Board Members in Attendance
- Heather Maddox, President
- Karen Reese, Vice President
- Elliot Wild, Secretary
- Dennis Shulte, Director
- Matt Keally, Director
Also in Attendance
Old Business
- Tree removal/stump grinding
- Tree replacements:
- The Board still needs to get bids on replacement trees.
- Reston doesn’t care where we put the trees. Just that we have appropriate replacement species.
- We will need to submit a plan to RA once we figure out the locations and trees.
- The cluster records are still at Bill’s house. Someone needs to volunteer to take some files. Friday night @ 7:30pm, January 29th will be a file sorting party at Heather’s house.
New Business
- Inventory of current contracts/accounts:
- Trash
- Landscape/snow removal
- We already have one landscaping bid; Dennis will solicit two more. Elliot will solicit snow removal bids
- Legal
- Towing: update towing company with current board members
- Electric
- Parking lot resealing: we have received one quote which we believe is high; perhaps we can get a deal if they do the parking lot and sidewalk. Elliot will investigate further.
- Sidewalk work: perhaps negotiate a single contract for the parking lot and sidewalk.
- Communication:
- Website: Karen is the moderator
- Facebook: Karen is also the moderator and will give admin access to Matt
- Message board: table discussion until the next meeting
- Increasing neighborhood involvement:
- Social media/website
- Committees: the Board will seek to establish several committees: Welcome, Social, Yard Sale (Kristina and Ruth), Neighborhood Watch (Easton or Elliot), Parking
- Additional Items
- Financials
Next Meeting
The next Board meeting was set for 1 February 2016 at 7:30PM, pending Manuel’s schedule. The meeting will be at Heather’s (2252).