Thursday, June 9th, 2022 at 7 pm via Zoom
Community updates
- Q&A with Erin Gable, covenants advisor, RA
- Garbage Enclosures
- Highlights from last meeting with Erin
- Ultimate goal should be to design a structure that would allow the most people in the neighborhood to be compliant with the design standard.
- Erin’s concerns with the current design is the decorative screen at the top and front of the enclosure (the uncertainty of materials being available for replacement long term as well as the style not really matching mid-century modern Reston may prove to be an uphill battle in getting approval – “any grid shaped design may work better than a lattice design”)
- Door overhang cover
- Decks
- Currently, RA guidelines approve trex on floor and cocktail railing regardless of cluster guidelines. Other options/colors would require a drb review.
- Sandy is working on applications for decks, moving AC units, door colors, door styles, and house numbers.
- The Board has applied to Reston to remove the cement siding stipulation in the cluster guidelines that states “that stucco panels not be attached to concrete blocks”. This will allow end units to use cement siding stucco panels on their third side.
- Garbage Enclosures
- Repaving parking lots – asphalt alternatives
- While Erin had not heard of approval for asphalt alternatives for parking lots, she felt like more environmental, sustainable alternatives might be looked upon well by Reston.
- The Board believes this is worth looking into more. More research is needed on
- Are small patches needed to fix it?
- Would the cost be more?
- How does it work with snow plowing?
- Is there a recyclable material alternative?
- Reserve Study
- Mason and Mason vs. PM Plus
- Mason and Mason –
- There is a possibility of needing special engineers
- A visual evaluation of each street is put into a format that identifies names, quantities, cracks, full depth repairs, former quality of work, and other deficiencies.
- Both seem like good companies. However, Mason and Mason came highly recommended by the lawyers.
- Kristina motions to choose Mason and Mason for reserve study with a cost up to $2700. Approved
- Speed bumps
- Additional things to consider:
- Other things to consider
- Possible slow down of emergency vehicle
- Increased air pollution. You have to brake at the speed hump and then apply gas to get going again
- Increased noise level
- The speeds bumps we are looking at are temporary so if they don’t work out we can always remove them
- Other things to consider
- Good to move forward with the option Sandy provided? Cost? Vote?
- Kayleen to put together costs. Also need to hear back from lawyers to see if other signage is needed.
- Email sent to lawyers
- Additional things to consider:
- Concrete
- Updated quote including sidewalk in front of 2228?
- Have not been able to communicate with the contractor due to missing each other’s calls.
- Emailed Jill about sidewalk in front of her house
- Waiting to hear back
- Updated quote including sidewalk in front of 2228?
- Trees
- Check in with tree committee about scheduling walkthrough
- There is not a walkthrough planned currently.
- We will need to look at the tree in front of Jill’s house. It is messing with the sidewalk and also dropping branches fairly consistently.
- Kelly Clark complained about the tree leaving sap on her car
- Talked with Bill and Nina about the tree. They said it’s not terrible and the worst part is the birds. If the tree was replaced they would still have that issue.
- There is the option to possibly move the reserved parking space over. However, they may not solve the problem since they have two spots and tend to park in both spots. But they also don’t want to replace the tree because she likes it.
- There is also the option to potentially move Kelly’s reserved space away from the tree since the tree has caused issues with the paint on her car.
- Also need to consider the future impact of the tree. It is an elm and they can grow to be very large so it may outgrow that space quicker than we would like. Even if we don’t remove it for the sap issue, we will be fighting the size of the tree at some point.
- What is the process of getting a healthy tree removed? If it is under 4 inches we don’t have to get approval. But we could also make the case that the tree isn’t fit for the space and will cause issues in the future. We will replace it with a tree better fit for the space.
- Is it possible to move the tree to a different location in the neighborhood?
- Any tree we replace it with, to hold the aesthetic and shade, will need to be a 7-15 foot tree.
- Check in with tree committee about scheduling walkthrough
- Landscaping
- Issues?
- Lower cluster mulch island?
- At a minimum weeding is needed.
- Weeds in cracks and curb debris?
- Were they sprayed? There seems to be more weeds than usual.
- Trimming smaller trees in the neighborhood
- The Tree committee needs to walk around and make sure everything looks healthy and good. Then we can figure out which one needs to be trimmed.
- Planting new trees – area by 2230 and 2261
- 2261 – Interested in getting an eastern red bud. It is the same tree that is in front of 2216 and is a good tree for small spaces
- Need to look into replacing the tree that was taken out in front of 2228. A red maple is an option.
- We should wait until the fall to plant since they seem to survive better that way.
- Parking compliance
- Updates on walkthrough
- There were some cars that the board was unable to determine which house they belonged to.
- Next steps – letter on cars
- We will leave a note for the cars that aren’t registered to let them know that if they aren’t part of this neighborhood they need to move their car or they will be towed.
- There are still cases of cars parking in the lower cluster and walking to other neighborhoods.
- Updates on walkthrough
- Summer events?
- Ideas?
- Mid summer cookout?
- Watermelon party?
- Food truck?
- Yard sale?
- Pot luck
- Kona food truck
- Ideas?