work: 

  • The board voted to reallocated the funds to other needed projects.

Trail Signs

  • Jessica has the sign and post, which will be put up during cluster cleanup for the end of trail.

Cluster cleanup: Plan to have it October 19, 2019.

There was a request to have a yard sale.  Propose weekend of October 12, 2019. Kristina to contact Lea to plan.  

Next Meeting: October 8 @ 7 PM, 2233

Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – June 27, 2019

Board members present: Jessica Joyner, Mike Pendleton, Sarah Keally, Kristina Myers, and Jill Jenkins

Residents present:  Steve, Kerry, and Jeffrey 

Tree Work: 

  • Tree committee did review with Chip Johnson and also a licensed arborist.
  • Agreed with all of the recommendations from the last arborist and got an estimate from JL Tree Service (strongly recommended by Saddler Oaks)
  • The estimate was significant to remove two trees that are dying and the tree committee is recommending their removal to the board.
  • Application for the removal was provided to the board and will be submitted to the Reston Association (RA); Jessica has signed as the Board President.
  • We believe that RA will approve the work once the application is submitted.
  • Board voted to approve the Tree Committee’s application for tree work to RA.
  • It was recommended we pay for the new trees with the landscaping contract credit.
  • Tree committee will talk to homeowners to see which trees will be selected for replacement and get the trees for the cluster.
    • They will also check with RA to see about the trees in their free tree program.
    • Will provide list of trees to be taken care of and trees to be monitored (disclaimer) for the website (generic) and to contact tree committee if they have questions.
    • Board will send out notice to the cluster residents once tree work has been scheduled.

Erosion work

  • Update contact for this to cluster PO Box so they get the right contact info.

Drainage Issue:

  • Sarah is assigned to this and will work on it this week.

Path Issue:

  • Blaze trail contact from concerned person (non cluster resident) and board has decided not to respond
  • Cluster lawyers have reviewed the issue and said we are in the clear, we don’t have to maintain the path in question, and no need to respond to the requests.
  • Recommended to get a path end sign and the sign will be placed at the end of the trail.
  • Board will continue to remain silent and not respond to their requests.

Trash contract update: 

  • Will pursue application for Fairfax County Trash Collection; application due August 1, 2019.
    • Must submit a petition with support of at least 65% backing.
    • Contiguous to an existing sanitary area
    • Public hearing in October.
  • Communication still an issue with Bates on special occasions.
    • Still an issue getting new bins.

Landscaping updates:

  • Butterfly garden plans for the summer planting – Kristina will contact him about a start date.
  • Will also paint benches soon.
  • Hazardous waste will be picked up this weekend by contractor.  Board will post on website and Facebook page, plus pass a slip around.

Domain expiring and will be renewed by Treasurer with HostGator.

Concrete work: 

  • Work is still needed
  • Jessica requested a proposal from the contractor originally and will get updated quotes.

Next Meeting: July 18 @ 7 PM, 2226 – edit, due to conflicting schedules it was postponed until August.

Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes- May 23, 2019

Board members present: Jessica Joyner, Mike Pendleton, Sarah Keally, Kristina Myers, and Dennis Schulte.

Residents present: Karen, Dave

General discussion: 

  • Trail issue: board received an email issuing “30 days notice” complaining we need to clean up the trail in the back part of the cluster that has not been a trail for many years.
  • Lawyers have reviewed the complaint and said this person has no authority and we can ignore the email, but suggested we put a sign up stating the end of the trail.
    • We have no authority and the point is moot and they have no case.
    • Jessica will order a sign to put at the end of the trail facing up towards the hill.

Tree Work: 

  • Last night Mike spoke with the tree committee to get a status update from the tree committee (TC)
  • TC uncovered an old assessment from 10 years ago (2009) and discussed it with Mike; he has a copy of the report if we decide to do it again in the future.  The company that produced the report was called Thrive.
  • No need to put in applications to Reston Association if any trees are removed as immediate hazards or under 4 inches in diameter.
  • The TC said that 40 trees need work with Chip, determined that 20 probably don’t need work.
    • They conducted another review with an independent company to review the same trees and they recommended the same amount of work as Tree 360.
    • They reviewed the tree in front of Vicky’s house and said it doesn’t need to be addressed now but will need to be done eventually.  

Erosion work

  • Fairfax Water Update:
    • Thanks to Dennis and Kristina for putting so much work in the Fairfax Water Stakeholder Outreach Program bond proposal. It was submitted by the deadline and we haven’t heard anything back yet.
    • If awarded, this will help with already identified erosion work, for $5,000.
  • Fairfax County has identified other grant opportunities to apply for in the future.
  • Sidewalk scrapped and regraded by 2233 and 2231.  Needed to have drainage done by both houses.
  • There is a proposal for work to be done from a contractor.
    • There was discussion of an alternative plan and we will get signatures from the owners
    • RA will have to be involved to approve any work that is done.
    • Proposal will be sent to Sarah to take and work on for this particular project.
  • Add concrete work in front of Bob’s house and Kristina’s house – Jessica will review and we will wait until the fall to review.  No trip hazards identified by the contractor.

Yard Sale?

  • Plan for the week before the fall cleanup.  That way we can have residents throw things away they don’t sell.

Cluster Cleanup Recap

  • Plan earlier for the fall so we have more projects so people have work to do
  • We had more people this time due to board members knocking on doors
  • Little Free Library is up!  It is now live on the Little Free Library website and books are in it. Thank you to Sandy for building the library!
  • The butterfly garden will be done by the landscaper contractor around the Little Free Library.  
    • Landscaper recommends perennials, flanking grasses, ferns, and other shade and deer tolerant plants.

Search Engine Optimization:

  • Look at getting Wheelwright.com website domain
  • Post on RA’s cluster websites if not already on there.


  • Include in next issue that complaints to the board should include pictures to show complaint in email to the board
  • Include issue about off leash dogs and reinforcing the leash laws by the County
    • Remind them that residents that can call the police department on these issues if it can’t be resolved personally
  • New architectural shingles information – Kristina

Next Meeting: June 27  @ 7 PM, 2226

Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – April 11th, 2019

Board members present: Jessica Joyner, Mike Pendleton, Sarah Keally, Kristina Myers, and Jill Jenkins.

Residents present: Satish Bahide (2259), Dennis Schulte (2256)

General discussion:

  • Little free library was approved – unpainted and weathered in – no need to waterproof the wood.
    • Sandy already has the materials. It will be built as a project for the Spring Cluster Cleanup
  • We received a request to make the Facebook group for the cluster a private group.
    • We will make it a private group.
    • Question can be added to the request to verify.
    • Edit: I reviewed and because it is a business and not a group, cannot be made private.
  • Website- ask Google how much it would be for a search enhancement for our website to be on top of search results. Sarah will inquire on this and inform the board of the cost.
  • Wheelwrighter for cluster cleanup, recycling & trash guidelines, penalties for not paying dues, highlight a board member (Sarah will send bio to Kristina).
  • Kristina was approached by a neighbor about spraying for mosquitoes and most residents are against it
    • Fairfax County sprays annually for mosquitoes – include in the Wheelwrighter
    • Sarah can get brochures for mosquito prevention and provide for Kristina to pass out with newsletter
  • Proposal for yard sale this year – one suggestion is to combine with Reston Association’s large yard sale, which is the same day as our cluster cleanup this year
    • Kristina requested volunteers to help with organizing the yard sale in later May

Tree Work:

  • Saddler Oaks
    • Felled a tree about 4-5 months ago and took it down, paid to remove it
    • They came over two weeks ago and cut up the tree near the bus path  
    • Reston Association is ok with the tree being taken down

Concrete Contract – assigned to Danny

  • No update

Erosion work

  • Erosion work has been approved, with some contingencies, by the Reston Design Review Board (DRB)
  • Approved the bluestone under the river jack to help anchor the rock
  • Thanks to Kristina for her hard work and submission to the DRB

Fairfax Water Update:

  • Bond program through the County to help protect the Occoquan Rivershed, due May 15th, may be able to cover some of the erosion control work
  • $5,000 up to $10,000 may be awarded; it was agreed that we should ask for $10,000, with some match. Edit: we are asking for $5000
  • There was a couple people who suggested that we include the tree work as part of the erosion work as well; Jessica will reach out to the tree company to get an estimate for the application Edit: this was suggested $11K for all work, was not included in proposal
  • Jessica suggested we include an education program for residents as well to help them understand what we are doing to help the erosion work
  • Any board can submit multiple applications but can only win one per year
  • Kristina had some questions about what to include in the grant application.  Jessica and Dennis offered to help with the application.

Trash services update

  • Sarah to talk to Bates about not getting trash picked up two Thursdays in a row
  • Recycling information and video posted on the Wheelwright website for residents
    • Include a blurb in the next Wheelwrighter

Tree Committee:

  • First meeting happened, attended by Steve, Jeff, and Kerry in addition to Mike.
  • Walked through the property and identified a few trees, the tree committee should consult with Chip and his company on tree priorities and work
  • They reached out to the company who created the tree inventory
  • Jill says there is a tree folder in the Treasurer files and will look through it to see if anything is useful for the committee
  • They are ok with the Tree Charter from the board
  • Prioritize tree cleanup behind Vicki’s house (house number 2204)
  • Jessica will cc the whole committee when emails are related to the tree work. Edit: done.

Cluster Cleanup:

  • Updated flower boxes on the side of 2217 edit: this was removed from the list.
  • Request for 4-5 azalea plants to plant in the lower cluster for erosion control and Easton and his wife will help to take care of them; board approved spending up to $150 for the plants
  • Seeding in some areas.  Kristina will check with the landscaper to see if it’s included in the contract work and if not, we’ll buy a bag to seed. Edit: removed as crab grass preventer will make this moot.
  • Shade perennials planting which would be a good project for the kids.  Kristina will talk to a vendor, Chris, to get the plants and then we’ll mulch.
  • Trash pickup
  • Paint touchup on the curbs – Easton has extra paint and Jessica will check to see how much he has. Edit: no extra paint, was purchased.
  • Ruth and Celia wants to lead a kids project and it was suggested maybe a butterfly and bee garden with a small fence around it. It was suggested to install down the path by Dennis’s house and line the path on both sides, or maybe next to the woods at the bottom of the path. Edit: this was reduced to painting rocks.
    • Dennis and Kristina would take charge of getting costs and purchasing seeds and other necessary items for the boundary – $150 was approved as the budget by the board.
  • Also might be good to plant some phlox  next to the path
  • Little Free Library installation, materials provided by Sandy and wood by the board.
  • Shopping – Kristina volunteered to do the shopping and she has the list from last time
    • Mike Peyton is donating chicken wings, spices, charcoal and coffee supplies in the morning
    • Add an additional package of veggie burgers
  • Party down in lower cluster or upper cluster?  Lower cluster usually has the biggest turnout, so we will do the lower cluster.
    • Add games like bocce ball, corn hole, and others like badminton

Treasurer Duties:

  • Jill has sent out billing for the first quarter of 2019.  She intends to send out a reminder mid-month and any house that does not pay the first month gets a reminder, second month gets parking privileges revoked and their car can be towed, after three months, the board can put a lien on the house.  After 5 quarters late, the board can charge the dues a year at a time.
  • Jessica reached out the lawyer about paying a treasurer.  We have a strict amount that we can charge for the cluster documents package for the HOA disclosure at $100 max.
    • Option B is to reduce or eliminate the treasurer’s assessment fees
    • Option C we can approve out of our operation budget a salary for the Treasurer position in the next budget for 2020 fiscal year


  • For Jill to gain access to banking, she needs a letter from the President, a copy of the minutes where she was elected as the treasurer
    • Can include other members as well as we are updating the permissions
    • Kristina volunteered to be one person
  • Jill has information to engage the tax accountants for another year and the board approved her to do so.

Next Meeting: May 23  @ 7 PM, 2254

Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – March 7, 2019

Board members present: Jessica Joyner, Mike Pendleton, Sarah Keally, Kristina Myers, Daniel Baldwin, and Jill Jenkins.

Residents present: Kerry Wingell (2219), Karen Walker (2207), Lynn Kunkle (2216)

General discussion:

  • Large dog pooping along bus path daily despite the signs asking dog walkers to clean up after their pet.
  • New Landscapers doing a great job cleaning up and beautifying the common areas already, noticed by several board members and even received an email from a resident saying so.
  • Jill would like to restructure the files so all the contracts are together.

Accounting/Homeowners Association Software:

  • Jill asked  the Wheelwright tax her accountanting friend, and they recommended Quickbooks as the best accounting software out there. They recommended not updating the current version and it would still be useful.  
  • The tax accountant friend has helped her to navigate the current accounting software to speed up tasks required by the Treasurer to complete.
  • HOA software: talked to our Alliance Community and they are working on a quote for the cluster financials

Tree Work:

  • Kerri did a walkthrough to look at the trees, recommended some trees trimmed, some removed and then add grass
  • Talked to the landscaping vendor about picking up the leaves (per the contract) instead of blowing the leaves into the woods. He also discussed drainage issues with leaves and cleaning up yards.  Landscaping company will provide some solutions on drainage.
  • Tree committee charter
    • Dan & Mike drafted a charter and sent out to the board to review this morning.
    • Board member comments regarding draft charter:
      • Additional clarity about who exactly is selecting the tree assessment professionals is needed.
      • Yes, it should be 1 chair, 1 member for minimum number of Tree Committee members.
      • I agree, we need details on if they can hire/engage a new company or is the selection of the vendor a decision of the board.  My thought is that they can get bids, but the board will need to review and approve a vendor before any work is completed. (allows us to control finances).
      • Can we add in a note about emergency work?  If emergency work is required (e.g. a tree falling in someone’s house) the tree committee shall be engaged but decision making will  revert back to the board.  I am thinking we need this as we coordinate with more than just the tree vendor, last time we talked to RA, the lawyers and our insurance. 
      • We should ensure that any time they meet with tree professionals, the board needs to be notified in a reasonable amount of time so that a board member can participate. Possibly include: These meetings will also be communicated to the community so they can attend as well. 
      • We should also include that if the board finds that the tree committee is not fulfilling their stated purpose, members can be asked to leave or the committee can be disbanded.  This requires a majority vote by the board. 

Concrete Contract – assigned to Danny

  • He has been contact with the contractor and wanted to clarify if it was just for sidewalks and walkways – yes
  • Danny will ask contractor to come out next week to start working on a major project
  • Jessica and Danny to walk community on 3/12 to review areas needed.

Erosion work

  • 2249 has water running by and collecting by that house at the bottom of the hill, also include as part of the community erosion project
  • Kristina sent an email about the erosion work

Trash services update

  • Trash service has been going well with no more hiccups.  

Survey results – updates

  • Sent to the board for review, no additional findings beyond what was previously noted. Feedback will be included in 2019 projects.

Little Free Library

  • Designs reviewed and will be submitted for DRB approval.  Requested location was moved to further in the community between 2241 and 2243.
  • Plan to include for the spring cluster cleanup.


  • Jill has had problems with our billing with the lawyer and tried to contact the vendor several times.  Still no response after 3 weeks.

Tree Work:

  • Kerri did a walkthrough to look at the trees, recommended some trees trimmed, some removed and then add grass
  • Talked to the vendor about picking the leaves up, discussed drainage with leaves and cleaning up yards
  • Long term, addressing the leaves will help with ongoing issues with erosion work

Cluster Cleanup Date:

  • Confirmed Looking at April 27 for Spring Cluster cleanup as it’s after Easter
  • That date works best with everyone at the meeting
  • Jessica requested us to provide input on projects for cluster cleanup to do:
    • Will NOT need to paint benches – landscaping will do this as part of their 2019 work.
    • Don’t need more flowers – landscaping will do this as part of the 2019 work
    • Build and paint Little Free Library–Board members should send their vote for the best option you like based on options in this month’s agenda. Install the weekend before Cluster Cleanup and then paint it during the cleanup.Cutting and painting needs to occur before the cluster cleanup and then it can be assembled the day of the cleanup.
    • One suggestion was to put the free library by the sidewalk at the entrance to give users more room and less likelihood to get strangers in our neighborhood.

Treasurer Duties:

  • Delay getting notifications from Trash Company and asked Sarah to reach out to Bates Trucking to send her that contact information for billing.

Review of Cluster Survey results were discussed.

  • Jessica gave a brief update of new responses

Financials – no real update

  • Weird things that Jill noticed – inventory management and others; discussion with Easton to clarify.
  • Billed back in April to Michelle Anderson for inventory assets and wanted clarification on what that bill was for.
  • Jill pulled a list of those who are paid ahead and those who still owe – contacting residents who owe by email and requested payment.
  • Jill still needs access to the bank accounts and has been making deposits – will try to get access on Saturday.
  • Any receipts for the Wheelwrighter this past issue?

Next Meeting: April 11 @ 7 PM, 2233

Meeting Minutes January 25, 2019

Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting – January 25, 2019

Board members present: Jessica Joyner, Mike Pendleton, Sarah Keally, Kristina Myers, Daniel Baldwin, and Jill Jenkins.

Residents present:  Matt Keally (2233)

General discussion:

  • Jill, who has taken over as Treasurer, feels like the Treasurer role should be a paid position due to the amount of work required to complete the tasks and keep up with duties. Board members agreed that it was something to look into over the next year as a possibility and will consult with the lawyer to see how that could be implemented as well as the level of compensation.  Suggestions were free dues for the time of service or $100/month.
  • All board members should have access to the cluster email now.  If you haven’t tried to access it, please do and let Jessica know if you cannot.
  • Jessica will add more admins to the Facebook page so others can help make posts when needed.
  • DRB application to Reston was submitted to Reston Association (RA) staffer Sarah Gaston.  It was submitted without signatures so was rejected until signatures could be obtained for entire row at entrance (2201-2215). Kristina needs help getting signatures for entire row so Jessica will assist in that task.
  • Cluster sign was stolen after last cluster cleanup, so a new one was purchased.  Danny will take over duties of putting out sign and pick it up from Mike.

Concrete Contract – assigned to Danny

  • Work has been identified by same contractor who did work in 2018 to fix tripping hazards in 2019.
  • An entire proposal for all work that was identified with a contractor walk through exists and will be shared with Danny to help work on scheduling some of the work.
  • Danny will work on getting additional quotes for the work.
  • The drainage/pooling of water issues identified in front of 2231 were discussed and possible solutions presented by contractor.  Danny will work on this issue with specific costs.

Trash Contract – assigned to Sarah

  • Waste Management (previous contractor) sold all HOA contracts to Bates Trucking, effective January 1, 2019.  All existing contracts will be honored.
  • Will reach out to contractor to confirm trash schedules and post on the website/Facebook page.  
  • Will talk to the general manager about billing process and when to expect bills.
  • Also will request the notification process for when dates and pickup schedules change.

Landscaping Contract – assigned to Kristina

  • Newcastle is the new contractor starting January 1, 2019.
  • Currently doing a weekly sticks pickup from residents yards.
  • Plans from contractor (included in proposal) are to paint and stain cluster benches, add in butterfly garden, in addition to other landscaping duties.

Electricity Contract – assigned to Kristina

  • Will call Dominion Energy about two watch lights in front of 2233 and 2235/2237 being out and have it fixed.
  • Dominion is now requesting cluster account number when issues are reported by board and requests to fix cluster lights must be called in by a board member -residents can’t call it in.
  • Residents should report issues with cluster lights to cluster email, wheelwright.cluster.assoc@gmail.com.  

Snow Contract – assigned to Jessica

  • Mike Peyton (2217) is currently the contractor.
  • All agreed he did a great job with the last snowstorm in clearing the parking lots.
  • He has been doing a great job invoicing the board once a job is complete.  
  • Currently budgeted $8,000 for snow removal, which depending on rest of winter season, we could have a surplus of funds for this budget item.

HOA Software Discussion:

  • Mike (Pendleton) proposed we look into the possibility of purchasing an HOA software to help manage administrative tasks for the board and keep us organized, including a financial software to replace Quickbooks.
  • He has done research and came up with a few options – some issues is they may not include financial software or software becomes unsupported and out of date quickly. Mike is going to wait until Jill does financial software research to make sure they can work together.
  • Sarah will ask Franklin Farm HOA board contact about software they might be using and if they recommend anything.
  • Jill will reach out to RA and inquire if they have any recommendations, in addition to doing research on other financial software available besides Quickbooks.  
    • Quickbooks is cumbersome and not user friendly and often screws up financial data, making it so the Treasurer must manually do tasks to understand where discrepancies lie.

Dues for Furloughed Fed Workers:

  • It was proposed by a couple board members that we give furloughed federal worker residents extra time to pay dues without penalties if government shutdown continues.
  • Now that government is temporarily open, a plan will be worked on for if/when the shutdown occurs again. Residents experiencing difficulties should notify a board member and show their government issued ID as proof of federal employment.
  • Jessica will write a blurb for the Wheelwrighter to inform residents of the plan.

Tree Committee:  Mike and Danny will be liaisons for this committee

  • The board must create a tree committee per the referendums passed at the 2018 Annual meeting in December.
  • No official guidelines were given so board will write them up in a charter for the committee and outline responsibilities for tree committee members and board members.
  • A blurb about the new committee will be included in the next Wheelwrighter – residents should send concerns to the board email, wheelwright.cluster.assoc@gmail.com.
  • Board is looking for residents to volunteer to be on the committee.
  • Board liaisons will work on the committee charter which outlines roles/responsibilities and discuss at the next meeting
    • Sarah to send a sample charter to Danny and Mike.
    • Charter should include committee members will be responsible for writing all design review board applications that will go to RA.

Shingle DRB application was approved by RA–thank you to Kristina and Jessica for their work on the application.

Wheelwrighter – assigned to Kristina for next issue; Sarah will be responsible for development after that.

  • Next issue will be distributed by February 1, 2019.
    • All assigned articles/blurbs due to Kristina by January 30.
  • Content for next issue to include:
    • New contractor for trash service – Sarah
    • Donations of Goods – Danny
    • Treasurer change – Jill
    • Dues and Furloughs – Jessica
    • Tree Committee – Danny
    • Board member spotlight – Kristina

Treasurer Duties:

  • Other board members trying to take on some tasks for Treasurer so it’s not so time intensive.
  • Secretary (Sarah) to update guidelines with new options for shingles. .
  • Money from cluster doc packages voted to go to Treasurer, even though Secretary will take on the task of putting packets together.
  • Jill requested a wireless mouse for use with computer–all voted in favor of providing her a wireless mouse plus additional supplies needed to carry out Treasure job duties.
  • Jill needs to be added to bank and Easton’s name removed from Cluster account.
    • Jessica will email Easton about debit card transfer over to Jill.

Parking Lot Map:

  • Mike created a parking lot map and identified which spaces are assigned by name/house number and which ones are free (unassigned).  

Review of Cluster Survey results were discussed.

Financials – reviewed current budget and spend down in addition to collection of dues for the first quarter of 2019.

Next Meeting: March 7, 2019, 7-9 p.m. at 2209.

Annual Meeting Minutes: December 6, 2018

The annual meeting was held at the Reston Community Center  located at Hunters Woods on Thursday, December 6th at 7 pm. The meeting minutes were later approved by the Board (both current and out-going members) via email. They are available in PDF form here: December 2018 Annual Meeting Minutes. If you would like them in an alternate format, please contact the Secretary.

Annual Meeting Call-In Information: December 6, 2018

The Board has set up a GoToMeeting to allow owners unable to attend in person to participate. The GoToMeeting will start a half hour before the actual meeting begins at 7 pm and run later than the actual meeting is expected to last to cover all eventualities. The complete instructions are included below.

Wheelwright Custer 2018 Annual Meeting (GoToMeeting)
Thu, Dec 6, 2018 6:30 PM – 2:30 AM EST

You can join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/493072213

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (669) 224-3412

Access Code: 493-072-213

First GoToMeeting? Let’s do a quick system check: https://link.gotomeeting.com/system-check