Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – January 2024

Wheelwright Cluster HOA

January Board Meeting

Tuesday, January 16, 2024 at 7pm 

ATTENDEES: Kelly Fairbank, Cyndi Hartman, Aaron Rider, Kristina Myers, Joy Charles, Sandy Mohler.



  1. Garbage Pickup (Bates – Theresa Cunningham)


  • Legal (Chesapeake – Ami Pape)


  • Community outreach
  • Wheelwrighter – Kristina/Aaron
  • Facebook updates – Kristina
  • Sign – Joy
  • Erosion (DecoFootprint – Adele)


  • Parking Lot Repair/repaving (Pavement design, LLC – Burt Hall)


  • Trees (Treesmith USA – Kevin)

Sandy transitioning to Joy

  • Design updates


  • Concrete (Bright Construction Group – Juan) –


  • Watchlights (Dominion)

Cyndi – backup, Kristina

  1. Landscaping (Elite Landscaping – Chris Hughes)


  1. Parking – keeping an eye on suspicious vehicles, trying to update cluster vehicle list

Easton Warner – Working with Cyndi

  1. Snow Removal (M&M Expert Services – Greg McGreevy)

Joy/ Kristina


  1. Update on purchasing new removable speed bumps
  2. Joy was looking into
  3. Cost for removable $1,165 with shipping ($100 less than the first one) payment approved by board.


  1. Tree work proposal
  2. Approvals from Sandy, Aaron, Kristina, and Cyndi
  3. 2254 tree – causing property damage via dead falling branches
  4. Sandy to send tree pictures to Kristina – some may need DRB’s
  5. Sandy will work with Kevin to get an opinion on keeping/removing tree.


  1. Lower cluster parking pad
  2. Did we decide to forge ahead with this repair?  $4860 – the board did agree to go ahead with this project but will wait until Spring
  3. New ideas for concrete by 2254? Waiting to see outcome of the tree.


  1. VCAP project updates
  2. Waiting to hear back from DecoFootprint regarding the site analysis/inventory analysis portion of the project
  3. Catch basin project 2229/31/33
  4. No updates – reached out to Riverbend landscaping and did not hear back.  Sent one more email 1/15.
  5. Will circle back with Juan to explore alternatives.  If a new plan to fix drainage cannot be found that saves the tree, we can fall back on original plan (digging under sidewalk to install drainage pipe to swale that may damage tree roots)


  1. Doors/Deck stain/Fence Post Caps/Clear Sealing
  2. Submitted to RA early Dec
  3. Waiting to get on schedule with RA.
  4. Plans for 2024
  1. Garbage bin storage options?
  2. Mosquito netting?
  3. Paint color options for Amber White? Sandy to do some work to figure out how we can make sure our specified “amber white” stays consistent throughout community


  1. Start the process – building a parking lot bid design package with Burt
  2. Package to include:
  3. Full depth mill and pave (at least in the drive lanes)
  4. At least 2 speed bumps
  5. Proposal with and without removal of part of lower cluster island to add 2 additional parking spaces


  1. Highlights of Annual meeting
  2. Quorum vote to increase dues to $400/quarter
  3. Survey summary
  4. Sidewalk shoving

LANDSCAPING (can bench until Feb)

  1. Plans for 2024
  2. Lower cluster island – No update.
  3. Soil testing
  4. Issues?

PET WASTE SIGNS (can bench until Feb)

  1. Custom signs?
  2. Sign for entrance? – Kristina will look at options.
  3. Sign for grass rejuvenation areas?

FINANCIALS – Kelly will email out the financials

  1. Board voted to increase the charge for bounced checks to $50, due to increase in charge from bank.


Wheelwright Cluster December 2023 Annual Meeting

Wheelwright Cluster 

Annual December Board Meeting 2023

Virtual via Zoom

Google Slides Presented at December Annual Board Meeting


Board: Kristina Myers, Cyndi Hartman, Kelly Fairbank, Joy Charles, Jade Perez and Sandy 

Cluster Residents in Attendance (Collected via Zoom Chat): 

  1. 2209 Mohler
  2. 2211 Rider-Huang 
  3. 2215 Chou
  4. 2231 Hartman-Newland
  5. 2226 Myers
  6. 2228 Perez-Lucas
  7. 2213 Fairbank
  8. 2220 Charles
  9. 2271 Moran
  10. 2221 Pendleton
  11. 2249 Colescott
  12. 2262 Conrad
  13. 2216 Soderberg
  14. 2224 Cook
  15. 2274 Zambrana
  16. 2248 Matheny
  17. 2205 Salva
  18. 2250 Mohler
  19. 2243 Beasley
  20. 2251 Meacham
  21. 2230 Wiley
  22. 2207 Reese
  23. 2256 Weber
  24. 2244 Cai
  25. 2219 Wingell
  26. 2261 Ortiz
  27. 2246 Redlin 
  28. 2242Weissman
  29. 2259 Bhide
  30. 2233 Keally


  • 2023 in review
    • No questions
  • Goals for 2024
    • 2 additional parking spaces in the lower cluster
    • Charge Up Fairfax program for EV Charging installation
    • Dominion’s Level II Charging Program 
    • Greenspot
    • Greenspot and Charge Up Fairfax Downsides
    • Repaving of the parking Lot
    • Website Improvements
      • Functionality and Appearance
    • Lower Cluster Island added to the cluster maintenance
    • Clean up the tot lot equipment and add new mulch 

Questions on Tot Lot

  • Based on reserve study expenditures that are listed, do we know the current usage? Do we know the usage in the neighborhood? 
  • We are in a period of heavy usage. 
  • Could the board look at mosquito repellents nearby? 

Questions related to EV Charging: 

  • Have we considered guidelines for individual owners who want to put in their own charger?
    • The board and the individual homeowner would be required to work together on an agreement on the installation and maintenance, including what would happen if you moved. This may be feasible, but there may be restrictions on the ability of a homeowner to do so based on where their spot is located in conjunction with their home. This has not yet been done and therefore there are unknown variables here to predict. 
  • How is EV charging being considered in conjunction with the parking lot and parking lot maintenance?
    • The Board is trying to do this, but without finalized decisions on EV we need to ensure we’re focusing on the problems at hand rather than future problems. We’re also hearing from contractors etc. how difficult it would be to have this many decisions made at once that could all line up in terms of timing. 
  • In addition to EV charging stations how about covering the lower cluster parking lot with a simple shed  covered with solar panels?
    • The Board can look into this as an option. 
  • 2023 budget in review

Questions on 2023 budget 

  • Please explain the difference in reserves from this year versus last year’s reserves. 
  • What is the usefulness of the reserve study if we have money in a checking account that is not included in the overall expenditures schedules? 
  • Have we separated tree removal from the capital expenditures or the operating budget? 
  • Have we done a deeper dive into possible, cheaper options for our landscaping in terms of competitive bidding?
    • Not at this time, the work done by Chris and team has been both acceptable, but, additionally, our landscaping is at a competitive price for the neighborhood. 
    • Jon, our neighborhood resident who works in the industry, weighed in to say it seems that our company is offering us competitive prices and they seem to be, in his opinion, doing a fair job for a fair price.  
    • While the board can review for competitive pricing, we want to ensure we’re not just reviewing for the overall lowest price, but also for the quality of the work and flexibility to work with the cluster as needed. 

2023 Expenses Budget Line Items Pending

  • We’ve not yet been charged for the Fall dumpster for clean up.
  • We’re still pending on trash and streetlights for the year. 
  • We’re rolling over $4500 from the concrete budget and this has to count on our budget for this year so we know it’s a roll over. 
  • 2024 proposed budget options
  • We over budget on some areas, like trash and recycling, to account for regular increases in prices. 
  • Landscaping is currently scheduled to go up in price for 2024, per industry standards. 

Questions from members

  • Dan Moran- Out of curiosity, do we have a spreadsheet that breaks down what the dues have been in past years?
    •  Kelly will put together what she can and will send this to Dan.
  • Have we removed everything from the budget that we can? Can we reduce costs any further?
    •  It doesn’t seem we can to Kelly based on a the current budget and our current costs which are already as low as they can be. 
  • What is the justification for the increase? Is this to build up the capital expense reserves or to pad operating expenses?
    •  This is about building up the reserves for the cluster, according to Kelly we need to do this because we’ve not had this reserve contribution historically. 
  • Can we delay the vote? Do we have enough information? Are we sure we understand how the capital reserves are being applied against the 130K that we have in our checking account?
    • The vote is majority. We can take the vote today, as there is a no vote option for cluster members and we will review where we stand. 
  • Cory-Do we have a procedure or guidelines on what we should have in our checking account? 
  • Sandy-Clarification on the length of time the board has been working with the Reserve Study board and VA special assessment guidelines. 
  • Paul- Do we have a breakdown of all of the Cluster accounts that can be reviewed and visualized? Would this help us all to understand this better? 
  • Mark-It’s fair to take a few extra minutes to figure out the specifics on the checking account dollar amount in relation to our capital expenses and encourage cluster residents to read the reserve study. 
  • Mary Ellen- It might be worth looking at other investment options, like a money market account, to see where we could create additional cash flow for the cluster. 
  • Decision: 
    • With 9 No and 15 Yes the board will move forward to allow for voting on the overall budget increases; members will be emailed a link to vote post-meeting. 

Pet Waste updated guidelines

  • Would it be possible to reduce mulch on islands to help pets feel more comfortable using the bathroom there?
    •  That’s a possibility the board can review. 
  • Karen Beasley asked for a pet-waste sign to be put at the light pole near her house. 
  • Proposed purchase of new speed bump
  • 2nd speed bump is proposed for the entry so that we can keep the existing speed bump in one location instead of moving the existing speed bump. 
  • Should we consider putting one in the lower-cluster loop as well? Conversion was good and Kristina asked our lower cluster residents to help weigh in on the location if we decided to do this in the long-term 
  • Kerry recommended taking a look at GunSmith to see their permanent speed bump. 
  • Is snow the only reason for removable speed bumps?This was a limitation of our previous snow plowing company, but the temporary speed bumps were also a short-term proof of concept that a permanent speed bump would be a good measure of impact. 
  • Open positions on the board
    • Aaron Rider has nominated himself for a position on the board
    • Sandy, Kristinaristina and Kelly renewed. 
    • Aaron Rider voted in as Secretary to replace Jade Perez who is stepping down. 

Ad Hoc Requests from Cluster Residents

  • Can we remind people to put away their trash bins on time? 
  • Roberto-Can we ask Chris about the bushes near his house that are dying?

November 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

November Board Meeting

Tuesday, November 13th, 2023

7 pm

Virtual via Zoom

Attendees: Karen Reese

Board:  Kristina Myers, Cyndi Hartman-Newland, Sandy Mohler and Kelly Fairbank and  Joy Charles


Community updates

  1. Tree inspection
  • Questions:
    • How much do we have left in the 2023 tree budget?
      • Kelly believes we’ve paid everything out so far for 2023.
      • Looks like $8,850 rolling over from 2023
    • If we were to pursue everything on this list, would it get us through 2024?
      • Yes, aside from unexpected, significant costs these lists would cover our 2024 tree needs. 

Board Discussion on Tree Inspection: 

  • Some of the trees on the list may require DRB review as they are on communal cluster property. 
  • Should we prioritize only Priority 1 quote? This would leave a bit of money for any aesthetic changes and for any immediate disasters, should they occur. 
  • How can we make sure we’re only prioritizing the most important and urgent situations now and setting up priority 2 for future reviews and re-prioritization? (Ex. Poplars near 2246 for example) 
  • How much would it be pertinent to leave in the tree budget? 

Board Decisions: 

  • Keep a cushion in the budget, but be prepared to pull from reserves if we have to for unexpected, disastrous, emergencies. 
  • Sandy will ask Kevin if we can just leave a spar on 2214 (Kevin from TreeSmith USA)
  • Then, we’ll work with Kevin to focus on the Priority 1 list, with an emphasis and investment on preservation and tree management. 
  • Maximum investment of $15K will be the budget we ask Kevin to work within. 
  1. Update on concrete
    • Two areas mentioned in walkthrough
      • In front of 2254 by large oak $3410
        • Problematic area because of ongoing tree issues – the tree roots are very obviously lifting sidewalk, would like to consider other options besides replacing that area of sidewalk right now – Sandy exploring other ideas
      • Lower cluster pad – crumbling – needs repair $4860

Board Discussion: 

  • Should we prioritize this work before it gets too cold for the winter? 
  • Is the lower pad, which is crumbling, really the highest priority of these two? 
  • Do we try to shave or grind down the sidewalk by 2254? Juan’s recommendation was not to as the concrete is already too brittle with the tree roots pushing upwards. 

Board Decision: 

  • Work with Juan on the lower pad, but save it for 2024 to ensure we don’t go over budget for 2023. 
  • We’ll continue to explore ideas for resolution for areas in front of 2254. 
  1. Drainage project by 2231
    • Project proposed by Juan was approved by RA but…
      • Tree problem observed by Kevin during tree inspection
      • Can we fix the problem without damaging the tree?
      • Discuss alternatives with Riverbend Landscaping and Bright Construction group

Board Discussion

  • Concern over this having been a long-standing issue that has been delayed by new information from Kevin
  • How can we ensure we’re resolving this issue in a timely manner, that won’t potentially hurt a tree in the cluster unnecessarily? 

Board Decision

  • Plan to continue to review and treat it as an ongoing project as we research and gather information. 
  1. 2024 Proposed Budget
    • Proposed budget
    • Rolling over money unspent from lingering 2023 projects
    • Dues increase

Board Discussion: 

  • Should we propose $1600 vs. $1500 per household per year (up from $1300) in our dues to extend the time between when we’d need to do a next increase? (Looking at at least a 2 year hold if we went this avenue) 
  • Would this amount to $400 per quarter? 
  • Comparison of close clusters and their associated costs
  • Mailing total updated to reflect purchase of stamps, which usually last up to two years
  • Snow removal budget agreed to by all members
  • Dumpster budget for cluster clean up cost was very close to the total cost this year so Kelly will only slightly increase budget $100.
  • Kristina will check on the total amount of the erosion grant, she thought it might be a bit higher. 
  • Have we fully considered the full impact of dues increases in relation to new, incoming residents? 
  • Discussion on approach for incremental increases pros vs. cons for Cluster in comparison to Reston Home Owners Association (RHOA) process 
  • How do we set the cluster up for long-term success with our reserve funds in light of the large cost of the parking lot we know we need to spend? 
  • Is there value in a one-time assessment rather than relying on just a dues increase? 
  • Discussion on possible cluster impacts if we don’t get the planning for fiscal future right for the cluster 

Board Decision:

  • To allow the community to plan in advance, Kelly and Kristina will break down options for the community, post special flyers and emails and we will allow the community to review the two proposed dollar amounts in advance for voting. 
  1. Annual Meeting
    • Monday, December 4th at 7pm – zoom
      • Topics for meeting
        • Reserve study
  • Resident Karen Reese asked that the board send out the Reserve study information in advance for cluster residents to review and get questions prepared or if we should have a separate meeting just to discuss the reserve study. 
  • Together with the board and Karen, the decision was made to send out specific details via flyers and email related to the Reserve Study in advance by the community to prepare questions in advance of the December Annual HOA Meeting. 
  • Dues increase
  • Budget review/budget proposal
  • Ongoing projects
    • VCAP
    • Drainage
    • Trees
    • Design updates
    • EV charging
    • 2nd speed bump – make sure to get quote
      • Kelly will send the invoice from the last speed bump purchase.
      • Cyndi mentioned making sure we address why these speed bumps are not looking at being installed permanently for right now to address cluster resident questions. 
  • Pet waste guideline amendments
  • Letter or newsletter to go out to residents re: annual meeting highlighting the need for dues increase and quorum vote
  1. EV charging
    • Dominion’s Level II charging program for multi-family communities
    • Charge Up fairfax
    • Greenspot

Board Decision: 

  • Kristina will send a note to the board with more updates to review. No significant conversation now. 
  1. Additional items
    • VCAP project
    • Design updates
  • Sandy stressed if this takes up too much discussion time at Annual Meeting, she is willing to hold a special meeting just to go over these if we need to. 


Next meeting:  Monday, December 4th (Annual Meeting)

October 2023 HOA Board Meeting

October Board Meeting

Tuesday, October 10th,, 2023

7 pm

Virtual via Zoom


Board: Kristina Redford-Meyers, Cyndi Hartman, Kelly Fairbank, Joy Charles, Jade Perez and Sandy 

Cluster Residents: Chun-Lung Huang


Community updates

  1. Erosion/Drainage
    1. VCAP-Deposit submitted, but not yet deposited 
    2. 2229/2231 – DRB application submitted
  1. Website
    1. September meeting minutes- Approved

Action Item: 

Jade will post approved minutes. 

  1. Reserve study needs to be published on our website

Action Item: 

Jade will post in Announcements and in the Minutes

  1. Last tab – tree committee – can be deleted

Action Item:

Jade will delete

  1.  Sandy requested we add Cluster Guidelines, Under Cluster Resources in the Menu Under the Guideline

Action Item: 

Jade will add the Cluster Resources 

  1. Update on concrete
    1. Bright construction group walkthrough- Lower pad and curb near sewer is starting to crumble; ramped area is what needs to be replaced.  

Action Item: 

Kristina is waiting on DRB proposal review and will follow up with Cyndi when this is finished. 

  1. Tree inspection
    1. 2272 Hemlock tree – this tree trimming was done by TreeSmith USA – may still need to be taken down
    2. 2246 Elm Tree – need to decide upon it’s removal
    3. Tree branch hanging over Olde Crafts behind 2201/03
    4. 2252/54 Oak tree – board decided on $700 treatment for tree and to continue to monitor
    5. Hemlocks in upper cluster island – 3 young trees – infected and need to be treated.  Board voted to allocate $450 to hemlocks in upper cluster for bacteria.
    6. Joy’s maple tree

Action Item: 

Sandy is pending a response from Kevin and Sandy/Joy will do the walk through together. 

  1. Design Updates
    1. Decks, fences, doors – DRB application – submitted?- Sandy ran into issues with the PDF submission, but is working on this. 
    2. Bin enclosures- No update but Sandy will check on the Cluster Lookbook with Erin 
  1. Landscaping
    1. Updates? No updates 
    2. Two areas behind 2251- These areas were planted, but there is a large bare area. Kristina asked if we could get more native plants. 

Ad Hoc:  Joy will check with Chris to see if it is too late for the Fall treatment. If it is not too late this year, the board would like to move forward this Fall if Chris thinks this would still be effective. 

  1. Pet waste in neighborhood
    1. Here is what was posted in the newsletter:

Pet Waste Guidelines changes will be proposed at this year’s Annual Meeting.  Currently the guidelines for Wheelwright Cluster Association do not provide adequate spaces in the neighborhood for dogs to relieve themselves.  The board believes these guidelines are too strict and have the opposite effect – dogs are going everywhere.  Additionally, pet owners from other neighborhoods do not know our guidelines and therefore let their pets use the bathroom indiscriminately along our sidewalks.  Therefore the board is proposing the following changes:

  1. Dogs may NOT use the bathroom on anyone’s personal property – front yards, backyards, and side yards – this will be strictly enforced.
  2. Dogs may not use the bathroom where there are signs that explicitly ask for dogs to stay off the grass*.
  3. Any other common spaces where there are no signs can be used as a bathroom for dogs.
  4. Dog owners MUST pick up after their dogs.  There is never a time or place where this rule does not apply.
  5. Dogs MUST be kept on a leash at all times unless in a fenced in yard.  You may not allow your pet to roam freely around the neighborhood at any time.

*these signs may move around to different common areas around the cluster to help rejuvenate spots that are suffering from pet waste.

  1. Asked Sawyers cluster about their pet waste stations but have not yet heard back.

Board Discussion: 

For #1, we should include a note that this is about other people’s personal property. 

There is already a blurb in our guidelines that we can pull for the notes on when to pick up, etc. 

  1.  Important Upcoming Dates
    1. Fall household hazardous waste pickup – this Saturday, Oct. 14th

Action Item: Kristina will send an email to Wheelwright HOA members and Jade will post on website. 

  1. GreenDrop donation – Saturday, October 21st (only until noon) 
  2. Roll off dumpster – Friday, October 27th-30th
  3. Fall cluster cleanup and cookout – Saturday, October 28th
    1. Projects:
      1. Invasive species removal, lower cluster
      2. Trash pick up
      3. Spreading wood chips behind 2245-49
      4. Potholes near LFL* Priority 1 
      5. Paint and repair trash enclosure in Tot Lot
      6. Clear Seal benches * Priority 3
      7. Tot lot equipment clean up 
      8. Trenching the timbers near the little free library * Priority 2


Jade and Joy will coordinate with Sandy to do a walk through before the morning of the clean up to get the directions for the trenching. 

Kristina will look at the area near the LFL to see how bad the poison ivy is so that we can do the trenching in advance. 

Kristina will check on the mulch/wood chips and will coordinate with Joy if we need any. 

Sandy will check on paint supplies (Ex. Paint and Paintbrush) for trash enclosure to see what is left and will follow up before the clean up. 

  1. Cookout
    1. Food


Kristina will do the Costco pickup after she sends a list to the board for review. 

  1. Annual Meeting – Monday, December 4th at 7pm – zoom
    1. Topics for meeting
      1. Dues increase
      2. Budget review/budget proposal
      3. Ongoing projects
        1. VCAP
        2. Design updates
        3. EV charging
        4. Purchasing 2nd speed bump 
  1. Additional items
    1. EV charging – reached out to Dominion again – waiting to hear back
    2. Wood borders by LFL – to be completed at cluster cleanup
    3. Parking/towing speeding in the neighborhood – Easton Warner at 2276
    4. Watchlights
    5. Zelle
    6. Lower Cluster Clean Up

Action Item: 

Joy will reach out to Chris to see if we can get the lower cluster added to the maintenance schedule to keep it today and will verify the cost with the board. 


Next meeting:  Tuesday, November 7th 

Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes-September 2023

September Board Meeting

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

7 pm

Virtual via Zoom



Cluster Residents: 


Community updates

  1. Erosion/Drainage
    1. VCAP – signed proposal and check sent
    2. 2229/2231 sidewalk drainage project
      1. DRB finished and ready to be submitted
  1. Reserve Study
    1. Copy of the study needs to be published on our website

After Action: 

  • Kelly will send the updated reserve study via email.
  • Jade will post the updated reserve study. 
  1. Update on concrete
    1. Proposal for areas needing repair from Bright Construction Group still under review.
  1. Repaving parking lot
    1. Board decided to forge ahead with Pavement Design, LLC – management of the project only.
      1. Burt says most companies in VA  won’t break ground to repave until mid March to early April.
      2. Based on that timeline, he suggests sending out the bid package to prospective paving companies at the beginning of March with bids expected to be returned in 2 weeks.  The board would then decide on who and when.
      3. Repaving should take 4 days
      4. Pavement Design LLC will bill for the work after the job is completed
      5. PD, LLC will make 2 visits to the site during the work and then a final visit once the work is completed.
      6. PD, LLC requires tonnage tickets for the asphalt installed to ensure that the required amount was received.
  1. Tree inspection
    1. The board voted to dismantle the tree committee after Mike Pendleton stepped down as chair.
    2. Sandy will reach out to TreesmithUSA to see if we can get an inspection done.
      1. 2272 Hemlock tree – this tree trimming was done by TreeSmith USA – still needs to be inspected? 
      2. 2246 Elm Tree – trimmed by TreeSmith USA, but will circle back in fall 
      3. Tree branch hanging over Olde Crafts behind 2201/03
      4. 2252/54 Oak tree – not healthy – needs treatment at the very least but will need to be taken down eventually (Confirmed: We did decide on the $700 treatment for this tree if needed to maintain tree for as long as possible)
      5. Hemlocks in upper cluster island – 3 young trees – infected and need to be treated.  Board voted to allocate $450 to hemlocks in upper cluster for bacteria.

After Action: 

  • Sandy will follow up with Kevin from TreeSmith USA on all of the items above. 
  1. Individual Homeowner who is upset about the trees has contacted RA regarding recent tree removal; Kristina followed up to provide clarity on the safety reasons for board decisions when removing trees and the board recognizes the importance of sharing information regarding decisions on safety measures in the neighborhood. 
  1. Design Updates
    1. Decks, fences, doors – DRB application ready for submission?
    2. Bin enclosures and front entrances (including overhang) will be the next DRB application to work on 

After Action: 

  • Christina has reviewed the DRB and Sandy will be working on consolidating those edits and submitting the updated DRB for Deck Stain, Fences, and Doors along with Erin from RA. 
  1. Landscaping
    1. Fall lawn treatment this Friday, 9/22
    2. Deadline for homeowners to order fall lawn treatment this Wednesday, 9/20
    3. Weed killer in concrete cracks- Joy did ask for this to happen in the yearly work from here on out. 
    4. Updates? 

After Action: 

Joy will see how much it would cost the cluster to treat Cluster Areas for grass/lawn treatment in the following areas: 

  • Behind 2257-2263
  • Near the new Stairs between 2263 and 2265, including front yard area of 2263
  • Between 2249 and 2251
  • Behind 2218-22030
  • Area between 2230 and 2242 
  • Behind 2217 and 2219
  1. Pet waste in neighborhood
    1. These proposals were agreed upon at the last meeting:
      1. Board agrees that communicating specific areas in the community that are on and off limits for pet bathroom use is important.  Current guidelines seem to be draconian.  Jade to take a look at the cluster map for a first draft on where can pets have waste? Then, she’ll send a draft proposal to the board for the September meeting for the board to review and discuss.
      2. Rework guidelines to be clear about which areas are acceptable and unacceptable, email community about upcoming changes and vote at annual meeting.  
      3. Infractions from within our neighborhood that occur will get targeted emails from the board.
      4. Additional signage to be purchased and strategically placed in common areas.

After Action: 

The board has decided we will skip trying to create designated pet areas after reviewing the map again.. The board will write updated, proposed guidelines before December’s meeting for the community to vote on at the annual meeting. 

  1. Resale disclosure Act
    1. Any changes that the board needs to make? Include previous years annual meeting minutes in the package from here on out
  1.  Important Upcoming Dates
    1. Fall hazardous waste pickup

After Action: 

  • Joy will work with Chris to schedule this for Saturday, October 14th 
  1. GreenDrop donation

After Action: 

  • Cyndi schedule this for Saturday, October 21st
  1. Roll off dumpster

After Action: 

  • Kristina will  request this for the Cluster Clean Up weekend on Saturday, October 28th . 
  1. Fall cluster cleanup and cookout

Board Decision

  • Confirmed Clean up Date for Fall Cluster Clean Up: Saturday, October 28th 
  1. Annual Meeting – Monday, December 4th at 7pm – zoom
  1. Additional items
    1. EV charging
    2. Parking/towing speeding in the neighborhood – Easton Warner at 2276 has volunteered to help with monitoring vehicles and registrations and will report issues to the board for action. 
    3. Watchlights
    4. Zelle
  2. Ad Hoc

After Action: 

  • Cyndi will move the speed bump to the mid-Cluster again to slow speeding drivers. 

Cluster Clean Up Draft List: 

  • Invasive Species removal in Lower Cluster
  • Trash Pick UP 
  • Worms and Woodchips Behind 2243-2247
  • Pot Holes near LFL
  • Paint Trash Enclosure in Tot Lot 
  • Repair Hinge on Trash Enclosure in Tot Lot 
  • Clear Seal the Benches 

Next meeting:  Tuesday, October 10th

August 2023 Wheelwright Cluster HOA Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday,August 8, 2023

7 pm

Virtual via Zoom



Cluster Residents: 


Community updates

  1. Erosion/Drainage
    1. VCAP project approved by board – design proposal signed and sent.
    2. 2229/2231 sidewalk drainage project
      1. Final proposal sent by Juan at Bright Construction group
        1. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y3StFCa-nFv5tdV1qhaYRU7bRlXL1EgU/view?usp=sharing

Board Decision: 

  • Start with Option 1 from Bright Construction Proposal
  • Then look at completing options 2 and 3 in the next fiscal year from our drainage budget. 
  1. Reserve Study
    1. Copy of the study needs to be published on our website
    2. Any additional comments?


  • After Action: Kristina will send Jade a clean copy of the reserve study.
  • After Action: Jade will update the website with the reserve study. 
  1. Update on concrete
    1. Proposal for areas needing repair?

After action: Cyndi will do another walk through with Juan to review our usual areas of concern. 

  1. Repaving parking lot
    1. Burt with Pavement Design, LLC has decided to help us with the management portion of the repaving only.  The cost of management only is $2500.  Included:
      1. He has based our needs for parking lot reconstruction off of the reserve study as well as Dominion’s proposal.
        1. Dominion recommended the drive lanes being replaced.  When you send out the RFP for bids, you may want to include the option of full asphalt replacement, with the asphalt being installed is 3 inches.  As your reserve study showed.  Most damage is in the drive lanes,  I would recommend a total of 4 inches in the drive lanes because of trash trucks, recycle trucks etc.  Also you may have more than 3 inches now in areas of your parking lot.
        2. Burt now needs our signed contract as well as names of the companies we would like bids from.  I can ask if he has specific recommendations as well based on who he has worked with.


After Action:  Kristina will resend the proposal to the board; Board will review scope of the proposal and board will vote via email.  

After Action:  Kristina will reach out to Burt to let him know he should scope companies who are willing to work with the Cluster in Coordination with any EV charging station needs either immediately or down the road, as well as a note regarding sewers/underground issues. 

  1. Tree inspection
    1. Do we have an inspection date scheduled?
      1. 2272 Hemlock tree – this tree trimming was done by TreeSmith USA – still needs to be inspected?
      2. 2246 Elm Tree – trimmed by TreeSmith USA, but will circle back in fall and possibly JL to see about possible removal
      3. Tree branch hanging over Olde Crafts behind 2201/03 
      4. Hemlock at the bottom of the cluster has enough fungus/bacteria that we need to remove it.


  • After Action: Joy-See what J&L has to say about the health of the tree at 2252 to determine if this tree is salvageable
  • Board Decision: Allocate $450 to hemlocks in upper cluster for bacteria.  
  1. Design Updates
    1. Decks, fences
    2. Doors
    3. Bin enclosures


  • DRB for decks, fences and doors is almost finished; Sandy is working to finalize and send this over to Kristina by 08/09 , with goal to get finalized DRB submitted to Reston ASP 
  • Bin Enclosures will be next on Sandy’s docket for review with Reston Association for DRB guidance on how to modify. 
  1. Landscaping
    1. Updates?

After Action: Kristina will send a note to Joy to ask the landscaping crew to spray the weedkiller in the cracks.

After Action: Kristina will coordinate with Joy and get notes out to Cluster Residents regarding seeding options with the cluster landscaping team. 

  1. Pet waste in neighborhood
    1. Problem with pets using the bathroom on homeowners’ lawns and common grassy areas
    2. Board agrees that communicating specific areas in communities that are on and off limits for pet bathroom use is important.  Current guidelines seem to be draconian.
    3. Rework guidelines to be clear about which areas are acceptable and unacceptable, email community about upcoming changes and vote at annual meeting


  • After Action: Jade Perez will take a look at the cluster map for a first draft on where can pets have waste? Then, she’ll send a draft proposal to the board for the September meeting for the board to review and discuss. 
  • After Action: Kristiina will send General Cluster Email with annotated Map and Cluster Waste Areas with note regarding annual meeting bi-law updates
  • Decision: Infractions from within our neighborhood that occur will get targeted emails from the board. 
  • Decision: Purchase additional signage regarding Private Property/Trespassing/Pet Waste areas for front and back of the cluster
  1. Resale disclosure Act
    1. Effective July 1, 2023, all documents prepared by community associations in connection with the sale of a lot or unit will be referred to as resale certificates. In addition, several procedural and substantive changes should be noted:
    2. The current operating budget of the association, rather than just a summary, must be provided;
    3. Copies of approved board meeting minutes from the last six months and copies of approved or draft meeting minutes from the most recent membership meeting must be provided;
    4. Specific statements must be made concerning: (i) parking and vehicle restrictions in the recorded covenants or rules and regulations, (ii) restrictions on the operation of home-based businesses, and (iii) restrictions on an owner’s ability to rent their home;
    5. Fees for resale certificates may be required to be paid upon request of the certificate rather than being due at settlement; and
    6. Associations must publish and make available a schedule of all applicable fees assessed as part of the resale certificate preparation and delivery process.

After Action: 

  • Kelly will review what is required from the Cluster within the guidelines to ensure we are in compliance. 
  1. Additional items
    1. EV charging- No updates 
    2. Worms/wood chips behind 2243-47-No updates 
    3. Wood borders by LFL-After action: Jade and Kristina will tidy this until the Fall clean up. After action: Jade will grab the wood pallet for Thursday pick up. 
    4. Parking/towing speeding in the neighborhood- After Action: If the car in the lower cluster has not been removed, Kristina will call the towing company on 08/09/2023
    5. Watchlights- No updates 
    6. Zelle-No updates

Next meeting:  Tuesday, Sept 12th

July 2023 Wheelwright Cluster HOA Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, July 11th, 2023

7 pm

Virtual via Zoom



Cluster Residents: 


Community updates

1)  VCAP project – Adele from DecoFootprint will join us for a short segment of the meeting at 7:15 to answer any questions.

  1. Who is responsible for determining underground utilities?  For HOA common areas, we typically schedule Miss Utility to mark for underground public utilities roughly one week prior to any field work for project design or project build.  If there is concern for marking private utilities, most HOA Boards have their management company schedule this, or for an extra fee we can coordinate this.  
  2. Complaints – is there a time frame where we as a client have time to assess work and have issues addressed?  After our field inventory, site analysis, base mapping, stormwater assessment, VCAP/CAP project concepts and design, we can schedule a design presentation to reveal the proposed project plans before submitting to NVSWCD the project application that includes the plans.  We can discuss any revisions, if needed, and then submit the project application to be considered for rebate approval.
  3. Is this a severable contract?  The reason we present a separate Design Proposal first is to cover our services rendered for planning, design, application submission that includes a preliminary budget, and application approval.  Once your VCAP project application is approved, we present a second Project Proposal that outlines the project site prep, site work, and site restoration.  
  4. Watering of vegetation – responsibility of client or DecoFootprint?  If water access is provided by the private homeowners near the project, we typically like ot water immediately after planting and adding the mulch layer.  This is usually one of the last steps before site restoration.  The HOA is responsible for watering the vegetation after the first watering.   
  5. What condition will jobsite be left after completion of work?  Site restoration is mentioned in our Project Proposal.
  6. Plant guarantee – pests/disease?   This is mentioned in our Project Proposal.
  7. Is travel time billed?  ​​​​No.
  8. Underground obstructions clause?  What happens if there is something that is found that makes the work substantially more difficult?  This is mentioned in our Project Proposal.
  9. Acts of God clause?  Also mentioned in our Project Proposal.
  10. Is work/plants guaranteed for some period of time upon completion?  Also mentioned in our Project Proposal.  Here’s a link to our SAMPLE Project Proposal:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MvJGK9P4PaepHm-66-agCS3SuJujuhN5/view?usp=sharing
  11. Regarding property plats, many of our homeowners do not have these and when they’ve been necessary for work, homeowners have had to shell out costs to have their land surveyed.  Homeowners have not had luck obtaining these records from the county.  Have you had this issue before?  I have a site planning map of the whole neighborhood – I’m not sure if that would help at all.  Unless a homeowner waived the plat at settlement, the majority of property owners received a property plat with their settlement papers.  If they settled on the property less than 7 years ago, they can contact their settlement company to request a copy if available, contact their realtor to chase it down, or make a trip to the Fairfax County land records department to request a copy.  For townhome property owners in Fairfax County, it’s not available to request a plat online.  Other HOA Boards provide both the community planning map/s (aka grading plans) and the community record plats.  Both sets of plans are extremely helpful.  The record plat is the more important one because it’s the legal recordation of the community property lines, easements, right-of-ways, etc.  If the Board does not have these plans, and they do not wish to pay extra for an engineer or surveyor to prepare new land surveys (expensive!), then a Board member or community volunteer makes a trip to the Fairfax County land records department to request copies of the community recordation plans. 

Clarifications Provided by Board Members in Q&A with Adele from Deco Footprint

  • Rick Fairbank- Shared with Kristina that he doesn’t think it would be standard for most homeowners to have their plats. This didn’t appear to him to be a common theme in closings that he has seen. Rick explained that our entire plat for the community is on file with Fairfax County and because there are such standard delineations for properties, not every mortgage lender feels the need to require a plat, nor does every seller get required to require one in selling. 
  • According to Adele, individual plats are less important for this project than the community plats. However, the issue of roof water and creating appropriate irrigation, might create complexity because the irrigation may need to begin at the site of individual homeowners, but as the focus is on a communal area (the steep hill) and this is a community supported conservation landscaping project, Adele felt okay that we could begin without individual plats.
  • What would it look like if we did need to get individual plats? How would we proceed with that, recognizing that they are not on file with Fairfax County? According to Adele, Deco Footprint would just have to be more cautious with their measurements to ensure they are not missing something that could cause a problem down the road, but they have worked on similar situations working without plats. 
  • At what point does a community submit their application to the Reston Association from Adele’s perspective? After the design plan is finalized or approved by VCAP? Adele recommends doing both simultaneously in case we are approved as her company is largely limited to two planting seasons in Northern Virginia, Spring and Fall, due to weather. This way if approved for the VCAP grant, RHOA is also already approved and Deco Footprint could begin their work as quickly as possible. 
  • Is April the earliest planting? Generally speaking, but as long as the ground is above 40 degrees Farenheit they can begin planting and have begun as early as January.
  • Deco Footprint could send a designer to support the board in the RHOA Design Review board meetings to answer questions about the project, if needed. 
  • Deer deterrent plantings will be prioritized, but Adele did recommend we begin to focus on deer deterrent methods, such as fencing. Fencing is not currently included in the budget for this project so Wheelwright HOA will need to consider how to move forward on the fencing issue afterwards. 
  • 8-10 foot logs with a 10-12 inch diameter that we can save in the neighborhood from fallen trees might be able to be reused on the project. 
  • Deco Footprints does offer a maintenance contract that HOA’s can purchase after the installation if they’d not like to do the initial maintenance, including appropriate watering schedules, themselves, but after the first year or so, the maintenance should be fairly minimal, as planned. 

2)  Reserve Study

  1. Reserve study – final copy received with a few amendments
    1. What is included:
      1. Summary including where we are with funding, what our goal is over a 20 year period, what do we have to do to get there
      2. Condition of areas in our community that fall under capital expenses
        1. Notable findings of common assets:
          1. Parking lot
          2. Concrete
          3. Storm water drainage system (After Action: Kristina will ask for clarity on recommendations here)
      3. Methods of funding over the 20 year period
        1. Cash flow
        2. Component
        3. Hybrid approach
      4. Schedule for capital repairs
  2. Annual contribution to reserve fund – currently $9000, recommend $21,100.
  • Things to keep in mind:
    • All expenses are being covered through the collection of HOA dues. 
    • Some of these expenses will fall under Capital Repair, which could come out of that, instead of the current annual budget. 
    • The purpose of the reserve study is to ensure our HOA can potentially avoid special assessments, thus the increase in dues. (After Action: Kelly will continue to review the numbers to confirm what this year’s quarterly increase will be in preparation for the annual meeting in December.) 
  1. Asked to include repaving of the parking lot in 2024. 
  2. Capital expenses – what qualifies, what doesn’t qualify?
    1. Where does our money come from to take care of capital expenses?
    2. Do we need to make adjustments?
    3. We need to take into account our checking account balance.
    4. What investments do we want to make going forward?
  3. Taking into account interest when investments are made. 

3)  Drainage issue by 2231

  1. Proposals from:
    1. Riverbend Landscaping
    2. Sunrise
    3. Bright Construction Group (Juan)-Pending work to be done.

4)  Update on concrete

  1. Update on walkthrough?  Cyndi is working to finalize a walk through. 
  2. Which are areas of concern?

After Action: Cyndi will focus on an expedited time frame for all of the proposals to ensure we can finalize plans for the work ASAP. 

5)  Repaving the parking lot

  1. Burt with Pavement Design, LLC
  2. Are their services more than we need at this time?
    1. Pavement inspection for cracks/sealant issues
    2. Pavement upkeep plan/schedule
    3. Management of the construction is another component

Decision by Board: 

We do want to have good oversight of the work  that is not from us. However, we not feel we need another assessment or inspection to tell us we need to replace the pavement. We will go back to Pavement Design, LLC, to ask to remove the inspection from their contract as we know we need to replace the parking lot paving ((the base layer as well as a full mill and resurfacing) (After Action: Kristina will take this back to Pavement Design LLC) 

(After Action: Kristina will reach out  VA Asphalt Company and have them come do an estimate for work at recommendation from Cyndi) 

6)  Tree inspection-Delayed pending Joy’s input as the tree lead

  1. Do we have an inspection date scheduled?
    1. 2272 Hemlock tree – this tree trimming was done by TreeSmith USA – still needs to be inspected?
    2. 2246 Elm Tree – trimmed by TreeSmith USA, but will circle back in fall and possibly JL to see about possible removal
    3. Tree hanging over Olde Crafts behind 2201/03

7)  Cookout this Sunday

  1. By the little free library at noon? 

Board Decision: Moved location to lower cluster to avoid parking impacts near Little Free Library. 

  1. Kristina has 3 packages of 10 hotdogs
    1. Other remaining items from Cluster Community Cookout included water and chips, along with condiments, which Cyndi will manage. 

8)  Whose terms are up at the end of year/what are people’s intentions?

Kristina and Sandy were both considering wrapping up, but felt that with so many ongoing projects they are going to hold on they think for now and will be willing to serve on the board for another term of two years. Kelly feels she is also willing to serve on board for the coming year, as does Cyndi. 

Next meeting: 

Tuesday, August 8th

June 2023 Wheelwright Cluster HOA Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, June 13th, 2023

7 pm

Virtual via Zoom



Cluster Residents: 


Community updates

  1. Cluster Clean up – projects remaining
  • Wood chips – Kristina contacted homeowners 2243-2249
  • All replied yes (did not hear back from 2243)
  • Jen Ren mentioned soil (clay that isn’t very porous) and slope

Board Discussion:  On 2245 we can put the mulch between the pavers; Kristina will reach back out to Karen Beasley at 2243 to make sure she’s okay before she puts down the mulch.  The goal here is to reduce the moisture and we need to use the mulch we have. 

We’ll start on 2243 and 2245 as there is the most moisture there. 

Sandy recommended the board may want to look at including Earthworms to create an organic solution to help with the soil that is mostly clay. After Action: Sandy will research. 

  • Wood borders around lfl

Decision from the board: After Action: Jade will lay the wood out in front of the LFL near the hill and we will table this project for the Fall cluster clean up. 

  • Do we still have perishables from the cookout?  Schedule another?

 Hot dogs and hamburger buns are frozen and there are some chips that need to be eaten; Cyndi has an older case of beer that needs to be used. 

  1. Erosion/Drainage
    1. VCAP – answers to questions from Adele at DecoFootprint:

1)  I remember when we first met, you said that the timeline for breaking ground would be probably early next year.  When and what would we owe you in 2023 based on our discussion of a final budget of $14,500 so that we can obtain the maximum $7,000 VCAP funding?  What would we owe you in 2024?  For this year, we would like a good faith deposit of $2,500 to get us started on the VCAP planning and design for a Conservation Landscaping project on a steep hillside.  Since our services are considered “technical assistance” this portion will be covered by the VCAP rebate when the project is completed.  The remaining $12,000, depending on when the potential VCAP project is approved, we typically collect a 50% project deposit of $6,000 to reserve a space on the install schedule for spring or fall, the two most busy times to install plants, and collect the remaining 50% deposit of $6,000 upon project completion.  If this is acceptable, I can write up our Proposal that explains this in detail.

2)  Before you begin with your design, will you give us an idea of what option you are going with?  I.e. terracing using biologs, coir matting, coir matting and biologs, rerouting downspouts or not, etc?  We’ll also want to make sure that the design includes plenty of walking space for our homeowners to access the backs of their homes as well.  Yes, we can present the preliminary design to you or to the Board for Q&A and at this design presentation discuss our observations, assessments, professional recommendations, pros and cons, etc.

Discussion: The board is fine to go forward with this as a good faith risk, but the board has asked for a reasonable “contract” that can show how this can work, including acts of God that are unexpected. 

After Action:  Kristina will reach back out to her and will follow up with the board on where we are on this “Good faith contract” 

  1. Drainage work by 2231/33
    1. Another project proposal from Riverbend landscapes

  1. Juan? –

Cyndi and Juan are scheduled to meet on Thursday to review this; Kristina asked to get very specific measurements to ensure we can use those for the design review board; the goal is to be able to make the decision at next month’s board meeting. 

  1. Design updates
    1. Doors/sidelight
    2. Garbage bin enclosures
    3. Clear stain for decks

NO updates: Sandy working on writing up items. 

  1. EV/Charging Stations
    1. Draft of EVWG charter sent to Chesapeake Law Group, PLC
    2. Second meeting tentatively scheduled for Sunday, June 18th
      1. Dominion update
        1. Dominion’s Design and Construction team will come out and do a review of our site and let us know the best places, costs, etc. From the sounds of it, they will draw up plans for us as well
  1. Concrete/Watchlights
    1. Walkthrough schedule update? Cyndi will be walking through this week. 
    2. Watchlights?- No new reported issues. 
  2. Parking/Towing
    1. 2217, 2215, 2213, 2211, 2209, 2223 parking space shuffle – keep Kristina posted a week in advance to inform homeowners
    2. Speed bump moved
      1. Feedback?

Several members of the board have noticed speeding from the lower cluster now; concern expressed for the safety of neighborhood kids and older residents 

Discussion: How can we help ensure we can support the safety of the community without taking overly punitive actions?  

Decision: We’ll start with a notice in the newsletter and we will review how to add a second removable speed bump. Kelly will share the cost of the previous speed bump at the July meeting and we will review how to pay for this next month at the board meeting. 

  1. Registering cars with cluster – update?

After Action: Jade will do a walk through and comparison against registration next weekend.  Any concerns? Areas to focus on? 

  1. Self registration form – updates?

Looks like we may be able to do this with a combination of WordPress and Google forms. However, this will take a bit more time to ensure we can create an authentication and role-based process; research in progress. (FYI: As part of the process, we may need to scrub our current subscribers list in WordPress (currently 681 subscribers) and do an update of associated emails. )

Discussion: As long as it’s not a smart phone required for two-factor authentication, fine to move forward. 

Decision: Jade will go forward with pro-typing this for the board to review and will include a training/enablement plan to ensure that all residents can be included (Ex. Zoom transition for the board) 

  1. Start meeting with paving companies again
    1. Burt – Pavement Design, LLC? – pay to hold our hands through the process?

Board Decision: This is a valuable service for such a large expenditure and will provide us the expertise we need to ensure we’re getting the most bang for our buck. Kristina will reach out to him to ask for the services they offer again and the costs associated. 

  1. Landscaping
    1. Update on:
      1. Bags of mulch?

Joy has the final two bags of mulch and will ask Kelly at 2248 if she wants the remaining two bags mulch. We need to bill for the Mulch so  Joy and Kristina will put those numbers together and will send that to Kelly.  

  1. Stump removal (Chris)
  2. Individual yard landscaping through Chris?  Still pursuing? 

Decision: We will hold on this until next spring and will reach out next year in advance of the Spring clean up to see if they can offer this then. 

  1. Chemical application to lawns – Elite is still giving us notice after treatment

After Action: Joy will follow up with them on this. 

Ater Action: Joy will follow up with Elite to ask if they can start cutting the grass just a bit higher as we enter the slower growing season.

After Action: Joy will reach out to Chris for cost estimates now so that we can hopefully include notes on lawn aeration and seeding in the July newsletter.  

  1. Reserve Study/Online payments 
    1. Reserve Study – final is in our hands

All- Kristina asked for all board members to review for 

  1. Zelle for online payments – update?

 Still on Kelly’s to do list for 3rd quarter invoices

  1. Possibility of linking to website- Kelly is still confirming the details on this. This is something that can be noted on the site, but she isn’t sure just yet. 
  1. Trees
    1. Tree maintenance with Tree USA scheduled for Tuesday, June 27th.
      1. Do we need to ask Chris to avoid that day for landscaping? Agreed yes and Joy will manage that. 
      2. Kevin with Tree USA is offering a 15% discount to homeowners who want to have work done on personal property around the same time.

Board  Decision:  Put in a newsletter and have homeowners contact individually.

  1. Tree list for summer inspection
    1. 2272 Hemlock tree- This trimming will be taken care of by Kevin at Tree USA 
    2. 2246 Elm Tree-Holding until the Fall for a final decision on moving/keeping and JUL trees will do standard trimming. 
    3. After Action: Joy will reach out to Mike Pendleton for the August tree inspection with J&L trees
  1. Newsletter topics
    1. Ad-Hoc Cookout in late June? 

Vote is for this to happen on Sunday, July 16th; we’ll block off the spaces near the LFL and we’ll do it there. 

  1. Cluster Clean Up results
  2. Benefits of planting native plants in cluster and yards 

Kristina will include this in the newsletter

  1. Garbage
    1. Issues?


Next meeting:  Tuesday, July 11th

May 2023 Wheelwright Cluster HOA Board Meeting Minutes

May Board Meeting

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

7 pm

Virtual via Zoom



Cluster Residents: 


Community updates

  1. Cluster Clean up review
    1. How did it go?
  • It turned out okay, better in the afternoon. It seemed like people weren’t sure due to the rain.
  • Discussion: Next year we may want to include shifts and a skill notation (ex. Carpentry) if the work requires it. 
  1. What still needs to be completed? 
  • We need to deal with the mulch in the parking lot. 
  • Building additional benches; ideally Sandy would like to have one more person to help her at a time, but it would be helpful to have others with carpentry skills. 
  1. What food is left over and what to do with it? 


  • Hot dog and hamburger buns probably need to be reduced in the coming year. 
  • Sandy mentioned maybe getting the Kona Ice truck for the coming year
  •  Kristina will freeze the hot dogs and hamburgers for a possible late-June impromptu meeting. 
  1. Projects left for completion? 
  • Wood chips
  • Mulching slope by 2231: Kristina will email neighbors around this area to see if they are okay with adding the mulch
  • Wood borders the Little Free Library. After Action: Jade will move these to match trench line until Fall clean up happens
  • Invasive removal: We could still remove more. 
  • Spraying weeds
  • Benches
  • Clear seal stairs: After Action: Sandy would like to hold on this until the Fall so that we can research more about dealing with clear stain 
  • Painting trash bin enclosure – oxford brown
  1. Erosion/Drainage
    1. VCAP
      1. Adele Kuo – landscape designer with Deco Footprint.  She has a lot of experience with VCAP and most of her designs are approved for VCAP funding.  She will submit the application, take care of any easements, fully design and implement the project.  She will work within our means.
        1. Budget of up to $14,500.  With VCAP rebate the project would cost us a total of $7,500.
      2. $7,500 is our entire budget for the year 2023.
      3. Timing would likely put us in 2024 (according to Adele)

Board vote and decision:

 Update the erosion budget for the year 2024 to be $14,500 (with the firm belief that we will be eligible for the VCAAP rebate) 

Discussion: Concern for the design meeting RA guidelines and works for residents nearby. After Action: Kristina will find out what the contingencies are for the contract to ensure, should the grant fall through, we can pull out if needed. 

Drainage work by 2231/33

  1. Jose – never heard back after multiple efforts to contact; the board (Cyndi) will likely ask for a 2nd proposal from Juan. The goal is to finalize the bids and make a decision before the end of the year. 
  1. Design updates- No updates beyond D. 
    1. Doors/sidelight
    2. Garbage bin enclosures
    3. Clear stain for decks
    4. Attaching stucco to concrete blocks- Resolved. No more language is included. 
  1. EV/Charging Stations
    1. We have not yet had a second meeting.
    2. Fairfax county update on Charge Up Fairfax program
      1. Concluded their review of applications and engineering site visits will begin in the next month.  Those communities will then hire contractors to complete the installation.
      2. Contingent on budget approval, Charge Up Fairfax will open up to the county in the Fall with the launch of an official program webpage.
      3. Electrical contractors-No recommendations from the county
      4. Jill will work on getting information about Dominion
  1. Concrete/Watchlights
    1. Walkthrough schedule update? 

Cyndi is working to coordinate  with Juan when this can happen. 

  1. 2205 and 2219 watchlight update?

 No issues observed right now. 

  1. Parking/Towing
    • 2217, 2215, 2213, 2211, 2209, 2223 parking space shuffle; a week ahead Kristina would like to have a week of notice on their moves. 
    • Speed bump still needs to be moved to temporary home at top of cluster

After Action: Jade, Joy and Kristina will coordinate to move; Cyndi can help coordinate with her cart 

  1. Registered cars – time for another walkthrough?

After Action: Jade will do walk through the weekend of May 20th 

  1. Self registration form

After Action: Jade will work on a prototype form to share for next month with notes of consideration in the build for the following? 

  • Renter access; can we create roles for the renters to be able to register their own cars?
  • How can we include notification to the board?
  • Highlight that Old Crafts is the approved spot for parking multiple vehicles
  1. Landscaping
    1. Update on:
      1. Mulch delivery for cluster residents

After Action: Joy will send out a note to ask residents to confirm if they’ve picked up mulch and who hasn’t gotten their mulch yet; Kelly asked for the spreadsheet of who got mulch so that she can bill residents 

  1. Stump removal (Chris)

Pending equipment for this 

  1. Individual yard landscaping through Chris?  Still pursuing?

Joy will follow up with Chris 

  1. Issues? No reported issues and homeowners seem to be happy with the mowing; 

Ad-Hoc- Kristina asked if elite could give us at least a days notice on the chemical application so that we can better notify residents 

  1. Reserve Study/Online payments 
    1. Kelly submitted final edits a month ago this week and we’re expecting to hear back this week. 
    2. Updates?

Possibility of online payments for cluster dues

Zelle is free, but Kelly is working to visit in person to help get this set up.Kelly’s goal will be to get this set up for the board to test by 3rd quarter dues. 

After Action: Jade, Sandy and Kristina will help to test Zelle for the cluster when it’s ready. 

  1. Trees
    1. Reston tree experts quote for tree trimming/pruning
      1. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MrMHgNJDmfLWKqFIzJ60IpPqnFpCIffe/view?usp=sharing

Concerns from Reston Tree Experts included: 

  • Trees that are too large for peninsulas
  • Mulch has been over built up around our trees, which can cause the roots to grow up and beyond where they should for health. 


 Should we go with J&L for standard maintenance, rather than having one of these specialized groups do this larger work? Would it be valuable to get a quote from J&L to see where there is overlap? 

Can we get a quote from Kevin at TreeSmith that removes the trees that would normally be covered by J&L for preventative maintenance? 

Board decision: We will have J&L do their normal work and we will contract with Treesmith USA for the corrective pruning, minus the Elm tree removal, for 3200. After Action: Sandy will do the outreach to get this moving.  

  1. Elm tree – problem of the giant tree on the tiny peninsula by 2246
  2. Tree list for summer walkthrough
    1. 2272 Hemlock tree
  1. Newsletter topics
    1. Ad-Hoc Cookout in late June 
    2. Cluster Clean Up results 
  2. Garbage
    1. As long as homeowners are allowed to deposit items in the roll off dumpster, we are no longer eligible for a voucher from the county to deposit garbage at no cost.  This will have to be taken into consideration for future budgeting. 
    2. Issues?-Nothing reported 


Next meeting:  Tuesday, June 13th

April 2023 Wheelwright Cluster HOA Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

7 pm

Virtual via Zoom


HOA Board: Joy Charles, Sandy Mohler, Kristina Myers, Cyndi Hartman, Kelly Fairbank

Cluster Residents: Karen Reese (2207), Dan Moran (2271)


Community updates

  1. Erosion/Drainage
  • Met with Dan Schwartz from Fairfax County Soil and Water Conservation District about the sloped area behind 2250-2254.
  • He gave us an official site assessment report with his recommendations.
  • Submitted this site report to two companies who had come by already to look at the area and who have experience with the VCAP program. It will be less of a headache to work with companies that already have experience with VCAP. 
  • Coordinate with Erin on DRB application. We can most likely submit to VCAP first and then submit the DRB application to RA. 
  • VCAP should cover 80% of cost up to $7,000. Dan said we have a good shot obtaining the funding for this project. 
  • Cluster Resident Kerry Wingell emailed about the wet flooded area by 2231/33. He’s worried about the water pipe line. Board Decision: We will reach out to Jose about this area to mitigate the drainage issue. 
  1. Design Updates

Doors/sidelight modifications

  • We are still working with RA to get updates approved as it requires submitting a proposal with RA. Sandy thinks it should go through this year.

Garbage bin enclosures 

  • Sandy will reach out to architects on RA to see what we can do to modify current designs. Based on Sandy’s experience, this process of getting modifications determined and approved will still take about 8 months. 
  • There is an issue with not attaching stucco to concrete blocks. 
  • We need to adjust HOA guidelines to include language regarding clear stain for decks. 
  1. EV/Charging Stations
  • First meeting with Jill and Kristina happened on Sun 4/2; Cory was unable to join. 
  • They are working on charter now and looking for feedback from HOA board members on language now. The next step is to submit this to legal review. 
  • Jill agreed to reach out to Dominion to get more information about grants for installing charging stations in our neighborhood and if the utilities in our neighborhood are capable of supporting community EV chargers. 
  • Kristina reached out to Erin, at RA, to get information on where they are with the pilot Charge Up Fairfax program in Reston and also to find out if there is anyone on staff who can give advice on the feasibility of charging stations in communities like ours. She heard back that the process is very slow going, they have not picked their clusters yet and the grants are very small, but we still need additional clarification on what that means. 
  1. Concrete and Neighborhood Lights 


  • Waiting for Juan to respond and we are asking for suggestions from the community on which areas of sidewalk that need repair. 

              Are lights blinking by 2205 and 2219? 

  • Karen R reported this, but said it was a very windy night. Cyndi will keep an eye out to confirm.  Kelly has seen the light by 2219 blinking at times. 
  1. Parking/Towing

Update from Sandy on upper-cluster reshuffle

  • She  has talked with all neighbors involved and has gotten verbal agreements about the reshuffling. 

Parking Spaces to be modified: 

  • 2213, 2217, 2215, 2211, 2209, 2223

Board Vote Required and Results Were: Board voted to reassign spaces 2213,  2217, 2215, 2211, 2209 and 2203 

2272’s personal parking space #25

  • Requested that it be repainted due to the fading paint. People are parking in their parking spot claiming that they didn’t know it was reserved due to this faded paint. 

Cluster Resident Request Review: 

  • Karen R. asked for another speed bump closer to the entry of the cluster as residents and visitors are still speeding into the neighborhood. 

 Board Discussion:                         

 Joy is highly in favor of more speed bumps, while Sandy suggested that we need to get more community buy-in before we purchase another and we’d need to get that at the annual meeting. Until then, Kelly suggested moving the speed bump to the top of the cluster – that was one of the reasons we got the moveable bump.  

Board Decision: 

Board agreed to move the speed bump at the cluster clean up. We’ll assess its position at the new spot with community feedback and will reconsider purchasing another down the line.

  1. Landscaping
  • Wood chips for bus path will be delivered 2 or so days before cleanup. Chris will drop at the entrance to the bus path. Joy will put cones up so there is space to deliver the mulch. 

Mulch for homeowners

  • Home Depot has the highest delivery price but good flexibility on the minimum number of bags. We should also look at Lumber Jake and Virginia Groundcovers. The timing for delivery should be the  week after cluster cleanup around 5/6.   
  • Joy will send price to Kelly and she’ll weigh in on the recommended price/bag for homeowners.  
  • Hopefully we can get a mulch order form on the email so homeowners can have several days.  Deadline will be 4/23.
  • After Action: Email for Cluster Residents regarding hazardous waste pickup.

Stump Removal (Chris) 

  • No date yet as needs equipment, but should be during spring

Individual HomeOwner Yard landscaping through Chris

  • He’ll offer a 2 day window . We need to put out a notice about what services he’ll offer. We will put a note in the newsletter about this. 
  • After Action:  First week in May – Joy will confirm with Chris how this will work. 

Hazardous waste pickup will be on  4/15 between 9am and 10:30. 

7. Reserve Study

  • Kelly submitted an email giving them our final corrections and we’ll wait to hear back about their final study


  • Agreed that parking lot should be done in 2024 the latest due to its deteriorating condition; initial assessment seems to have been done based on standard usage versus our actual usage. 
  • Storm water drainage allowance should be kept in the study – allocating funds to this is more like an insurance policy; backup of storm water can create huge financial burdens such as damage to parking lots and erosion of homeowner land
  1. Trees
  • Homeowner at 2272 was concerned about Hemlock tree to the front of their house. Sandy met with Brian from Reston Trees and Kevin from TreeSmithUSA. Kevin looked at the tree and said it is actually in really good health and could use some nutrients and needs a bit of a topping. 
  • Brian wants to come back and do another walkthrough once the trees have gained full leaf cover in late-Spring/early-Summer. 
  • Kevin and Sandy walked around for a full hour and she had a really good meeting with him and liked his approach to the trees.  Sandy will submit the bids to the board once received.
  • There was concern regarding the elm tree on the peninsula in front of 2248. Both tree companies said it is way too big for the peninsula as it can get up to 100 feet tall. It will likely be more money for the cluster to maintain that tree than to take it down, but no decision has been finalized.

8. Cluster Clean Up Updates and Other Important Dates

  • Saturday, April 15th – hazardous waste pickup.
  • Saturday, April 22nd, Green Drop Donation Van – Cyndi – Cody/Peter to help?
  • Cluster Cleanup and cookout will be Saturday, April 29th
  • Rollaway dumpster – submitted request through Bates delivered Friday 4/28, picked up Monday 5/1, requested voucher through FC

Food for cookout – Kristina

  • Cyndi will update Kristina on what we still have

Materials for projects

  • Sandy will get couple extra bags of mulch for the slope by 2231

Projects for Cluster Clean Up: 

  • Wood chip the bus path and tot lot, as well as small path to compost bin
  • Wood borders around the Little Free Library will require one or two more lengths of boards. We need to get that area trenched. 
  • Kristina will go around the neighborhood with Joy and figure out which plants are aggressive and invasive.  Kristina will put together a pamphlet for cluster clean up. 
  • Spraying weeds island in lower cluster
  • Benches
  • Clear seal stairs
  • Painting trash bin enclosure – oxford brown 

8. Newsletter

  • Hard copy to go out next week but will send an email blast about the hazardous  waste pickup this weekend
  • Important dates

9. Garbage

  • Issues? No discussion and no updates

Ad Hoc Discussion Items: 

  • Joy had suggested sending out a follow-up email about the  recent break-in to reassure residents that those responsible were children, who are now being held accountable for their actions, in coordination with the impacted homeowner and the children’s families. 
  • Dan asked about individual lawn grass maintenance. Is seeding and aeration with weeding treatment a service that is offered in the fall? Yes.

Next meeting:  

Tuesday, May 9th