Wheelwright Cluster HOA

Annual Board Meeting

Monday, December 2nd, 2024 at 7pm 

ATTENDEES:  Kelly Fairbank, Kristina Myer, Cyndi Hartman, Aaron Rider, Sandy Mohler, Briana Colescott, Mary Ellen & Roberto Zambrana, Bill & Nina Redlin, Jill Jenkins, Katie Jay, Jade Perez, Ryan Lucas, Conrad, Oliver & Jen Goodridge, Miranda Salva, Jeffrey Cai, Kevin Wiley, Kerry Wingell, Karen Reese, Joy Charles, Mark & Rhea Mohler


  1. 2024 in review:
    1. Erosion/Drainage
    1. Concrete
    1. Landscaping/Grounds Maintenance
    1. Tree Work
    1. Cluster clean ups
    1. GreenDrop donations
    1. Repaving project
  2. Goals for 2025
    1. EV charging stations
    1. Improve website
    1. Landscaping lower cluster island
    1. Landscaping Entrance
    1. Larger concrete repair
    1. Tree work
  3. Design Updates
    1. Deck color, wood clear seal
    1. New door design options
    1. New Storm door options
    1. Fences
    1. 2025 guideline to be addressed
      1. Additional door colors
      1. Porch & Storage area roofs
      1. Garbage enclose
      1. Deck enclosures
      1. Exterior light options
  4. 2024 budget in review
  5. 2025 budget in review
  6. Open Forum Discussion
    1. Parking reminders
    1. Waste reminders
  7. Open positions on the board
    1. Aaron Rider
    1. Katie Jay

Wheelwright Cluster HOA

September Board Meeting

Wednesday, September 11th, 2024 at 7pm 

ATTENDEES – Kristina Myers, Kelly Fairbank, Sandy Mohler, Cyndi Hartman, Aaron Rider           



  1. VCAP project updates
  2. Will not get submitted until 10/1 – multiple delays, expected the application to be submitted to Reston association on 10/1.  Looking for phase 1 to be done next year.


  1. Tree Inspection
  2. Date – no date yet.  Hoping for next week.
  3. Replacement for removed poplar:
  4. Will get Kevin’s opinion on tree replacement in upper cluster island
  5. May be able to use a portion of our first year tree credit to plant this tree
  6. Replacement for hemlock in lower cluster
  7. Monarch Way Station with help and direction of Rose Robinson at 2272
  8. Rose and Kristina submitted application to Earth Sangha for Plant Grant Donation
  9. Here is the scope of the project as specified in the application:
  • Additionally, we will need to remove a portion of the mulch when planting – tarp?
  • Chris verified that a retaining wall is not needed for this project
  • Probable cost of project:
  • A table with text and numbers

Description automatically generated with medium confidence


  1. DRB decision about lower cluster island removal with conditions
  2. Addendum to application was turned in on August 20th
  3. Next DRB meeting is September 24th – closed.  Still need fire marshall’s statement in writing to complete the application.  Next meeting is Oct 1st.
  4. Cannot schedule repaving until we get the final approval from RA.


  1. Chris Hughes meet-up last Tuesday, 9/3.  Here’s what was discussed:
  2. Monarch way station – no retaining wall needed due to the types of plantings.  We’ll send our list of plants once we’ve figured them all out.
  3. Soil testing – even though we got results for just one area, samples were taken from around the cluster but they are mostly similar in results.  Nothing was very out of the ordinary but the areas where we see the most problems are in shaded areas.  The biggest reason our aeration, seeding efforts are not seeing many results is the lack of consistent watering after we do the treatment.  Due to constraints with watering, this is probably not a very viable plan going forward.  If we really want to address some of those problem areas, we might need to explore ground covers instead.
  4. Entrance to the cluster – on the left side is the steeply pitched mini slope where the grass is very patchy and unsightly.  We talked about trying some mulch in that area.  Chris will give us a quote for a small section of the slope starting from the corner where there is already well established mulch and plantings to about 15 ft to the left.  We may decide to proceed this fall, but there is a possibility it will need to wait until Spring.
  5. Cost for lower cluster island landscape plan.  This will get planted in the Spring.  I sent Chris a copy of the plan so that he can give us a quote.
  6. Missed mowings – we have a certain number of mowings in our contract – if the grass isn’t growing anymore by the beginning of Oct and we still have some mowings left, Chris will credit us.
  7. Getting invoices to us in a timely manner – getting invoices within 5 to 7 days of the bill date.
  8. We don’t have time to get additional bids for lawn maintenance companies for next year.  Will continue to monitor current companies quality.


  1. Important Dates
  2. Newsletter before the end of August – delayed.
  3. Repaving sometime in October
  4. Covenants Outreach Event on Association Finance – August 26th at 6 pm – this was cancelled
  5. Cluster clean up – Saturday, October 26th
  6. Hazardous waste – Saturday, October 12th
  7. Greendrop – Saturday, October 19th
  8. Roll off dumpster – Friday, October 25th through Monday, October 28th
  9. 2025 budget proposal and review November
  10. Annual Review of reserve study – also November?
  11. Online payments – Still looking into this option.
  12. Design Updates – front sheds – architect from RA; distinguishing shades of amber white, still working on this.
  13. Pet waste – signs in good locations.
  14. Ideas for board replacement? – will look into possible candidates.  Need someone to cover until the annual meeting.
  15. Cluster Show and Tell Visit – with Reston Association. Will look at possible virtual meeting.


NEXT MEETING TUESDAY, October 8th, at 7 pm

Wheelwright Cluster HOA

November Board Meeting

Tuesday, November 12th, 2024 at 7pm 

ATTENDEES: Kristina Myer, Kelly Fairbank, Sandy Mohler, Cyndi Hartman, Katie Jay, Aaron Rider



  1. VCAP project updates
  2. Will pass along updates later


  1. Large tree branch that fell behind 2226-2230
  2. Most of the damage to 2228
  3. Large amount of tree debris that needs to be discarded/disbursed
  4. $1000 estimate from Kevin
  5. $1000 remaining in tree budget for 2024
  6. Estimate for tree work for 2025 is $15,600.  We can move $3,600 from erosion control to get the tree budget up to this level.  Voted and passed.


  1. Completed 11/7 with no major issues
  2. Resident who pointed out the parking lot seam is not as smooth as could be and has some discoloration.  Kristina is meeting with Robert tomorrow to look at the seam and see if any corrections are needed.


  1. Chris Hughes – waiting for the following:
  2. 2025 contract received – sent back with a few revisions.  Price will increase by 6.2% – $26,210 (assuming mulch for lower island is covered in the lower cluster planting below)
  3. Price increase is mostly due to extra mulch (for entrance) and extra mowings
  4. Quote for lower cluster island plantings for next Spring $5065.00
  5. Plant types as described. (Great selections. Color. 4 season interest!)
  6. Magnolias are 7′ Balled and burlapped.
  7. Shrubs are #3 gallon
  8. Perennials are 1 gallon sized
  9. For Spring Cluster Cleanup, we would clean the bed, add top soil and a plant starter amendment for each plant and mulch when completed.
  10. Looking at options for local clubs to either provide plants or help with planting.


  1. The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) 

CTA: Corporate Transparency Act

HOA must submit

FinCEN Corporate Transparency Act Homeowner Associations | HOAs

Any domestic reporting company created before January 1, 2024, must file a report no later than January 1, 2025.

Reporting Company Required Information:

1) Its full legal name

2) Complete current address – reporting company’s registered agent

3) The state where the company first registered

4) IRS Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)

Company applicant is considered the individual who directly files the documents with the

Secretary of State that creates the entity. We don’t need to provide a company applicant

because we did not file the application on Jan 1, 2024 or later.

Beneficial Owner, exercises substantial control over the entity. Directs, determines or has

substantial control over important decisions.

Beneficial Owner required information:

1) Full legal name

2) Date of birth

3) Current residential address

4) Unique identifying number. U.S. passport, driver’s license. Need to include picture of

front side of document.

3 methods of submitting:

1) BOSS Web file system

2) BOSS PDF submission

3) Approved API 3 rd parties

Once filed, BOSS system does not keep a record to go back and search. Does not allow you to create a user profile. Filings are not visible to general public.

  • RASi: Registered Agent Solutions Inc:
  1. Voted to use this company to submit filing.  Kristina will be the “Beneficial Owner” and work with Aaron to get documents submitted.


  1. Monday, December 2nd at 7pm
  2. Notice to residents no later than 11/25 – combination of email, snail mail, and door to door handouts
  3. Topics
  4. 2024 Budget Review/2025 budget proposal
  5. Exterior light options.
  6. Door paint colors.
  7. Pet waste stations.


  • Tree Inspection
  • Upper cluster poplar replacement – tree for behind 2207, recommend a white oak.
  • Online payments
  • Design Updates – front sheds – architect from RA; distinguishing shades of amber white

FINANCIALS NEXT MEETING Monday, December 2nd, at 7 pm

Wheelwright Cluster HOA

August Board Meeting

Tuesday, August 13th, 2024 at 7pm 

ATTENDEES – Kristinia Myers, Kelly Fairbank, Sandy Mohler, Cyndi Hartman, Aaron Rider



  1. VCAP project updates
  2. Adele has been in talks with Judy from Soil and Water Conservation District to maximize our rebate – she is trying to break our project into 2 with final submission on September 1st. – She has been contacted and hope to hear back soon.


  1. Tree behind 2276 slated for removal – morning of August 23rd
  2. The row of 5 cars at the bottom of the cluster will need to be moved.
  3. Tree inspection will take place the same day in the afternoon.
  4. Board agreed last meeting to replace the poplar that was removed on the upper cluster island with another tree and replace the hemlock in the lower cluster with a pollinator garden facilitated by Rose Robinson at 2272.
  5. Rose and Kristina met up to talk about her ideas in late July.  Rose has been in talks with:
  6. Earth Sanga, Monarch Teacher network and Virginia Plant Nations Society
  7. 12 ft diameter space; 2 types of milkweed; need to level with either a retaining wall or surrounding trench for drainage
  8. Earth Sanga for seedling donations
  9. Recommendations for tree replacement in upper cluster island
  10. First year tree credit through Chris
  11. Looking at placing the new tree on the west side of the island.  Sandy will work with Chris on a recommendation on type of tree and placement.


  1. Front sheds – pro bono architect at RA – No updates
  2. Amber white –
  3. Distinguishing if there is a difference in shades from one manufacturer to another


  1. DRB decision about lower cluster island removal with conditions
  2. Fire marshall update – no need to obtain a permit since the length of the fire lane will not change significantly.  The Fire Marshall (Michael Paruti  ::  assistant fire marshal/Engineer III  ::  ENGINEERING PLANS REVIEW BRANCH) requested that we send over the landscaping plan prior to construction and pictures of the island after the construction is finished.
  3. Landscaping plan for lower cluster
  4. Jen Ren, neighbor at 2245, has been commissioned by the board to design a feature for this space
  5. First plan was submitted – replied back with a few suggested changes
  6. More variety & some non-natives in the mix to increase flexibility for changes and add some tidier, showier blooms
  7. Changes implemented – waiting for board to approve Wheelwright Plants_v2.pdf
  8. Board approves the design and Kristina will submit to Reston Association.
  9. Scheduling for repaving:
  10. Taken off schedule for beginning of September.  Will put us back on when we get final approval from RA


  1. Concerns brought up with Chris
  2. Address how close mulch is to trees – still seeing mulch mountains burying the base of the trees – Chris said he would talk to his crews about this – they shouldn’t be making mulch mountains around our trees.
  3. Mowing – is it any better?  Still seem to be coming biweekly – Greenspace was supposed to be coming weekly and weren’t.  We need to figure out how we can get a credit for this.
  4. Herbicide treatment letter is still arriving AFTER treatment.  It says specifically in the letter to keep children and pets off the turf areas for 3 hours.   Chris said he would work on this.
  5. Soil testing updates?  Are other areas being tested?  Cost of treatment? – Christina will talk with Chris on these questions.
  6. Front entrance – Starting to look shabby, talked to Chris about having his crew clean this area.
  7. Will look at getting some bids on landscaping to see what is on offer and cost.


  1. Signs
  2. Signs have been placed.  Place a sign by Karen Bessle’s side yard.


  1. Important Dates
  2. Newsletter before the end of August
  3. Repaving sometime in September
  4. Covenants Outreach Event on Association Finance – August 26th at 6 pm – Christina and Kelly will be attending
  5. Cluster clean up – Saturday, October 26
  6. Hazardous waste – Saturday, October 12
  7. Greendrop – Saturday, October 19
  8. Roll off dumpster – October 26 & 27
  9. 2025 budget proposal and review November
  10. Annual Review of reserve study – review November
  11. Intentions for 2025 – Aaron and Kelly are planning on another term.
  12. Online payments? – No updates


NEXT MEETING WEDNESDAY, September 11th, @ 7 PM

Wheelwright Cluster HOA

July Board Meeting

Tuesday, July 9th, 2024 at 7pm

ATTENDEES: Kristina Myers, Kelly Fairbank, Cyndi Hartman, Aaron Rider, Karen Ren, Sandy Mohler



1. VCAP project updates

1. Adele – delays due to health issues

2. Soil and Water Conservation District meeting to determine if project can be split into 2

3. Aiming for September 1st application submission

4. Can shoot for late fall, early winter planting or Spring 2025


1. Amber white – No updates at this time.


1. Tree behind 2276 slated for removal

1. DRB will be needed based on past tree removals

2. From Rose at 2272:

1. The stump grinding took place and the area looks great without the tree! Thank you soooo much! I was wondering what the plans were for the “new” space. Will a new tree be planted or just become a grassy area? I have a suggestion if there isn’t a plan already in place for it. I’m in favor of a new tree, something small like a flowering dogwood or cherry blossom or something like that. Or, I think the space would be really great for a monarch way station! I’ve been raising monarch butterflies for a few years now and the space could be a wonderful host for pollinator flowers and milkweed.

If the board decided to build a way station for monarch butterflies, I’d be more than happy to help.


1. Update after DRB meeting on 6/25

1. Speed bumps approved with no conditions

2. The panel approved our request for the partial removal of lower cluster island and additional parking spaces with the caveat that we submit a landscape design for the lower cluster island and ensure that there are no issues with the Fairfax County Fire marshall since there are fire lanes. Kristina will be looking into this.

3. Community vote:


5. New schedule – september-ish 6. Landscape design – reached out to Jen Ren at 2245 – email


1. Soil testing updates? Are other areas being tested? Cost of treatment? – No updates

2. Concerns to bring up with Chris

1. Address how close mulch is to trees – still seeing mulch mountains burying the base of the trees

2. Mowing – is it any better? Still seem to be coming biweekly

3. Herbicide treatment letter is still arriving AFTER treatment. It says specifically in the letter to keep children and pets off the turf areas for 3 hours.

3. Reached out to Chris – waiting to hear back

4. We have been contacted by Blade Runner. We will be looking at getting a quote to compare to our current contractor.


1. Signs

1. Where to put entrance sign?

1. We decided to just add the sign to the current pole. Another pole might make things look cluttered.

2. Aaron will order clamps for signs.

2. Where to put up grass rejuvenation signs


1. Important Dates

1. Tot Lot cleanup – Sunday, July 28th (power wash and new mulch)

2. Reached out to Kona Ice – waiting to hear back



Wheelwright Cluster HOA 

June Board Meeting 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 7pm 

ATTENDEES: Kristina Myers, Kelly Fairbank, Sandy Mohler, Aaron Rider, Cyndi Hartman, Bryan Chou, Steve Weissman, Jeffrey Cai, Antonella Cordero, Karen Reecse, Roberto Zambrana 



  1. As discussed at the 2023 annual meeting in December, the current plan is to remove ~1/3 of the lower cluster island to insert 2 new parking spaces (or one more row of parking spaces).   
  1. For reference, here is a map of the proposed area of the island to be removed and replaced with parking spaces as well as the proposed location of the lower cluster speed bump: 
  1. Board’s interest in pursuing project 
  1. Parking 
  1. Plan for the future – i.e. ev charging stations 
  1. Wrap project into repaving project – cuts cost ~$4,000 
  1. Open discussion about parking spaces: 
  1. Steve Weissman: not in favor of losing green space.  Feels that we need to look at other options.  Additionally, he feels the the board should not act to tear down common green space to build two new parking spaces based upon an unspecified number of “complaints” of inadequate parking spaces over an unspecified period of time. It should instead undertake its own systematic survey of open and closed parking spaces in the cluster over longer range periods of time. It should not change the built environment that has existed for 50 years based upon unanalyzed resident “feedback”.  He mentioned that there are currently several empty parking spaces by the little free library and he doesn’t feel there is a risk of having a multi-tenant household cause a parking situation in the future.  He is also worried that the board would make plans to take out portions up of the upper cluster island if there were complaints. 
  1.  Aaron Rider: in favor. The new parking lot should last 20 to 25 years. How many homes have changed hands over the past 20 year. Just because we have open spaces currently, this can change quickly. At this time, the price difference between doing the additional spaces with the rest of the parking lot vs. doing them later is $3,900. This price will go up quickly. The re-pavement of the parking lots is already costing 20% more than planed after getting multiple quotes. This will also give us greater flexibility to add in electric car charges in the coming years without reducing the current number of parking spaces.
  1. Jeffrey Cai: not in favor. Does not see the need for additional spaces.
  1. Karen Reece: not in favor. Suggestion of parking passes. 
  1. Cyndi Hartman: in favor. There are 12 single vehicle homes in upper, 8 in mid – there are not at the end of the day any where close to that number in vacancy/available open spaces. That’s 42 homes with almost 1/2 of them with 1 vehicle. I would venture to say not a usual/normal ratio. A majority of those residences are older homeowners whose kids have grown and moved out. Of those 20 residences, 12 are 3 story. You can be guaranteed upon sale/turnover, will be occupied by families with at least 2 vehicles…chances are a good percentage will have teenagers….an additional vehicle is not an unlikely expectation.  
  1. Roberto Zambrano – in favor, thinks the plan looks good   
  1. Community voted heavily in favor of permanent speed bumps after annual meeting.  Proposed positioning: 

All comments were positive on the placement. 

  1. Reston Association DRB meeting for additional parking spaces project.  Tuesday, June 25th at 5:30 pm.  Email for more info 


  1. VCAP project updates 
  1. Waiting to hear from Adele – she said she may suggest some changes after the RA drainage meeting and talking with the Soil and Water Conservation District 
  1. Catch basin project 2229/31/33 – completed 
  1. Feedback: Cyndi says it seems to be working well, draining the sidewalk and keeping water out of the yard.  She is waiting to see how it will deal with possible ice buildup on the sidewalk.  


  1. DRB for doors, fence post caps and clear sealing - 
  1. Guidelines update, Sandy will get the PDF updated to load onto the website.  Aaron will get an announcement on the main page. 
  1. Amber white – No update. 
  1. New updates – No update. 


  1. Kevin with TreeSmith USA 
  1. Tree work updates.  Kevin will grind the hemlock stump on the lower cluster this next week. 


  1. Soil testing updates?  Are other areas being tested?  Cost of treatment? – No update. 
  1. Concerns to bring up with Chris 
  1. Address how close mulch is to trees – still seeing mulch mountains burying the base of the trees 
  1. Mowing – is it any better?  Still seem to be coming biweekly.  Will look into what our contract states.  Is it a certain # of mowing per season?  
  1. Herbicide treatment letter is still arriving AFTER treatment.  It says specifically in the letter to keep children and pets off the turf areas for 3 hours. 



  1. Signs 
  1. Aaron will look into the cost of a post, concrete and a post hole digger – updates? Rental of post hole digger $38 for 4 hours, $15.42 for 60lb concrete mix, $13.77 4X4 – 8ft post.  Will look into purchasing one vs. renting one.  Liability? 


  1. Important Dates 
  1. Tot Lot cleanup – Need to schedule new date. July 28th.  Combine with Kona ice truck. 



Wheelwright Cluster HOA

May Board Meeting

Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 at 7pm

ATTENDEES: Cyndi Hartman, Sandy Mohler, Kristina Myers, Aaron Rider



1. VCAP project updates

1. Design proposal was presented Wednesday, April 24th with Cyndi, Aaron, Sandy and Kristina in attendance.

2. Board agreed on the following:

1. Organic design with curved coir logs

2. Keep Cherry tree, dogwood tree and holly tree. Remove both ailing hemlocks.

3. Path to go from 2242 to 2256.

4. The erosion work will be concentrated from 2248 to 2256.

3. Waiting to hear back from Dominion regarding the meters

4. Waiting to hear from Adele – she said she may suggest some changes after the RA drainage meeting and talking with the Soil and Water Conservation District

2. Catch basin project 2229/31/33

1. Deposit sent. Verified that it was received.

2. Work scheduled, still waiting to get scheduled.


1. DRB for doors, fence post caps and clear sealing – approved as submitted on 5/7 after Sandy attended the RA DRB meeting – congrats Sandy!! 🎉🎉🎉

2. New guidelines will be updated on website shortly.

3. Amber white – Is this available in different manufacture’s paint? If so, what would be the equivalent to Amber white.

4. Outdoor lighting – looking at additional options.


1. Tree DRB’s have been approved by RA

1. Scheduled for the last week of May.

2. Will look at putting up cones on Old Crafts by the creek a couple days prior to block of area.


1. Summary of board decisions

1. The board unanimously via email on 5/7/2024 and 5/8/2024 for the following:

1. Remove drive lanes to a depth of 4″ and base in with base asphalt to a depth of 2 1/2″

2. Profile Milling 1 1/2″ and Asphalt Resurfacing 1 1/2″

3. Restriping/yellow curb/stencils

4. 2 additional Parking Spaces with the removal of half lower cluster island

5. 2 new speed bumps

6. Total cost: $158,120

7. Total cost for Pavement, LLC: $2,500

8. Total $160,620

9. Budget reallocation:

1. From General Liability Insurance (over-budgeted) $26.00

2. From Fidelity Bond (over-budgeted) $23.00

3. From Zoom (over-budgeted) $2.10

4. From Concrete (pushed concrete work to next year) $9,000.00

5. From Snow Removal (currently have $4,195.00 remaining for the year) $2,000.00

6. Reducing our reserve allocation $14,524.00

2. Pre-Construction/walkthrough meeting with Dominion and Burt

1. Wednesday, 5/15 at 9 am

2. All board members welcome to join

3. DRB is required. Kristinia is working on paperwork for Reston for additional spaces. Next meeting 6/11.


1. Soil testing updates will be done next meeting? Are other areas being tested? Cost of treatment?

2. Mulching – very late this year – may want to address with Chris about how close the mulch is to the trees.

3. Homeowner complaint about quality of mowing, length of grass. Christina will address with Chris.


1. Signs

1. Where to put entrance sign? Looking at possibly install additional post. Aaron will look into the cost of a post, concrete and a post hole digger.

2. Where to put up grass rejuvenation signs. Aaron will look at the post on the trail.


1. Concrete – board voted to forego concrete repair this year but will budget more for next year

2. Important Dates

1. Tot Lot cleanup – Sunday June 2 (power wash and new mulch)



Wheelwright Cluster Board Meeting Minutes – April 2024

Wheelwright Cluster HOA

April Board Meeting

Tuesday, April 9th, 2024 at 7pm 

ATTENDEES – Kristina Myers, Joy Charles, Kelly Fairbank, Cyndi Hartman, Sandy Mohler, Karen Reese



  1. VCAP project updates
  2. Virtual meeting next Tuesday, April 16th at 7pm – Adele will have the design proposal ready for questions/discussion.
  3. Meeting info:

Join the meeting using one of these easy options:

1) Join online for Video and Screen Sharing: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/decofootprint

2) One Tap Mobile Dialing: +17124510430,,197571

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Dial-in number (US): (712) 451-0430

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Text ‘Call Me’ to (712) 451-0430 to receive a call back; then dial 197571 to join the meeting. Standard Messaging rates may apply.


At the scheduled date and time, to join the video and screen sharing session, click the online meeting link above, or dial in to the conference. When prompted, enter the access code followed by pound or hash (#).

If you hear audio echo or audio feedback during the meeting, there are three possible causes:

  1. A participant has both the computer and telephone audio active.
  2. Participants have computer or telephones speakers that are too close to each other.
  3. Multiple computers with active audio are in the same conference room.
  4. Catch basin project 2229/31/33
  5. Rollover from 2023 is $5000
  6. Cyndi talked to Juan – putting in 4” diameter pipe for catch basin.  Would remove one section of sidewalk.  Section needs to be replaced due to drainage issue at a cost of $2,920.  Board voted to move forward.


  1. DRB for doors, fence post caps and clear sealing – waiting for DRB meeting on May 7th.
  2. Amber white – no update


  1. Pruning work was completed on 3/26 & 3/27
  2. Poplar tree in upper cluster island – recommended for removal, it is dead.
  3. Other trees slated for removal include:
  4. Leaning oak – adjacent 2214 – DRB submitted
  5. Dead oak – rear 2223- DRB submitted
  6. Diseased hemlock – 2270/72 – Trying to contract homeowner.
  7. Date for removal – 4/18


  1. Bid package
  2. Dominion – total repaving – $144,920.00, additional 2 parking space -$12,640.00, 2 speed bumps – $550.00, grand total $158,110.00. Kristina will look into how long the quote is good for and what steps are needed to get the additional funds.


  1. Mulch orders for cluster and community members
  2. 110 bags of mulch to be ordered and delivered this Saturday, April 13th
  3. Soil testing results:
  4. I have received and reviewed the soil analysis for the east side of the main drive near the small library box. The analysis shows that while there is an adequate mineral and nutrient supply in the soil, the organic matter of the soil is low at 3.4%. Optimally this number would be closer to 5-6%, up to 10%. The mineral exchange rate in the soil is also low, which is a side effect of low microbial activity that comes with low organic matter. Our recommendation would be a top dressing of compost to the area combined with a light application of a fertilizer with active microbial cultures to boost the population in the area, to be followed with seed. This can be done at any time, however the fall is the optimal season for this. 
  5. Joy will look into if there are additional areas that were tested and what the cost of treatment would be.


  1. Sign ordering in progress
  2. $364.55 – Kristina will place the order.


  1. Concrete – concrete work to be done in spring, may push work back to 2025.
  2. Speed bump – Looks like the speed bump on the lower cluster is helping with the speed, but might be creating a drainage issue.
  3. Important Dates
  4. Green drop donation date – Saturday, April 13th
  5. Hazardous waste pickup date – Saturday, April 13th
  6. Cluster Clean up – Saturday, April 20th
  7. Roll off dumpster scheduled for Friday, 4/19-Monday, 4/22
  8. Projects:
  9. Invasive plant removal
  10. Spreading wood chips on bus path and path to compost bin
  11. Painting trash bin by tot lot
  12. Sealing benches
  13. Trash pick up
  14. Cookout
  15. Food/plasticware/plates
  16. Tot Lot cleanup – Sunday, May 5th (power wash and new mulch)
  17. Newsletter
  18. Important dates
  19. Using incentives from the Inflation reduction act for solar panels, ev’s, house weatherization, etc
  20. Canva draft



March Board Meeting

Tuesday, March 12th, 2024 at 7pm

ATTENDEES – Aaron Rider, Kristina Myers, Cyndi Hartman, Joy Charles, Kelly Fairbanks, Sandy Mohler



1. VCAP project updates

1. No update

2. Catch basin project 2229/31/33

1. Rollover from 2023 is $5000

2. Cyndi reached out to Juan but has not heard back yet.


1. DRB for doors, fence post caps and clear sealing – waiting for DRB meeting. Sandy working with Erin on questions she had on design details.

2. Amber white – No update.


1. Waiting for an update from the contractor.


1. Bid package

1. Package and bid letter have been put together by Burt at Pavement Design, LLC, who will be managing the project between the cluster and the contractor.

2. Ready to submit to contractors but need a new bid due date (listed as 3/15 in docs) will update it to the end of March.


1. Mulch orders for cluster and community members

1. Due date for orders – Monday, March 25th. Email will be set to homeowners to place order. Charging $6 per bag.

2. Date for delivery – Saturday, April 13th.

2. Soil testing results – No updates.


1. Custom signs for entrance and rejuvenation areas

1. Corrugated plastic – 6 signs

2. ACM – aluminum composite material – 1 entrance sign 3. Total: $308.84

4. Will use funds from Ground Maintenance fund.


1. Concrete – concrete work to be done in spring – no update, still trying to contract Juan.

2. Tree work – Sandy to send Kristina pictures of trees recommended for removal

3. Speed bump – move to lower cluster based on the feedback.

4. Cluster Cleanup – Saturday, April 20th – sealing benches, trash pickup, new woodchips on the bus path.

1. Green drop donation date – Saturday, April 13th

2. Hazardous waste pickup date – Saturday, April 6th

3. Tot Lot cleanup – Sunday, May 5th (power wash and new mulch)

5. Newsletter

1. Important dates – add to main page on website.

2. Using incentives from the Inflation reduction act for solar panels, ev’s, house weatherization, etc



February Board Meeting

Tuesday, February 13th, 2024 at 7pm 


Kristinia Myers, Sandy Mohler, Cyndi Hartman, Aaron Rider, Kelly Fairbank, Karen Reese 


  1. New speed bump arrived 
  1. Placement – one at entrance and one at free library.  Will move one down to in front of 2252-2254 due to complaints about the speed of cars. 


  1. VCAP project updates 
  1. Site analysis/inventory has been completed 
  1. Design plan phase 
  1. March meeting deadline/present plan  
  1. Catch basin project 2229/31/33 
  1. Riverbend proposal $7285 
  1. Rollover from 2023 is $5000 
  1. Cyndi will talk to Juan about his proposal to give us options. 


  1. DRB for doors, fence post caps and clear sealing - waiting for DRB meeting 
  1. Amber white – No update. 
  1. Ideas for community meeting for members to discuss updates? – Looking to put together a meeting this summer to show the different colors, door options (hoping to have approved by Reston), deck design and possible new entrance design (front shed areas).  Date to be determined. 
  1. Home guidelines – will work to make sure Wheelwright and Reston guidelines match, will put together something for the annual meeting.  Will discuss option with community of having board inspect houses for compliance and issue letters to let people know areas to bring up to date in the event RA comes through to inspect. 


  1. Custom signs for entrance and rejuvenation areas – Update for next meeting. 
  1. Owner had a terrifying experience with another homeowner’s dogs. – Will send a letter from the board and encourage the first homeowner to contact Fairfax County about the experience. 


  1. Concrete – concrete work to be done in spring 
  1. Tree work – Sandy to send Kristina pictures of trees recommended for removal – update pruning tree at 2252 and large willow by the little free library this Friday, 2/16.  Several parking spaces near the Little Free Library and near 2248-2258 will need to be cleared of vehicles for the duration of the work.  Will send out email to let the community know.  
  1. Repaving - Burt from Pavement design, LLC replied – looking at Dominion for a quote among other companies. 
  1. Landscaping - spring seeding – need results of soil testing, mulch order – plan on offering homeowners the option to order mulch and have delivered (deadline for orders is 3/9.  Will aim to get a load delivered April 13. 
  1. Cluster Cleanup – April 6, hazardous pickup, April 13, GreenDrop, April 20, Cluster Cleanup and dumpster. 
  1. Tot Lot Cleanup – May 5, power wash and new mulch.  Opportunity for community members to engage in another neighborhood project to rejuvenate the tot lot. 
  1. Inflation Reduction Act Meeting – Kristina attended at Patrick Henry Library in Vienna 
  1. Using tax credits and rebates for things like solar, weatherization of house, EV’s, appliances 
  1. Solar panels are allowed on townhomes in Reston, but many people assume they are not. 
  1. Would like to highlight the benefits of installing solar panels and how people can access tax credits and rebates – possible newsletter