Wheelwright Cluster HOA 

June Board Meeting 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 7pm 

ATTENDEES: Kristina Myers, Kelly Fairbank, Sandy Mohler, Aaron Rider, Cyndi Hartman, Bryan Chou, Steve Weissman, Jeffrey Cai, Antonella Cordero, Karen Reecse, Roberto Zambrana 



  1. As discussed at the 2023 annual meeting in December, the current plan is to remove ~1/3 of the lower cluster island to insert 2 new parking spaces (or one more row of parking spaces).   
  1. For reference, here is a map of the proposed area of the island to be removed and replaced with parking spaces as well as the proposed location of the lower cluster speed bump: 
  1. Board’s interest in pursuing project 
  1. Parking 
  1. Plan for the future – i.e. ev charging stations 
  1. Wrap project into repaving project – cuts cost ~$4,000 
  1. Open discussion about parking spaces: 
  1. Steve Weissman: not in favor of losing green space.  Feels that we need to look at other options.  Additionally, he feels the the board should not act to tear down common green space to build two new parking spaces based upon an unspecified number of “complaints” of inadequate parking spaces over an unspecified period of time. It should instead undertake its own systematic survey of open and closed parking spaces in the cluster over longer range periods of time. It should not change the built environment that has existed for 50 years based upon unanalyzed resident “feedback”.  He mentioned that there are currently several empty parking spaces by the little free library and he doesn’t feel there is a risk of having a multi-tenant household cause a parking situation in the future.  He is also worried that the board would make plans to take out portions up of the upper cluster island if there were complaints. 
  1.  Aaron Rider: in favor. The new parking lot should last 20 to 25 years. How many homes have changed hands over the past 20 year. Just because we have open spaces currently, this can change quickly. At this time, the price difference between doing the additional spaces with the rest of the parking lot vs. doing them later is $3,900. This price will go up quickly. The re-pavement of the parking lots is already costing 20% more than planed after getting multiple quotes. This will also give us greater flexibility to add in electric car charges in the coming years without reducing the current number of parking spaces.
  1. Jeffrey Cai: not in favor. Does not see the need for additional spaces.
  1. Karen Reece: not in favor. Suggestion of parking passes. 
  1. Cyndi Hartman: in favor. There are 12 single vehicle homes in upper, 8 in mid – there are not at the end of the day any where close to that number in vacancy/available open spaces. That’s 42 homes with almost 1/2 of them with 1 vehicle. I would venture to say not a usual/normal ratio. A majority of those residences are older homeowners whose kids have grown and moved out. Of those 20 residences, 12 are 3 story. You can be guaranteed upon sale/turnover, will be occupied by families with at least 2 vehicles…chances are a good percentage will have teenagers….an additional vehicle is not an unlikely expectation.  
  1. Roberto Zambrano – in favor, thinks the plan looks good   
  1. Community voted heavily in favor of permanent speed bumps after annual meeting.  Proposed positioning: 

All comments were positive on the placement. 

  1. Reston Association DRB meeting for additional parking spaces project.  Tuesday, June 25th at 5:30 pm.  Email for more info 


  1. VCAP project updates 
  1. Waiting to hear from Adele – she said she may suggest some changes after the RA drainage meeting and talking with the Soil and Water Conservation District 
  1. Catch basin project 2229/31/33 – completed 
  1. Feedback: Cyndi says it seems to be working well, draining the sidewalk and keeping water out of the yard.  She is waiting to see how it will deal with possible ice buildup on the sidewalk.  


  1. DRB for doors, fence post caps and clear sealing - 
  1. Guidelines update, Sandy will get the PDF updated to load onto the website.  Aaron will get an announcement on the main page. 
  1. Amber white – No update. 
  1. New updates – No update. 


  1. Kevin with TreeSmith USA 
  1. Tree work updates.  Kevin will grind the hemlock stump on the lower cluster this next week. 


  1. Soil testing updates?  Are other areas being tested?  Cost of treatment? – No update. 
  1. Concerns to bring up with Chris 
  1. Address how close mulch is to trees – still seeing mulch mountains burying the base of the trees 
  1. Mowing – is it any better?  Still seem to be coming biweekly.  Will look into what our contract states.  Is it a certain # of mowing per season?  
  1. Herbicide treatment letter is still arriving AFTER treatment.  It says specifically in the letter to keep children and pets off the turf areas for 3 hours. 



  1. Signs 
  1. Aaron will look into the cost of a post, concrete and a post hole digger – updates? Rental of post hole digger $38 for 4 hours, $15.42 for 60lb concrete mix, $13.77 4X4 – 8ft post.  Will look into purchasing one vs. renting one.  Liability? 


  1. Important Dates 
  1. Tot Lot cleanup – Need to schedule new date. July 28th.  Combine with Kona ice truck. 



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